Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 286 - 56

Chapter (6:56)

Zhao Xingde's heart was shocked, and he said in a low voice: "Marshal Han is serious."

Han Ningshuang looked at the endless Dahei Mountains in the north, and said in a low voice: "Xieye will go south and bypass the Han territory. The Jin army will definitely invite our army to attack Liaoyang." The captain will give instructions." She grew up in the Jurchen tribe, and she always called the generals of the Kingdom of Jin by their first names, instead of using Wanyan's surname.

Zhao Xingde frowned, and said in a low voice, "These two things are like picking chestnuts out of the fire."

Han Ningshuang hesitated for a moment, then said in a deep voice, "If you can capture Liaoyang first, you can gradually take the old land of Bohai Sea and form your own country." She paused, "Mr. In one corner, the place is bitter and cold, and it is not a place where the Han people used to live.”

The Han army "formed its own country" was tacit at first, but Han Ningshuang was outspoken.Zhao Xingde was stunned for a moment, and sighed: "Liaoyang is the place where the four battles took place. The Liao Kingdom is in the west, and the Jin Kingdom is in the north. It will be very difficult for the Han army to seize food from the tiger's mouth of the Liao and Jin. Even if they attack, they must be strong enough to do so." hold on."

Han Ningshuang looked at the hot training ground in front of her and said in a low voice, "Strong soldiers are not obtained by hiding in a corner and avoiding battles. If they hadn't experienced hundreds of battles, how could the Liao army fear them like tigers." Although the voice was low, it carried With a sense of awe, he said again, "I have seen wild wolves rounding up horses since I was a child. If the horses are used to being domesticated by the shepherds, they only know to run away blindly. Death. If it is a herd of wild horses, the leading horse will gather all the horses, and hundreds of horses will rush towards the wolves together, kicking, trampling, biting and kicking, often causing the wolves to suffer a lot. They are all fighting wolves, that's why they are so powerful."

Wang Ji and other guards glanced at each other, their hearts were full of enthusiasm.Zhao Xingde was also taken aback, and sighed: "Natural selection, survival of the fittest."

Han Ningshuang smiled slightly, and said in a deep voice, "That's right." Turning the saddle onto the horse, lightly pinching the horse's belly, the horse started to trot.

The dark clouds in the sky flowed, and suddenly a gap appeared, and the strong sunlight shot down unobstructed, like a huge sword piercing straight from the sky to the earth.The north wind is hunting, and the grass is dying. This giant sword is extremely powerful, as if it wants to split the vast land into two halves.In this bright and somewhat psychedelic sunshine, more than [-] Han army commanders rode horses and galloped on the grassland, and soon joined the brigade of cavalry.More than two thousand riders cheered loudly and thundered again.The cavalry changed various formations and galloped across the vast expanse of land.


For more than two months, Xia Guoying on the banks of the Yalu River in Taibai Mountain has not been idle. Before the Yalu River freezes, the wood and charcoal hoarded on the banks of the river are all flown out to the sea, and they are sent from Taiwan, Japan, and the Song Dynasty. I bought a batch of grain and grass and hoarded it.Jin Changtai selected [-] garrison soldiers to form the fifth garrison battalion, all equipped with musket guns, and trained according to the "Fire Gun Battalion Exercise Code" left by Zhao Xingde.

Li Sihai sent a boat to sail north along the coast, found the mouths of the Jumen River and the Huntong River, and marked them.The Jurchen tribe in the East China Sea is almost isolated from the outside world. They wear fish skins when fishing in summer, and animal skins when hunting in autumn and winter. Both men and women have long hair, but women's belts are often decorated with East China Sea pearls.The ships of Chengying Fourth Battalion exchanged a small amount of grain, cloth, porcelain and tea for a lot of mink fur and pearls.The national policy of the Xia Kingdom to open up the territory is to avoid the real and attack the false, and people abandon me to take it. Therefore, when Li Sihai was preparing for the spring, he carried the people over by boat, set up camps at the mouths of these sparsely populated northern rivers, and slowly moved to the inland areas. expand.

Because Shenzhou and Liaoyang are the key to the future situation in Liaodong, the Han army commander's mansion and Xia Guoying both sent scouts to spy on the Liao army's movements.Xia Guoying also recruited Han people, and the Volunteer Brotherhood recruited Han people to join the association near these two places, not only preparing for future uprisings, but also acting as a spy for the Han army.Although the Liao Kingdom had a national policy of enslaving the Han people, it was not implemented as thoroughly as in the interior in a remote place like Liaodong where various ethnic groups were mixed.However, in the past one or two months, the Khitan cavalry army in Liaodong went around and began to search for Han people everywhere. The villages were all burned down, and the people were either killed or captured. As a result, a large number of Han people had to abandon their homes and either hide in the mountains or Under the leadership of members of the Brotherhood, they moved with their families to the territory controlled by the Han army.The Han army got less and less exact information about Shenzhou from the people, so they had to send more scouts to spy on the news.

Du Biao of the Tongzhou Battalion of the Han Army set off from Suzhou with a few men and sneaked northward to the vicinity of Shenzhou. There were fewer and fewer Han villages along the way. A family of Han people hiding in the mountains, Du Biao showed them the way to Suzhou and Kaizhou, and got a piece of news.There is a place called Paozigou less than three miles away from Shenzhou City, where a large group of Khitan cavalry came last night.Du Biao was suspicious, so he took his men over to check.I avoided several Khitan sentries along the way, and finally climbed to a cliff on the east side of Paozigou. In winter, many leaves have almost fallen off. Looking down from here, the valley can be clearly seen, but This look down, but let *** surprised.

