Chapter 323 Returning to Xianyang with full rank (8)

Jian Cheng secretly thought that it was not good, because of the barrier of the armor, the arrows of the Liao army did not penetrate deep into the flesh, but he did not know whether he had applied poison or not.He had no time to check the injury, so he could only urge the horse to gallop.At this time, there were more and more Liao soldiers on the battlefield. The Jin soldiers fought hard for a long time and began to retreat to Liaoyang.If there is a further delay, when the Liao army completely controls the battlefield, the Han army who is alone may be unable to fly with its wings.

He didn't even have the kung fu to break the shaft of the arrow. Jian Cheng only focused on urging his horse to avoid the pursuit and interception of the Liao army. slow down.The war horse was already sweating profusely from running, with white gas spraying from the mouth and nose, and Jian Cheng lovingly rubbed the mount's mane, only then did he feel a burning pain on his back, as if it was about to split open.He tested his backhand a few times, and there were actually eight arrow shafts 'inserted' in the carapace, and he didn't feel it when he moved the five arrows. It must have not penetrated into the flesh, but was stuck in the gap of the armor. Jian Cheng immediately pulled the arrow shafts folded.As soon as the three sticks came into contact, the wound hurt.Because the injury is on the back, there is no way for one person to treat it.Jian Cheng secretly called bad luck, and with three arrows on his back, he rode his horse slowly to Jicui Mountain.

On the other edge of the battlefield, Zhao Xingde also protected Han Ningshuang and rushed out of the encirclement.Because of the interception and pursuit by the Liao soldiers along the way, the position of the two of them was already deflected to the southwest, and there was still a large group of Liao army cavalry between Jicui Mountain where the Han army brigade broke through.The battle was coming to an end, Wanyan Xie also retreated to Liaoyang with the remaining golden soldiers.Many Jurchen Meng'an did not receive the order to retreat, and they were still making their last resistance in the camp.Yelu Tiege, the privy envoy of the North Court, sent people to attack these remnants, and at the same time sent a thousand-man cavalry to search for scattered golden soldiers around the battlefield.

Zhao Xingde's horse, the Hexi war horse, ran back and forth several times, and it was already a little shaky.If they encounter a group of enemy cavalry again at this time, I am afraid that both of them will be in bad luck.His eyes were bloodshot, his voice was hoarse and exhausted, the military robe covered over the armor was gone, the iron pocket was also dropped, and his head, face, and body were covered in dust and blood.

"Li Xiaowei's ship has already anchored in Chenzhou to meet him, so there is no need to take risks and return to Jicui Mountain."

"Okay." Han Ningshuang agreed.She pushed away the iron mask, feeling a slight coolness on her face.Sweat condensed a few locks of hair together. Han Ningshuang tied her hair into her forehead while looking at Zhao Xingde. Seeing that his eyes were red, his lips were chapped, and his face looked as if he was drunk, she couldn't help saying: "Mr. ,What’s wrong with you?"

"What's wrong with me?" Zhao Xingde wondered, he couldn't see himself.At this moment, the pain and burning sensation hit like a 'tide', and he felt dizzy, he put his hand on his forehead, "What's wrong with me?" Just as this thought flashed across his eyes, suddenly his eyes went dark, and he crooked Fall on the horse.Short arrow shafts were 'exposed' from behind his shoulders, and just now he was protecting Han Ningshuang and struggling to break through. He was hit by a few arrows, and broke them off without feeling any pain.At this moment, the tight siege is highlighted, and the heart relaxes, and the poison and pain break out at the same time.

"Mr. Zhao!" Han Ningshuang exclaimed, reaching out to support him.Fortunately, Xia Guo's cavalry went out to battle, and they tied their horses together with leather belts in advance, so that even if they died in battle, they would not fall off their horses.So Zhao Xingde fainted, but he just fell limp on the horse and was not hurt by falling off the horse.But after such a long time, if the qi and blood are blocked in the place tightly bound by the leather belt, the body may be disabled.

"Mr. Zhao, Mr. Zhao." Han Ningshuang called a few times in a low voice, and reached out to 'touch' his cheeks and forehead, which were very hot.

Although it is separated from the battlefield, it is not far away, and it is possible to encounter Liao and Jin cavalry at any time.Han Ningshuang untied Zhao Xingde from the horse, and briefly inspected the injury. There were two arrow wounds, one of which was already swollen, obviously a poisoned arrow.There was a deep worry in her eyes.Xingde was wearing full armor and his body was very heavy. Han Ningshuang managed to hold him steady, and shouted in a low voice: "Tayan, lie down!" Hearing the master's order, he knelt on the ground with his front legs first, and then knelt down on his hind legs, with his body sideways on the ground, and he watched the master help the man approach without blinking.

Han Ningshuang helped Zhao Xingde onto the horse's back, asked Tayan to stand up first, tied the rein of the other horse behind the saddle, and hung the water bag on the back of Zhao Xingde's horse, and then she turned the saddle onto the horse and supported Zhao Xingde's crumbling Body, lightly urged the horse forward, and slowly galloped towards the coast of Chenzhou in the direction Zhao Xingde instructed in advance.

Along the way, Han Ningshuang was very worried.At noon, lucky enough not to meet the enemy, a hill covered with short trees and grass appeared in front of him. Han Ningshuang then found a mountain depression where he could hide his whereabouts, untied Zhao Xingde from his horse, and cleaned it up for him. Wound.

