
Chapter 94 Do you still dare to be shameless?

Chu Hao's words not only made Yue Buqi almost run away, but even He Gongming was stunned for an instant.

They never thought that there are people like Chu Hao in this world!He has taken advantage of the huge benefits, and he is not satisfied with just reaping the benefits of being a fisherman. He actually wants to wait for someone to owe him his life!

Yue Buqi was so angry that he trembled all over, a blush welled up on his pale face, and he spit out a few more mouthfuls of blood!

He was born noble, and has always regarded himself as the proud son of heaven.And since entering Ziyun Sect, her status has increased greatly, and she has never been convinced by anyone.But at this moment, Chu Hao's actions made him really feel what it's like to be angry and aggrieved!

If Chu Hao directly took away the inner alchemy of the monster, or if he wanted to deal with himself and others after taking the inner alchemy, that would make sense and would not make him feel such an extreme feeling.

But, he didn't do anything, and he still owed him his life!

This is like two men fighting for a virgin for a long time, both of them tried their best to fight half to death, at this moment, another man suddenly jumped out, pushed the woman to the ground and dealt with it without saying a word, and after finishing the matter, he still spoke righteously. Ask them why they want to rob their wives!

Damn, why do people like this still exist in this world!

Even with the persevering upbringing, she couldn't help swearing, her eyes were scarlet!

Seeing that Yue Buqi vomited blood and coughed again, his eyes were still looking at him affectionately.Chu Hao couldn't help shivering.The disciples of Ziyun Sect are too useless, and so is Lu Ruhua, who gets angry at every turn. Such a person, what kind of Taoism do they still have, and there is no Taoism at all.

He Gongming's face also flushed red.Although his temperament is calmer and more mature than Yue Buqi, but Chu Hao's request is too shameless, shameless and too much!Even with his personality, he could not help being a little angry.

"Two junior brothers, if you don't speak, I will take it as your acquiescence." Chu Hao heard He Gongming call himself senior brother just now, he climbed up the pole, and said with a smile at this moment: "In that case, let's go down See you next time. Remember to remind your juniors who passed out that they owe me this great favor."

The corner of He Gongming's mouth twitched, and then he finally endured it, and said calmly: "Senior Brother, I don't know the name of Senior Brother, how can I repay you in the future?"

Chu Hao waved his hands, and said, "I am a disciple of Ziyouhu, a well-known and upright person, so I can still deceive you!" He said in a dissatisfied tone, "By the way, you should know Lu Ruhua!"

"Lu Ruhua?" He Gongming was stunned for a moment, then his eyes lit up, and he said, "Senior Sister Lu? Of course I know this, do you know the brother too?"

"It's not just acquaintance!" Hearing He Gongming's words, Chu Hao recalled that Li Jie also had the same expression when he mentioned Lu Ruhua, and secretly thought that the little girl seemed to be doing well in Ziyunmen.

He became interested and began to talk: "Let me tell you secretly, in fact, I and your senior sister Lu, that is, my younger sister Lu, have long been in love with each other, and we are in love with each other. In this matter, our son Youhu I know, it's just that she is thin-skinned and embarrassed to publicize it in your sect, so you don't know my name as Senior Brother."

Chu Hao was very satisfied that the two of them stared at each other in an instant, and continued to brag: "She is my wife, no, she is a Taoist companion. Think about it, I am her good brother, and she is my good sister , her younger brother, of course, is my younger brother, would she still lie to you? Think again, I didn't have to make a move just now, but why did I do it? It was because I saw that you were disciples of the Purple Cloud Sect, yes Sister Lu's younger brother, that's why I couldn't bear it and killed that monster."

As he said that, Chu Hao shook his head and said: "You may see that I am very handsome and handsome, but that is because you don't know me well. In fact, I am the most taboo of killing and I am kind-hearted. It's also because of this that Sister Lu fell madly in love with senior brother me."

Chu Hao's talk about his brother and sister was so nasty that He Gongming's head was blown.Hearing the end, he was even more dumbfounded. He was so impressed by Chu Hao's shamelessness!

As the great disciple of the outer sect, He Gongming is not yet a true disciple, but because of his extraordinary talent and strength, he has good friends with many true disciples.As for Chu Hao's nonsense, he naturally didn't believe it.

Who is Lu Ruhua? That's Ziyun, a genius, the eldest lady of the Lu family!She is cold by nature, she only seeks the Tao, and rarely leaves the mountain gate on weekdays. She is known as the "Fairy Lu" of Ziyunmen!

How could this despicable person who was full of nonsense and took advantage of everything be her... Taoist partner!

