Chapter 155: Ge Yu Ruo Luo Xing (1)

"Charge!" Commander Duan Huaixian gave an order, the soldiers of the Xia Guo Imperial Guard took off the horse lance that was placed in front of the saddle, Zhao Xingde lightly urged the mount, Ming Hongdu cavalry trotted after him.The cavalry column galloped out of the gate of the camp, and gradually spread out. Every 100 people formed a horizontal line, and the centurion was in the middle of the cavalry.After finishing the formation, the sergeants placed the reins in front of the saddles, controlled the horses with their waists and legs, and lifted the lances with their arms free.The war horse began to accelerate gradually, and the wind whistled in his ears.

The horse ran up a small hill, and Zhao Xingde saw a vast battlefield, and several neat battalions of Lumei heavy cavalry were speeding up ahead.The Antiochian cavalry had been mixed with the fleeing Turkic cavalry.The Antioch cavalrymen and horses all wore heavy armor, and they charged back and forth among the Turkic cavalry who only wore light armor, and they had a great advantage.The Turkic cavalry fled while bending their bows and shooting arrows. The closer they got to the center of the battlefield, the more chaotic the cavalry formations on both sides became. Countless small battlefields formed in the vast wilderness, and arrows flew everywhere. battlefield.Groups of Turkic cavalry are desperately urging their horses. At critical times, the speed of the horses is the difference between life and death.

There was a sudden sound of horseshoes on the left side. Zhao Xingde looked around and saw more than a hundred Antioch cavalry galloping past on horseback. The sword once again spurred the horses into the center of the battlefield.

The more chaotic the battlefield, the more silent Zhao Xingde's mind became, the neighing of the horses and the shouts of killing from both sides were suddenly unheard.His heart and soul seemed to be divided into two, one was lying on the back of the horse, the other was in the sky, overlooking the battle with emotionless eyes.

Arrows pierced through the air, swords flashed like swords, the sound of killing was like boiling, ghosts cried and wolves howled.In Zhao Xingde's eyes, groups of Turkic cavalry seemed to be shooting rays emanating from the center of the battlefield. This was because they were desperately trying to get rid of the unfavorable situation of hand-to-hand combat with heavy cavalry.The reed-browed heavy cavalry and the Antioch cavalry spread out like arcs, trying to catch and eat those fleeing rays.These rays and arcs are constantly moving and changing, chasing, contacting, colliding, short melee, intersecting each other, and just separated.The straight shooting lines escaped from the battlefield without looking back, while the arcs circled back again and again, intercepting the few shooting lines that hadn't yet escaped the battlefield.There are more and more Lumei heavy cavalry on the battlefield, while the Turkic cavalry is getting less and less.

"Kill!" Wang Tongdeng was the first to encounter the Turkic cavalry. He exerted strength with his arms, and his long lance trembled slightly.In a blink of an eye, the spear tip was pulled out from the enemy's corpse, and pointed forward again.The elite cavalry of the Xia Kingdom charged first, almost invincible among the Turkic cavalry who had no time to escape.The Imperial Guards of the Kingdom of Xia followed behind the vanguard cavalry, and hardly encountered many stubborn enemy troops.

A Turkic cavalryman rushed over with a scimitar, Zhao Xingde collected his mind, waved his horse's spear with both arms, and pointed the spear's tip in the direction of the incoming enemy.The Turkic man leaned his body on the horse, trying to avoid the sharp edge of the horse, and was bullied into a close fight.At the moment when the two horses were about to miss each other, Zhao Xingde moved his arms vigorously, and his long spear swung its tail like a spirit snake.Seeing that the Turkic cavalry avoided the sharp edge, there was a hint of joy in his eyes, and he stood up and leveled the scimitar.At the critical moment, the front section of the lance "slapped" on the iron helmet of the Turkic cavalry.The huge momentum combined with the whipping of the lance suddenly broke his neck.Zhao Xingde's arms also felt sore and numb, he used his energy to shake the horse's lance, and with the help of the force of the lance's body to counteract the momentum, he managed to hold onto the lance without letting go.Life and death are only in the breath, but Zhao Xingde is much more indifferent than before, he didn't pay much attention to the Turkic cavalry who was slumped on the horse's back, and kept up with the battalion with his legs lightly clamping the horse's belly.

Although the Turkic people were beaten to pieces, but relying on their armored light horses to run fast and flee for their lives with all their strength, very few of them were actually cut off by the reed-browed heavy cavalry.In the open field, the corpses of the soldiers and horses who died in battle were very sparse, and it didn't take long before the shadow of the Turkic cavalry was no longer visible on the battlefield.The heavy cavalry of Antioch and Lumei jumped off their horses one after another, rummaging through the dead Turkic cavalry for their trophies.Duan Huaixian led the Chengying camp sergeant around for a while, rearranged the cavalry column, and slowly ran back to the camp.In this battle, none of the soldiers of Chengying Battalion was killed or injured.

In addition to the Imperial Guards of the Xia Kingdom maintaining their formation, there were also some late Lumei heavy cavalry who patrolled the battlefield in circles because they had no suitable targets.If it is recognized that it is "really" the body of the Turkic people beheaded by the camp, and the nearby friendly forces are relatively weak, they will surround them and coerce them to hand over the spoils of war.According to the rules in the Lumei army, whoever kills the enemy has the right to take the spoils from the enemy.It's a pity that the battlefield situation was too chaotic just now, and the exact military exploits could not be calculated amidst the galloping horses.In the battle just now, after killing the enemy, some reed-browed cavalry actually left the team and chased the horses dragging the corpse away from the battlefield.The Antioch knights were also the quickest to grab the spoils, and there was almost no organized Antioch army on the battlefield.Now, some battalions began to confront each other around the corpse, and even fought each other for the spoils.

