Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 214 The Third Memorial

Chapter 214 The Third Memorial

In the White Jade Palace in Bianliang, Tokyo, Emperor Zhao You finished his noon vomit and began to review the memorials.The inspector Taiwei Tong Guan carefully stacked the memorials in order of priority. On the case table, there are all things such as imperial brushes, cinnabar, ginseng, tea, towels, etc., and the colors are suitable. If you have not served more than ten officials An old man of [-] years can never be so careful and considerate.

"The Daofu has returned to work in the palace in the past few years, and the matters before the imperial court are not unfamiliar at all, which shows that the public is loyal to the country." Zhao You took a sip of ginseng tea, thought of it with satisfaction, and casually picked up the Jurchen placed on the top of the memorial The vassals are listed above.

Just after reading the beginning, Zhao You frowned. The Jurchen didn't call herself a minister, but changed her name to "Emperor of the Great Jin Kingdom", as if she was on an equal footing with the Great Song Emperor.Zhao You held back a sigh of relief and read along. This is a report that after the capture of Huanglong Mansion last year, he is preparing his troops to capture Shenzhou, an important town in Liaodong. Now the Jurchen army has [-] elite cavalry, including Tie Futu, who is fully armored. There were also [-] cavalry, which were so oppressive that the Dao Liao army in Tokyo could not leave the city. Yelu Dashi, the emperor of the Liao Kingdom, was also afraid of the Jurchen soldiers, so he dared not raise his troops to march eastward.

"It's just spending a little food, grass and armaments, and then surrendering without fighting. The Liao Kingdom has been obedient to our court a lot in recent years, and the Jurchen Kingdom has made a lot of efforts to contain the north." Zhao You said secretly, "But this The barbarian's ungrateful 'nature' cannot be tolerated." He lightly raised the ink pen and instructed the Privy Council to negotiate with the Jurchen Kingdom to continue to claim the title of vassal, otherwise the supplies for crossing the sea to aid the Jurchen will be reduced as appropriate.

The second memorial is the deployment of Wang Yan in the southeast camp to report the eradication of the remnants of the Demon Cult.Over the years, the Demon Cult has repeatedly revived in southeast states and counties, and Zhao You had some doubts that Wang Yan was raising the bandits. Fortunately, Wang Yan asked to reduce his own troops many times, so the suspicion of the officials was dispelled.Now the 15 army in the southeast has been reduced to 7, Wang Yan is still stationed in Xiangyang, and Han Shizhong, Yue Fei and other generals under his command are stationed in prefectures and counties.Ministers have repeatedly reported that there were too few imperial troops left in the southeast to suppress civil uprisings, and the Xiang army was too invincible to fight, which led to the "chaos" of Fangla of the Demon Cult, so please keep this southeast camp.In this memorial, Zhao You only circled it with the imperial pen Zhu, indicating that he had read it.

The third memorial was written by Cai Jun, the prefect of Fuzhou, saying that the local gentry formed a party to interfere with the government, slander the government, and fish and meat in the village.Zhao You smiled slightly, and took out the memorial without Zhu Zhu's approval, and kept it unpublished.After reading this memorial, even if Zhao You has the ability to see ten things and is confident that he can solve hundreds of cases every day, even after an hour, he will be exhausted.

The bell of the Daqing Hall announced the time, and it was time to take the elixir. Zhao You raised his head and looked towards the entrance of the Imperial Study Room. Tong Guan just happened to appear there with a gold plate in his hand. A jade box, opened the jade box, dripped a longan-sized red elixir with a fragrant fragrance, which was specially refined by Shenbaoguan Guo Zhenren with three flavors of real fire.

The little eunuch following Tong Guan was holding a silver basin. After the officials washed their hands, the eunuch dried his hands with a towel. Then Zhao You took the elixir and put it in his mouth, supplemented by jade liquid The opened pill was swallowed slowly, and as the "nature" of the "drug" dissipated, the official's lower abdomen was scorching hot like a ball of fire rising, and then he closed his eyes and luck, refining the "nature" of the pill, And guide the dantian qi to swim through the whole body.Officials never like to be disturbed by idlers when practicing qi, Tong Guan waved the little eunuch to retreat, and stood beside him respectfully to protect the dharma, this has been the case every day for the past two years.

It takes about half an hour for the official to practice Qi. However, after only one stick of incense has passed, the official's face is suddenly as white as gold paper, and suddenly it is pale. Tong Guan is frightened, but he dare not make a sound to disturb him, he is anxious , I don't know whether to ask the imperial doctor or the real immortal teacher to come over to check it out. Suddenly, the official groaned, blood spurted from his mouth and nose, and he put his hands on the dragon couch.

