Chapter 191 Curved Arc Fears Sirius (1)

Zhao Xingde folded Chen Dong's letter and let out a long breath.The Neo-Confucian Society became more and more popular, and Chen Shaoyang gradually became a city mansion, and the accusations against the imperial court became less and less, not as full of complaints as before. "Is this maturity or submission?" Zhao Xingde was slightly stunned, then shook his head in a self-deprecating manner, shaking off these inappropriate thoughts.

"What's the matter with the bald penman in Chen Shaoyang's letter?" Li Ruoxue asked softly, with a curious look in her eyes.

Zhao Xingde said with a smile: "When I lived in Bianliang, I was shy and just sold my papers to get by."

Li Ruoxue said angrily, "You never told me." She stretched out her hand to grab Zhao Xingde's right arm, and asked nervously, "After being knocked off the cliff, Fairy Jade Rabbit should still be alive, right?"

Zhao Xingde was a little embarrassed, scratched his head and said, "I don't know about that either." Seeing Li Ruoxue pouted, he quickly changed the subject and said, "How did the lady become a bachelor of the Literary Academy?" This matter is still in the hands of Li Ruoxue. What Rui heard from her mouth, she always forgot to ask Li Ruoxue.Xia Guo valued martial arts and military merits, and literati also needed to be able to draw a bow and ride a horse, so even the scholar's house was very young.

Li Ruoxue said: "It is said that the prime minister played it, just like Meng's mother chooses neighbors to raise saints, so if you want to make the people of a country have knowledge, you should let the women have knowledge; if you want to make the people of a country respect integrity, you should make the women know the book The imperial court is going to set up a women's school, and the scholar's office is in charge of the education of the world, so it also recruits women as scholars. After Lingwu and the others came to learn poetry from me, some sisters from the boudoir came to discuss poetry and papers, and later, the scholar's office The people in the hospital also know about it, so..." She talked about it, as if it was an insignificant matter.

Zhao Xingde doubted: "Why set up a girls' school? Isn't it enough to let girls go to school and teach?"

Instead, Li Ruoxue looked at Zhao Xingde with a strange look and said, "The Book of Rites says 'men and women do not sit together', the sage taught, has my husband forgotten?"

Zhao Xingde was a little embarrassed, and said with a smile: "I was confused for a moment, I was confused." He held Li Ruoxue's catkin and said with a smile, "It was a blessing for me to teach under Master Chao with my wife." Dear, the two of them are studying under Chao Buzhi's seat, so the Li family already intends to accept a son-in-law.Li Ruoxue's pretty face flushed slightly, and she hummed softly.

The atmosphere between the two of them has become a little more subtle. It has been three years since the beginning of summer, and when I think about the incident in Bianliang, it seems like a lifetime away.Li Ruoxue leaned in Xingde's arms, her star eyes were slightly closed, her pretty face was facing the warm sunshine, as bright as the morning glow, Zhao Xingde's heart felt hot, he lowered his head, his lips touched slightly, suddenly there was another knock on the door outside the yard.After Zhao Xingde was stunned for a moment, he wanted to ignore it, but Ruoxue sat up, her cheeks were flushed, she pushed him to open the door to see if there were any guests.

Zhao Xingde held back his anger, secretly thought that it was very easy to ask for a day off, but it really didn't go well, neither Li Rui nor Zhu Lingwu would give them a good face this time, he opened the courtyard door, but it was For a moment, he saw an unfamiliar sergeant standing at the door leading a horse, with the badge of a tiger-wing military officer on his military robe.

Li Ziweng originally thought that Zhao De was a majestic warrior wearing a military robe with scars all over his face, but he didn't expect the real person to be like a scribe. Military envoy?"

"It's my lord." Zhao Xingde's face was still gloomy.

Li Ziweng wondered secretly, but still said calmly with Yan Yue: "Li Ziweng of the Tiger Wing Army, under the order of General Zhang Shanfu, please send an envoy from the Zhao army to visit the residence."

