Chapter 222

"The purpose of the club must be as practical as possible. The most taboo is boundless and empty. The eight characters of 'offenders of strong men will be punished no matter how far away' may be because the clerks of the military government were entangled by Du Chuanjiao." No way, just copied it from that book." A smile appeared on Jin Changtai's face, "But it's suitable for us to use."

Zhao Xingde and Jin Changtai joined the "Brotherhood of Volunteering" immediately, and Du Chuijiao was overjoyed. He unexpectedly advanced two cents of silver, which was regarded as sending them the "membership money" of the military government in advance.

"It's just that there is no place to find after breaking through the iron shoes, and it doesn't take much effort to get it." Zhao Xingde held a small silver coin, and said with a smile, "Du Chuijiao is also generous." He sighed again, "It's a pity that this barren mountain Yelin, you can't buy wine and meat with money. Otherwise, we, the founding elders of the three fraternities, should have a good celebration."

After finishing all these, it was almost dusk, and the blood-like setting sun gradually sank from the distant mountains, leaving only the red glow all over the sky, dyeing all the forests, and covering the world with a layer of bewitching crimson.Such a scene was originally extremely beautiful, but in the eyes of Zhao Xingde and Jin Changtai, it was somewhat sad.The tantalizing aroma of food came from the back kitchen of the cottage, and Zhao Xingde's stomach growled involuntarily. These days, he and Sergeant Chengying's food standard has been said to be the same as that of the Han army, and each meal takes less than half an hour So hungry and refreshed.

Jin Changtai smiled slightly and said: "I heard that the girl from Sinan who helped the cook has already become famous." There are very few women in this village, except for the family members of more than a dozen powerful generals in the village, the unmarried women are slapped Seeing that Sinan was about to turn 14 years old, many young men in the cottage became more active and bold enough to inquire about it. Because Wang Hengzhi once asked Sinan to serve Zhao De, some gossip was unavoidable.Some people even said that Wang Hengzhi gave the orphans of the old brothers in the village to the people of Xia as concubines in order to befriend Xia Guo.

Zhao Xingde was stunned for a moment, and said with a sneer: "It's a misunderstanding. That's why you were asked to strengthen the guard posts in our battalion that day." So he told what happened that night, and sighed: "I'm worried about tarnishing people's reputation, so I also I didn’t tell you, but I didn’t expect it to spread like this.”

Jin Changtai nodded: "The virtuous couple are very affectionate, and they have the same sex all their lives. I guess it's the same. It's just that this rumor came suddenly. Maybe someone with a heart is fueling the flames. I've been thinking about it for the past few days. It was done by other people." He grinned, "There are many wolves in this village, but there is no place to vent their anger. Fortunately, there is not enough to eat. If they are full, there will be more troubles." While speaking He took out an exquisite and small silver jug, took a sip himself, and brought it to Zhao Xingde.

Zhao Xingde took a sip lightly, and the smell of mellow strong wine hit his forehead, he couldn't help being very surprised, knowing that the Han army couldn't even eat enough, and the wine syrup was extremely scarce.He knew very well that Jin Changtai was a man, so he would not use his identity as Sima of the Xia Army to ask the Han army camp for wine. "Could it be that this is a fine wine from Hanzhong?" Zhao Xingde speculated.

"Sure enough, it's like a god." Jin Changtai smiled, "This is Xifeng wine from my hometown. There is only one jug, and it will be gone after drinking it." He took another big sip and handed the jug to Xingde.Zhao Xingde backed off and said, "Since you cherish fine wine, let's keep it for later drinking."

Jin Changtai smiled lightly and said: "You must be happy to the fullest in life, don't let the golden cup be empty to the moon. There are flowers that can be broken straight, don't wait for the flowers to be empty without breaking the branches." He took another sip, his face looked sad , and then handed the jug to Xingde.Zhao Xingde knew that he had something on his mind, so he couldn't refuse, so he took a sip of the drink, but he didn't hand it back to Jin Changtai, and asked: "At the beginning you said that you would retire and start a business as long as you have enough money, last time you joined Li Yong in Lumei The caravan, you got a lot of money, why did you come to this life of 'licking' blood with a knife."

Jin Changtai's face changed slightly, he was silent for a moment, and sighed: "This moment is also that moment. At the beginning, I thought that as long as I became famous, rich and powerful, I would have everything. I later realized that those who missed , the things that have been destroyed, no matter how much money you have, you can’t buy them back.” There was a trace of desperation in his tone, and after a while, his face became a little ferocious again, and he said through gritted teeth, “It’s not like us. If you are born directly, you will always have to venture out, and you will not be able to earn a family property until you are 30 years old, but when you are working hard outside, you find that those old bastards have already taken the most precious It's all taken over." A self-deprecating smile played on his lips.

He snatched the jug from Zhao Xingde's hand, took a sip, the intense alcohol made Lian Sheng cough, and his face turned red.Zhao Xingde patted him on the shoulder and said in a low voice: "When we become famous, I will accompany you back to Hanzhong in the future so that I can show off." Jin Changtai shook his head and said slowly: "If you miss something, you will Missed it forever." He carefully covered the wine pot, stood up, and walked back to the barracks with weak steps.

Zhao Xingde sighed, even in a place as clear as Xia Guo, there are injustices everywhere.After more than ten days, Zhao Xingde and Wang Hengzhi discussed and chose a place called Fenghuang Mountain at the southern foot of Taibai Mountain to set up a village for the Chengying Camp to resettle the people. The supply of supplies happened to be in the vacuum zone where the forces of Khitan and Koryo were intertwined. It turned out that there was a Sanyin city where the Liao army garrisoned. Because the Jurchens were powerful, the Liao people had already shrunk their troops back to Kaizhou, but Goryeo hadn't had time yet. Take over this place.

