Chapter 333

Zhao Xingde saw Xi Jun's face clearly in the binoculars during the walk. Apart from fear or fear, he believed that most people's minds were blank.Although the officers tried their best to maintain it, the formation was already crumbling. Except for those who were killed and wounded by shells and fell to the ground, unable to move forward, most of them were pale.Xi Jun entered the range of [-] paces in front of the trench, Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice: "General Gao gathers his subordinates, and after three rounds of shotguns are fired, the cavalry rush out." The color'color'flag, the general's order was passed on.

Han Ningshuang had no objection to the military order passed down by Zhao Xingde in the front. Gao Bolong immediately smiled and said, "We still have to use our horse army to cut down the general's flag." General Zhao acts according to orders, and you must not make your own decisions." Gao Bolong clasped his fists and said loudly: "The general understands!" Then he retired and walked out with great strides.Gao Bolong's subordinates suffered a lot under the city of Liaoyang. After returning to Guannan, Suzhou, he added some elite cavalry selected by various departments for training.A moment later, more than [-] cavalry mounted their horses, held their spears in their hands, and moved forward slowly under the cover of Nanshan City.

In the large formation of the Liao army, Yelu Yanshan saw that the Xi army was gradually approaching the trench of the Han army, and there was a hint of joy in his eyes. The more than [-] Khitan cavalry of the former army were eager to try, but Yelu Yanshan still did not give an order. When Xi Jun launched the final sprint and took advantage of the opportunity when the artillery fire above the city was attracted by the front Xi Jun, the cavalry could bypass Nanshan City with minimal casualties.

When Xi Jun's forward was only a hundred steps away from the trench, the artillery on the opposite side had been replaced with shotguns one after another. Each shot waited for more than a hundred gunners to fire at the same time, and the skinned wooden shields of the Liao army could not stop it at all. The soldiers in the front row were shot by the oncoming shotgun, and fell to the ground screaming.The soldiers behind couldn't see the situation clearly, so they could only add in stumbling.

Seeing that he was about to rush to the front of the trench, Yu Wenmo said in a deep voice: "Push out the Hao Bridge and the stone chariot!" Xi Jun's team slowed down a little, and the soldiers in front separated to the two sides, while those behind hid in the formation. The siege engine pushed forward.At this time, it was only a few dozen steps away from the trench of the Han army. Not only the power of the artillery of the Han army had reached its maximum, but also the archers behind the love wall of the trench were constantly firing arrows. All Xi Jun's soldiers kept falling down, and the soldiers in front suddenly became a little scattered.

Yu Wenmo yelled: "Don't 'chaos'!" "Let's go forward together!" While urging the soldiers to push the carts full of earth and rocks, they headed towards the oncoming Han army artillery barracks.The fortress at the front of the Han army was also the lowest. Just push the stone cart up and add earth and stones to temporarily block the emplacement, making the artillery fortress of the Han army useless and ensuring that other Xi troops can pass through the trench smoothly.The other Xi Jun officers also drew out their scimitars and rushed forward with their subordinates.On the opposite side of the trench dozens of steps away, there were only a few hundred crossbowmen, and they could not resist the attack of nearly ten thousand people.Occupying the outermost trenches and bunkers is only the first step in capturing Nanshan City. Next, the siege army has to pass through the second trench to get close to the city wall of Nanshan City. This is where the terrain is narrowest and the Han army's artillery fire is the most dense. place.

"Yuwen Mozhen is a brave general!" A smile appeared on the corner of Du Tong Yelu Yanshan's mouth.He thought to himself, after this battle, His Majesty should ask his majesty to give him the surname Xiao, or even the surname Yelu. However, the Yuwen family of the Xi family has always been the royal family of the Northern Zhou Dynasty.Thinking of this, Yelu Yanshan restrained his smile, his eyes showed a cold light, and said in a deep voice: "The cavalry of the left army go out and break the enemy's way back!" He hesitated for a moment, and then said: "If you can capture Nanshan City alive Guard, bring him over to see me!"

Vice President Guo Baoyi also nodded.He was still a little ashamed in his heart, just now he was shocked by the sharpness of the artillery. "It seems that the bandit army's skills are beyond that!" Guo Baoyi thought to himself, "As long as you can move forward, digging the city wall and attacking the city with ladders are all old methods. At most, it is equivalent to a hundred crossbowmen, but how can a small city in Nanshan withstand an army of [-]?" Thinking of this, Guo Baoyi nodded slightly, and his heart relaxed a lot.

The soldiers of the Chinese army passed on the order, and the [-] cavalry who had already been eager to try were dispatched immediately.Because the soil in the south is soft and not suitable for galloping war horses, the cavalry general Yelulu chose to detour from the north of Nanshan City to the back of the city.Accompanied by the cavalry marching out, the shouts of tens of thousands of soldiers in the Chinese army also reached its peak. The sound can knock down the little Nanshan Tucheng.

