Chapter 236: I'm Not Satisfied (2)

Chen Dong nodded, and was about to follow Zhu Sen's words, asking him to take over the social affairs of the Fujian Luli Society. He just opened his mouth, but before he could say anything, he heard Zhu Sen sigh: "Shaoyang just arrived in the capital. But they went to the south again, and the time we met was short, when will you and Miss Shishi get married? I can't even drink this cup of wedding wine, it's really a pity!"

When Zhu Sen was employed by Yang Shi, when he was studying in the mountains, his wife's family sent a letter asking him to be safe. After reading it, he only replied with one word "An" or "Good", and then devoted himself to searching for Confucian principles.Such a serious person suddenly changed the subject, Chen Dong couldn't help it, and said vaguely: "This is coming soon, soon." He was silent for a moment, his face slightly gloomy, and said: "Deng Shouyi came here on a special trip the day before yesterday Advise me, don't miss a big deal because of a woman." Chen Dong has always been criticized for his fornication with prostitutes.Now, when Qingliu and the 'treacherous' gangsters are fighting fiercely, many scholars in the Neo Confucian Society have quite a few complaints about Chen Dong.Deng Su also represents the perception of many people.

Zhu Sen raised his eyebrows slightly, and said in a deep voice: "Although Shouyi is proficient in classics, he is not good at debating righteousness and benefit. His so-called 'righteousness and benefit go hand in hand', but in fact he always puts benefit before righteousness. At the beginning, I made an appointment with Zhang Minghuan to surrender to the Kaifeng mansion, but I couldn't make it through to persuade Zhang Minghuan to repent. people.” The case of exposing the posts has always been a scar in the hearts of Lishe people.Although Deng Su and others are also prominent figures in the Neo-Confucian Society, until now, Zhu Sen has blamed other scholars who pleaded guilty in Kaifeng Mansion because of Zhang Bing's death, thinking that they were the ones who killed Zhang Bing, and the two sides were strangers.Chen Dong said with some embarrassment: "That's a situation that prohibits it. It's unavoidable. Besides, the 'treacherous' party is cunning. They use punishment to 'force' them and use profit to lure them. Brother Zhu should not go into it too deeply."

However, Zhu Sen snorted disapprovingly and said: "It is precisely because he has this idea of ​​'justice and benefit' that he is easily blamed. The "treacherous" party has a gap to take advantage of. Brother Shaoyang, you must not be "confuse" and "confused" by this false theory." Chen Dong nodded in agreement, and Zhu Sen took a sip of tea and said, "These few days In the past few years, I have seen clearly in the capital that Miss Shishi has offended a lot of dignitaries for Brother Chen. If it wasn’t for Li Bangyan who opened Gonglou, someone would have made things difficult for her. She is in a brothel, but she can’t do it for Brother Chen. Sticking to chastity, such a strange woman cannot be let down."

Although Chen Dong nodded frequently, his expression was troubled. Zhu Sen frowned and said, "If you are short of money, I can help you." But he wholeheartedly encouraged his son to Congwen. Even when the Lixue case was the most serious, he did not object to Zhu Sen's friendship with Chen Dong and others. When the Lixue Society first opened, he also sponsored a lot of money.

Chen Dong shook his head and sighed: "It's not about the money, Li Bangyan refuses to let him go." There was a slight sternness in his eyes, and Li Bangyan, the deputy envoy of the Privy Council, was behind Gonglou.Since the late emperor passed away and Chen Dong and other Qingliu officials came back to life, Li Bangyan was even more unwilling to let Li Shishi learn from him.

"So that's how it is," Zhu Sen nodded slightly, "This matter should continue, and I will be 'disturbed'..." He was silent for a moment, took a cup of tea and drank it, and said, "Forget it, I will leave the capital soon and go south As the saying goes, it is better to obtain from the straight than to seek from the melody, and today I will help you to redeem the master from the Gong Tower." After saying this, he stood up and brought Chen Dong to the school grounds of the Jiedu Envoy's Mansion. Next to him, he whispered a few words to a military academy who was lifting a stone lock. The military academy had an excited and strange look on his face, but he didn't ask any more questions, and immediately gathered more than 20 generals.

