Chapter 2 Flying in the Air (1)

Cai Jing turned his back to Lin Da, and his body was covered by the wide Ge robe.There is a calligraphy and painting hanging on the wall, which was made by Cai Jing when he sent a friend who was banished from Beijing. Lin Ba read in a low voice: "You don't break the willows at the gate of the capital, and you don't set up Yangguan wine when you send you. Only take Xiling pine Branches, look at Suihan friends with you."

Hearing this poem, Cai Jing turned around slowly, the sharp light in his eyes suddenly appeared and disappeared, Lin Da couldn't help shivering, his blood was about to freeze, when he looked again, he saw Cai Gongxiang with pale beard and hair, kind eyebrows and kind eyes , like a country gentleman who has retired for a long time.蔡京瞧着林揍战战兢兢地神'色',微微一笑,缓缓道:“杜工部诗云,名岂文章着,官应老病休,老夫又何必恋栈,正好退归田园,含饴弄孙The scenery at the foot of Phoenix Mountain is quite beautiful, if Mr. Lin has time in the future, I will sweep the couch to welcome you."

Lin Da kept saying: "Don't dare, dare not," then he felt something wrong with his words, and hurriedly changed his words, "It's such an honor for me to be an official, I hope the old grand master treats him as his nephew and will not hesitate to teach him." He fell to the ground with a bow , The sweat on the back stood up.

Cai Jing helped him up with a smile, and said in a low voice: "The new official successor is good at using new people. It is inevitable that there are some deceitful, self-willed, arrogant and domineering people. A pillar of the court like Lord Lin still needs to endure for the country. "

There are not many officials who are as loyal to Cai Jing as Lin Da.If in the past, waiting to visit the door to see the sedan chair, from Cai Taishi's mansion all the way to Bianheyan, but now there are very few.However, the house of Zhao Zhifu, who had just been promoted to prime minister, was bustling, which showed the coldness of the world.

In the White Jade Palace, the official Zhao Ke reviewed the memorials, and the memorials for the impeachment of Cai Jing and his henchmen were like snowflakes. The official has been preparing for the East Palace for many years, and he is well aware of the fact that everyone pushes the wall down. The replaced officials are circled for review, and the others are kept unpublished.Unexpectedly, Mr. Cai, who seemed to be so powerful and powerful, would collapse like a wall of paper in front of his imperial power, and he would collapse with a light blow. Even though Zhao Ke was quite wealthy, he couldn't help but feel a little complacent.

"This forest beater," Zhao Ke picked up a memorial, and said bitterly, "When the Bianliang scholars sent Mr. Huang Zhoushan away, they actually mobilized the yamen servants and the forbidden army without authorization. It's really reckless." Go, the memorial was written by Yushi Zhongcheng Qin Hui to impeach Kaifeng Governor, with a smile on his face: "Your Majesty is wise, Lord Qin is also a loyal and upright minister."

"Faithful?" Zhao Ke snorted softly, "When Cai Jing was taking power and governing, why didn't you see him confronting his father and emperor?" Although he approved the memorial, he threw it aside in disdain.Tong Guan's face changed slightly, and he secretly remembered Zhao Ke's attitude towards Qin Hui.For more than a month, he has carefully served the new emperor who ascended the throne. Although Zhao Ke was brought into the Baiyu Palace by Kang Zheng, the steward of the East Palace, Tong Guan was still used for the imperial study and other errands, and he was only assigned to Tong Guan and Liang Shizhong. A lot of authority was handed over to Kang Zhenglu, while Shen Yun still promoted the Imperial City Secretary.

Zhao Ke finished halfway through the review of the memorial, stretched his waist, stood up, and cast his eyes involuntarily in front of the wide landscape graphic. When he saw Luoyang in Xijing, he frowned slightly. Cao Di is the father-in-law of the third prince Zhao Qi. He holds a heavy soldier in his hand, like a thorn on his back.His eyes moved to Hebei again. Back then when the Khitan invaded and the Hebei camp collapsed, Liu Yanqing, the general who went to clean up the situation, actually came forward to impeach him. If Shen Yun and Chaozhong Qingliu hadn't tried their best to keep them safe, they would have been almost abolished. Zhao Ke's eyes could not help but flicker After a touch of coldness.Further north, there are Xijing Road, Nanjing Road, Zhongjing Road, Shangjing Road, and Tokyo Road in the Liao Kingdom. Yelu Dashi immediately sent a letter of congratulations and congratulations. : "Wouldn't it be great if the two countries could enjoy peace without using swords?"

At this very moment, Zhao Xingde and the generals of the Chengying camp are discussing in the Han army camp in Taibai Mountain, and they are going to set off an earth-shattering wave on Tokyo Road.According to the rules, Zhao Xingde briefly talked about the topic of gathering the generals, and then all the centurions spoke freely.

Jian Cheng murmured, "General Zhao's strategy is good, but the Han army clearly has ulterior motives. Except for daily training, we are not allowed to 'intervene' in other affairs of the camp. If they wait for them to ensnare many people , the momentum is bigger, in comparison, our battalion's influence on the situation in Liaodong is getting smaller and smaller."

Du Chuijiao also said: "These generals of the Han army are always asking us for food, grass and armaments, but they must not do business at a loss." Wang Tongdeng, Ma Rui and others said loudly: "Exactly!" All the generals echoed one after another, mixed with complaints about the Han army.Every time a military meeting was held, the centurions would vent their usual pent-up anger at the beginning.

