Chapter 305 Joy is not over (6)

"If the iron barrel cannons of the Liao army were divided into several teams and bombarded in a circle, the cavalry would not be so easy to approach." Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice, "What's more, the cavalry of the Liao army is not incapable of fighting. They use iron barrel cannons to fight 'chaos'." He paused, did not say "Golden Army", and said vaguely, "Tight formation. This seems to restrain the head of the Jurchen cavalry."

As soon as this remark was made, the generals of the Kingdom of Jin nearby nodded frequently.The loss in today's battle is not too big for the entire Jin army, but the generals always thought that if I lead the army and face the roar of artillery, what should I do?There is a great worry in my heart.Zhao Xingde was a bystander, and he hit the key point.Although the Jin soldiers and the Liao army are both good at cavalry, they are actually very different.Most of the Khitan people are of nomadic origin and are used to galloping and fighting.The Jurchens rose up between the white mountains and the black waters. The terrain is not as vast as the northern grasslands, so they have developed the habit of fighting tough battles in solid formations.When the enemy was fighting in a solid formation, most of the Khitan cavalry roamed and rode to shoot, not waiting for the enemy to be confused and did not attack easily, while the Jurchen cavalry would dismount and fight on foot.

The Khitan cavalry cavalry is no worse than the Jurchen cavalry, but when the two sides fight in battle, the Khitan cavalry is often not as tough and durable as the Jurchen cavalry, and they often collapse after every defeat.However, the Jurchen cavalry did not break up after being beaten back in the front line, and the rear line rushed up to defend against the enemy.The front cavalry retreated to the rear to regroup.The original rear formation became the front formation, and the reorganized formation at this time became the rear formation again.Fight like this repeatedly until the enemy is defeated.Since the rise of troops in Ningjiang Prefecture, the Jurchen cavalry often had an advantage over the Khitan cavalry in decisive battles.However, the Liao army used iron barrel artillery to bombard the front, which greatly reduced the advantage of the Jurchen cavalry, and even turned it into a disadvantage.

"If you disperse the charging cavalry, you will fall into Liaogou's trap," Wanyan Agu was very familiar with the power of it all his life as a soldier. He stroked his gray beard, glanced at the generals present, and said in a deep voice. He said, "General Zhao recognized Liaogou's trick, who of you can break it? I will reward him with two fierce soldiers and horses."

Some of the generals had burning eyes, some looked envious, and most of them looked at each other in blank dismay. Wan Yan Zonghan patted his thigh and said: "In this case, we still need to follow the old method, don't confront him head-on, and only come out from the two wings. Kidnapping a horse and kicking his camp." This is also an effective tactic used by the Jurchen army to attack the stronghold. In fact, several generals including Wanyan Zongbi thought of it, but they were called out by Zong Han, and these people secretly regretted it.

"The two-winged horse is only effective when it can withstand the enemy's front. If not, when the enemy is separated on the battlefield, the Liao army can choose which side to eat first. Anyway, there are guns in the middle. It is difficult for the left and right wings of the Jin army to respond." Zhao Xingde thought to himself, and felt someone looking over from the side, but turned his head and saw Han Ningshuang, who nodded slightly to her.

"Mr. Zhao probably doesn't take it seriously. He must have a way to deal with iron barrels, but this is a skill he is good at, and he is unwilling to teach the Jurchens easily." Han Ningshuang thought, and she also nodded to Zhao Xingde.She neither wanted to see the Liao army completely defeat the Jin soldiers, nor did she want the Jin country to dominate the Liaodong family. This was a war between Liao and Jin, and she was mostly thinking about how the Han army could survive.

When Zong Han called out, Wanyan Aguda frowned even tighter.The young generals in the tent are all full of blood. Since they entered the battle, they have fought smoothly. They only saw the joy of the kidnappers kicking through the enemy camp, but they did not pay attention to their ancestors forming a square formation to contain the enemy's front and responding to the extremes of the left and right. important.Now that the Liao army sacrificed artillery and sharp weapons, if they broke the round formation of the Chinese army, if they didn't solve it on it, and just blindly used kidnappers, it would be like courting death.What's more, the Kidnapper Horse is another name for the two-winged cavalry, and the Khitan Army's Kidnapper Horse is not much weaker than the Jurchen.

Sure enough, Wanyan Cibushi, Wanyan Loushi and other veterans successively thought of what was wrong.Wanyan Loushi took Quan Zonghan's face into consideration, did not refute him directly, but said in a deep voice: "What kind of kidnappers come out, let me say, if only one side is kidnapped, just deceive him that it is inconvenient to turn the direction of the iron barrel cannon, directly from Kill him from one side." Wan Yanci did not lose his mind, although Lou Shi is a brave general, he is not a member of my Wanyan Department, and he dare not even offend a kid like Zong Han. good.The descendants of the Wanyan tribe, Zong Han, Zong Bi and others, are heroes among the descendants of the Wanyan tribe, but they also have great ambitions.Moreover, Zong Bi believed in the strange saying of the Han people that father dies and son succeeds, and he opposed the tradition of brother and brother in the Wanyan tribe. Zong Han and others also followed behind him.However, most of the veteran generals who were of the same generation as Wanyan Aguda were begged by Wanyan Wu who had a deeper foundation.Now that there is a way to restrain the Khitan cannons, Wanyanci still snorted contemptuously, and was about to hit the junior again, when suddenly there was a hurried sound of horseshoes outside, Wanyan Aguda's expression changed, and everyone The generals also kept silent.

