Chapter 170 Breathing and Walking Rivers (1)

"From now on, I will be the Great Khan of the Mierbo Tribe!" Bo Shenghuo Mierbo repeated again. He looked at the generals and said in a cold voice, "Is there anyone who refuses to accept it?"

As soon as Bo Shenghuo Mierbo said this, all the generals of Mierbo bowed their heads, not daring to answer.There were frequent attacks on the Mobei Grassland, and the great khans of various tribes were killed in the battles. It was only natural that a new great khan was established.Although Boshenghuo Mierbo is famous for being useless, Haidu Khan has repeatedly stated to his followers that after his soul returns to Changshengtian, he will pass on the position of Khan to him, and then to Aisuntachi Mierbo .But Haidu Khan died in battle, and the generals were at a loss. Bo Shenghuo Mi Erbo established himself as a great Khan and assumed the burden of leading the tribe, which was tantamount to giving the whole tribe a hope.Just now, Bo Shenghuo was not greedy for the warm mountains and soft waters in the south, he was determined to fight to the death with the mighty Xia Kingdom, and he was no different from his usual mediocrity and uselessness.

After a while, Timur fell to the ground first, and respectfully said: "Bo Shenghuo sweats!" Then the generals came to their senses, and according to the etiquette of seeing sweats, they fell to the ground and said in a loud voice: "Bo Shenghuo sweats!" High and low, but none of them dared to refuse.Seeing that the generals surrendered, the soldiers arranged by Bo Shenghuo Mierbo around the big tent held up their spears and machetes, and shouted together, "Bo Shenghuo is sweating!"

For decades, the generals selected by Haidu Khan were all loyal to the Mierbo family, and considering that the eldest son was known as useless, none of the commanders and centurions assigned to him were rebellious. are selected among them.When the Mierbo people heard the call from the Chinese military tent, they knew that a new Khan had been established, which was also the law of the grassland, and they cheered together, "Long live the Khan!".Wave after wave of sound echoed across the vast grassland and went straight to the sky.Because of Haidu Khan's death in battle, the tribe's depression of being defeated by Xia Guo also dissipated a lot.

"Khan, return to Mobei this time, and fight the people of Xia, please let the last general take the lead!" Timur's face was gloomy, he was not sure about the duel, only determined to fight to the end.Most of the generals think so.When Haidu Khan was alive, the tribes in Mobei were still afraid of Xia Guo. Now that Xia Guo has destroyed the leader of Mobei tribe, the momentum is like the sky, and a decisive battle with him is like hitting a stone with an egg.Some generals were only forced by the situation and did not dare to oppose Bo Shenghuo Khan's decision.In case of defeat, he would lead his army to flee far away.There is always a place to live in this vast grassland.

Bo Shenghuo Mierbo patted Timur on the shoulder approvingly, and looked at the expressions of the generals one by one, as if to see through their hearts.After a long time, he said in a deep voice: "The enemy is numerous and we are few, and the enemy is strong and we are weak. Why should we fight with them?" Bo Shenghuo took out a simple map of the entire grassland, which he bought from a caravan in the past, and many of them were his own. Pencil corrections and markings.

"When wolves hunt gazelle, do they hunt the strongest or the weakest?" Bo Shenghuo asked. The generals didn't know why, so two or three replied, "Of course it's the weakest." When fighting, do you 'shoot' someone's shield, or 'shoot' his body?" Timur said in a deep voice, "'shoot' his face and neck."

Bo Shenghuo smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice: "That's right, we don't fight head-on with the Xia** team, we only attack those pastures that are weakly defended. Let the tribe and herdsmen know who is the master of the grassland. Dividing it into many small pieces and letting the herdsmen who are attached to them disperse and settle down, although it is good for grazing and reducing internal struggles for pastures, it has huge flaws."

Seeing the bewildered expressions of the generals, Bo Shenghuo picked up two stones and placed them respectively in Hengsai Fort between Urugu River and Tuwula River, and Duhan City on the west bank of Xuelinge River, and said in a deep voice: "This It is the most heavily guarded place of the Xia Guoan Northern Army Division. In the past, they guarded the front line of the Ulugu River, and the pastures on the east side of the Ulugu River have been operating for a long time. It’s also hard to succeed.”

He picked up another stone on the east bank of the Tuwu River, and said in a deep voice, "This is where Father Khan's big tent is."

The generals of the Mierbo people took a closer look, and they all said "oh", "the king's tent is here".Bo Shenghuo secretly sighed, the Mierbo people were the bravest in war on the grassland, and they were unwaveringly loyal to the tribe, but most of the generals were not only illiterate, they didn't even know detailed maps.They can only recognize the mountains and rivers depicted by the simplest strokes.

