Chapter 126 Consolation of this Expedition (5)

The Huguofu holds the decision-making power.However, it may also be related to the secret guidance and encouragement of the royal family.Except during the war period, the school captains of the Protecting Country Mansion were always in the midst of heated debates and debates.Xu Wenhu served as a school lieutenant for eight years, and would discuss matters in the Huguo Mansion every other year. During this long time, he divided the school lieutenants he knew into at least eight categories.

The first category is the followers of the marching division and coordinator Cao's concept of "planning determines everything".They believe that with careful planning, common sense, and more precise principles, the expected results will be achieved.They are accustomed to using numbers to illustrate problems, and all those who deviate from the plan and doubt the results are berated as ignorant or have ulterior motives.Some of the officers in the Anxi Army Division, most of the officers in the Anton Army Division, and most of the officers in the General's Mansion belong to this category.The Zhang Shanfu that Xu Wenhu met in Huguo Mansion back then was such a young captain.

The second category is the opposite of the first category.Just like the opposite side of a handout.This type of person requires improvisation and bold action.He thinks that the General's Mansion only needs to give a reasonable goal, and how to implement it depends on the battlefield situation. A truly outstanding frontline officer will inevitably get rid of the pre-made plan and find a better plan.These bold activists are also supporters of using drastic means to drive out the barbarians.They often joked that the marching commander said that we fight with swords and arrows, but they fight with pens on maps.Most of the people in the Anbei Military Division, a part of the Supply Division, and a small part of the Anxi Military Division belong to this faction.Xu Wenhu used to belong to this faction, but now he feels ashamed of his youthful vigor.

The third category is the moderate school, which is between the previous two.There is no doubt, they argue, that genius should not be bound by plans when circumstances may arise at any moment, but it is equally undeniable that genius is so rare.Instead of betting the fate of the country on a few geniuses, it is better to rely on well-thought-out planning and the principles of using troops that have been verified countless times by predecessors.This school advocates sticking to the plan under normal circumstances, but not clinging to the plan when there are enormous advantages to changing it.Xu Wenhu thought that these lieutenants were talking big words, but they actually had no conviction.

The fourth category is even more unbearable. They don't consider the interests of the entire country. They only support national policies that are beneficial to the camp and the army. Anyone who wants to promote a certain national policy can get support as long as the conditions are good enough.Xu Wenhu thinks that the existence of these people is a disgrace to the Huguo Mansion. Fortunately, there are not many such people in the Huguo Mansion.After all, the school lieutenants still want to make further progress in their official careers, and they don't want to be thought of as unprincipled people who only seek personal gain for small groups.

The fifth category is mediocre and incompetent, who are promoted based on their prestige among the sergeants.They don't have any firm opinions, and even a powerful statement can move these people.These people regard entering the Huguo Mansion as the greatest achievement in life, and what they like most is to keep asking questions and tossing various experts sent by the Marching Division.But he didn't know that the people from the Marching Division were laughing behind their backs, they were the easiest people to be persuaded.Fortunately, in the Huguo Mansion, there are fewer such people than those of the fourth faction.

The sixth category is that there are always a dozen school lieutenants who are infinitely loyal to the emperor, even worship them. They act completely according to the emperor's intentions, and when the emperor does not show any intentions, they keep noble silence.Their dream wish is to follow the emperor's personal expedition, or call them into the Dragon Tooth Army.These people are likely to be new captains who have just entered the Huguo Mansion.Xu Wenhu himself has gone through this stage, and only later did he gradually accept the truth that the world's important responsibilities are shared by everyone.

The seventh category is the villain in Xu Wenhu's eyes. They only have one very important thing in their eyes, and that is their own best interests.There are always two or three black apples who yell at the Huguo Mansion in order to attract attention, beat their chests and argue endlessly with others, and those who can't even maintain the most basic composure try to blame others in every possible way, just like a broken house. Pot soup like rat droppings.As the saying goes, people's hearts can be seen over time, the chiefs of the Prime Minister's Mansion, the generals of the General's Mansion and the captains of the Huguo Mansion all loathed these two or three people as if they hated flies and mosquitoes. They were also discriminated against by various armies, and often after three to five years, a series of campaigns were launched among the sergeants to re-elect the school lieutenant, driving them out of the Huguo Mansion.

The eighth category is a group of smart and capable captains. They don't agree with any opinions easily, and always observe everything calmly, trying to find the most correct way out in the fog of war and policy.This faction seems to subconsciously maintain the balance and mutual restraint among the captains of the Huguofu.The number of people in this faction is also small, but this kind of people are promoted to generals the most.Xu Wenhu thought he belonged to this faction before he was successfully promoted to general.

In the Hanguang Hall of Linquan Palace, it is rare to burn all the huge candles that are as thick as a child's arm.This kind of giant candle was insipid and tasteless, illuminating the palace as bright as day, Xia Huang Chen Xuan and five generals were all in front of the huge geographical map of mountains and rivers hanging.