Zhang Shanfu is the general of the marching department, he has a high position and authority, he has never had anything to do with him, when he was invited suddenly, Zhao Xingde was slightly startled, he had to cup his hands and said: "Brother Li, please come in and wait for a while, let me talk to my family. Li Ziweng nodded, and stood in the yard waiting. He looked around and saw the green grass in the yard, several flowers and trees scattered in a well-arranged pattern, the begonias were in full bloom, and daylilies were tied on the swing in front of the porch. A few red carp are swimming leisurely in the big water tank.Li Ziweng is the eldest grandson of the Han Dynasty, he nodded secretly and said: "This courtyard is decorated with ingenuity, and Zhao Junshi is very leisurely."

Zhao Xingde went inside and said to Ruoxue: "General Zhang Shanfu of the military mansion is in love, I will go back as soon as I go." Putting on his military robe, wearing a horizontal knife on his waist, he prepared his horse and went out.

The Zhang Mansion was built in Dunhuang City, covering a vast area. According to legend, it was built in the Tang Dynasty. It has been more than 200 years old. There are two mighty stone lions standing at the gate.Li Ziweng and the Tiger Wing Army guards at the door greeted him, then led Zhao Xingde across the room to the study in the backyard, reported in a low voice, and motioned for Zhao Xingde to enter.Zhao Xingde bowed his hands to Li Ziweng, thanking him for his guidance and kindness.

Zhao Xingde stepped into the room, not daring to be negligent, he bowed and said: "The last general Zhao De, refer to General Zhang Shang." He heard the old man's deep voice "Zhao Jun envoys don't need to be polite." Just then he straightened up, this time See each other clearly.Zhang Shanfu is tall and burly, with graying hair, blue cheeks and chin, clean shaven beard, kind face, clear eyes, which makes people feel close to him.On the back of the desk hangs a huge picture scroll, which shows Zhang Yi's travel map of Zhang Yi's journey. It was originally a mural in Mogao Grottoes, but it was specially copied by famous craftsmen.

Not long after, a servant served tea, and put one on the desk and one next to the seat of the guest next to him.But the meeting in the army does not require the permission of the superior, and the subordinate cannot sit down.Zhao Xingde could only stand upright as he smelled the fragrance of tea all over the room.Zhang Shanfu didn't speak, he took a sip of the tea lightly, Zhao Xingde felt a little uneasy, he didn't know what he learned from the No. 1 trick in summer, could it be that he taught Chunyu Zhen to cast cannons and refine Did the Ordnance Division find out about the iron technique?

Zhang Shanfu put down the teacup and said with a smile: "I have long wanted to meet the talented person who wrote the 'Anxi Policy' and the Artillery Battalion Regulations, and it happened that he and Xingzhi were on a ten-day break, so I invited you to come over to have a talk." Zhao Xingde clasped his hands and said: "The general praises you a lot, but the general is ashamed."

Zhao Xingde has long hands and long legs, wearing a military robe and standing upright, which is extremely inconsistent with the furnishings in the study, making the roof appear short. Zhang Shanfu smiled slightly and said, "I'm old, and it's too tiring to talk with my neck up. I'd better sit down if I walk straight." .”

Zhao Xingde sat down at the desk, still looking solemn, sitting upright.Zhang Shanfu said with a smile: "Xingzhi used his own strength to convince those gunners, he doesn't seem to be such a cautious person." Hearing what he said, Zhao Xingde was stunned for a moment, then he cupped his hands and said: "The last general has no choice but to And for that."

"As a last resort?" Zhang Shanfu repeated his words playfully, and suddenly said, "Master Chunyuzhen highly admires Xingzhi's artillery skills. If Xingzhi wants to subdue the soldiers under his command, why not rely on Master Chunyu's strength, as long as he Accompany you to patrol the artillery battalion a few times, and publicly declare that your artillery skills are outstanding, and the sergeants will naturally obey you." He looked Zhao Xingde up and down, as if he wanted to see his true thoughts.