"It's 'grandma', it's a crime." Du Biao grabbed a handful of dead grass with one hand, his face was livid.

More than 3000 Khitan cavalry guarded the two ends of the Roezi Valley, but there were four to five thousand peasants in the middle, all of them were yellow and emaciated, and dressed in rags.The Khitan gathered most of the peasants together, surrounded by hundreds of cavalry guards.The Khitan cavalry took more than 50 people out of these people each time, walked to the other side of the Roezi Valley, and then unleashed their swords and guns, and then trampled on their horses. The poor peasants fell to the ground before they could resist and shout.The ravine is long and narrow, and the north wind is bitter, and the voices in the distance can't be heard clearly.Du Biao and others seemed to be watching a pantomime as they watched group after group of peasants being taken out by the Khitan cavalry and killed.The rest of them seemed to have guessed the ending. Many people were trembling with fright, and some were limp on the ground, but once they were called by Khitan, they still managed to walk out of the queue, like lambs going to a slaughterhouse. Did not dare to resist at all.

"Bang!", Wang Liuzi was shocked.Looking back, it was Brother Du who hit the gravel with his fist, and his fist was bloody.Du Biao's eyes seemed to burst into flames, and his teeth were clenched. He was silent for a while, and then said in a low voice, "Liu Zi, do you still remember the way back?" "Yes, what's the matter, brother?" An ominous premonition welled up in my heart.

"You go back and report to General Xiong. Just say that I, Du Biao, will take a step ahead and cannot follow the Marshal and General Xiong to kill the enemy." Du Biao gritted his teeth and said word by word, "The remaining brothers, come with me to kill Khitan People, stir up the situation, if these young men run away all over the mountains and plains with one heart, maybe they can escape." The other five Han army brothers were silent, and Wang Liuzi's expression changed greatly, almost jumping get up.

"Second brother, when we went up the mountain, it was said that we would die in the same year, the same month, and the same day!"

"Presumptuous! We are all left here, how can the commander-in-chief know about this blood debt and avenge us! The brothers are all naked, and you still have an old father and a younger sister to take care of," Du Biao said with a sullen face, while holding the iron The iron knife was pulled out, and some saliva was sprayed on the knife to avoid reflection.He glared at Wang Liuzi and cursed: "Get out of here, you're crying, get out!"

Wang Liuzi didn't dare to disobey, he just knocked his head on the ground five times with tears in his eyes, and walked down the mountain in the opposite direction with his knife in hand.Seven or eight horses were all tied to the trees at the foot of the mountain, and he took away only two of them, just as a fluke, in case Brother Du and the others survived.

Du Biao murmured, "It's mother-in-law's mother's." He reckoned that after the six princes had gone far away, they first lit a few fires in various forests. 'The commotion' started to move.While the Khitan general in command was still hesitating whether to send people down the mountain to search for the "disorderly" bandits, Du Biao led his men to quickly "touch" to the vicinity, relying on the cover of the tree trunk, shot out with an arrow, and one held a scimitar The Khitan who yelled loudly immediately fell off his horse holding his throat.Du Biao is one of the seven tigers under Xiong Renyue's command in Tongzhou Village. The scouts of the Han army are all elite soldiers from each village. However, amidst the smog and under the shadow of the trees, figures are constantly shaking, and one after another deadly arrows Flying out, Khitan cavalry continued to fall from their horses.On the hillside on the north side of Roezigou, there seemed to be a large ambush.

Many cavalrymen were afraid to ride on their horses and jumped off their horses. Some of them relied on the cover of their horses to shoot arrows indiscriminately into the dense forest.Some yelled at the guarded Ding Zhuang, telling them to squat on the ground obediently and not resist.Some of the young men squatted on the ground tremblingly, not daring to move; At that time, the Khitan cavalry didn't care about counterattacking the arrow feathers shot from the hillside, and specifically shot and killed the escaped Han people.After the Khitan cavalry 'shot' to a few young men, they sent two hundred cavalry to run around the place where the young men gathered from the north and south sides. Anyone who left the crowd was immediately cut to the ground.After the hundreds of people who escaped died on the spot, the other Ding Zhuang didn't dare to escape anymore, and they crouched on the ground obediently with their heads in their hands.

"If you run, you will die, if you don't run, you will die, run!" "Run for your life!"

Du Biao and the others did not hesitate to expose their position and shouted loudly, but no matter how they shouted, those young adults seemed to be very timid under the Khitan's lust for a long time, and they just squatted motionless In a low voice, he occasionally raised his head and looked at the evil stars riding around with fear in his eyes.

The vegetation is withered in winter, and the mountains here are gentle. The opportunity is fleeting. The Khitan cavalry, who were relieved, began to charge along the path between the forests. The rest also shot arrows at Du Biao and others. The arrows in the forest Flying around, while breathing, four or five brothers were murdered one after another.The Khitan cavalry galloped in all directions on the thick fallen leaves, Du Biao didn't bother to escape, he only leaned on a big tree trunk, relying on his sense of aiming and shooting his arrows, at this moment of life and death, his arrows never missed.

"Master earns enough money for you!" Du Biao murmured, bent his bow and was about to release an arrow, when suddenly a spiked arrow shot from the side and hit his left shoulder with a puff. The road slowed down a bit, the Khitan cavalry saw the flaw and appeared one after another, arrows fell like rain around the tree. "***..." Du Biao, who was covered in arrows all over his body, his eyes darkened, and he fell on the thick dead leaves.

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