The court meeting hadn't started yet, the veteran Xu Wenhu who came in a hurry looked a little tired and thoughtful.General Xiang Shi and Prime Minister Liu Yi were reminiscing about the old days in a low voice but warmly. Chen Xuan, Liu Yi, and Xiang Shi were the three sharp blades used by the hussars to sweep the tribes along the North Sea.Emperor Xia Chen Xuan coughed, and then nodded to General Zhang Shanfu of the Marching Division.

Zhang Shanfu looked calm, stepped forward, looked at the old faces surrounded in front of the map, picked up a pointer and stood in front of the map, and said in a deep voice: "Now I will briefly introduce the situation of the four borders. Next, please share your opinions." The four generals Xu Wenhu, Xiang Shi, Wu Ting, and Xie Yuan stopped exchanging pleasantries.Behind them, the guards of the Dragon Tooth Army carefully closed the door of Hanguang Hall.

Zhang Shanfu's introduction was very slow and detailed, his voice was monotonous and clear, without any personal emotion.On the western border, the princes of Dashi and Turkic were already torn apart, but the invasion and burning of Western countries temporarily united them. Since the loss of Jerusalem, for more than 20 years, the two sides who believe in different sects have continued to fight and are accumulating force. Prepare for the decisive battle.During frequent contacts and battles, the military and political systems of the two sides are also infiltrating each other. Among them, the Roma Kingdom, located in the Hercynian region between Xia Kingdom and Lumei, absorbed the Western enfeoffment system and gained the benefits of East-West trade. Moisturizing, the power gradually becomes stronger.The Roma Kingdom is now faintly the leader of the Turks and the Dashi princes. The Sudanese Guards have 20 elite cavalry, and the Turks and Dashi princes who surrendered to it can collectively reach [-] people.It also poses the greatest threat to Lumei Kingdom, and it also poses a threat to Zhenxi Fort and Haixi Port built by Xia Kingdom on the east coast of the Black Sea.

Lu Mei's situation is slipping to a worse direction.Facing the pagan food and the threat of the Turkic people, Lumei's seeking help from the West is tantamount to leading the wolf into the house.Those feudal towns established by the Crusaders did not obey orders at all except for Lumei as Zhengshuo.In order to fight against the threat of heretics and the encroachment of the Crusaders, Lumei is strengthening cooperation with the country of Ross.The emperor of the Lumei Kingdom is dying, and the eldest daughter, Princess Anna, is the most active promoter. Lumei may marry the Ross Kingdom.If the King of Ross supports Anna to become the Queen of Lumei, their son may become the ruler of the two countries of Lumei and Ross, and combine the wealth of Lumei with the Ross barbarian army to form a new powerful empire.

When Zhang Shanfu talked about this, General Xiang Shi snorted contemptuously in his nose, and whispered to Prime Minister Liu Yi: "I know foreign countries, in my opinion, there are only two fates for this Princess Taiping with Lumei. One was sent to a nunnery, and the other was beheaded." Liu Yi smiled slightly, without comment.As always, Xie Yuan, the general of the supply department, quickly recorded in a notebook full of handwriting.

The previous king of Ross, Vladimir, had forcibly married a princess of Lumei, as his main palace among more than 300 wives and concubines.Therefore, the whole country of Ross believed in Lumei's state religion, known as the orthodox religion.Before Vladimir's death, he passed the throne to Musti following Xia's eldest son succession system, but Musti actually imprisoned all eleven brothers.He strengthened his control over all regions of Ross, and used the Orthodox Church to force the princes in various places to recognize that he was the only king in the country of Ross who was qualified to communicate with the gods.Musti took three-quarters of the land and wealth in the country into the royal family, which made life extremely difficult for the people at the bottom of Ross, but supported a huge army.The population of the country of Ross is only over five million, but the royal army has reached 15.Musti squeezed a large amount of grain, 'fur' fur, etc., and transported them southward to Lumei Kingdom, and rewarded the loyal ministers and generals with the wealth and various luxuries.In the west of the country of Ross, the Kingdom of Poland, the Principality of Lithuania, Hungary and other kingdoms are also established by force. There are nomadic Turks in the southwest, and they do not take advantage of the war.After the eastward development was blocked by the Xia Kingdom, Musti turned his attention to the south. His army continued to attack the weak tribes in the south of the Ross Kingdom, and wanted to incorporate these new territories and ethnic groups into the Ross Kingdom.He actively responded to the olive branch extended by Princess Anna of Lumei Kingdom, and wanted to use his huge army.

"That Princess Anna is not easy, she is a good pair with Musti who imprisoned his brother." Xiang Shi muttered softly.

After Zhang Shanfu introduced the general situation of the western border, he then proposed the plan of attacking Ross State formulated by the Marching Division.

"To facilitate this marriage, the country of Ross must demonstrate its strong military strength. Therefore, conquering those weak tribes in the south is the best way." Zhang Shanfu said slowly, "Our plan is to assist those who resist Ross. The small tribes of the country made Musti continue to add troops to the south. When his eastern defense line was emptied, the Anbei Army crossed the stone mountain and entered the territory of Ross, forcing Musti to raise his troops to fight. Then, Anxi The army set out from Haixi Port, marched along the river after landing, and attacked his royal city."

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