Chapter 212 Shouting to Heaven and Crying King Zhao (5)

Most of the Han soldiers were emaciated. They had just experienced a fierce battle, and many of them had large bloodstains on their bodies, but they didn't look ragged.If Li Ruobing hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would never have believed that this group of beggar-like Han people were so tenacious and brave to fight.Now they are leaning together with swords and guns, in front of the Jurchen cavalry in full armor, they are like sheep in front of tigers and leopards, but what is revealed in their eyes is the determination to fight to the end.

Wan Yansa led seven soldiers and horses to go south to welcome the envoys of the Song Dynasty to Huanglong Mansion. When he saw the beacon fire lit by the Liao people, he thought it was his own soldiers and horses besieging the Liao Village. With a quick hit, he opened the stockade of the Liao people and captured more than 1000 Khitan and Han slaves.He looked at the group of Han soldiers who survived the fierce battle, he didn't care so much, the weak are slaves.There is fertile black soil to the north, and there can never be too many slaves.

He first sent envoys to get the Han people to surrender, and reported that it was the Han family's team, asking the Jurchen army to let them go.

"The Han family?" Wanyan Saba hesitated for a moment. This prestigious family decades ago, the head of the Wanyan family is nothing more than the commander-in-chief of Han Chang's subordinates. "Unfortunately, the world has changed. Let these Han people I know, who is the master of Liaodong." Wanyan Wulu's gaze became firm, and he was about to order Tie Futu to charge, but the envoy of the Song Dynasty coughed and said in a deep voice: "Master Meng'an, the Han people in Liaodong used to It is also the people of my dynasty who were taken captive by the Liao people. Now that you and I have made an alliance, can we let these people survive for the sake of our dynasty?"

Wanyan Saba frowned, this Southern Dynasty official was very difficult to deal with, when he met him just now, he deliberately pretended not to understand the words of the Han people, and insisted on dropping his weapon, but this man shouted in Jurchen Threatening, he is the envoy of the Great Song Dynasty, the guest of His Majesty the Great Jin Emperor, to humiliate him is to humiliate the Great Song and the Great Jin Emperor, but if anything happens to him, the military rations, weapons and gunpowder coming across the sea will be cut off.

The Jurchen nobles all said that the old emperor Yelu Yanxi of the Liao Kingdom was a stupid pig. He claimed to summon an army of 70 to attack the Jurchen, but his head was beheaded before he started. The new emperor Yelu Dashi was a coward. He sent troops to crusade against the Jurchens, and sat back and watched the Jurchens capture the Huanglong Mansion, while the Song Emperor was a coward and a stupid pig, who had no wealth and armor, but dared not fight the Liao people.But these things are really important to the Jurchens, so it doesn't matter if you cut off the envoy of the Song Dynasty, if His Majesty gets angry, I'm afraid a horse whip will be indispensable, and maybe the authority to lead Meng'an will also be lost.

Wanyan Saba hesitated for a while, and waved his hand to let the other general speak before the battle.Two Han people came between the two armies.Because both of them were on foot, Wanyan let the horse go alone without any entourage, and arrogantly shouted in Jurchen: "Longevity is above, I saved your sex from the Khitans." 'Ming, do you get paid?"

Zhao Xingde was angry from the heart, this Jurchen didn't take advantage enough, she asked for a reward, could it be that she still needs a woman's jade?That being the case, it's time to fight.He made up his mind and looked at Wang Hengzhi.Wang Heng's expression was gloomy. The Han army and the Khitan people fought a bloody battle, and the Jurchens took all the benefits. Even if they wanted to buy their lives, they would not be able to get anything.The two looked at each other, and Zhao Xingde replied loudly: "We fought the Khitan people once and played the vanguard for you, why don't you share half of the captured food and grass with us?"

Wanyan Saba did not expect this Han man to be so stubborn, so he laughed back in anger, and retorted: "You are so courageous. You Han people are not worthy of eating pig food!" To slap Zhao Xingde's face.Standing on the ground, Zhao Xingde was a head shorter than Wanyan Saba who was riding a horse. He had been on guard for a long time. He had quick eyesight and quick hands, and he firmly grasped the whip. , left hand on the pocket knife.

Zhao Xingde felt that the force from the whip was getting stronger and stronger, so he let go of his hand suddenly, Wanyan didn't expect it, he leaned back, almost fell off the horse, a short knife he had just pulled out fell to the ground, and he Before he had time to stabilize his figure, he felt that there was an extra person behind the saddle. The Han man's arms were tightly wrapped around his arms like steel rings, and the other hand put the dagger on the blood vessels of his neck.Feeling the chill coming from his skin, Wanyan lost his soul and shouted loudly while struggling: "Don't kill me, Wanyan's family will not let you go!"

