Chapter 309 Joy is not over (10)

The artillery shells kept flying over the Liao army's artillery barracks, and suddenly there was a "bang", hitting among a group of gunners who were bowing their waists and preparing to fire. The round iron bullets flying diagonally downward hit three gunners.The worst one was hit in the middle of the waist, and the whole body was broken in two, and all the internal organs flowed out.The other two were also instantly killed.There were more than a dozen people waiting for the cannon, and they all huddled around and dared not go forward. Some even squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands.These Liao army gunners who dealt with artillery all day long experienced the horror of being hit by enemy shells for the first time.

"Bless the Bodhisattva!" Gunner Xiangwen Chai Yidu looked pale and was about to vomit. He suppressed his nausea and shouted angrily at the gunners, "What are you still doing in a daze! Hurry up and get ready to fire!" Another shell whizzed past his head, and Chai Yi lay on the ground without thinking. He didn't care about the majesty at times, and looked towards the opposite side tremblingly. The Jin cavalry charge was getting closer and closer. Stepping over the weeds without mercy, the sound of hooves sounded like thunder, and the ground trembled slightly.

The large group of cavalry was less than two hundred steps away from the frontal battery.Seeing that the Jurchen cavalry were getting closer, Chai Yi didn't give the order to fire. The lieutenant next to him said loudly: "Master Dujian, why don't you fire?"

Chai Yi was only looking for where the Jin Bing's shells came from. When the lieutenant yelled, he trembled all over. When he came back to his senses, he hurriedly said: "Fire! Fire!" His voice was high-pitched and loud, and he didn't wait for the lieutenant to repeat. The gunners around hurriedly lit the 'drug' primer.This Chai Yi is also a talent, because the artillery used by the Liao army was cast in different periods, and the range and power are different. He simply organized the artillery on each artillery base into three groups according to the range. , The long-range heavy artillery fires first, the artillery with a medium range follows, and finally the small artillery with a range of seventy or eighty steps fires all at once, and the cycle repeats.Just give the order to fire, and the lieutenant general and the cannons, Xiangwen, will continue to fire according to the order in advance, until Chai Yi gives the order to stop firing.

"Boom--" "Boom--" "Boom--"

Eighteen heavy-duty iron barrel cannons fired first. These iron barrel cannons had a huge caliber, and most of them fired stone bullets. The firing direction of the artillery was also preset, and there was no need to adjust it during the battle. It was facing the height of the horse's head two hundred steps away.Eighteen huge shells whizzed away, hitting the charging Jurchen cavalry array, and dozens of cavalrymen who were charging were instantly smashed into a pulp.The fallen and frightened war horses caused quite a mess, "Damn it!" Wanyan Zonghan was almost hit by a stone bullet, he had no time to be afraid, and silently counted in his heart, "One, two, three..."

This is to use the lives of hundreds of cavalrymen from the Kingdom of Jin to understand the law of the Liao army's firing. When the farthest heavy artillery is fired, after a stable count of five, the Liao army has the largest number. The medium-sized artillery with the most lethality was about to be ignited. At this time, the cavalry of the Golden Army had to spread out to both sides desperately to reduce damage from the artillery shells.If not, the bullets coming from the front will cause uncontrollable chaos. When the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin reorganizes and enters the artillery barracks at a distance of fifty or sixty steps, the Liao army will launch a third round of shelling , At the same time, the artillery that was emptied in front has been reloaded.The distance of two hundred steps seems very short, and it can be rushed quickly, but the charging horses and cavalry are all flesh and blood. As long as the artillery fire continues to cause chaos to the charging cavalry, the two hundred steps will become A dead end that seems endless.

"Five!" Wanyan Zonghan's heart was shaken, and he shouted loudly: "Get out! Get out!" He lowered his body, forcibly turned the horse's head, and urged the horse desperately.The Jurchen cavalry who were charging were like a flock of frightened birds, scattered at almost the maximum speed.

"Oops!" Chai Yi's face changed. Except for the smallest cannon, most of the iron barrel cannons had already ignited their fuses. A wisp of green smoke came out, and it was too late to regret.Looking at the subordinates who were looking at each other, Chai Yi almost regretted that his intestines were green, behind the Jurchen cavalry who quickly dispersed, a small and crude artillery barracks 'revealed', which kept falling on the front artillery barracks of the Liao army. The shells that panicked the gunners were fired from there.A large flag was erected high there, with a blue unicorn embroidered on the black flag, which was the symbol of the Liaodong Han Army Commander's Mansion.

"Report to Your Majesty quickly, send a kidnapper to kick off the artillery in front!" Chai Yi shouted loudly.