"This?" Zhao Xingde didn't feel at a loss for words. He knew that most of the elite gunners operating this new type of artillery had been taught by Chun Yuzhen, and they could even be regarded as disciples. If Zhang Shanfu said so, the gunners would be easy to obey Much more, and it is even more impossible for him to provoke himself like Guo Zidong.

"The end general didn't expect it." He said insincerely.

"I didn't expect that?" The corner of Zhang Shanfu's mouth twitched into a mocking smile, "Battle, queue, and internal affairs, the three eloquent regulations cover every detail of the artillery battalion's combat routine. But I didn't expect this, it seems A wise man thinks a lot, and he will make a mistake."

Zhao Xingde only felt that the light was on his back, and said in a deep voice: "The last general really didn't think of it."

"It's just a blind eye." Zhang Shanfu tapped his fingers on the table rhythmically, and said in a deep voice, "You are a blind leaf, and you want to subdue the sergeant with your own ability alone. Do you think that if you use external force and the prestige of Master Chunyu to subdue you?" If you lose your subordinates, can you not be regarded as a hero?"

Zhao Xingde was stunned for a moment, and the words "If you can't do what you want, turn to yourself, and the world will return to you when you are upright" came to mind.He looked at Zhang Shanfu, not knowing what he meant, and he didn't refute immediately, so he acquiesced.

Zhang Shanfu sighed, and said in a deep voice: "Do you still think that everyone should only rely on their ability to win or lose, relying on who they know and who they don't know to persuade others is not a hero?"

Zhao Xingde nodded silently.Zhang Shanfu said in a deep voice: "This old man was born in the hereditary Duke of Chu. I dare not say that I have not relied on the shadow of my ancestors for my fame in this life. If you think about it this way, this old man is not a hero?" A gleam flashed in his eyes. Sadly, seeing that Zhao Xingde was about to apologise, he stretched out his hand to stop him from speaking, and said with a smile, "Xing Zhi is a good friend of the second prince, Chun Yu's old friend, and now he is the guest of this old man, I'm afraid he can't be considered a good man?"

"This?" Zhao Xingde was a little embarrassed, being ridiculed by Zhang Shanfu, he rushed to the top of his head with a force, and argued: "The general forgives the crime, but the general just feels that this is unfair, so even though he knows Master Chunyuzhen , but dare not rely on his prestige."

"Fair?" Zhang Shanfu smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice, "You are very talented, you can shoot arrows with a three-stone bow, so you were able to become a member of Chengying just after coming from the Kanto, and then by chance, you were appointed as a centurion. Do you know how many sergeants can't do this in their lifetime. They may not work as hard as you, it's just that your physical strength is stronger than them, do you think this is fair to them?" He paused and said, "Or Yes, it is fair to be born with great physical strength, but it is not fair to rely on external force?" He said in a mocking tone, "Then you don't need a bow and arrow, and a good sumo wrestler who is naked is the most heroic man."

Zhao Xingde breathed heavily in his chest, his neck was flushed red, he didn't know how to answer, Zhang Shanfu stared into his eyes, and shouted in a deep voice: "If you have always thought so, you are really not worthy of being a captain, you can only be a centurion, otherwise I don't know how many robes will be killed by your vanity." He raised his hand to tell Zhao Xingde not to speak, and continued, "On the battlefield, it's not enough to go all out, how can you take care of these personal honors and disgraces."

"But this is not a battlefield!" Zhao Xingde argued stubbornly.

"For an officer, every place is a battlefield!" Zhang Shanfu's eyes were as sharp as a knife, interrupting him, "If you can't take advantage of all the favorable conditions to protect yourself and defeat a powerful enemy, then you are stupid and a coward!"

Zhao Xingde felt that Zhang Shanfu's words pierced into his heart like a steel needle, he couldn't accept it for a while, but he couldn't refute it either.Zhang Shanfu saw that he was silent and no longer confronted each other, sighed, and said in a deep voice: "The Firearms Division didn't appoint you as a captain, but instead elected an incompetent person. Wang Tongdeng and your sergeants are very angry. You It’s so sweet, what’s going on?”

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