Zhao Xingde and Han Ningshuang looked at each other. According to the rules, horses are not allowed to gallop around the imperial tent unless there is an urgent military situation.Just as he was thinking about it, the sound of horseshoes came to an abrupt end in front of the tent, and with the sound of turning the saddle and dismounting the horse, someone outside shouted loudly that there was an urgent military situation to report to His Majesty.After inspecting the token, the guards at the door of the tent did not dare to obstruct it, but when the messenger opened the tent and entered, the generals were shocked again.

His face was covered in dust and his body was covered in blood. The left armour had been torn off and replaced with blood-soaked cloth strips. There were still a few arrow shafts in the gaps of the other armor, which were simply snapped off by hand. Only tail feathers.

Even so, Wanyan Aguda recognized him at a glance, his face darkened, and he asked, "Ali Duo, but the Liao soldiers attacked Shenzhou? Ali Duo was originally the head of a Jurchen tribe, and he surrendered to Wanyan. After the tribe, because of his extraordinary bravery, the official residence was slammed. Seeing him in such a state of distress, all the generals in the tent felt uneasy. Could it be that the Liao army was in a hurry to attack the city, and Shenzhou was about to be overwhelmed? , Can't the Liaoyang army rush back to help?

Ali Duo raised his head and said hoarsely, "Your Majesty, Shenzhou is lost!"

Wanyan Aguda's pupils shrank slightly, and he felt a sharp pain in his heart, almost as if the world was spinning.The generals of the Kingdom of Jin in the tent were all shocked, and Wanyan Zonghan even yelled, "What did you say?" "The crime was cut off.

Zhao Xingde instinctively felt her palms tighten, but it was Han Ningshuang who subconsciously held his palms tightly. Her palms were cold and she was sweating slightly.Shenzhou and Liaoyang are hundreds of miles apart, and they are the most important strongholds behind the army of the Kingdom of Jin.Moreover, the hundreds of miles north of Shenzhou had already been plundered by Liao army cavalry, which meant that if the Jin army's retreat northward had been cut off.If the frontal Liao army cannot be defeated, all 10,000+ troops will be left in Liaoyang, and Yelu Dashi can take advantage of the momentum to take all of Liaodong.The rivalry between the two tigers ended so early, before the Han army had time to grow, the gap for survival was squeezed to a very small size.

"Tell me again, what is going on in Shenzhou?" Wanyan Aguda stared at Ali Duo, as if he wanted to swallow him alive.Shenzhou has a full [-] defenders. When the Wanyan tribe raised troops, their strength was no more than [-].Wanyan Pu's servants had ten times the strength of their original troops, defending a fortified city like Shenzhou, they lost Shenzhou without even saying hello?Thinking of this, Wanyan Aguda felt another burst of pain in his chest, wishing he could tear Wanyan Pu's servants apart.

"Your Majesty, the Liao dog is extremely cunning," Ali Duo said with resentment and regret on his face, "They have already tampered with Shenzhou City. We don't know what happened. We only heard a loud noise, and the east city wall suddenly collapsed, followed by several Thousands of Liao dogs came out of the city, cooperating with each other. Tens of thousands of Liao dogs rushed into Shenzhou City on horseback, killing anyone they saw. Our warriors were beaten to pieces before they had time to assemble. Sanbo Jilie led the warriors to resist in the city, and sent me out to report to His Majesty..."

"That is to say," Wan Yanci asked hastily as if he had grasped a life-saving straw, "When you came out, there was still a war in Shenzhou City, and Shenzhou hasn't been lost yet, has it?" Because of nervousness, His expression looked very hideous and terrifying.

"Bo Ji Lie," Ali said hesitantly, "if so, but...but," although he hesitated, all the generals in the tent heard what he didn't say.Han Ningshuang sighed. The Liao people put so much thought into Shenzhou City. According to Ali Duo's description, they not only built a secret passage enough to pass thousands of ambush soldiers, but also ambushed gunpowder. They were determined to win.The Jin army was caught off guard, how could this city not be lost.

Wanyan Aguda stared closely at Ali Duo, he was always resourceful, but at this moment he suddenly realized that he had fallen into a trap, and he didn't speak for a long time.The Liao army captured Shenzhou, not only cutting off the retreat of the Jin army.Because Liaoyang was initially determined, more than half of the food and grass for the Southern Expedition Army was stored in Shenzhou City, a hundred miles away, and had not yet been transported to Liaoyang.

He stared at Ali Duo closely, his gaze was as cold as looking at a dead person.The decisive battle of the army is imminent, in order to stabilize the morale of the army, Wanyan Agu decided to convict him of lying about the military situation, and wanted to kill him immediately.He shook his head. At this moment, he gave up this ridiculous idea. The defeated soldiers would come one after another. The news of Shenzhou's fall cannot be concealed.

Taking a deep breath, his nostrils opened and closed slightly, Wanyan Aguda's eyes changed from cold to sharp, and all the generals of the Kingdom of Jin in the tent were watching him.After a while, he raised his head, looked around the generals slowly, and put his hand on the handle of the knife at his waist.Zhao Xingde felt a slight chill all over his body, and thought to himself, such a heavy murderous aura came at this very moment, as if he was on the battlefield of thousands of troops.

Wanyan Aguda's eyes met with the generals of the Jin Kingdom, his expression became calm, and he said to Ali Duo: "You have made a contribution to reporting the military situation in time, and go down to rest first." After watching Ali Duo leave, the corner of his mouth With a sneer, he looked at Zhao Xingde and said, "This is what you Han people call a last stand. Yelu Dashi has set up a huge formation, this time we have to see whether he took my old bone or not. I want his dog's life!"

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