Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 258 Li Du Taigu

Chapter 258 Baili Dutaigu (2)

Since most of the Han people in the Liao Kingdom have been assigned to the big Khitan clans as slaves, the powers of the Nanmian officials are also different from before. They no longer manage the affairs of the Han people, but are responsible for collecting taxes for workshops such as textiles, iron smelting, and porcelain making. , incentives for farming and sericulture, management of slave trade and other matters.In addition to governing the Khitan people, the northern officials were also responsible for the training of soldiers in peacetime, and dispatched soldiers and horses to fight in wartime.The few Han military camps in the Liao Kingdom that have not been abolished will be changed to Yi family and surnamed, and will be under the jurisdiction of the north.Most of the officials in the south are experienced court officials, while the yamen in the north are completely controlled by Yelu Dashi's true confidants, and it is absolutely impossible for others to get involved.

"A total of 570 million slaves were enriched in the farms and workshops of the major families, and more than 100 million were cast in the military states of the princes and dignitaries. With this large number of slaves, the tribes engaged in logging, coal mining, iron smelting, The weaving industry is booming, and the output has more than doubled compared to before. Moreover, after the small fields are merged into the big farm, the labor force used is reduced, and the harvested grain, mulberry and silkworm rearing are more than before." Xiao Xiaode said with a smile on his face. According to the report, "Since Your Majesty came to the throne, all businesses have flourished. We no longer need to buy cloth, grain, and ironware from the Southern Dynasty this year. I estimate that only this autumn, the merchants from the Southern Dynasty will come to buy our cloth, rice wine, ironware and other goods. "Although there was a strong sense of flattery in his words, it was more of sincere admiration.

At the very beginning, only some Khitan nobles supported Yelu Dashi. Since he succeeded to the throne, he has given both kindness and power. On the one hand, he eliminated dissidents several times and almost changed the leaders of all tribes. After that, the output of various utensils increased sharply.In just two years, the wealth of the wealthy Khitan family has doubled compared to before.Taxes were collected through the government offices in the south, and distributed in the name of military salaries and subsidies. Now the life of ordinary Khitan people is actually better than that of the small tribal leaders in the past.And all this happened in just two years.Except for those whose heads had been cut off, all the Khitan people, no matter rich or poor, noble or humble, no matter who died with him, or those who later turned to him, are now grateful and loyal to Yelu Dashi.In the past, everyone gritted their teeth and scolded Yelu Yanxi to express their loyalty to His Majesty Dashi, but now Yelu Yanxi is hardly mentioned anymore.

"Your Majesty is like the sun and the moon in the sky, you don't need to be accompanied by a foolish emperor." Xiao Xiaode thought to himself, looking at the contemplative Majesty behind the imperial case respectfully, he couldn't help but think of the legend that His Majesty the Empress Dowager swallowed it in her dream A round of red sun, the legend about the birth of His Majesty Dashi after being conceived in October, "This is a round of sun bestowed by the Longevity God to the Khitan people. No wonder young men are willing to die for him."

Yelu Dashi smiled slightly, and asked: "Is it true that there is no need to trade goods from the Nanchao market?" Without waiting for Xiao Xiaode's response, he replied, "Although the cloth and silk wares produced by my Chao workshop are abundant and cheap, they are comparable to Compared with the Southern Dynasties, the exquisiteness and detail are not as good, so you still have to buy what you should buy."

He knew in his heart that there is no need to buy all kinds of utensils from Yibubo in Song Dynasty. On the one hand, the production of Liao workshops has greatly increased, which can meet the needs of ordinary Khitan people; slaves, the demand for these Southern Dynasties goods shrank greatly.It is not entirely that the various industries of the country completely surpassed the Southern Dynasties.He knew this in his heart, but he would not say it out loud, so as not to embarrass the Privy Councilor of the South Court.

At the beginning, he carefully examined the gains and losses of the Xia and Song countries in the south, and found that the reason why the Xia State was stronger than the Song and Liao States was that one was to establish the country with military force, and the other was to reward business and industry, so that the benefits of business and industry were far greater than those of farming.Therefore, when the workshops in the Liao Kingdom prospered, the demand for slaves increased greatly, and the common people of the Han Dynasty would rather live on the tens of acres of land passed down by their ancestors than enter the workshops.So Yelu Dashi insisted that the people who had no resistance be classified as slaves. Apart from some of them farming in the farms, many of them entered the workshops opened by the Khitan nobles.Due to the sufficient supply of slaves, in just two years, the scale and output of Liao Kingdom workshops have more than doubled, and with the expansion of workshops, there will be a steady stream of slaves sold from farms to factories in the future. square.

Yelu Dashi raised his hand so that Xiao Xiaode would not be nervous to apologize, and said slowly: "We Khitan people are good at fighting, and we just need to take care of the slaves. You go tell the masters of those workshops, just like using Han slaves to take care of the big farms, let the shopkeepers go Slaves manage workshops, do business, and improve the quality of utensils. There must be rewards and punishments. In my opinion, slave shopkeepers who do a good job should be rewarded a lot. Wide houses and mansions, four horses and high carts, beauties, golden silk, etc. are all fine. Here, don't be stingy." Yelu Dashi said with a hint of sarcasm on his face, "Also, since the Southern Dynasty paid a lot of money to hire craftsmen, it won't take long for the quality of the utensils produced by our Dynasty to catch up with that of the Southern Dynasty. This policy of procreation and prosperity requires a lot of hard work from Privy Councilor Xiao."

Xiao Xiaode hurriedly lowered his head and replied respectfully: "Yes. I will definitely pass on His Majesty's will to all workshops and shops."