The Phoenix Mountain is located in a good location, and it is not far from the iron ore production. It seems that Wang Hengzhi has indeed shown considerable sincerity in order to cooperate with Xia Guocheng Yingying. It is no wonder that some people want to spread rumors and maliciously slander him.For more than a month, Zhao Xingde remembered the agreement with Li Ruobing, asking Wang Heng to send the Han army to hunt more animal skins, dig ginseng, etc., and prepare to exchange food and arms with Song.Sure enough, not long after, a messenger came over, saying that the Song State ship would dock near Baozhou, unload the cargo to the Jurchens first, and then unload the drifted ones to the Han army.

Wang Hengzhi was overjoyed by the news, and immediately ordered five hundred soldiers to follow Zhao Xingde to Baozhou to wait for the ship.This Xiaowei Zhao not only represents Xia Guo, but also has a lot of popularity in Song Guo, so it seems unpredictable in Wang Hengzhi's mind.In the past few months, although Chengying camp could not deal with the Han army in other camps, it was not idle. Wang Tongdeng and Ma Rui led the cavalry to investigate in all directions, and basically 'found out' the reality of the Liao people.The Liao Kingdom basically deployed defenses along the north-south line from the south of Huanglong Mansion to Liaoyang. The areas to the east of this line were tightly guarded by important cities, and the coastal defenses were almost nonexistent. Because of this, the Song Dynasty assisted Jurchen Materials can flow unimpeded.

When receiving grain and grass, Zhao Xingde once again saw Li Ruobing who was about to return to the Song Dynasty, and also received the news of Zhao You's death brought by the grain boat.

"Cai Jing's party is too domineering. After the new emperor takes the throne, it is inevitable that he will lose power. However, although the officials were able to treat the virtuous and the corporals and be kind to the scholar-bureaucrats when they were in the East Palace, they still can't see how to govern after they take over the government. I heard that Tong Guan He is still on duty in the Imperial Study. However, Zhao Zhifu pays homage to the Prime Minister, Shao Wu is in charge of the Privy Council, and Mr. Huang is in charge of the Guozijian, and everyone is in charge of the imperial court. The 'treacherous' party can no longer cover the sky with one hand." Li Ruobing glanced around, Zhao Xingde's subordinates were all around ten A few steps away, he couldn't hear the conversation between the two, so he said slowly, "If there is still something to be done for the government, and if the grievances are redressed, is Xing Zhi willing to do his best for the people of Kanto?"

Zhao Xingde was taken aback, he was silent for a moment, and replied in a low voice: "My younger brother is here to fight to the death with Khitan and Jurchen, and the people of the world will serve." At this time, it was getting late, and many seabirds were returning home in the distance Nest, he looked at Li Ruobing with a bit of embarrassment.

Li Ruobing didn't try to persuade him any more, but said in a deep voice: "The newly established Liao Emperor Yelu Dashi is a treacherous and treacherous person, the most tolerant and capable of doing amazing tricks." At this moment, Li Ruobing's face remained normal It was this Yelu Dashi who caused him to be sent from Bianliang to Qiongzhou innocently, and he has been paying attention to this person since then, "His arrangement in Liaodong, in my opinion, is to stop quietly. Thunderbolt. The Jurchen has contempt for him now, but since Xingzhi is dealing with him in Liaodong, he must not have the heart to underestimate the enemy."

Zhao Xingde nodded and said: "Thank you for reminding me, brother. I'm just surprised that the Liao Kingdom claims to have hundreds of thousands of cavalry. Although they have experienced a civil turmoil, they are still not powerless against the Jurchens. Why is Yelu Dashi so good?" In the south, he is so tolerant towards Jurchen, so is it possible that he wants to use troops against Xia Guo?"

Li Ruobing said in a deep voice: "Liaodong is his confidant. If the Liao Kingdom wants to use troops, it must be the first to bear the brunt. Although the Jurchen has risen violently, the Khitan has been established for more than 200 years. In terms of national strength, it is still far stronger than the Jurchen. If the Liao Kingdom is false The rush to raise troops is actually an opportunity for the Jurchens, and now that Yelu Dashi is guarding the camp, although I don't know what his plan is, but once he mobilizes, it will be even more difficult to deal with."

Zhao Xingde nodded in agreement, and after the two said goodbye, they watched Li Ruobing jump onto the sampan and climb up the side of the boat along the gangway.

After the soldiers of the Han army moved the food, grass and weapons, they carried bundles of animal skins, ginseng and other mountain goods onto the small boats put down by the cargo ships of the Song Dynasty.Wang Heng straightened his roughness with finesse, knowing that this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so he was very generous in the amount of goods. The actual amount of goods from Liaodong that Song State exchanged for food and grass was much higher than the smuggled income from the border between Song and Liao.

The subordinate official who was in charge of loading the goods looked at the loads of Liaodong mountain treasures, counted them, and touched the two mustaches on his lips, twitching with a smile, and thought to himself: "In exchange for these mountain goods Going back and selling it, the money you get is more than twice as much as selling grain and grass on the spot in Mizhou. This Li Chengzhi looks old-fashioned, but he is actually a very good man."

The smuggling boats of the Song court gradually disappeared into the hazy sky, and it was unknown where they would anchor that night. "Where is our ship?" Wang Tongdeng stood beside Zhao Xingde and said in a deep voice. "Maybe," Zhao Xingde said in a low voice, "it will be here soon." Now he is getting more and more homesick.

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