Chapter 251: Listening to String Songs Everywhere (6)

"Ah," Zhao Xingde sighed, pondered for a while, and finally said seriously: "East Liaodong has been in the hands of the Hu people for a long time, and the Han people have lost the education of ritual and music in the Central Plains. They are close to the barbarians and far away from China. It's sad. Since you want to revive the Han Dynasty, you should revitalize China's rites and music education, so that the strings will continue." He fell to the ground with all the generals of the Han army present, and said earnestly: "Please recruit teachers vigorously to teach Han. The common people in the army learn Chinese characters and read Chinese books, so that the Han people in Liaodong not only have my Chinese blood, but also have my Chinese heart."

The tent became quiet again, Zhang Liuge thought: "You can't finish the battle, what kind of rites, music, strings and songs, you are an idiot." Doubtful, Xu Detai murmured silently.Wang Xuansu secretly said: "This General Zhao is a man of 'nature'. The education of rites and music is good for us to consolidate our foundation, but where can we find many people who can read and write to teach us?"

Han Ningshuang was silent for a moment, and finally nodded and agreed: "This is what we should do. It seems that we have been negligent for Mr. Zhao to bring it up." Thinking of the rumors in the Song Dynasty, Han Ningshuang did not doubt that Zhao Xingde's discussion was hiding some selfish intentions .Although she has been busy with the revival of the Han army all year round, she has been paying attention to the affairs of the Xia, Song and Liao countries. After Chen Kang explained Zhao Xingde's identity to her, he also made a special effort to learn about the Neo-Confucianism Society, Zhang Bing, Chen Dong and others. His deeds are also a bit embarrassing.

Seeing that an agreement was reached, Wang Xuansu handed over the blueprint of Nanshan City to Zhao Xingde, and said with a smile, "Thank you, Mr. Zhao." Zhao Xingde took the blueprint, nodded bitterly, and said, "Do your best, do your best."

The plan has been decided, the generals bowed to leave, Zhao Xingde also cupped his hands, put the pattern under his arm, and was about to leave, but Han Ningshuang said in a deep voice: "Generals, let's go separately, Mr. Zhao, please stay, Ningshuang has something to do." Inquiry." Zhao Xingde stopped in his tracks.Wang Xuansu, Xu Detai and other generals of the Han army were also a little surprised, and they withdrew from the Chinese army account with complicated expressions.

There were only two people left in the huge tent, and Han Ningshuang didn't speak, the atmosphere was a little delicate.Zhao Xingde didn't know how to be sentimental, so he broke the silence first and said: "If you want to ask the leader Han, I know everything, and I can talk endlessly."

Han Ningshuang bit her lips lightly, as if hesitating, and finally asked: "Mr. just mentioned the matter of etiquette and music education, which reminded Ningshuang of some other doubts." She laughed at herself. In my eyes, barbarians are similar to wild beasts, and we Han children are also similar to barbarians. I don’t know what you think of the difference between barbarians and Xia?” Zhao Xingde was taken aback, but he didn’t expect Han Ningshuang to leave him alone. A question that has been debated for thousands of years.

The Han people in eastern Liaodong lived mixed with the Hu people and intermarried with each other. Those who lived in the Jurchen and Khitan tribes have forgotten their origins.Hu people have always been assimilated into the Central Plains, but the situation in Liaodong is the opposite. Because of the disparity between strength and weakness, if we ignore it, I am afraid that after a few generations, a large part of the Han people will be assimilated into the Hu nationality.That's why Zhao Xingde asked the Han army to promote ritual and music education to strengthen inheritance and recognition of the clan, so as not to disintegrate due to cultural rupture.

After pondering for a moment, Zhao Xingde smiled awkwardly and said, "Leader Han has a big problem."

Outside the tent of the Chinese army, Sixth Brother Zhang was muttering to Wang Xuansu: "Why did Miss Han leave this kid alone? Could it be because she fell in love with him? Tsk tsk, there are so many heroes in our Han army. Do you want Missy to marry an outsider?" Wang Xuansu frowned, and shouted: "While staying here, do you need your permission if Missy wants to meet someone? It's because you are such a 'messy' gossip, Miss Han I will leave him alone for questioning," he said with a positive look on his face, "this Zhao has some knowledge, and he must be asking about important military affairs."

In the account of the Chinese Army, Zhao Xingde said: "Since ancient times, the root of the rise and fall of national governance and chaos lies in the gathering and dispersal of people's hearts. When the hearts of the people in the country are united, the national power will be strong. On the contrary, when the hearts of the people are scattered, the country will be strong. Decline. During the Spring and Autumn period, the Zhou family declined, the barbarians flourished, and the king of Ping moved to the east. Therefore, Qi Huan Guanzhong "respected the king and rejected the barbarians". Now the Han people in Liaodong have been bullied and oppressed by gangsters for a long time, and it is just the right time for the Han army to promote ritual and music education."

Han Ningshuang lowered her head and pondered for a moment, before she sighed, "Well, Mr. Zhao asked me to hire Mr. Yan to teach the common people rites and music for the sake of the Han army. I have offended a lot a while ago, please forgive me." She stood up and wanted to check her waist as a courtesy, Zhao Xingde hurriedly turned sideways to avoid it, cupped his hands and said: "Don't worry about trivial matters."