Yelu Dashi nodded, and said in a deep voice, "You don't have to force others to do what you want. You can decide how to measure it yourself. Also, I heard that some people disabled slaves at will," he paused, looking down at the nodding Xiao Xiaode said in a deep voice, "Slaves are the wealth of the workshop, and they are also the wealth of the country. They must not be harmed at will. I have an ancient system here. You can use it to call Lin Yahaosheng from the south for details, and choose what is most suitable. Make a law out."

Yelu Dashi pointed to a thin scroll placed on the imperial case, and sighed: "I have studied and read this "Encyclopedia of National Law" four times, and I have benefited a lot from it. You should take it first and experience it."

Xiao Xiaode made a confession, reached out to take the volume in his hand, and glanced at it. Apart from the title, there was a striking sentence on the cover, "Although you are an emperor, you are also a slave to the laws of the country." I don't know who, what year and what month it was mentioned, Xiao Xiaode clearly saw this rebellious sentence, his calves couldn't help trembling, and said in a trembling voice: "I should follow the example of Your Majesty, read it through three times first, and understand it carefully."

Yelu Dashi's face turned pale, and he said with a smile: "It took me more than ten years to study this book, and you don't have so much time. This book is just a table of contents, and the whole book is voluminous. They are all in the Hanlin Academy. How about this, you go to Nanmian Linya, you share a share, and each two are responsible for studying a part of the classics, and I will remind you at any time." He suddenly felt a little emotional, and sighed, "Really I don’t know how much thought and manpower Xia Guo spent in translating it. My envoys brought it back 50 years ago, but it’s a pity that it has been dusted in the Imperial Academy.” After speaking, he waved his hand to let Xiao Xiaode retreat.

The emperor took care of everything, Xiao Xiaode had just stepped back, and reported to Yelu Tiege, the privy envoy of the Northern Court, to see him and discuss the signing of a peace treaty with the Song and Jin Dynasties.Yelu Dashi smiled and told him to come in quickly.In terms of convenience, it is appropriate to place the task of concluding the peace treaty in the south yamen, but in terms of importance, it is better to put it in the north yamen. Yelu Dashi decided to put it in the north after careful consideration.His Majesty's reliance on Yelu Tiege can be seen from this.There are even some rumors below that after the reopening of the Khitan Eight Division Conference, the position of His Majesty the Emperor will no longer be succeeded by father and son like the Han people in the Southern Dynasties, but will be appointed by the old emperor, elected by the Eight Division Conference, and one of the Khitan tribe who has both talent and virtue will be selected to succeed The throne, and Yelu Tiege, Privy Envoy of the North Court, is one of His Majesty Dashi's favorite candidates.

In the past two years, the Liao court stipulated that Xi people from Khitan should be called nationals, and more than 200 million Chinese people were incorporated into the Beiyuan household registration.This time the household registration was re-cleared, resulting in more than [-] Chinese nationals who belonged to the army.The Beiyuan yamen also unified the establishment of the Pishi Army, the Sub-Shan Army, the Palace Guard Cavalry Army, and the Border Garrison, and selected elites from various Liao troops, and obtained [-] palace tent troops.The implementation of these measures has touched the interests of many Khitan dignitaries, but it has made the Liao Dynasty powerful, and Yelu Tiege can be said to have contributed a lot.

"Your Majesty, the Southern Dynasties are more famous than riches. We have complimented Zhao Ke a lot in the past year since he took the throne. There should be no problem in signing a new peace treaty. However, it is absolutely impossible to conclude a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Jin. , even if we are willing, they will not." Brother Yelu Tie said in a deep voice.In the past two years, everyone in the Liao Kingdom has felt that His Majesty has thunderous methods and a bodhisattva heart.In order to save the tribe from the suffering of war, there are hundreds of thousands of cavalry in the country, but they are still willing to sign a contract with the Jin and Song Dynasties, no money, no land, as long as the two countries agree to trade with the Liao Kingdom in Taiping.

Yelu Dashi looked relaxed and said with a smile: "Even if the peace treaty fails, we still have to try it out. Let us know that we are going to sign a peace treaty with the Kingdom of Jin. Then send troops to crusade against the Kingdom of Jin. The North Court has been making plans for the Northern Expedition to the Kingdom of Jin. It is best to lure the Jurchens to leave Ningjiang Prefecture to fight with us. Don’t they want to attack the Liaoyang Mansion?" In the past two years, the national strength of the Liao Kingdom has long Recovering from civil turmoil, everyone wants to make contributions on their own. Yelu Dashi has long intended for the Northern Expedition, and he only needs to use the arrogance of the Jin people to refuse to make a final mobilization.However, in order to prevent people from the North Court from falsely responding to their errands and leaking information, they did not inform the Privy Council of the North Court of their true intentions until now.

Brother Yelu Tie's face showed a sudden 'look', which immediately turned into great joy, bowed and said: "My minister obeys the order."

Yelu Dashi raised his hand, telling him not to be too polite, and said with a smile: "The Nanchao side still doesn't know our reality, this time the peace treaty of mutual opening of the market, let the Nanchao minimize the customs duties as much as possible, and try to shorten the term of the agreement as much as possible. Extend it a bit, as long as you don’t claim your vassal status or cede land, other conditions can be considered, even if you give them more money.”

Brother Yelu Tie nodded knowingly, and said with a smile: "Let's leave it in Bianliang for the time being, and we will get it back twice as much in the future." It's too late for 'color', Brother Yelu Tie just said goodbye and left.

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