Zhao Xingde let out a "bah", and the dagger's edge sank into Wanyan Saba's neck, and he shouted: "If you are not honest, you can talk to Lord Yan!" All the centurion commanders were beheaded, and if the centurion died in battle, all the ten commanders would be beheaded. That's why Zhao Xingde took Wanyan Saba hostage, betting that his subordinates would not dare to act rashly.

There seemed to be something wrong in the Jin army camp, hundreds of horsemen galloped over, Zhao Xingde shouted violently: "General Wang, go back to lead the army and wait for the enemy, here I am." He said bitterly: "Pull your horse and ride to the side of the Han people. Hurry up!" Although Wanyan Saba is scheming, he is not too stupid, knowing that once he is hijacked into the Han army, life and death will be on the other side. He said that he was obsequious, but his hands and feet were kicking randomly, the poor horse was made to run around in the same place by him, if Zhao Xingde was not good at riding, he would almost have been killed by him Get off your horse.

But Wang Hengzhi was not indecisive. Hearing Zhao Xingde's call, he immediately ran towards the formation without stopping. In the dense forest not far away, two hundred Chengying soldiers also rushed out. Because of the distance, Zhao Xingde had already been killed by the Jurchens. Surrounded by groups, Wang Tongdeng could only form a cavalry formation next to the Han army camp and confront the Jurchens.

The appearance of this group of cavalry shocked Wanyan Saba and most of the military commanders of the Kingdom of Jin. According to the customs of the Jurchen tribe, although cavalry can also dismount to fight, only cavalry is a regular army, and infantry are for fighting. Randomly grab bad signings at any time.So the more than 1000 remnant Han soldiers just now are similar to the more than 1000 slaves in the eyes of the Jurchens.The appearance of the [-] lurking cavalry on the battlefield forced the Jurchens to reassess the strength of the Han army, especially these cavalry were well-armored, with bows and arrows, long lances in hand, and all horses were mounted when they sat down. A good horse will never be a mob.

Zhao Xingde tried his best to clamp the horse with his legs, while avoiding the blood vessels, he cut a bloody gash on Wanyan Saba's neck with his dagger, and shouted in Jurchen: "No one comes here, I will kill him if he comes over. Do all of you subordinates want to die?" In the formation of thousands of troops, his voice was stern, and his gaze like a mad tiger was really frightening.

The contrast between Wanyan Saba's pale face and the blood dripping from his neck was particularly obvious, but the centurions of Mouk did not dare to act rashly. In order to avoid further provoking this lunatic Han, they had to rein in their subordinates Don't force it too much, but tightly surround Zhao Xingde and never let him go.The Jurchen cavalry each held their swords and spears, some towards Zhao Xingde, the center of the formation, and some towards the Han army formation.

Both sides had their own scruples, the situation was about to explode, Zhao Xingde's nerves were tense to the extreme, his forehead was dripping with sweat, a drop of sweat trickled down the tip of his nose, dripping into his mouth, with a burning smell.

Zhao Xingde was no longer seen in the Han army formation. After discussing with the two generals Wang Tongdeng and Ma Rui Jian Cheng, they decided that Jian Cheng would lead the 140 cavalry to cover the infantry and retreat to the forest, relying on the terrain to fight against the Jurchens.Wang Tongdeng and Ma Rui led 2000 cavalry and more than [-] Jurchen cavalry into the battle, desperately trying to get the school captain out.

"Cavalry, get ready to charge!" Wang Tongdeng ordered loudly. He was the first to put down the mask of the iron pocket, and erected the horses. The horses had to run to the front of the team, and the seventy riders were ready Ma Rui led the team to cover his rear and wings as he made a frontal attack.In the snow in Liaodong, the war horses from the northwest were panting with snow-white breath, and their iron hooves were restlessly turning the blood-colored mud.

Surrounded by dense layers of Jurchens, the heavy cavalrymen of Tiefutu were tall and burly, as insurmountable as a layer of copper and iron walls. The eyes under the helmets finally lost their usual indifference, bursting out with expressions of anger or fear.In Wanyan Saba's ear, Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice: "Let your subordinates back off, after we are safe, Zirang will let you go, or if you don't let me, I will drag you, the nobleman of Wanyan's family, to die! "His voice was very calm, so calm that it made Wanyan Saba's hair stand on end. He really didn't want to die on the eve when the Jurchen tribe wanted the whole world.

Just when Wanyan Saba bitterly overcame her self-esteem and was about to speak out.Suddenly, an exclamation sounded from the crowded Jurchen cavalry: "Yuanzhi, Zhao Yuanzhi, is that you?"

Li Ruobing couldn't believe his eyes. The "brother-in-law" who hadn't seen him for several years, thought he was studying at the Dunhuang scholar's residence, but unexpectedly appeared in Liaodong and took a general of the Jin Kingdom hostage.

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