Seeing this, Tong Guan was at a loss. He tied his life and glory to the official, and immediately cried out in tears: "The official, the official..."

Zhao You raised his head and looked at Tong Guan with wide eyes, as if he wanted to say something, but he could only hear the groaning in his throat, and he couldn't say anything. On the ground, even the jade bowl of the immortal jade liquid that was in full bloom was overturned to the ground, and the whole body was in chaos, and there was no sound for a while.

Tong Guan was shocked, and boldly approached the official to help him up. He felt his breath and pulse, but there was nothing there. He froze on the spot like a thunderbolt, and murmured incessantly. : "How is this good, how is it good..."

After a while, Tong Guan's mind recovered from the chaos and began to think about his own gains and losses.Without his orders, ordinary little eunuchs would never dare to disturb the official's qi training without authorization, and even favorite officials like Cai Gongxiang, Liang Shizhong, and Li Bangyan had to notify in advance.When an official dies suddenly, the first important thing is to find out the murderer. This responsibility will naturally be carried by Guo Jing, the god who offered the elixir. Tong Guan has already delayed him [-] times in his heart.The second big event is more important than the first, who will inherit the big position.The Taizu of this dynasty did not establish a prince in front of him, but because of his sudden death, Zhao Guangyi, the king of rebellion, fabricated the lie of the Golden Chamber Alliance and usurped the government for decades. After that, the officials of all dynasties learned from this lesson and established the prince early in the Spring and Autumn Period. , Just in case, the big position is not usurped by the 'traitors'.The problem now is that although almost everyone in the court knows that the official family favors the third prince, Zhao Qi, as the successor to the throne, from the perspective of the court system, the crown prince Zhao Ke should be the successor.

Thinking of this moment, Tong Guan's breathing suddenly became rapid, he suddenly saw an extremely strong light in front of his eyes, and suddenly trembled all over, as if he was standing beside an abyss, his hands could not help but tremble slightly.

Supporting the three princes is not a good name, and there must be criticisms in the Qing Dynasty. In the end, it must be Cai Gongxiang who has been coercing the officials for many years and subduing the officials.Who will take care of the miscellaneous?When the new official succeeds to the throne, he will naturally have to change a group of father-in-laws who are in charge, and maybe let the miscellaneous family take the blame.Supporting the crown prince seems like a dangerous move, but it has a righteous name. As long as the crown prince accepts the worship, he will be a righteous emperor. Helping hands can be ranked first in supporting and making great contributions, at least you can keep your power.

There was a look of awe in Tong Guan's eyes, and he secretly made up his mind. He gently supported Zhao You's body on the dragon bed, bowed, and then turned around and left the imperial study room, carefully closing the door , While strictly ordering the eunuchs not to enter and disturb, he summoned his confidantes and ordered them to summon the prince Zhao Ke and the political adviser Zhao Zhifu to enter the palace immediately.Then, Tong Guan personally guarded the door of the imperial study, anxiously waiting for the result of this gambling.

Prince Zhao Ke has been well-behaved since he was a child, taciturn, not sensual, and not good at women.So even though Zhao You has always disliked that his son is not like his father, he is worried that the scholars in the world will discuss it clearly, so he can't abolish him at will. He gradually alienated the prince.In recent years, the arrangement of the officials has been successful. The East Palace where the prince lives is deserted except for those who clean the palace, and the scholars with a little more eyes dare not associate with the prince anymore.Deputy Privy Minister Du Chengzhi Shao Wu would visit occasionally, and Qin Hui, Yushi Zhongcheng, had not been to the East Palace for a long time.

"I thought that Qin Hui was a loyal and upright minister, but who knows he is a villain who can adapt to the wind!" Zhao Ke stood in the courtyard with his hands behind his back, looking at the fallen leaves all over the ground, his whole body was desolate and lonely, and within a few days, I'm afraid someone will jump out and ask for Donggong Yichu. "I don't know who will take the lead? Is Cai Jing an old thief?" Zhao You thought fiercely, "I don't know what crimes they have arranged so that they can be imprisoned for a lifetime."

Outside the door, family members came in a hurry, knelt down and reported that a palace eunuch had arrived, Prince Zhao Ke was shocked, and an ominous premonition filled his heart: "Did this day come so fast?" It was like urging someone to die Similarly, although he is unwilling to face it in every possible way, the day of being abolished is always approaching step by step. Every day makes Zhao Ke feel like he is sitting on pins and needles, making him more and more taciturn and depressed, like a man waiting to be killed after autumn. Like a prisoner, he suffers every day.

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