"Brother Zhu, what are you doing?" Chen Dong's face changed color, and he guessed what Zhu Sen meant, but he didn't expect that his so-called "Ning is straight" is actually such a "straight" method.

But Zhu Sen didn't answer, and said in a deep voice, "Brother Chen shouldn't 'show' his face in this matter, but it's just right for me to do it." How do you plan to arrange for Miss Shi Shi, if you want a matchmaker to marry, hurry up and prepare the matchmaker's betrothal gift." After speaking, he laughed twice, and took more than [-] generals to go out, holding big sticks and iron rulers and waiting Qi Qi surrounded the dignified Zhu Sen in a Confucian robe, and the group went straight to Gonglou. This scene was indescribably strange.

Li Shishi had met Zhu Sen a few times earlier at banquets, and knew that he was Chen Dong's friend. Although he thought it was strange that Mr. Zhu forced himself to go downstairs, looking at Chen Dong's face, he still came from the embroidered room on the fourth floor. When she came down from the pavilion, seeing Zhu Sen had brought a group of wolf-like generals, Li Shishi immediately thought of some possibility, her heart was beating like it was going to explode, she held her breath, her eyes did not blink Looking at Jun Sen.

The turtle slave who was waiting next to him said twice that he was surprised. One was that it was strange that the top girl would actually come down to this noisy lobby to meet the guests. You must know that some guest officials spent one or two hundred coins to go to the embroidery pavilion. Drinking a cup of tea and listening to the sound of the zither, the second is that these two people didn't speak when they met. Li Shishi seemed to see his lover, his eyes were watery. Even Mr. Chen was never so excited when he came. Mr. Zhu also looked her up and down, and nodded appreciatively.This riddle can make other people 'puzzled'.

When Li's mother from Gonglou heard that Zhu Jiedu's young master had come to visit the brothel, and came to greet her in person, she was taken aback when she saw this situation. Seeing the guests in the lobby on the first floor were all whispering, Li's mother felt a little nervous , made a coquettish smile, and said loudly: "Ouch, I heard the magpies calling in the morning, so I knew that there was a distinguished guest today. Unexpectedly, it was Uncle Guo, what a rare guest."

Zhu Sen smiled slightly, ignored him, walked up to Li Shishi a step away, and asked in a deep voice: "Take you to see Chen Dong, follow me." Li Shishi covered his cherry lips with both hands, surprised and happy, almost I'm about to cry.Seeing that she didn't respond, Zhu Sen frowned slightly, and said in a serious voice, "Follow me." After speaking, he turned and left.

Li Shishi immediately nodded repeatedly, lifted his skirt, and followed Zhu Sen's back without leaving, as if he was afraid that he would leave him behind and left.A bodhisattva wearing a bodice, with an imposing demeanor, and a skirt fluttering, walking leisurely, the two of them are like gods, but their pace is extremely fast, and they have arrived at the door when everyone is still in a daze in the lobby of Gonglou .Mother Li opened her mouth in surprise, her mouth was so big that she could hold an orange. Seeing that Li Shishi was about to follow Zhu Sen out of the Gonglou, she jumped up and shouted angrily: "Stop them, stop them quickly! You can't let him just like this Take Shishi away!"

The turtle slave guards ate and drank and woke up. They were about to step forward to block the way, but they were stopped at the door by two rows of generals from the Zhu family. Although he didn't bring a knife, he was holding big sticks, iron rulers and other instruments in his hands. More than 20 people stood at the door, like a thick human wall. Moreover, the Gui Nu guards who had been in the brothel all knew the big family of the capital. However, tens of thousands of imperial duty officers live in Bianjing City. How can the people in Zhu Jiedu's mansion, the imperial commander, be able to collide with them.Seeing Zhu Sen take Li Shishi away, Li's mother didn't even dare to curse, a group of turtle slave guards shrank their necks, and confronted the generals of Zhu's family in embarrassment, the leader Zhu Kai of the military academy He laughed and said: "My son wants to be beautiful as an adult, so just make an order for the money for redemption, and send it to Zhu's mansion."

