Chapter 233: I'm Going to Die Today (4)

"Mr. Zhao, we have other important matters, and we should not cause more trouble." Xu Detai hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "How about taking this 'woman' away and resettling her again, it would be considered as humane." Before Zhao Xingde answered, The old man next to him howled again: "The high officials took this bitch away. The Khitan master has arrived. If we don't hand over him, the whole family will die. You can pity me, this old bone." Seeing that this group of strong men still made some sense, the young and old of his family couldn't help feeling lucky and hopeful, and wept bitterly.

The faces of the soldiers in the Chengying Camp changed slightly, knowing that such shrews would not end well if they started arguing, Du Chuijiao took a step forward to Zhao Xingde, and put the scabbard in front of him.Because of the chaotic situation, he was worried about accidental injury, but he didn't dare to shoot the knife.This old woman is also stupid, she only thought that this group of people wanted to rob people but they didn't dare to kill them, so she simply held Du Chuijiao's scabbard, and said sarcastically, "I'm not alive anymore." While crying, While dragging the scabbard to the ground, Du Chuijiao couldn't beat or scold, his head was almost split in two, and he tugged at the old woman with embarrassment.The old man took an inch and shouted at the surrounding neighbors: "You can't just watch the fun, if you let them take this bitch away from my family, and the Khitan master gets angry, no one will be able to escape."

Xu Detai looked at Zhao Xingde with embarrassment. There were about forty or fifty Han soldiers in other cottages. When everyone robbed houses in private and took the people under their control, no one's hands were clean. .However, since it was caused by Zhao Xingde and his group, everyone also held the attitude of watching a show, and stood around with strange expressions, watching how these people would end up.

Zhong Twelve watched the excitement for a long time, but no one came to attack him. After being disappointed, he became more courageous, and shouted in a flash: "This fucker Kefu, hand her over to the Khitan people, just to beat them. " After finishing speaking, I laughed unconsciously, feeling that I was smarter than others. "Yes, this is a mourner." Several villagers shouted, as if thinking about it like this, the Khitan people would suffer a lot.

After making a fuss for a while, someone cursed uncleanly. "The people from other places are robbing people, kill these gangsters." Someone in the crowd yelled.In front of the brutal and tyrannical Khitan people, they kept silent, and even offered their wealth and children with both hands.The Zhang family's daughter-in-law is pretty and handsome, and makes some men itch, if she is spoiled by the Khitan people, it's fine, but if this foreign guest official takes her away, she will feel a little uncomfortable.Under the excitement of the crowd, they actually gritted their teeth. If the tongue could kill, a dozen or so soldiers would have been torn to pieces.

The faces of the soldiers changed slightly, and Zhao Xingde's face was covered with a cloud, looking at the old woman who was holding Du Chuijiao and playing tricks, he said in a deep voice: "This family should be tied up first, and those who resist will be killed, *** beheaded to show the public!" Liu Zheng said hesitantly: "My lord, this..." Zhao Xingde glanced at him and shouted: "Do it, I will bear all the responsibility myself!"

Du Chuijiao pulled the scabbard with his backhand without hesitation when he heard the words. The old woman was caught off guard by the scabbard and fell to the ground with a bloodstain on her face.Since joining Chengyingying, Du Chuijiao has had [-] or [-] lives in his hands, and he has no scruples anymore after getting the military order.The old woman was still in a daze, but Du Chuijiao took a step forward, resting the gleaming horizontal knife on her neck, with a fierce look in his eyes, he yelled fiercely: "If you are not honest, I will kill you shrew!" As soon as she drank, the old woman immediately put away her tears and snot, and there was a stench from under her body. She was so frightened that feces and urine flowed out. She was still tearing Du Buijiao's robe just now, but now she was trembling.

The other sergeants had already held back their anger, and they were merciless after hearing the order. They slapped and slapped the scabbard repeatedly, crackling and attacking at the vital points. They only heard the sound of crying father and mother, and the family just hugged their heads to avoid the rats running , The sergeants immediately tripped with their palms and legs, and knocked him to the ground in a moment, stepped on him without moving, put the horizontal knife on the enemy's neck, and looked at Zhao Xingde.The Chengying camp is far away from the country to carry out dispatch military affairs, but it obeys the orders of the school lieutenant alone.At this time, as long as an order was given, the sergeants swung their knives and beheaded without hesitation.

Just as Zhong Twelve was about to yell twice, when the knife light appeared, he was like a chicken wiping its neck, holding back the swearing, ignoring the pain in his chest and throat, and staring into the arena with wide eyes, "Kill or not!" Kill?" He was inexplicably excited.These villains flashed their knives, and the rest of the village fell silent. Although the Khitan people do not allow Han children to practice martial arts and shoot arrows, but they were born in troubled times, they still have good eyesight. Putting a knife on a person's neck is as easy and comfortable as using chopsticks to pick up vegetables, but it also has an unspeakable meaning, which makes people feel unspeakably uncomfortable.

In an instant, Xu Detai, E Liye and the others suddenly changed their colors. The common people didn't know it, but they could see that what these soldiers radiated from their gestures was the murderous aura. A few dead souls.What's even more shocking is that he usually looks like an ordinary person, but with a military order, he is like an evil spirit released from hell.Immediately, these people looked at Zhao Xingde with more fear in their eyes.