Unbuttoning Xingde's armor, Han Ningshuang felt a slight fever on her cheeks. She held her breath and checked. One arrow sore was fine, while the other arrow sore was severely bruised and had symptoms of muscle stiffness.He stretched out his hand and pressed near the arrow wound, but Zhao Xingde was still unconscious and didn't respond at all.The horse next to him snorted softly, wondering why the master was so anxious.

The more this injury drags on, the more dangerous Zhao Xingde will be.Han Ningshuang had never personally done the gouging out of flesh to heal wounds, but she had seen many of them in the Han village, so she first washed Zhao Xingde's wounds with clean water, and then took the risk of lighting a small fire with a fire pocket, and took out The silver solution knife that he carried was roasted on the fire, and immediately put out the fire with sand to avoid being discovered by enemies in the distance.Before making a move, he hesitated again.The two of them each wore a robe, which was covered with dust and blood, and could not be used to wrap the wound.Han Ningshuang hesitated for a moment, then glanced at Zhao Xingde, only to see that his eyes were tightly closed and he was still in a coma.Her face turned pale slightly, she took a few deep breaths, untied her underclothes, unwrapped the linen strips that had been wrapped around her chest, and carefully placed them on the water bag.

The two arrow wounds had scabbed over and were no longer bleeding, but the skin near the poisoned arrow was swollen and tall, which looked very scary.To heal the wounds of the poisonous arrows, in this world, the only way to survive is to goug out the flesh infected by the toxin and suck all the poisonous blood.However, if the person who sucked poisonous blood had small wounds or sores on the tongue, the toxin would easily invade the brain, causing coma in the slightest, and death in the severest, but Han Ningshuang didn't care about all of this.

Han Ningshuang knelt and sat beside Xingde, and first pressed the upward position of the poisonous arrow's wound with her hand, hesitated for a moment, bit her lip, found the edge of the swelling, cut it deeply, and immediately the blood flowed For example, she couldn't tell which was poisonous blood and which was fresh blood.Zhao Xingde snorted slightly, and in a coma, his eyebrows were also frowned because of the pain, and big drops of sweat appeared on his forehead.Han Ningshuang could only grit her teeth, tried her best to suppress the turmoil in her heart, opened her eyes wide, and cut off the poisoned flesh around the wound one by one, the pain in her eyes seemed to be cut on her own body .

Taking out the poisonous arrow, the arrowhead fell to the ground with a "snap" on the shaft, and she only showed a little relief on her face, but she didn't dare to stop at all. She leaned over and put her lips on Xingde's wound, sucking hard, and then took a mouthful. Spit the poisonous blood aside.She did this several times before she stopped, and she didn't know if the poisonous blood from the wound had been sucked clean. She didn't have the ability to scrape the bone to heal the poison. Life.

After sucking up the poisonous blood, apply the golden sore 'medicine' on the wound, and then carefully wrap the wound with a linen bandage.Clean up the wound of the poisonous arrow first, and then the ordinary arrow wound.The entire healing process lasted for more than half an hour. Han Ningshuang's forehead was dripping with sweat, but her eyes were staring at the wound without blinking until the wound was wrapped up again, and Zhao Xingde carefully supported her on the grass. After laying down on the pile, she was relieved.Zhao Xingde's face was extremely pale due to excessive blood loss, exuding a gentle air, as if he was frowning because of the excessive pain from the wound.

It was getting late, and Han Ningshuang kept his bow and sword by his side to guard against being discovered by the enemy and unable to light a fire to drive away the wild beasts.Fortunately, there were very few dark clouds at night, and the brilliance of the bright moon made the swaying of the vegetation near and far clearly visible.While carefully watching out for possible enemies and beasts, she gently wiped away Zhao Xingde's sweat.Seeing his brows gradually stretching, and the temperature of his forehead receding slightly, Han Ningshuang felt a little relieved, but also a little aggrieved, and the suppressed emotions took over her heart like a tide.She squatted beside Zhao Xingde, trying to suppress her sobs.

Nothing happened that night, Han Ningshuang stayed up all night, Zhao Xingde didn't wake up all night, the next day, although the high fever had subsided, she was still unconscious, Han Ningshuang could only share a ride with him, the two of them They rushed towards the coast of Chenzhou, and at dusk, they finally found the place Zhao Xingde mentioned.The sergeants of Chengying's [-]th Battalion heard that Lieutenant Zhao was in a coma, so they didn't dare to neglect, and immediately rowed out the boat and sent the two of them to anchor in the open sea.

Looking at the big ship moored not far away, Han Ningshuang almost cried with joy. She held Zhao Xingde's hand tightly and murmured in her heart: "Please make sure you survive, you must survive."

Not long after, a stretcher was put down on the ship's side, and Han Ningshuang's eyes were full of worry. Seeing Zhao Xingde lying on the stretcher and rising up, her heart seemed to be suspended.Zhao Xingde disappeared behind the side of the boat, and then put down a bag, Han Ningshuang sat on it, had just climbed up the side of the boat, was about to look for the doctor, and asked about Zhao Xingde's injury, but when he saw it, he was stunned.I saw the stretcher was placed on the deck, a beautiful and gentle lady with a pair of children, looking at Xingde with tears in her eyes, Li Sihai stood beside her, looking at her with smiling eyes, what did he say, Han Ningshuang didn't hear anything.

"His wife, Li Ruoxue is still so beautiful..." Han Ningshuang's face was a little pale, she bit her lips tightly, desperately trying to control the tears from bursting out of her eyes.

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