Chapter 182: I Don’t Know What to Say (3)

Liu Yi nodded in agreement.While waving to the people, Chen Xuan asked, "I've made up my mind. The prime minister thinks, who among the courtiers can be in charge of the newly established government office for relief? Besides, what's the best way to rectify the workshop?" Shou Chang The common people on the opposite side of Ze called for friends and companions, more and more gathered, pointing and cheering in the direction of Linquan Palace. The 'women' held the newborn child high, grabbed the little hand and waved it this way.There are folk rumors that the real dragon's breath can ward off evil and suppress evil, so seeing the emperor indicates that there is no need to be afraid of evil things for a period of time in the future.

Liu Yi stood beside Chen Xuan, and said in a deep voice: "Yuan Xingzong can take this position. This person was originally the magistrate of Hua County, and now he is in the Tiance Institute. Three years ago, he also proposed to set up a poverty relief center in the autonomous area of ​​the chamber of commerce." He hesitated for a moment. , Shen Sheng said: "As for the rectification of the workshop, I also have two strategies. One strategy is for the immediate and the other is for the long-term."

"Oh?" Chen Xuan's face was calm, he nodded slightly, and said in a deep voice, "I can't wait to talk about the immediate strategy first."

"As an immediate strategy, after the Battle of Ross, His Majesty and the two governments planned to manage the west of Shishan Mountain, and newly conferred eight new founding princes. However, the people have not yet been enriched, and a large number of shade households are needed to be reclaimed. You can order the Road Caoxi River Patrol Office to send the newly arrived Refugees from the Guandong were led to the Hezhong and Shishan areas to grant land. In this way, the Guanzhong workers will be exhausted but not replenished, and the number will inevitably be insufficient. In order to recruit workers and apprentices, merchants must compete to provide more food and clothing and raise wages without the court’s urging.

Chen Xuan nodded slightly and said, "Okay, if the national treasury is short of funds for the newly arrived refugees to go to the river, I will help you with it." He paused, and said, "Let the river also send some."

Liu Yi said in a deep voice, "Thank you, Your Majesty. The Prime Minister's Mansion has already discussed this matter with His Majesty and the Hezhong Prefecture County, and the Prime Minister's Mansion has already discussed it with Zhou Dashi. , and by the way, expose the bad deeds of slavery in the workshop to the world."

Two Dongren society scholars were assassinated in front of Zheng Xiangtang, the scholar's mansion, and the scholars of all the academies were filled with righteous indignation. University scholar Zhou Mengxi repeatedly asked to investigate the mastermind behind the murder. In addition to putting pressure on Zhu Guofu and Huguo Mansion, he also took the initiative to visit Prime Minister Liu Yi.Liu Yi took the opportunity to propose fulfilling the last wish of the Dongren Club scholar, and Zhou Mengxi immediately agreed to the donation.The scholar's mansion is in charge of the world's education, and tens of thousands of teachers from all over the country agitate together to shape the people's will, which will definitely change the positions of many people in the Zhuguo Mansion and the Huguo Mansion.

Chen Xuan slapped the window sill, and praised with a smile: "This strategy is very good." He paused, then laughed again, "I dare not 'offend' the scholar's house. In this way, the murderer behind the scenes, It must be a bad name for thousands of years." His brows were relaxed, and at this time the guard at the door used a microphone to transmit a voice, and General Wu Ting of the Military Intelligence Department asked for an audience.Chen Xuan frowned again, and said to Liu Yi: "Wu Ting, the Military Intelligence Department, is coming soon, and the prime minister also stayed to listen to the situation of Zheng Xiangtang's case, so that he can have a clear idea when he starts to do things."

Liu Yi nodded slightly, thanked Chen Xuan, and said: "That strategy just now can solve the immediate worries. For the long-term plan, we should support the workers and apprentices in Kanto to form a new guild. The original craftsmen's guild will protect it. The interests of craftsmen and apprentices are much more considerate than that of the local government." He paused, and then said, "However, the apprentices in the Kanto region are like a mess, most of them have nothing and no skills, and it is easy to establish a guild. It will take time for it to really work.”