The sergeants stopped the scene, Zhao Xingde just said to Xu Detai: "Please forgive Zhao's recklessness, this is not fair, I will forget it if I don't encounter it, since I have to take care of it." Xu Detai smiled reluctantly: "Zhao From the words of the gentleman, seeing the injustice in the road, doing justice for the heavens, is what we should do." The other Han army village masters also said hello, they had no position at first, they just watched the excitement, and when they saw the surname Zhao, they made a quick decision, and their subordinates also said hello. If you are very skilled, you can't help but have a heart to make friends.Several people secretly inquired about the identities of Zhao Xingde and others from Xu Detai's subordinates. They only knew that this group of people seemed to be from the newly established Hanzhai by the Yalu River.

It was just dawn, and none of the sergeants had any ropes on them. Du Chuijiao looked at Zhao Xingde and asked if he should send someone to find the ropes. Go get the rope yourself, and tie up these people." The old man was screaming at the sky just now, but now his face was pale, and he lowered his head and said: "Yes, yes, I will go and find you, my lord, spare me, spare my life." He said Struggling to get up, he walked into the inner room under the supervision of a sergeant. After a while, he found a circle of straw ropes, and carefully tied his family members tightly one by one. What method, actually tied himself up, leaving half of the rope.The rest of the village watched this scene quietly, not daring to vent their anger, which was really different from the turbulent situation just now.

Du Chuijiao laughed and scolded unknowingly: "You old man, you are quite capable of kidnapping people. Could it be that you did the kidnapping business in the past?"

The old man took a bite of him and stammered: "I, my old Zhang family ancestors have been good citizens for generations." Liu Zheng spat on the ground and cursed: "A good citizen, send your daughter-in-law with both hands." For the good people of the Khitan people?" Seeing the pale face of the death-seeking woman, he took two steps towards her, as if to embolden her, the woman seemed to feel kindness, and raised her head to thank him He smiled lightly, although the smile was pale and forced, but it made Liu Zheng's heart skip a beat, and he thought to himself, this time it was worth it.

This scene fell into the eyes of Zhong Twelve and the other men, and it was very interesting.Zhong Twelve thought angrily: "I live next door to your house, and I never smile. His face is colder than that of a dead man. F*ck, he just smiled at the wild man passing by. He really is a bitch, and he deserves it." A widow, she deserves it... Fucking a rotten woman..." He scolded happily in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face, he just watched innocently, refusing to leave.

Seeing these people bully the weak like wolves and tigers, and when confronted with the strong, they are as stupid and cowardly. Although Zhao Xingde controlled the situation, he felt quite uncomfortable. , To fight with Khitan and Jurchen these two tigers is just a dream." The mood was so gloomy like the sky before the rainstorm, Zhao Xingde asked the old man again: "How many people are there in that group of Khitan soldiers? But will they come to fetch people today?"

Xu Detai's face changed slightly, and he swallowed the words again, secretly thinking that although Zhao De was an officer, he had a strong blood after all, and when he was really angry, he was desperate to take the nature of the Khitan who caused the accident 'Life.The chiefs of the Han village glanced at each other, seeing a trace of admiration in each other's eyes.He also felt a slight chill in his heart, secretly thinking that this person is really not easy to mess with.

The old man's face turned green and then pale, and after a while, he finally plucked up the courage and begged: "My man, if you kill the Khitan people here, it is really equivalent to taking the sex of more than 300 people in this village." Fate, old man, I will go all out to destroy the family and eliminate the disaster. If you take a fancy to my daughter-in-law, take her away, and you must not kill the Khitan people here." The people around looked at the commotion, and had already forgotten this incident. The other thing, now that I heard that these Qiang Liang still want to kill the Khitan people, this time they dare not cry loudly, but they still kept begging. "Hero, just let us go." "We've set up a longevity tablet for you!" "Please, spare me, hero!"

Just at this time, there was a voice, ""Master Zhao," Zhao Xingde followed his reputation, and the sergeant Zhou Liang squeezed over from the crowd, and said in a low voice: "More than ten riders are coming this way, and they will be here soon. Going to the village. "Xu Detai's face changed, he raised his head to meet two piercing gazes, Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice: "Good time! "

After a while, all the soldiers had put on full armor and hid behind the houses of the people, holding bows and arrows, ready to ambush the Khitans.This kind of small-scale ambush is exactly what Chengying Camp is good at. Two sergeants and eight Han troops were assigned to watch the villagers. There was a burst of sound, and the figures of more than a dozen cavalry gradually became apparent, and their costumes did not look like regular Khitan cavalry, but it is not surprising that Yelu Dashi has recently integrated many tribal soldiers.The scimitar and quiver hanging on the saddle are also very obvious. The dozen or so riders seem to be defenseless, and they are getting closer and closer.

The cavalry entered the shooting range of the bow and arrow, Zhao Xingde slowly opened the bow and set the arrow, and was waiting for an order, Xu Detai beside him suddenly shouted: "Wait a minute, it's my own! This is my own!"

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