After Zhao Xingde left, Han Ningshuang summoned Wang Xuansu and Xu Detai again, and discussed with them that part of the Han army that was originally scheduled to be transferred to Guannan, Suzhou, would be left in Kaizhou, under the command of General Wang Hengzhi, to operate forces in the southern foothills of Taibai Mountain and the Yalu River.Wang Hengzhi is a highly respected veteran of the Han army. With him here to preside over the overall situation, it can be regarded as an acceptance of Zhao Xingde's suggestion.

But Wang Xuansu was a bit misunderstood, and asked in a low voice: "Miss, this Xiaguo camp is located in Phoenix Mountain. It is said that in the past few months, it has engulfed tens of thousands of people. Daxing. Keep more soldiers and horses here in Kaizhou, do you want to prevent Xia Guoying from becoming bigger?" Xu Detai stood beside him and did not make a sound. The Han army just cleaned out Mr. Han Da's people, and they are very sensitive to colluding with outsiders. Therefore, Even if he wanted to help Zhao Xingde, he could only keep silent.

Han Ningshuang glanced at him, and said in a deep voice: "Xia Guoyuan is thousands of miles away, Mr. Zhao is so kind to us, this Phoenix Mountain force is a friend rather than an enemy, they come from afar, if there is any trouble, Kaizhou Village can help I'm busy, I can help." She remembered Zhao Xingde's embarrassing expression of avoiding her confession, and a smile appeared on the corner of her mouth.

Wang Xuansu and Xu Detai were ordered to leave.Xu Detai secretly sighed in his heart, people's hearts are flesh and blood, and Mr. Zhao treats each other with sincerity, the two families can finally trust each other, which is of great help to Xinghan's great cause.He thought so in his heart, but he didn't dare to show it on his face.Wang Xuansu murmured to himself: "Could it be that Missy really has a secret affection for Zhao?" Not far away, Gao Bolong and Brother Zhang walked towards this side with gossipy faces, Wang Xuansu couldn't help frowning, saying this Doubt is buried in the bottom of my heart, and my face sinks like water.

In the Huanglong Mansion of the Kingdom of Jin, Mr. Han Da unfolded the recently collected secret reports, the veins on the back of his hands were exposed, and his beard trembled slightly. "What a ruthless woman." He thought to himself, "Since that's the case, I won't show mercy."

Of the eight cottages that took refuge with Mr. Han Da, six of them had changed hands. The leader of the Han army was ambushed and killed five people on the way back to the camp.The enemy did not succeed in the other two cottages, but threatened that they had betrayed the Han family and had already been expelled from the Han army.The Han army acted secretly and decisively, and cut off the main traffic routes in advance.It was not until more than ten days after Han Ningshuang and the others left that Mr. Han Da got the news that his party members in the Han army had been hit hard.

Wanyan Zongbi sat opposite, and said with a wry smile: "It seems that Ningshuang is very unhappy. Unfortunately, there is a saying that 'a man who knows the current affairs is a hero', no matter how hard she runs, these men will still be torn apart and will not be great." He handed a list to Mr. Han Da. During the time in Huanglong Mansion, although he was on the side of Han Ningshuang on the surface, he secretly showed his favor to him and the nobles of the Jin Kingdom. There were quite a few generals in the Han army.

Mr. Han Da knew what he meant, he suppressed the anger in his heart, forced a smile and said: "Fourth Prince, don't worry, as long as the Han army is in our hands, we won't be afraid of her submitting." He paused, and said, "Han Ningshuang is cautious by nature. This move to move the Han army to the south with great fanfare is definitely a plan. It's a pity that her confidantes are really pushing the plan, and the nearby village only knows her destination."

Wanyan Zongbi said with a smile: "This king just came here to solve the 'confusion' of Mr."

"Really?" Mr. Han Da felt a little strange.

Wanyan Zongbi approached and said in a low voice: "The Ministry of Jurchen in the north of Suzhou Pass came to report that the Han people in Chenzhou contacted them to attack Suzhou Pass. The Southern Dynasties exchanged for tea and cloth."

"So that's how it is." Mr. Han Da's eyes lit up, he twirled the beard under his chin with his left hand, and asked, "The fourth prince has a countermeasure."

Wanyan Zongbi picked up the teacup on the table, took a sip quite politely, and said with a smile: "Ningshuang wants to raise troops to make things difficult for the Liao Kingdom, both public and private, and I will help her."

As the sun set, the sky turned from crimson to light yellow, from warm light yellow to melancholy light blue, and then to a deep purple. The first bright star appeared in the northwest sky, lighting up the camp of the Han army. Make a campfire.Han Ningshuang sat alone in the tent, thinking of the ritual and music education, and when she became interested, she took out the guqin that she carried with her, plucked the strings with her fingers, and played a piece of the piano.The sound of the zither echoed in the camp, and the guards all looked happy, guessing that the eldest lady was in a good mood.Not long after, intentionally or unintentionally, the neighing of people and horses weakened, and a fresh and refined zither sound wafted through the camp, with an inexplicable excitement on everyone's face.

Zhao Xingde was thinking hard about the principles of city building in his tent. As the saying goes, although he didn't understand the art of city building, he always put forward the design principles first, and then perfected the details.While scratching his ears and cheeks, the sound of the piano suddenly sounded outside. Compared with the noisy sound he was used to, this pleasant sound of the piano seemed to disturb his thoughts even more.

"It's so noisy." Holding a pencil in one hand, Zhao Xingde murmured, "Shouldn't playing the qin be banned in the barracks?" After a while, he remembered helplessly that there seemed to be no military regulations forbidding playing the qin. "I'm going to add this in the future." He put the pencil on his ear and thought while holding his head, "The first principle of city building should be to prohibit any 'shooting' dead ends."

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