Jin Changtai coughed lightly, and said in a deep voice, "It's understandable that the Han army has their plans. The important thing is that we have our plans and not be led by them." After speaking, he looked at Zhao Xingde, since he could There must be a backhand for proposing this plan of coercing the people.

Zhao Xingde smiled slightly, and said slowly: "In terms of the ability to coerce the people, are you afraid that you can't compare with the Han army?"

Jin Changtai came to his senses immediately, and asked: "The general means that we also go down the mountain to threaten the people?" He had an air of surprise and joy on his face, and the generals also reacted immediately.Xia Guo practiced the system of shady households for soldiers. Sergeants fought in wartime in the country, and they governed shady households in normal times. Apart from using force to strengthen each other, they really did every day to coerce the people.

"That's right!" Wang Tongdeng patted the scabbard, grinned and said, "That's the way to do it! I just said it was strange, why did Xingzhi suddenly be so kind to the Han army? We also went down the mountain to coerce the people and see who wrapped Much more! The Han army belonged to more than 40 villages, and they were not under mutual control in the first place. If they try to coerce the people, the situation will become even more chaotic. It is just suitable for our camp to fish in troubled waters. , and even deceived the Khitan people and the Jurchens, and when they reacted, hehe, it will not be so easy to invite the uncles out of Liaodong."

When the centurions heard what he said, their thoughts became active one after another.Ma Rui smiled and said in a low voice: "That's a good thing. If it's done well, every sergeant can get a dozen or twenty shade households. After the power rises, we can be an independent army." He is the founder of the country After the old general, he suddenly realized that the opportunity to expand the territory and become a marquis was in front of him, which was once in a thousand years.

The generals immediately began to discuss livelyly, how to tell the military households, how to implement the prime minister's government orders, how to teach farming and weaving, how to deal with the thieves who steal and cheat, how to encourage the shady households to reclaim more land, and how many farm tools are needed to open up wasteland seeds and more.Hearing this, Zhao Xingde was speechless, the experience of these centurions in managing shaded households was even far better than his.After the generals discussed for a while, Zhao Xingde lightly tapped the handle of the knife twice under the table to signal everyone to be quiet.He looked around, and the centurions present held their breaths to listen, before saying in a deep voice:

"Everyone knows that the matter of coercing the people is not only to strengthen the Han army itself, but more importantly, to 'fish' in troubled waters, so that our battalion can take root in Liaodong. Therefore, we must not take it lightly. Those who are suitable for reclamation I will discuss with the Han army and draw a few as places for our battalion. This is a no-cost deal, and I think they will not refuse. In the future, the main military affairs of our battalion will be reconnaissance The terrain is ready to coerce the people." He turned his head to look at Jin Changtai, and said in a deep voice: "Jin Sima has made a detailed plan, one is the source of the people, and try to avoid direct conflicts with the Khitans and other Han troops. The second is to survey and plan the place to be resettled. It should be far away from the Khitan and Jurchen forces, and keep a certain distance from other Han troops. The third is the marching route every time the people are coerced. If there are things that I think are not thoughtful, I ask Jin Sima to add them."

Jin Changtai said in a deep voice: "Yes." The general made a decision, and the marching Sima made a detailed plan, which is also Xia's practice.There was no objection, and the generals discussed all the relevant matters again, and Jin Changtai also recorded them to collect the effect of brainstorming.After discussing this important matter, Zhao Xingde asked again: "Is there anything else?"

After a moment of silence, Jin Changtai said, "The last time I attacked the Khitan village, I saw that the bows and arrows I used were weak but powerful, so I intentionally took a few back." He took out a few from his quiver and marked them, Wrapped it in a green cloth and handed it to Zhao Xingde, "This is a poisonous arrow. It is extremely powerful. Even if it didn't hit a vital point, it would be poisoned and died in a short time. But the body itself is not poisonous. I asked the Han army, what is this?" The poisonous arrows of the Jurchens are very powerful. They were originally used for hunting, ranging from small vampires to big gazelles, wolves, tigers, leopards, and bears. As long as they hit one or two arrows, they will surely die. Foreigners and Jurchens In battle, they are also extremely afraid of their secret poisonous arrows." Zhao Xingde also nodded, secretly a little afraid, if Wanyan Saba was held hostage back then, if he was 'shot' by such a poisonous arrow, the consequences would be disastrous.

"So that's it, what a vicious guy." Ma Rui picked up a poisoned arrow and looked at it with great interest. I put a lot of effort into it.The shaft of the arrow is straight, and although the arrowhead is blunt, it is engraved with several grooves, apparently to absorb more poison.

Du Chuijiao nodded and said: "This poisonous arrow is so powerful, no wonder the Jurchen savages have wrapped themselves in armor." He paused, and suddenly said whimsically: "If the poisonous arrow is so strong that it can kill a bear One or two arrows to kill the horse should be no problem, even if the poisonous onset is slower, the Khitan Jurchens are not afraid to flee on the horse after losing the battle."

He was thinking about dealing with the cavalry, Wang Tongdeng's face darkened, and he was about to refute, but he heard Zhao Xingde say, "From now on, when fighting the Jurchens, the sergeant must wear full armor no matter what, even if it's light or leather armor, as long as it doesn't Being shot through by this arrow is also the difference between life and death. It is indecent to come and not go. There are so many poisons in the world, how can the Jurchen win alone?" He paused, and said in a deep voice: "Before Liaodong Small and big, if you can increase your strength, you will have more strength."

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