Zhu Kai walked a dozen steps away with a straight face, couldn't help laughing anymore, and said with a big laugh: "It's so good, it's so fucking good!!" More than [-] generals laughed together, and everyone chattered Normally, Zhu Jiedu ruled the government with the military law, and he controlled everyone very strictly, and the young master looked like a pedantic teacher. Who would have thought that today he would lead everyone to do a happy thing like breaking into a brothel and grabbing the top girl? He really is a general. As a general, Zhu's family will be famous in the capital for a period of time in the future.

Zhu Sen was extremely careful. He asked Chen Dong about his intention to marry the matchmaker, so he didn't send Li Shishi directly to the Chen Mansion, but stayed in the opposite market for a while, and sent his family members to the Chen Mansion to deliver the matchmaker and the dowry gift. With his familiarity with etiquette and the fact that he has someone under his command, in less than a stick of incense, he actually made the decision to give the six rituals of Nacai, asking for names, Najib, Nazheng, asking for a date, and welcoming him in person. After finishing, let the hired sedan chair send Li Shishi to Chen's residence.

Uncle Zhu Jiaguo forcibly snatched the top girl, and fulfilled a good deed for his friend.The supervisory censor unexpectedly took a woman from a brothel as his wife.In less than half a day, these two incidents became the most lively topics in the entire capital, some were applauded, some were scolded assholes, and some were lamented.That night, bullets like snowflakes were handed over to the imperial court.Emperor Zhao Ke went through a bunch of memorials, and they all said the same thing, describing Zhu Sen as an arrogant playboy, while Chen Dong was a shameless and shameless scholar scum.

"Nonsense, nonsense!" Zhao Ke couldn't help being angry and funny, feeling a little relieved in his heart, and secretly said, Chen Shaoyang dared to say that his bones were really bad, and now that this happened, let's see how he has the face to pretend to be a saint.After all, this man is not a saint, and it is time for those scholars of science to stop praising him. "I have decreed that Chen Dong will be demoted to one rank and fined for one year. As a relative of the state, Zhu Sen would do such a thing, which is disrespectful to the royal family. I will punish him to study behind closed doors at home for a year, so that he can think about it." But Zhu Sen is said to have learned from Master Yang Shi, but he has to be disciplined."

Zhao Ke came to the Palace of Rouyi to tell the Queen about the disposition, and then he was more comforted by Yan Yue's color, and he couldn't see how angry he was.Zhu Bona, the governor of the Wuchang Army, held the military amulet of the capital, but he was extremely loyal to the royal family. Generals like the Cao family in Xijing, the Yang family in Hedong, the Zhe family, and even the Liu family in Hebei all wanted to keep military power in their clans , even father and son followed each other like the former vassals.Only the Zhu family, the leading generals in the capital, insisted on letting their son abandon martial arts and follow literature, and few of the family's children joined the army.The Zhu family's father and son who are so knowledgeable made Zhao Ke very satisfied. Zhu Sen didn't say that if he robbed a prostitute, he would destroy ten brothels. Zhao Ke also liked him a hundred times better than other generals.Originally, although Zhu Sen didn't become an official, he had an attitude of looking after him, which made Zhao Ke feel vigilant. After all, he was not at ease with his relatives and generals after all.Now that he actually went to snatch the brothel girl and destroy his reputation, whether it was intentional or unintentional, Zhao Ke was relieved a lot.

"Thank you Your Majesty for protecting Long En. My father will definitely discipline this disobedient brother." Zhu Ying said softly. She got up and sent Zhao Ke back to the Chuigong Palace to review the memorial. When she turned around and came back, her face was filled with relief. The 'color'.

"After all, a pair of lovers has been fulfilled." Zhu Ying opened a volume of poems, one of which was: "I have been standing under the white clouds for a long time, and I am comforted by my thoughts in the morning. One whip at the eunuch's office, three cauldrons and family time. Su The rain opens the vegetable armor, the smoked wind lies on the wheat flag. The horse's head is full of joy, which has been foretold by the magpie." This is Li Ruobing's "Welcome Poem" that was originally written by Li Ruobing. Unknowingly, a few tears fell on the yellow hair on the scroll.

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