"Xiaguo wants to cross the Tuwula River and turn this area into a settled pasture, but there are few people in Mobei, so they can only use the newly recruited tribes as shade households for the settlement pasture. They may even choose among the shade households. Warriors, set up a new legion to protect this land. These people still have doubts about Xia Guo, and it is difficult to use them. The grassland is so vast, and Xia Guo cannot fully protect it with a limited cavalry army. As long as we show this, these people The people will have doubts, and the Xia Kingdom will not be able to establish a solid rule. This grassland will know who is the real master."

Commander Mie Gu asked suspiciously: "What if the Xia Kingdom ruled the people like a grassland tribe? Wouldn't there be no weak points to attack?"

"That's impossible," Bo Shenghuo said in a deep voice, "That's absolutely impossible." He didn't tell the general why.With so many troops and tribes nomadic around with a general, this is simply using the greatest temptation to test their loyalty. Bo Shenghuo felt that in this case, there is almost no difference between this kind of legion and the dependent tribe. At that time, it was difficult for the general in charge of the army to refuse the temptation of rebellion and self-reliance. "Only land and settlement can make the troops loyal to Xia, not to a certain general."

Bo Shenghuo sighed secretly in his heart. He originally wanted to suggest to his father Khan that the Mierbo people should follow the example of the Xia people to build a settled pasture. Not only can they support more tribes, but if the time is right, they can even join Xia. According to the practice of the Xia Kingdom, it is possible to be named the founder of the country, and it is even possible to be named a subordinate king family like Shu and Kang.Who would have expected that now the Mierbo people and the Xia Kingdom have become life-and-death enemies, and they have painstakingly studied the pros and cons of the Xia Kingdom's system, but in the end they are enemies of the Xia Kingdom.

"What if Xia Guo concentrates the cavalry to attack us?" Hu Cha'er asked with doubts on his face.The same is true of all the generals. Usually, the tribe's plundering of Xia Guo's pasture will incur fierce retaliation.

Bo Sheng said coldly: "We don't have any old, weak, women, or children to take revenge on them." He smiled self-deprecatingly, but with deep pain in his words, he continued, "The grassland is so vast, we don't If we fight against him, how will they attack? In the future, we have accumulated enough strength, but if we want to provoke Xia’s generals to go deep alone, that will be the time to take revenge on them.” He pointed to the vast grassland east of the Ulugu River, close to the Liao Kingdom , said in a deep voice: "If Xia's army comes to attack, we will take refuge in the Onan River and Lulu River. No matter who is the emperor, the Khitan will definitely support us and make things difficult for Xia. In the next few years, we will attack Xia The pastures of the Chinese, attacking the lone Xia army, while forcing the small tribes in the east of the grassland to continue to submit to Mierbo."

Bo Shenghuo even had a general idea of ​​the logistics, mobilization, and cost of dispatching troops of Xia's army. He knew that even if Xia's army attacked and suppressed, it would not spend a long time with Mierbo on the barren grassland and Gobi. There is no time to explain to the generals.Finally, he said in a deep voice: "The most important thing now is to return to Mobei immediately, lest those weak tribes forget that the Mierbo tribe is the master of this grassland."

All the generals saw that he had a plan in mind, and they were all convinced at this moment, praising Changshengtian, which made the Mierbo tribe sweat another wise sweat.Although the generals would not explain the plan of the Great Khan to the people one by one, their confidence also affected the people at the bottom.No one objected to returning to the grassland of his hometown.The shepherds drove the herds of cattle, sheep and horses, and the convoy also turned around and marched slowly against the north wind.The Mierbo tribe has a new sweat, and the red sun has just risen on the grassland, shining brightly.

This afternoon, Chengying Seventh Battalion finally arrived in Dunhuang after several months of trekking.According to military law, ordinary sergeants can take leave and go home after being checked in line at the barracks.The commanding officer also needs to go to the Marching Division to hand over military affairs in person.Zhao Xingde and Wang Tongdeng handed over the papers and badges in the Marching Division and came out, it was almost dusk, and suddenly it began to snow.

The snowflakes were flying and the wind was bitterly cold, but Zhao Xingde only felt that his blood was boiling.Wang Tongdeng's gossip about "Xiaoxue's solar term, it's really snowing, it's really strange!"The Marching Sima of the Marching Military Division just now had a cold face, and he didn't take to heart what he told the two to "wait for disposal and report every three days".He only felt a hasty farewell to Wang Tongdeng, got on the horse, forced himself to suppress the surging emotions, but lost his composure and galloped the horse.

All the baggage was unloaded in the Chengying barracks, and Dawanma trotted lightly.Sitting swaying on the horse, Zhao Xingde felt his heart beating violently, he thought to himself: "Could it be because of the feeling of being close to home?" There was a new moon in the sky, curved like eyebrows, sparse and cold stars were counted, like the twinkling eyes of stars, Xiaoxue The road is paved, like her fair face.There are few pedestrians along the way, as if he is the only one riding in the world.Soft snowflakes fluttered one after another, covering his shoulders and he couldn't bear to shake it off. Zhao Xingde was wearing the big cloak sent by his family, and slowly drove towards his house.

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