Chapter 185 But Wants to Live in Pengying (1)

Yeluzhangnu imprisoned all the important royal families in Tianxiong Temple.This side hall enshrines the Eight-Armed Demon Subduing Vajra, and the dim light makes the Vajra's glaring eyes look extraordinarily ferocious and terrifying.Just in front of the Vajra Statue, Concubine Wen knelt on the ground in desolation, closing her eyes and praying.Her face is cold, her clothes are neat and not luxurious, and she is not as anxious as other royal families.In the corner of the side hall, Yelu Yanxi's Empress Xiao Duolilan and her two concubines all looked defeated and collapsed on the ground, the other golden branches and jade leaves were not much better.For ten days, Yeluzhangnu only gave them a meal of gruel every day, and they were so hungry that they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Suddenly, the heavy palace door was pushed open with a "squeak", and the light was so dazzling that the visitor couldn't see his face clearly, so he asked, "Which one is Concubine Wen?"

All the eyes of the royal family looked at Xiao Sesel, and the empress Xiao Duoli showed a more resentful gaze lazily.Xiao Sesu raised his head and stood up calmly.

Brother Yelv Tie walked up to her, bowed and saluted and said, "Your Majesty Dashi is here to invite you, and Your Highness Concubine Wen is here to stay." He always knew that apart from Yeluzhangnu, Dashi had allies in Shangjing, but he didn't know which one it was. bit.When I came to Tianxiong Temple today, Yelu Dashi was nowhere to be seen, but I asked him to invite Concubine Wen, so I guessed the clue and was extraordinarily polite.

Xiao Sesu didn't speak, and turned her head to look at her son. Yelu Aoluwo, the eldest son of the emperor, looked pale, and he didn't see any of his usual vigor.She sighed secretly.

Yelu Dashi was waiting in the side hall next door, and the guards outside the hall were as straight as iron spears.With his back facing the gate of the palace, Yelu Dashi was wearing a white cloak.He turned around, and the two looked at each other, only the sound of suppressed breathing was heard.Brother Yelu Tie retreated knowingly and closed the door of the temple.

After a long time of light, Yelu Dashi sighed and said in a low voice: "Surse." He took a step forward.

Xiao Sesu took a step back, and said in a deep voice, "General, please respect yourself." She raised her head, her eyes were as cold as water.

"The Lord Hun has already conferred the head," Yelu Dashi stretched his arms around her shoulders, and said in a deep voice, "No one can separate us." His words were burning hot, unlike the generals who shocked the northern kingdom, as if they had returned to Hanlin Chengzhi and the Khitan talented woman are at the time of each other's vows.Just after that day, Yelu Yanxi visited the Xiao Mansion and brought Xiao Sesu back to the palace. A few months later, she was named Concubine Wen.

Xiao Seshui earned a few times, looked at Yelu Dashi, and said in a deep voice: "The general is still going to fulfill his previous promise and support Aoluwo?"

Yelu Dashi's face turned cold in an instant, he was silent for a moment, looked at the sun and moon pattern embroidered on the cloak symbolizing Khitan imperial power, and said with a wry smile: "Turse, I have no choice but to do what the army wants. Kou, this road cannot be reversed." As he said, he held Xiao Sesu's hand in his palm, and said in a deep voice: "We Khitan people don't care about the hypocritical etiquette of the Han people. The faint king is dead, and I will make you a noble concubine. Tart Ge Li and Yu Jian monitored Yeluzhangnu for me, and Xiao Suxian made a lot of contributions, and I will put them to good use."

His bleak heart suddenly sank to the bottom of the valley, and all his strength seemed to be drained. With Yelu Dashi in his arms, two lines of tears flowed down his cheeks. I don't know if it was excitement or regret.

Yelu Aolukan and Yelu Yujian are Xiao Sesu's brother-in-law and brother-in-law.Both of them hold the military power in their hands. Before Yelu Dashi came to the capital, they secretly restrained Yelu Zhangnu for Yelu Dashi.Xiao Suxian is Xiao Sesel's elder brother. This family was originally the Dashi of the royal family of Bohai. After Khitan destroyed Bohai, the Dashi moved to Shangjing to control Bohai.He has promised Xiao Suxian to restore the old system of the Bohai Kingdom, and Xiao Suxian persuaded Xiao Sesu to secretly inform Dashi, so that the courtiers who were originally attached to Concubine Wen and the eldest son of the emperor secretly helped Youzhou to raise troops.

All the generals were waiting outside the hall. Urgon Mierbo looked at the hall enviously, and said to Yelu Yanshan: "My father Khan often said that a hero should chase the enemy like a flock of sheep, plunder his property, and rob his enemy. The steed has seen its relatives wash their faces with tears and ravage their wives and daughters. His Majesty Dashi is a real hero."

Yelu Yanshan also smiled and said: "That's right." He put his hand on the handle of the knife and looked towards the side hall where Yelu Yanxi's other wives and children were guarded.

That night, the capital was on fire, and Yelu Yanxi's empress Xiao Duolilan was killed by the "rebellious" army. At the same time, the concubine Xiao Shigu, the concubine Xiao Gui, the six sons of Yelu Yanxi, and the descendants were also killed. Xiao's close relatives and dozens of nobles in the capital who tend to Yelu Yanxi.Yelu Dashi took the surviving Concubine Wen Xiaose, and made him a noble concubine.Yelu Yanxi's other daughters and unnamed concubines were all rewarded by Yelu Dashi, but they were strictly forbidden to be appointed as concubines.Only Yelu Yuliyan, Xiao Sesur's daughter, was named the Princess of Bohai, and she was formally married to the confidant general Xiao Woli, as a reward for his bravery and loyalty.