Chen Xuan nodded and praised again: "Okay." At this time, the sound of footsteps outside approached from far away, and with the "salute" from the guards of the Dragon Tooth Army outside the door, the door of the palace opened, and General Wu Ting of the Military Intelligence Department strode away Come in, bow to the emperor as a salute, and bow to the prime minister Liu Yi.He had already asked at the door just now that the prime minister had already met him in the palace, so he didn't show any surprise at all.

Chen Xuan asked him to sit down, and asked: "How is the investigation of Zheng Xiangtang's case by the Military Intelligence Department?" Across the case, he personally pushed a teacup in front of him.

Wu Ting raised his hand to thank His Majesty, and said in a deep voice, "It is definitely not the work of the Guandong court. The three assassins all came from the river, and the pictures of the bribers have also been drawn. The Dunhuang Lingya Office and Lu Cao are secretly looking for it. In addition, Chang'an is also investigating the enemies of the two murdered scholars, and there are two or three suspected masterminds. The most likely one is a wealthy businessman from Kanto named Qiu Darui. Just a few months ago, In his workshop, he also wounded a few scholars from the Dongren Society, and the case is still being interrogated in the court, but the wounders all said that it was because of the rude words of the Dongren Society scholars that they did it, and it had nothing to do with the owner, Qiu Dorui. .”

Chen Xuan snorted slightly, his face turned cold, as if he had expected it, and asked in a deep voice: "Is there any evidence pointing to Qiu Dorui buying murder?"

Wu Ting shook his head, and said: "The person who directly bought the assassin was not Qiu Darui, nor even his confidantes who often followed him. Dunhuang Linghe Dao Cao took the assassin's graphic and checked it carefully in post houses and inns in various places in Hexi. If anyone If you have seen the suspect, you may recognize his accomplice."

Chen Xuan nodded, and said in a deep voice: "That's fine. Hexi's side is following the vines to 'touch' melons. On the Chang'an side, Qiu Darui and other suspects are under surveillance. Don't startle the snake, the key is to find out whether they have any knots or not. Party, is it illegal to make friends with officials? I want to see how brutal and domineering this group of people is. By the way, check whether the suffering of the workers is consistent with the statement made by the Dongren society." He After a pause, he suddenly woke up and asked, "Have the two government's investigation orders to the Military Intelligence Department been issued?"

Wu Ting nodded and said: "I have already got it." Chen Xuan and Liu Yi showed relief on their faces, and Chen Xuan smiled and said: "That's good." The duty of the Military Intelligence Department is to grasp the situation of the enemy country and monitor 'Traitors', if the investigation of other domestic matters is involved, an investigation order from the two governments is required to prevent the military intelligence department from overriding the five governments.When the Zheng Xiangtang murder occurred, the matter was urgent, and the Military Intelligence Department intervened in the investigation in advance.However, because the case is related to the state system and has a great impact, the two governments still issued an investigation order and handed over the power to investigate the case to the Military Intelligence Department. If the suspect behind the scenes is treated like an enemy country, it can bypass certain police agencies. Procedures that must be followed.

After the monarch and his ministers got it right, Liu Yi resigned.This major event has a clue, and Liu Yi is much more certain in his heart.As soon as he got into the carriage, he leaned against the wall and dozed off.The prime minister manages a lot of opportunities every day, not only must he have extraordinary energy, but also have the kung fu to keep his "color" unchanged when the Mount Tai collapses in front of him.The carriage drove slowly, and the accompanying Tiger Wing Army Guard Chief Wang Zhaoqian knew Liu Yi's habit and deliberately slowed down so that he could rest for a while.

The carriage stopped at the gate of the Prime Minister's Mansion, and Liu Yi's eyes opened, his tired face swept away.The coachman opened the door, Liu Yi got out of the car, nodded slightly to thank Wang Zhaoqian, and stepped into the mansion, the clerk waiting at the door said: "The head of the Yaozhou Porcelain Guild has come to visit, and they have been asked to wait in the living room Every day, many people ask to see the prime minister, and they need to ask the clerk of the prime minister's mansion first.After Prime Minister Liu Yi agrees, they will be arranged to visit the Prime Minister's office.The specific time varies, and those who seek an interview don't mind waiting for a while.

