Chapter 3 (Chapter 13)

"The whole city is on alert!" Tong Yunjie ordered without thinking.According to the military order, after the whole city is put on guard, in order to prevent 'spies' from causing 'chaos', all the gates of the city will be closed, the roads leading to the city will be closed, and even warning scouts cannot be put in the city.

There were also two ditches and low walls built around the city, and in the direction of the inland west, there happened to be more than a dozen carts delivering grain and grass parked between the two ditches.While the defenders were inspecting the grain carts, beads of sweat dripped from the temples of the escort officer. While sizing up the commander in front of him, he said with a smile on his face: "It's better to camp in the firecrackers, stationed in this city, Without the wind and rain, the military salary that my brother gets is probably more than that of ordinary centurions."

Zhang Ting just "hummed" and didn't answer. He just glanced at him, and then carefully checked his waist card.After escaping from the city of Liaoyang, the garrison firecracker battalion had lost a lot of staff, and a group of new recruits were recruited from the rear. Zhang Tie naturally became the ten-man commander.In the past, he was a little afraid when he saw the officer, but now he has just become the commander of the tenth officer, and the officer is in front of him.Proud of the spring breeze, before he knew it, he also picked up the shelf, squinted his eyes and looked left and right at the waist badge of the grain transport officer, and even bent his index finger to tap it a few times to hear the sound, just like appraising treasures .

Seeing his appearance, Fan Hong, the food security officer, cursed secretly: "The villain will succeed!" He was originally the second head of a cottage and one of Han Kuang's confidantes. Such a flattery to cater to a little ten husband.The appointed time is coming, Fan Hong is like a cat scratching his heart, but he said with a smile on his face: "My brothers are well paid, but they don't often come to the pier to play money and drink."

Zhang Ting gave him a look of disdain, and said seriously: "After the Liao dog is beaten away, I will still buy land for farming."

Fan Hong was taken aback for a moment. Ever since he became the second head of the cottage and followed Mr. Han Da, he never thought about going back to farming, killing people and setting fire to the gold belt.It turned out to be a fool, he suppressed a smile, "Planting the land," and then asked, "And then?"

Zhang Tie once again despised this wicked guy, and snorted, "Of course it's to marry a wife and have a baby." Seeing Fan Hong's eyes widen, he seemed to be a fool, and added: "The baby has grown up. Let him farm again, and he will buy land to marry a wife and have a baby, my old Zhang family..." He was at a loss for words for a moment, before he could figure out what was going to happen to "my old Zhang family", when he suddenly heard "bang bang bang" There was a rapid beating of drums, and looking back, there was a beacon being lit above Nanshan City.

Fan Hong's heart tightened. At this time, there was more than half an hour before the time for the Liao army to attack the city, but something went wrong, and the whole city of Nanshan City was on alert.According to the military order, after the whole city was on guard, no one could enter the city with five orders. His men were stuck between two trenches. This was a vague area. Although he did not enter the city, it was still within the scope of Nanshan City's defense.In the end, to seize the city according to the plan, it depends on whether the fool in front of him will let him go or not.The smile on Fan Hong's face was about to overflow, and he begged for forgiveness: "Brother, let us in quickly."

Zhang Ting turned his face and pointed at the top of the wall, saying: "The drums are beating, get out quickly, get out." As he spoke, he pushed Fan Hong and others outside. The drawbridge is also going up.In this short moment, Fan Hong thought in his mind that if he quit now, Mr. Han Da must blame him if he failed to seize the city.He is a person who attaches great importance to gains and losses. Although only a few moments passed, he was thinking over and over again in his mind. He was hesitating, but he felt pushed hard by someone, his body swayed, and he almost couldn't stand up. Standing still, Fan Hong raised his head angrily, only to see the elder brother arrogantly said: "What are you dawdling about, next time earlier! Get out, get out!"

"'Grandma'." Fan Hong is a man of reckless origin, and it's not like he hasn't bowed his head to others before, but when he is shouted at by a fool-like guy, he suddenly feels evil, "Go out." Damn you." It was too late and then quickly, the bright short knife was drawn out instantly, and Fan Hong stabbed the short knife towards the ten captain's waist, and shouted: "Do it!" The hundred and ten Han soldiers who were transporting food rushed one after another. Pull out the horizontal knife and kill the defender in front of you.They crowded in front of the suspension bridge of the second ditch, and they could rush into the gate of Nanshan City as long as they took less than twenty steps forward.

"Aiyo!" Zhang Ting didn't expect this man to do it when he said so. Fortunately, he dodged quickly, and a big bloody gash was cut in his waist by a short knife, which almost pierced his waist. "Bastard," he said. Staggering and taking a step back, regardless of the blood gushing from his waist, he picked up the stabbed firecracker and stabbed towards Fan Hong, "I will fight with you!" More than 20 firecrackers guarding the suspension bridge were killed on the spot. Seven or eight people were cut down, and the remaining three people used the narrow terrain to resist desperately.It was hard for a dozen gunners to resist more than a hundred people, not to mention that all of the more than a hundred Liao soldiers were not weak. Usually, Mr. Han Da spent a lot of money to support them, and he worked hard to support them. An'insert' to Guannan, Suzhou, will be used for a while.Three times and two times, except for Zhang Ting and other five or six people who were still resisting back to back, the other gunners fell into a pool of blood.The gate of the city just a few feet away has not yet been closed, and some Han troops have bypassed the gunners and rushed directly to the gate. There are only a few gunners who have not had time to retreat into the city.All this happened so suddenly that the Han army on the top of the city stared down dumbfounded.