Ten days later, Yelu Dashi officially usurped the throne and changed his reign name to Yanqing.When the news reached Bianliang, everyone gnashed their teeth and scolded this "rebellious" minister and traitor, as if what he had usurped was not the throne of the Liao Kingdom, but the great Song Dynasty.In recent years, Emperor Zhao You has been obsessed with taking elixir, and his energy has been severely exhausted. He feels that time is running out, and intends to replace the eldest prince Zhao Ke with the third prince Zhao Qi to enter the East Palace, and gradually turn his energy to internal affairs. Jiang Tuotu's spirit has also diminished a lot.After the courtiers quarreled, they still sent Qin Hui, Yushi Zhongcheng, as an envoy to send the letter of court congratulations to Daliao.

Yelu Dashi also reciprocated. He returned the ancestral temple utensil that Taizu Yelu Abaoji looted from Bianliang, a four-legged Zhou Dynasty bronze tripod weighing more than [-] catties, as a national gift to Bianliang, and asked the Song Dynasty for marriage.This was an unprecedented grand event since the founding of the Song Dynasty. The imperial court and the four prefectures and counties all sent their congratulations to enter the imperial court, thinking that the return of the national tripod to the Central Plains was the emperor's kindness and virtue.Even Qingliu scholars wrote poems to remember it.Zhao You was also extremely proud. Although he declined the Liao Emperor's request on the grounds that there was no precedent for marriage in this dynasty, he once again bestowed countless gold, silver and silk.The reconciliation between Liao and Song was as good as before, like a real country of brothers.

During this period, Xia Guo's long-prepared artillery battalion was formally established, and Zhao Xingde was unexpectedly appointed as the centurion of the artillery battalion.He was also the only one among the five gunner centurions who was not from the city fire artillery battalion.The new army battalion is like a blank sheet of paper. The initial military regulations are based on those of the previous infantry and cavalry battalion. The marching commander ordered the centurions to compile the regulations suitable for the battalion while training troops.The military government will compile formal artillery battalion drills and combat regulations depending on the training effect.According to the plan of the General's Mansion, after the artillery battalion is fully trained and tested in actual combat, it will be expanded tenfold and an artillery army with [-] cannons will be established.These secrets are unknown to Centurion Zhao De.

Zhao Xingde was troubled by leaving the cavalry sergeant he was familiar with.The gunners were all from the city's fire artillery battalion, and they didn't take him as a foreign centurion at all.Except for one or two who faintly sensed something, the other centurions were also waiting to see his jokes.Only the cavalry centurion Wang Tongdeng, who was also from Chengying, fully supported him, and even told him in private that he could borrow troops to help him suppress his disobedient subordinates, but Zhao Xingde refused with a wry smile.

Zhao Xingde had his own method, taking advantage of the opportunity of the centurion to compile the regulations by himself during the training period, trying to regulate the gunners' every word, deed and every action with regulations, including the need to salute when seeing officers.He numbered all the ten gunners of each artillery group, and the ten commander was responsible for aiming and proofreading, and conveyed the password to the whole group.Five gunners loaded the ammunition and fired the cannon under the command of the captain of the ten men, and the other four ammunition men were responsible for moving the cast iron round bullets and ammunition packs from the ammunition cart to the artillery Next, in turn to the gunner.

The first thing to be compiled was the "Battle Doctrine", and the distance between field artillery fortifications must be more than two feet to avoid mutual interference between adjacent battery groups during busy battles.Once the gun mount is untied from the carriage, the gunner who is preparing to ammunition must immediately lead the horse to a safe place behind the ammunition cart.The four bombers returned to the ammunition cart, the five gunners stood behind the artillery, and the ten commander stood on the side of the artillery in the upper hand.

After receiving the military order from Zhao Xingde, the Commander-in-Chief should give the order: "Ready!" Two gunners stepped up from behind the cannon, left and right, one gunner was holding a brush and a wooden stick for pushing the cannonball, and the other was ready to take the cannonball. The shells and medicine packs brought up by Yao's hand, he is responsible for loading the ammunition into the chamber. The position of the No. 3 gunner is next to the barrel. He must keep the fire door clean and dry, especially not wet by the brush of the No. 4 gunner. The No. [-] gunner stands behind the gun body. He will punch a hole in the "powder" package through the fire door, and "insert" the wheat tube filled with gunpowder for ignition.

When all preparations were completed, Zhao Xingde ordered "Fire!", and the No. 5 gunner immediately fired the cannon with a fire button after hearing the order of "Fire" from the commander.The firing of the artillery was accompanied by a huge recoil. Except for the commander, the five gunners had to push the artillery back to the fort immediately, and began to clean the barrel to prepare for firing again.The commander of the tenth observes the landing point of the shell, and then decides whether to adjust the aiming of the artillery based on experience.

This "Battle Doctrine" is dozens of pages thick, not only referring to the "handling" habits of the existing city fire gunners, but also mixed with Zhao Xingde's imagination and fabrication.He envisioned turning a vague combat operation of a gun group into a coordination with very clear regulations.

"On the real battlefield, if you don't tell him how to do it, many people don't know what to do. For something as complicated as 'operating' artillery, no matter how bad my written regulations are, it's better than no detailed regulations. "Zhao Xingde comforted himself.

When this order was sent to the Firearms Department for reporting, Wang Yunzhong cried out: "Such a complicated order makes the generals and soldiers become monkeys with strings." The husband is still a nerd. Why doesn't he go to the scholar's residence?"

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