At this moment, "Bang!" "Ping-pong--" "Boom!" More than 200 iron barrel cannons on the frontal battery of the Liao army rang out one after another, and the sound was louder than the most intense firecrackers during the New Year in Bianjing. Dense, accompanied by the flash of the muzzle, at the same time, hundreds of black smoke rose into the air, and the artillery fortress was completely shrouded in a cloud of smoke, and only one piece after another was shot out, almost covering the front of the artillery fortress. Within [-] paces, it was airtight.The materials used for the shotguns of the Liao Army are extremely miscellaneous, including small iron pellets, locust stones, crossbow bolts, and poisonous thorns, which "swish" out of the air with various ballistic trajectories, and hundreds of riders in the front are dead. The horses of the golden soldiers who had just had time to escape screamed in pain, and most of them were damaged under the rain of bullets, and there were countless bullet holes on the corpse, bleeding out.

"What?" the lieutenant asked loudly, covering his ears.

"Report to Your Majesty, send a kidnapper to kick the artillery barricades in front!" Chai Yi wanted to draw his sword and cut him down, but he couldn't care less because the cavalry of the Kingdom of Jin who had just dispersed gathered again, and almost rushed towards him at the fastest speed. Watching the Liao army's artillery barracks charge towards him, this time, it was his own artillery barracks that were about to be kicked.Chai Yi's face changed drastically, and he shouted loudly: "Wave the flag, ask His Majesty for help, hurry! Come!"

The Jurchen cavalry, who had avoided the most powerful and densest round of bullets, was rushing forward at an accelerated speed.

The deputy general immediately ran back, desperately waving the black flag asking for help at the emperor's tent, Chai Yi had no time to see the result, drew his waist knife, and shouted loudly at the last round of small artillery gunners: "Listen to my orders, get ready! -"

"Kill!" Wanyan Zonghan blushed and shouted thickly.This time, the cavalry didn't have any burden or hesitation anymore. Most of them hung their swords and spears on their saddles, and held bows and arrows in their hands, ready to release arrows when they rushed to a distance of seventy or eighty steps.Behind the Jurchen cavalry in the front, Wanyan Dilie also urged the Wanqi in the back to press forward, preparing to deal with the Liao cavalry who might rush out from the oblique thrust.

"Come on!" Wanyan Zonghan urged his horse desperately, and countless warriors followed behind him. There were still eighty steps... seventy steps... fifty steps... thirty steps, and the speed of the cavalry had already increased to the fastest. In a few breaths, you can rush to the Liao army's artillery fortress.

"Bang!" Bang! ""Bang bang bang!" "Accompanied by a burst of explosions, more than a hundred small artillery pieces on the artillery barracks of the Liao Army opened fire, and clusters of rocks, bullets and irons attacked head-on again. This time, the Jurchen cavalry galloping at high speed did not make any evasive movements. They only beat their horses desperately, and rushed forward straight. In this instant, countless cavalrymen fell off their horses without even having time to grunt. Falling forward, some cavalry behind had no time to dodge, the two horses rolled and fell together. The forward formation of the Jurchen cavalry suddenly became chaotic.

Under such circumstances, Wanyan Zonghan was able to release an arrow, drew out his scimitar, and shouted loudly: "Come on! Go forward!" When he was trying to urge his horse, a black shadow suddenly flew in front of him, before it was too late In response, I felt as if my left shoulder had been hit hard with a stick, and half of my body seemed to be numb.Wanyan Zonghan twisted his waist desperately to stabilize his figure, his face suddenly turned pale, and his left hand tightly hugged the horse's neck. There was no pain at this time, his mind was blank, and he only murmured: "Liao dog!" If you crooked your body, you will fall off the horse.

"Master Vice President!" Two guards who followed immediately came to support him.According to the system of the Kingdom of Jin, if Meng'an was killed in battle, he would follow him to seek victory;The Jurchen cavalry around saw that the forward lieutenant was shot and fell off the horse, and they were in chaos. One of them shouted loudly: "Go back quickly!" The guard pushed away.

"I'm not dead yet!" Wanyan Zonghan yelled fiercely, only then did his left shoulder start to ache, and sweat came down his forehead.He couldn't move his left shoulder, he didn't care to check his injuries, he raised his scimitar in his right hand, and shouted loudly: "Follow me, kill Liaogou!" Seeing that he was fine and brave as before, the surrounding subordinates immediately boosted their morale and beat their horses towards him. As the Liao army's artillery barracks rushed over, the Liao army had already emptied all the artillery, but it did not cause uncontrollable chaos to the Jurchen cavalry. With a distance of only [-] steps, it was too late to reload the ammunition. .

"Quick! Quick!" The officer of the Artillery Army urged desperately, and big drops of sweat rolled down Chai Yi's face. The sound was like faint thunder.When he turned his eyes to the front, "There is still the Iron Wall Camp, the Iron Wall Camp!" He murmured like a nerve, "These death row prisoners! The Iron Wall Camp!" Busily reloading ammunition, the gunner rushed to his head, shouting loudly, "Hurry up if you don't want to die!" The cavalry knows great!After this period of time, His Majesty's reinforcements should arrive.

Thousands of tall infantry from the Iron Wall Battalion are walking to the front of the artillery barracks from both sides. They are wearing heavy armor, holding giant axes, long knives, maces and other sharp blades, but with iron chains around their waists. They strung together in groups of five.On both sides of the iron wall camp, there are also Xi army infantry who are also in armor and sharp, but they are much more timid.

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