When they came to the living room, three people who looked like craftsmen had already stood up, with smiles on their faces, waiting for the prime minister at the door.One of them is Zhu Shipeng, the head of the Yaozhou Porcelain Guild, and the other two are also the heads of the guild, Pei Yanyong and Fan Changsheng.Yaozhou is the center of porcelain making in Guanzhong.These three people have been making porcelain all their lives, and they all have workshops, and they all have the status of master craftsmen.If they hadn't asked for help from others, they would never have greeted Liu Yi at the door.

With a slight smile on Liu Yi's face, he cupped his hands and said: "Just now I was delayed in seeing His Majesty, so I made the three master craftsmen wait for a long time, forgive me." He stretched out his hand to invite the three of them to sit down. After the servant watched the tea, he held up the teacup. After taking a sip, he said with a smile: "The three master craftsmen are all very busy. They must have something important to come to the prime minister's residence today?"

"I also ask the Prime Minister to make the decision for us." Zhu Shipeng smiled all over his face, stood up first and handed over a letter of love.This letter of petition requested the prime minister's office to prohibit workshops from rushing to make porcelain at night, restrict the opening of new kilns, and restrict the employment of refugees as apprentices.Behind it are the joint names of thousands of porcelain makers and apprentices.Liu Yi hurriedly took over the letter of love, and said with a smile, "Master Zhu, don't be too polite. I will definitely accept anyone who can help me." He hurriedly raised his hand to invite Zhu Shipeng to sit down. , it seems that they are indeed 'forced' to the brink of desperation by those workshops that use Kanto people.He had already known the purpose of these craftsmen from the scribes. The government did not intervene in the disputes between their merchants before, but this time, they had to use each other.

Zhu Shipeng was excited, and said angrily: "If they go on like this, the reputation of our Guanzhong kilns will be completely ruined." The prices here are much lower.However, these Kanto workers are not skilled in craftsmanship, and they often rush to make utensils at night. The porcelain they make is extremely rough, and even the porcelain with cracks after firing is rushed into the market.These newly opened porcelain kilns not only squeezed out the business of many old porcelain kilns, but all of them were named "Guanzhong Porcelain". The old kilns that really make good porcelain are becoming more and more unable to survive.

Zhu Shipeng was spitting and spitting, and became more and more angry. He took a sip of tea, put the teacup heavily on the table, and said angrily: "These newly opened kilns only know how to rush to make money, and the nights are dark and dark. It’s dark, and they can’t see clearly even with lamp oil, but they don’t even give up the lamp oil money. What good utensils can they make? It’s ruined the reputation I’ve accumulated over a hundred years!”

Liu Yi remained calm and said with a slight smile, "Perhaps the newcomers don't understand the rules, but after a while they become proficient in their skills, the situation will be better."

Seeing that the prime minister seemed unmoved, Pei Yanyong said anxiously: "Lord Liu doesn't know something. These people are not inexperienced. They are clearly blinded by profit, eager for success, and randomly ruined my reputation in Guanzhongci." He paused, slapped his thigh, and sighed: "I don't care about this old face anymore. The few apprentices I had led before were lured by the huge profits, so they left without saying goodbye, and went to Xinyaokou, saying that they were instructing workers." It’s just a plastic embryo firing kiln. As a result, what are the things that are burned! Isn’t it because the workshop uses unskilled apprentices and forces the apprentices to rush to work day and night!”

Fan Changsheng chimed in and said, "That's right, our old kiln has always followed the guild rules handed down from the founding dynasty, and no fine work will be done after dark. You don’t care about morality and righteousness.” A mysterious look flashed in his eyes, and he leaned forward and said in a low voice, “Master Prime Minister, these people are very cruel. I heard that some time ago, there were two people from the Kanto region who worked for me. He protested his grievances, but he was assassinated at the gate of Zheng Xiangtang. In my opinion, there is a good chance that this group of 'treacherous' merchants who used the workers in the Kanto region ordered them to do it."

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