However, Xi Jun, who was besieging the city, could hardly hear the cheers from the rear.In addition to the deafening roar of artillery, Xi Jun who was rushing forward opened his eyes wide, watching in horror a group of iron cavalry turning out from behind Nanshan City, turning several times along the road set aside by the Han army for the cavalry to counterattack.When he rushed to the open ground, he was less than twenty steps away from Xi Jun in front.In an instant, hundreds of cavalry had no time to organize their formation, and rushed into the completely scattered Xi Jun's infantry, with blood and screams everywhere, Xi Jun was in extreme fear of collapsing Finally, it erupted like a flood that burst a bank.

"Kill——" "Kill!" Gao Bolong laughed triumphantly. These Liao troops braved the artillery fire and advanced for two miles, maintaining their formation. They were considered a strong army, but so what, Grandpa's As soon as the cavalry came out, they were scared to death.The formation of the Xi army has been scattered. Although there are many people, they cannot resist the cavalry. What's more, Gao Bolong's cavalry is the most elite cavalry in the Han army. If you fight against it head-on, even if you get rubbed, you may be knocked out.Many soldiers ignored everything, turned around and fled in all directions.

The cavalry of the Liao army, who were turning around to the north of Nanshan City, spotted the cavalry of the Han army rushing out almost at the same time. "Cavalry!" "Han cavalry!" Thousands and centurions reported loudly to Yelulu, "Do you want to rush over?" What does the infantry mean.There should have been kidnapped cavalry guarding the flanks of the infantry formation, but the artillery at the top of the city was powerful, and there were trenches all over the front of Nanshan City. In order to avoid unnecessary casualties of the cavalry, Yelu Yanshan did not arrange for the cavalry to follow.

"Leave them alone, let's go!" Yelulu said in a deep voice, as if he was about to quickly leave the area where the shells were flying, his legs clamped down on the horse, and five thousand Liao cavalry passed through the open area north of Nanshan City like a gust of wind. zone.Because the ranks of the cavalry were sparse and the horses were running extremely fast, although the artillery at the top of the city was constantly bombarding them, they failed to cause much casualties to them.

In front of Nanshan City, more than a dozen stone chariots were abandoned only a dozen steps away from the artillery barracks of the Han army. Most of the Xi soldiers turned around and fled, while a few people ran around like headless chickens in place. . "Don't retreat!" Yu Wenmo's face was gloomy, he pulled out his scimitar, and shouted hoarsely: "Jie Yuan!" The soldiers of the army barely formed a circular formation according to their chariots, like hedgehogs, and tried their best to point their swords and spears outward.The cavalry of the Han army had no way to speak, and most of them went to chase and expel the scattered Xi army, only a few dozen cavalry circled around the circle.

Zhao Xingde's face darkened slightly, it was beyond his expectation that Xi Jun could form an formation to resist in such a situation. "All artillery fire, aim at the enemy troops in the formation!" As soon as he finished speaking, before he could pass on the order, he only heard the sound of "boom—boom—" and the artillery shells fired from the north fort fell one after another. Enter Xi Jun's formation.Immediately afterwards, other artillery positions also opened fire one after another. The circular array was so close to Nanshan City, the artillery was easy to aim, and the shells were extremely powerful. Whether it was round iron bullets or shotgun shells, all of them would make the Xi army in the formation fly with flesh and blood. Even a cannonball can penetrate more than a dozen people in a row, and the hastily formed circle collapsed almost in an instant.

"My lord, let's go, let's go!" Several soldiers desperately dragged Yu Wenmo backwards to escape.The defeat is like a mountain, and no matter how great the ability is, it cannot be recovered.Some defeated soldiers flee from the enemy, but they are ruthless in attacking the officers who prevent them from escaping. Anyway, on the battlefield, no one can tell.His subordinates collapsed one after another, and Yu Wenmo had nothing to do. His face was covered in blood, and he turned his head and gave Nanshan City a hard look. Then he fled back surrounded by his own soldiers. Behind him, there was no longer any Xi Jun forming an formation to resist. .Compared with the cavalry of the Han army who were chasing death and chasing north, the number of the Liao army was still an absolute majority, but almost all of them were running away, and some even collapsed to the ground in the pursuit of the cavalry, begging for mercy.

"Good job!" Until this time, Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice: "Order, let General Gao return to Nanshan City immediately, and don't have to entangle with the enemy." When the horn sounded to withdraw troops from the top of the city, he relaxed slightly, and said with a smile: " It would be troublesome if the enemy army formed an formation just now, and if it really restored morale, who fired the cannon on the enemy platform in the north just now? It should be credited with credit."

Gao Bolong was charging vigorously, and when he heard the military order to withdraw the troops, he couldn't help but look disappointed, but he remembered Han Ningshuang's instructions, and cursed: "He's 'grandma', don't ask people to kill him!" Turning the horse's head, rushed back.The battlefield was very chaotic, and the cavalry had already lost their command. After hearing the order from the head of the city, most of the cavalry returned immediately. Turning the horse's head, he returned to the city without any danger.

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