At this critical moment, someone on the horse's face 150 steps away suddenly said coldly: "Fire!"

A few moments later, several Liao troops were about to rush into the city, and the gunners raised their spears palely, and at this moment, there was a sudden "boom", which was deafening.

Before Fan Hong could react, countless bullets swept over from the side, piercing through the thin leather armor. He didn't even groan, and fell heavily face-to-face.The artillery 'fired' like shotgun shells, and almost all the people near the city gate, the Liao army who had just rushed close to the city gate, and the few gunfire soldiers standing near the city gate fell under this round of violent bullets. in the rain.

The Liao army in the back didn't understand what was going on, and the artillery sounded again. This time, the coverage of the cannonballs was almost all over the distance from the inside of the second ditch to the front of the city gate, and there were iron bullets everywhere. The sound of strong wind.Rao Zhang Tie saw the opportunity very quickly, and immediately lay down on the ground after the first cannon shot, and was also hit by two or three bullets. There were burning pains on his back, thighs, and buttocks.He had only been out of the wounded barracks for a few days, and even if he survived this time, he would have to go back in again.

"Damn it," Zhang Ting carefully hid under Nei Ying's corpse, glanced at the direction where the cannon was fired, and cursed viciously, "Zhou Yu, it's too shameless for me to call you big brother. Your mother." While cursing, he looked around and saw that many dead Liao soldiers were covered in blood holes.The artillery positions at the top of the city had been calibrated countless times long ago. After these few shells were bombarded, most of the vicious heroes and masters of the rivers and lakes are now lying corpses lying on the ground. , looking pale on the ground, not daring to move, some still vomiting.

On the horse's face at the head of the city, Zhou Yu observed the results of the battle through the smoke.The gunners below looked in awe at the man who had dared to order the cannons to be fired at his comrades.His face was expressionless, and after a while, he frowned and said in a low voice, "Why hasn't anyone gone out to clean up the city gate?" As soon as he said that, he saw a team of about 50 people lined up in a horizontal line. , walked out of the city gate cautiously, searched for Paoze who was still alive on the battlefield, and met the Liao army lying on the ground along the way, no matter whether they were dead or alive, more than a dozen people surrounded them and directly made a few stabs.After a while, the area at the gate of the city was cleaned up.

After a stick of incense, the cavalry of the Liao Army, who heard the sound of cannons and sensed that something was wrong, appeared to the east of Nanshan City.Looking at the overwhelming smoke and dust, Tong Yunjie cried out in his heart that he was lucky.Since the internal response failed, the cavalry of the Liao Kingdom no longer hid, came out from the belly of the Ehu Mountain in a big way, and camped in the northeast of Nanshan City.One hundred thousand cavalry, carrying nearly 30 war horses, and various siege equipment, carrying food, grass and luggage, set up almost endless tents, almost filling the land between the two seas, which is shocking. .In contrast, the short and small Nanshan City is like a small boat in the sea, which may be swallowed by huge waves at any time.This is why the Liao army was not in a hurry to attack the city.

Since defeating the main force of the Kingdom of Jin, the morale of the Liao army has been greatly boosted. After [-] troops arrived from the Shangjing Road and arrived at the Beizheng camp, Yelu Dashi considered that so many troops were not needed to besiege Liaoyang, so he assigned Yelu Yanshan and Guo Baoyi to lead A [-]-strong army came to attack Suzhou. This is also the meaning of the lion fighting the rabbit with all its strength. He predicted that after the remnants of the Jin army in Liaoyang were wiped out, Suzhou Guannan would have already captured. Going north, even if you chase the Yazi River in the Hutong River and the North Sea in the extreme, you must eradicate these rebels in Liaodong, whether they are Han Chinese or Jurchens, and kill them all, leaving no one behind.

In the coastal waters on the east and west sides of Nanshan City, there are three gunboats from the Xia Kingdom moored.Li Sihai was standing in the diaodou of one of the gunboats, holding binoculars in both hands to watch the Liao army camping in the northeast of Nanshan City in a grand manner.Some Liao army camps are very close to the coast. Judging from the scale marked in the field of view of the telescope, it seems that they are already within the range of the navy's bombardment.Although the weather was getting colder at this time, the sea water had not yet frozen, and the sea water on the east and west sides of Suzhou was not shallow, so the gunboat could sail very close to the shore to fire.

Li Sihai shouted from Diao Dou to the deck: "Raise the sails, drive over, and shoot at the place where there are many Liao people, and fire!" He raised the binoculars again, frowning and looking at the busy Liao people The soldiers and horses murmured: "He's 'grandmother', and he's camping by the sea. Did you ask me if I agreed?"

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