Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 298 58

Chapter 8 - 58

There are more than 5000 labor slaves in Liaoyang Tiefang. They were originally craftsmen and apprentices in blacksmith shops in the city.It is very common for labor slaves to become righteous and worship their masters.Since the introduction of the brotherhood in Kaizhou, hundreds of people have joined it, and the rest are all brothers who worshiped.Therefore, after the Han army came outside the city, these labor slaves were planning an uprising to respond.

After Li San'er, Liu Quan and others launched an attack, almost instantly, more than 30 iron workshops and thousands of labor slaves rioted one after another.Some grabbed their red-hot weapons, some wielded iron tongs and hammers, and some recklessly threw hot charcoal at the Khitan soldiers who were watching.After the guarding Khitan soldiers discovered the rebellion of the workers, some rushed into the workshop immediately, wielding machetes to chop and kill randomly. It was terrible, there were large swaths of blood flowing everywhere inside and outside the workshop.Quite a few swords drank blood as soon as they came out of the oven, and there was a faint layer of blood on the cooled edge.

Since the Jin soldiers besieged the city, Liaoyang's city defense has become increasingly tight.The Tokyo Left-behind Mansion transferred all the Khitan soldiers that could be transferred to the key points.In the heavily guarded blacksmith workshop, the guards have also been reduced to a fraction of the original.Thousands of workers and slaves revolted, and within an instant, the guarding Khitan soldiers were either killed or fled.However, the news of the workers' slave rebellion spread quickly, and it was feared that a brigade of the Liao army would come to suppress it in a short while.The labor slaves had tattoos on their faces, and they couldn't disperse and flee.At this point, even those who had no intention of rioting had no way out.As soon as the large Liao soldiers arrived, they would immediately face a one-sided massacre against the mob of labor slaves.

"Eldest brother, what should we do?" Huo An asked while stripping off the Khitan soldier's armor and putting it on himself.Dozens of people gathered beside them, all of whom were the backbone brothers of this uprising.Everyone had discussed it a long time ago, and after the incident, they attacked Dashun Gate and opened the city gate for the Han army.It's just that when things come to an end, I can't help feeling a little flustered, and I still need the general to make up his mind.

"Armored ones rush forward, attack Dashun Gate, and welcome Zhao's family into the city!" Li San'er said in a deep voice, frowning, "Set more fires, and light the wolf smoke to report to the outside!"

"Okay!" Everyone agreed in unison, and immediately assigned them.Set fire everywhere, and set the sheds in the workshop area in the west of the city on fire.A fire was piled with cow, horse, human dung and straw, and a jet of black smoke shot straight into the sky. More than 5000 slaves were organized into more than [-] teams.Most of them only had a strip of cloth hanging on their bodies, and a few wore clothes stripped from the dead.Some of them held weapons in their hands, some held blacksmiths, and some had a heart. They dismantled the benches and tables in the workshop and beat them a few times with tools, barely enough to be used as shields.

These thousands of slaves, with the word "slave" tattooed on their faces, had nowhere to escape in Liaoyang City, so they rushed towards Dashun Gate without hesitation.Huo An turned his head and glanced at Li Yi who was lying on the edge of the anvil. Before he could break the iron shackles, the Khitan cut off his shoulder, and fell into a pool of blood with his eyes wide open.The bodies of many brothers were still lying here and there on the ground, and there was no time to bury them.

"Blessings, brothers, if you are lucky enough to survive, you will be buried in a treasured place of geomantic omen." Huo An said through gritted teeth, and stepped out of the workshop.The sun outside was dazzling, and alarm bells were blowing everywhere in the city. Just a hundred steps away, the Liao soldiers at the top of the city had already drawn their bows and arrows, aiming at the group of almost naked slaves.


In the airtight tent, the air was almost scorching, Zhao Xingde looked at the city without blinking. "Lieutenant, take a break too." The sergeant behind him persuaded kindly, but Zhao Xingde didn't answer, but shook his hand behind his back.Suddenly, he thought his eyes were dazzled, and there was a burst of black smoke rising from inside the city wall. Zhao Xingde rubbed his eyes and looked again. Extra eye-catching.

"There is an incident in the city!" Zhao Xingde stood up and ran out of the tent, and ordered loudly, "Fire the cannon immediately! Siege the city!" Tong Yunjie followed behind him, repeating loudly: "Fire the cannon!" Han Ningshuang also came from the tent a little behind He ran out, drew his sword, and shouted: "Seize the city!" More soldiers of the Han army rushed out of the camp, some carrying ladders on their shoulders, some pushing siege vehicles, and the golden soldiers in armor He rushed up from behind with a scimitar.Further back, the brigade of cavalry rushed out of the tents, and under the command of the centurion and thousand commander, gathered into groups of cavalry. When the city gate was wide open, they would overtake the infantry in front and charge straight into the city.

Dozens of tents closest to the west city gate were pulled open one after another. The artillery had already been loaded with ammunition, and the gunners lit the fuse without hesitation. In almost a moment, there was a roar, smoke rose, and the shells exploded. It flew out with a roar, two or three shots hit the west tower, sawdust, bricks and tiles flew randomly, and the Khitan soldiers on the tower ran away one after another.Without waiting for the officer's order, the gunner of the Han army had already inserted the wet cannon brush into the barrel, quickly scrubbed it clean, then dried it with a gun brush, reloaded it, and fired.The sound of the cannon just stopped for a while, and then fired again.