He Gongming felt that his previous vision was still too narrow, but this time he came out of the mountain, he really gained insight.It turns out that there really are such shameless and shameless people in this world who talk nonsense while putting gold on their faces!

He is kind, and the few punches he hit the monster just now were more brutal and violent than himself!

He Gongming suppressed the emotions in his heart. In fact, he really wanted to yell, "Do you dare to be more shameless?" !

After finishing speaking, Chu Hao patted his warrior outfit, and finally said: "If you still don't believe me, I can't help it, but you can ask her, and she will tell you that it was the handsome brother Zi Youhu who saved you. Just know."

With Lu Ruhua's character, she was humiliated twice at her own hands, and her chest was hit twice. It would be really strange if she could tell He Gongming and others who she was.So Chu Hao was not afraid, and said carelessly, "My surname is Shuai, you remember, don't forget the life-saving grace!"

Yue Buqi couldn't help it anymore, at first he really wanted to pass out like this, but Chu Hao's voice was like a mosquito, buzzing non-stop, and it kept getting into his ears.At the last sentence, he finally couldn't take it anymore, clutched his chest, and spit out five or six streaks of blood. The pain and trauma in his chest were even more severe than the monster's backlash just now.

He Gongming was afraid that something would happen to him, so he hurriedly said to Chu Hao: "Don't worry, senior brother, our Ziyun Sect will never forget the kindness of senior brother today, and we will tell Lu... Senior sister Lu everything."

"That's great." Chu Hao finally nodded in satisfaction, and said: "This junior brother is not strong enough, so easy to get excited, it's just a little effort for me, you are grateful for my life-saving grace, in fact, you don't need to be so excited .Hey, actually, vomit and vomit, I just got used to it..."

As soon as this sentence fell, Yue Buqi finally passed out and was relieved.

Chu Hao cupped his hands towards He Gongming, and said, "Junior Brother, we will meet later!" He crushed the Yukong Talisman in his hand, then flew into the sky and headed towards the depths of the monkey.

He Gongming watched Chu Hao's figure disappear, his expression changed for a long time before he stood up.After a while, he couldn't help covering his chest, and finally spat out a mouthful of blood.A little flushed, he fell to the muddy ground, reflecting his gloomy and terrifying face...


"Stinky boy, why don't you take that monster's body away? The monster has been mutated, but its body is full of treasures. Except for the inner alchemy, its tendons, skin, broken head, and internal organs can all be used to refine the body." Make pills."

"Nonsense, you think Xiao Wang doesn't want to, it's just that He Gongming seems to have repaired some internal strength. If I went to collect the materials from the monster at that time, what if he took advantage of this to attack me? I said I didn't kill him , do you want me to go back on my word?"

Chen Honghong snorted and said with a sneer, "What an honest gentleman!"

Chu Hao nodded, "Don't dare to act, dare not act."

Flying in the air, Chu Hao took out the inner alchemy of the monster beast, looked at it repeatedly, feeling a little happy in his heart.Right now, the materials for repairing the first stage of the Hunyuan Ding are complete, the black crystal ore and the inner alchemy of the third-order monster are complete, and the only thing missing is the water grass.

Looking at the Monkey Mountain in the sky, I feel even more weird. Although this mountain is no different from other ordinary peaks, the curvature of the ridge seems to be winding in an inexplicable trajectory. In the darkness, it is gloomy. Yes, creepy.

The closer this feeling was to the inside, the more uncomfortable Chu Hao felt, and since he entered Monkey Mountain, he had such a feeling, so Chu Hao didn't dare to push it too far, and his spiritual consciousness continued to radiate.

Chu Hao looked at the forest below, it was very dense, and it was also stretched to nowhere, and it was pitch-black and made the cry of wild animals from time to time.The Monkey Mountain is connected to the border plain, and it is extremely large. Although there are not tens of thousands of mountains, there are still thousands of peaks.It is quite normal for wild animals and birds to live in it.

But it's just because I haven't seen a bird flying over the road, so it's a little abnormal.

According to the spiritual direction guided by Chen Honghong, when the second chance of a Yukong Talisman is exhausted, it has not yet been reached.You know, according to what Li Jie said before, this talisman only has the power to be used three times, and it only lasts for a quarter of an hour.There is still a quarter of an hour left.

"If this continues, how can I go back to Luosheng City? Why is this broken monkey mountain so big?" Chu Hao stopped, and then hesitated for a while before deciding to continue flying.Anyway, there is still a Yukong Talisman in the storage bag. If this talisman is used up and it has not been reached, then go back along the way.

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