Wherever the Imperial Guards of the Xia Kingdom passed by, all the friendly troops were extremely nervous, and the soldiers who were groping around on the enemy's corpses also stood up with their weapons in their hands, looking at them vigilantly with hostile eyes.The most noble and reserved knights also rode their horses and stood in front of the corpses of the enemies they were looking at, as if they were facing an enemy, as if guarding a carrion beast, waiting for their followers to come up and search the corpses.This left a deep impression on Zhao Xingde.

Wang Tongdeng looked at the knights who jumped off their horses with disdain, and sighed: "If five thousand hussars suddenly come out now, I guarantee that these guys won't be able to eat and walk around." Hundreds of Turkic cavalry were beheaded, but the horses carrying the corpses had long since disappeared.

Zhao Xingde joked with a smile: "It's a pity that we couldn't make marks when we charged into the battle. The Turkic people we killed just now don't know where they died. Calculated, Brother Wang suffered the most." He quickly restrained his smile. Thoughts.The Turkic cavalry only paid attention to the camps of the main column of the Lumei Kingdom that camped every few miles.However, no Antioch army was found more than ten miles away.As a result, when the Antioch army appeared behind them, the Turkic cavalry panicked and fled without organizing a counterattack.If this makes sense, then the Turkic cavalry was too orderly to leave the battlefield.Zhao Xingde still remembered those escaping rays in his mind, they left almost at the same time, neither trampling on each other nor completely losing their formation. "Panic" means "panic", but "'chaotic'" may not be.

"There are very few corpses left on the battlefield, this is a very efficient retreat." Zhao Xingde secretly said, he lifted the reins lightly, and Dawan's horse ran lightly, and got to the side of Captain Duan Huaixian.

Duan Huaixian frowned as if he was thinking about something, seeing Zhao Xingde coming up, he asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhao Xingde hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "The general thinks that the Turkic people might be a fraud." He thought about this idea many times in his heart.

"Oh?" Duan Huaixian picked up the reins on the saddle and lightly slowed down the horse, "Why do you see that?"

"This," Zhao Xingde was at a loss for words for a while. Those Turkic cavalry escaped too calmly. It was just his strong feeling. After thinking for a moment, he said in a deep voice, "If it hadn't been prepared for a long time, the Turkic cavalry would never be killed or injured under the sudden pincer attack. So at least."

Duan Huaixian's eyes flickered slightly, and he said lightly: "That's all?"

Zhao Xingde rationalized his thinking, and said in a deep voice: "The Lumei army follows the rules in combat. Although it is not easy to win a big victory, it is not easy to lose a big one. If the Turks want to win, they must find ways to 'disrupt' the size of the Lumei army. The first point is, It was to let the Lumei army leave the coast. They could not get supplies from the sea and lost the support of the fortress. The Turks wiped out the northern army, burned down the fortress of Lumei, and hung the head of General Andro on the big gun. This is to anger Emperor Lumei. The current fraudulent defeat is likely to be a trick of the Turks' arrogance. Emperor Lumei is full of anger, but also underestimated the actual combat power of the Turks. Maybe he will leave the coast and attack rashly The wintering pasture of the Roma Turks.” He thought and said, there were many doubts that he hadn’t thought through before, but they were all combined, and the more he said it, the more logical it became, as if he had seen through the intentions of the Roma Sultan.

The marching Sima Huang Zongdao followed behind, and exclaimed after hearing the words: "If according to what you said, the Roma Turks are willing to sacrifice the lives of so many people in order to perform this scene?" He glanced behind him , although the corpses of people and horses in the wilderness are extremely sparse, there are always one or two thousand.The price of deceiving the enemy in this way is too high.

Zhao Xingde was taken aback for a moment, unconsciously calculating such a sinister human heart, he was also a little bit stunned.His face changed slightly, and he remained silent without speaking.But Duan Huaixian said indifferently: "As long as the Emperor Lumei can be tricked and wipe out the elite of the Lumei Kingdom, from now on, Haixi will be dominated by the Roma Turks." He turned his head to look at Zhao Xingde, nodded and said : "Very good." He sighed and said, "After all, our battalion is a guest army. Now that things have happened, we have to do our best and obey the destiny."

Sure enough, Duan Huaixian suggested at the military meeting that the Turkic people were likely to lure the Lumei army to rush forward, but he was quickly buried in the chattering discussions of the Lumei generals.The old emperor Alexei couldn't bear the stimulation of the complete annihilation of the northern army, and the generals of each column were not satisfied with the meager results. After a night of deliberation, they finally decided to leave the coast and continue eastward.The Grand Duke of Antioch, Bermonds II, was full of confidence because of his great contribution to today's victory, and volunteered to serve as the vanguard column of the whole army.

Not long after leaving the coast, the inland terrain gradually became undulating.It became very difficult for Lumei's army to march, and they had to march along the narrow roads between the hills. The east-west roads were mostly blocked by hills, and it was inconvenient for the left and right wings to respond to each other.As a result, the marching ranks of the Lumei army changed from the left and right wings covering the main force to the Antioch army as the vanguard, the column led by Crown Prince John as the rear guard, and the main force of the Lumei army led by Emperor Alexei marching in the middle.In order to prevent surprise attacks by the Turks, the advance light cavalry was released far away every day. On the one hand, they chose a suitable camp for camping, and on the other hand, they scouted the movements of the Turks.

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