"Brothers, kill!" Li San'er yelled with all his strength, he looked up at the Khitan soldiers swarming on the west tower, their swords, spears and armor shining brightly.Li San'er took the lead and rushed towards the city gate.Behind the thick city gate is a thick beam, as long as the beam is removed and the gate is opened, it will be the end of these Liao dogs.

"Kill!" "***!" All the labor slaves shouted in unison, rushing towards Dashun Gate.Arrows rained down from the city tower, and hundreds of Khitan soldiers blocked the gate with their spears and machetes pointing outside.

Li San'er took the lead and rushed forward, a spiked arrow from the top of the city 'shot' his chest, but he didn't seem to notice it, and rushed forward at the same speed, more arrows' The shot hit his body, piercing through the thin leather armor, and streams of blood flowed out, but he still rushed forward with support. "Kill the Liao dog!" Li San'er felt a slight sweetness in his throat, his eyes were darkened and he fell to the ground.

"Eldest senior brother!" Huo An, who was closely behind him, let out a mournful growl, and swung the hammer round with both hands, causing the Khitan soldier in front of him to stagger with a "dang--".This reckless man's strength was astonishing, he rushed towards him ferociously, and the Khitan soldiers stepped aside one after another.Huo An just strode into the enemy group, and smashed the panicked Khitan soldier's helmet and head into the cavity with a hammer.At this moment, two Khitan soldiers beside him waved their scimitars at the same time and slashed at his shoulder. Huo An was in pain. He tried his best to level the hammer and waved it. "Crack" two crisp sounds, the neck helmets of the two Khitan soldiers were smashed into deep dents, and the necks were broken immediately.At this time, Huo An was already deep in the enemy's formation, and a Khitan soldier behind him watched Leng Zi thrust a scimitar into his back, and then raised his leg and kicked him in the crook of his leg.Seeing the reckless man staggering to the ground, the Khitan soldier was about to step forward to make a stab, Zhou Wang rushed up and almost stabbed the Khitan soldier through with a knife, the two of them stumbled forward together.

Five thousand naked slaves braved their arrow feathers without flinching, fighting with the guarded Khitan army at the gate of the city. They had no armor, no martial arts, only blood pouring out, and they rushed towards them recklessly. Dashunmen.The Khitan officer on duty at the top of the wall panicked and shouted loudly: "Let the arrows go, let the arrows go!"

The Khitan soldiers bent their bows and set their arrows in a panic. There was no need to aim at the dense crowd at this distance.Outside the thick Dashun Gate, there was the sound of cannons, and the sawdust, tiles and stones on the top of the city flew randomly.At the end of the street in the distance, there was a chaotic sound of horseshoes.


Outside the gate of Dashun, more than 3000 Han troops rushed towards the city gate with siege vehicles, and the cavalry of the Jin army behind them had also been activated. These cavalry rushed straight beyond the arrow range of the defenders at the top of the city, stopped their horses, and gathered there , Waiting for the city gate to open wide.Further back, tens of thousands of signing troops were driven by the surrounding cavalry. Some were carrying ladders, some were pushing large and small trebuchets, and more were wearing thin clothes and approaching the city wall with simple knives and guns in their hands. .In the middle of the signing army, the golden soldiers with helmets and armor marched forward in groups.In order to conquer Liaoyang, Wan Yanci spent all his money, dismounting Tie Futu, the most elite of the Jin soldiers, to join the siege.Tie Futu is the most elite warrior in Gemeng'an. When he goes into battle, he wears a layer of iron armor and a layer of leather armor. If he wears a thick leather jacket in winter, ordinary arrows can't shoot it, and knives can't cut it through.The selected soldiers are all tall and strong, with amazing physical strength, and they are all very powerful in riding and fighting.

The infantry of the Han army in the front line had already rushed under the city wall, and the shouts of the rioters in the city could be heard clearly, but the city gate had not yet been opened.Arrows from the Khitan army at the top of the city rained like rain, and the rocks fell one after another. Almost in a moment, a piece of the Han army fell, and the ladder that had just been erected was pushed down by the Khitan army.Seeing the heavy casualties ahead, the Han army in the back inevitably slowed down.

Han Ningshuang's brows were deeply furrowed. It was probably conceivable that if the pressure of the siege outside was reduced, the pressure on the Han'er inside the city would be increased.At this critical moment, if you hesitate a little, if you miss the opportunity, it will be difficult to recover.Not only did thousands of labor slaves die in vain, but if they want to destroy the city again in the future, I am afraid that they will have to pay ten times the price.

"Rush up!" Han Ningshuang stood up, grabbed a large flag, and shouted at the sergeants and guards behind him. "Follow me!" Gao Bolong shouted loudly: "Follow the marshal!" He also raised the military flag of the headquarters himself and rushed forward.Han Ningshuang was wearing a white armor, which was very conspicuous among the guards.The soldiers behind could all see clearly, the crowd was fierce, and their blood was surging, and they all followed behind and rushed towards the west wall.Wang Ji and other guards were afraid that the commander would make a mistake, so they raised their shields and ran, overtook Han Ningshuang, and stood in front of her. Grabbing the flag in his hand, he rushed to the bottom of the city wall, turned around again, and waved it vigorously at the soldiers.

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