Chapter 355 Yan Liang Changes Several Times (4)

Xiao Tachi was taken aback, and replied: "Nanshan City strangles the key pass of Suzhou, and Nanshan can't go down, how can we win?"

Seeing that there were no other generals on the left and right, Guo Baoyi leaned his head closer and said in a low voice: "Xiao Dutong, Nanshan said that although it is important, it is only a small city with steep terrain. Tieshan Fort is the residence of the commander of the Han army. Cleaning up the lairs of Suzhou thieves is more than half of the success." He looked at the sky above the tent, and said leisurely, "This Nanshan City is a hard nut to crack. Seeing that the sea ice is still a month away If it wants to melt down, if Nanshan City can be captured, if it cannot be captured, this victory report must be written."

Xiao Tachi was silent for a moment, then said in a deep voice: "No matter what Iron Mountain Fort is, if Nanshan is not conquered, I have no face to write this victory report." The mountain of earth rushed up the city wall.Although the water dragon siege failed, as long as the artillery battalion's cannon moved forward within [-] steps of the city wall, Wu Chun guaranteed that almost no shots would be missed.Use six hundred catties of stone bullets to test how strong the walls of Nanshan City are.He raised his hand and drank the oil tea in one gulp, chewing the tea leaves fiercely in his mouth, as if they were Zhao De's flesh and blood.

Guo Baoyi chuckled and stopped trying to persuade him.In his opinion, occupying a land the size of Suzhou is very beneficial.The harassment of the Liao Dynasty's coast by the navy of the Han army can start from various islands.Sticking the army here is the biggest loss for the Liao Kingdom.On the other hand, a new city was built in the north of Suzhou and Changhao was excavated to block the passage of the Han army from the land to the north.While waiting for the navy of Zhenhai Mansion to be completed, it is ultimately up to the navy to eliminate the disasters at sea.

In the Tieshan Island Commander's Mansion, Han Ningshuang had a white flower on her temples.Lu Kui is the most prestigious among the veterans of the father's generation in the Han army, and he is also the one who treats Han Ningshuang best.Although the battle was fierce and fierce generals would inevitably die in battle, Han Ningshuang still felt cramps in her heart.

A few days later, Wu Chun, the supervisor of the Artillery Battalion, came to report that the special shield vehicle for the giant artillery had been completed, and the position of the fortress could be moved.Xiao Tachi went to watch it in person, at first sight, he was full of praise immediately.This shield chariot is one foot high and ten feet long and wide, like a small hill.Not only is the tens of thousands of kilograms of cannon shrouded in it, but the gunner and driver are hiding in the shield car.Even the oxen and horses that drag the cannon and the shield cart are also caged in the shield cart.The front, sides and top of the shield car were lined with logs one by one, and were tightly bound by iron rings.Under the shield cart, countless wheels were also made of giant wood, with a layer of iron rings wrapped around the wheels, and the axles were cast with fine iron.The cannon carriage and the shield carriage of the giant gun have been connected together, pulled together by hundreds of horses in the shield carriage, and the cannon carriage will be untied when they reach the place.These horses belonged to the artillery battalion, but they had already adapted to the sound of the artillery. As long as they were blindfolded, they would not be surprised even if they were pulled down on the battlefield.

The shield car itself was extremely heavy. Wu Chun calculated the weight of the logs and the strength of pulling the horses and oxen, plus the benefit of the slippery ice surface, and made the thickness of the outer shield to the extreme.Only in the middle of winter, when the ground is frozen hard, will it not be stuck in the ground.Otherwise, it would be difficult to move an inch.After the shield car was completed, Wu Chun tried several times with the iron barrel cannon in the camp. Ordinary stone bullets could not destroy this big guy, and there was no big guy in Nanshan City who fired stone bullets hundreds of catties.After seeing this result, the entire Liao army, including Xiao Tachi, was full of confidence.Guo Baoyi also couldn't help thinking that if he could really capture Nanshan and do his best, it would be better to report the victory to His Majesty.

In the next few days, the Liao army cleared the road while besieging the city.The slightly rough places were leveled at all costs.The changes of the Liao army, together with the huge shield chariot, were not surprising to the Han army. "These Liao dogs are in such a hurry that they can even come up with the idea of ​​pouring water into the city." Du Chuijiao said while sharpening his knife, "It's probably a siege tower, but it's only ten feet high. It needs to be made higher to get in through the blast hole." He tested the blade with the belly of his thumb, made two false slashes, and said with a smile, "It's exactly one knife!" All the sword and shield hands laughed loudly.In less than a month, the sea ice was about to melt, and it was too late for the Liao army to think of building siege towers until now.

"The trebuchet and the kerosene tank are all ready." Tong Yunjie looked at the huge monsters and ordered coldly.To deal with wooden siege towers, it is easiest to set fire with kerosene cans.The trebuchets stored in the city are for this purpose.


The Han army below laughed and said, although the Japanese and Liao army's offensive was fierce during this period, it did not pose any real threat to Nanshan City.Most of the time, the Han army fired quickly in the fortifications of the enemy's platform and the fortress. Although tired, the casualties were almost negligible compared with the Liao army.The reserves in the city are abundant, and the generals under Zhao Xingde eat the same food as the guards.Three meals a day, complete with meat, eggs, fruits and vegetables, some soldiers had never eaten such a rich food, and even secretly hoped that such a day would last forever.

Accompanied by the sound of the siege horn, the thing that looked like a tortoise shell moved slowly. Around it, about 2000 phalanxes were slowly advancing. In this direction, the Liao army used about [-] soldiers The troops attacked the city.Since only about [-] men could be accommodated on one wall, this meant that the enemy would attack in turns, possibly from morning to night.The generals of the Han army in each enemy station are reminding their soldiers that there will be a hard battle today.The kitchen at the back prepared steamed buns early on, preparing to send war meals to the city wall.After fighting fiercely for two months, the offensive and defensive sides became more and more like a pair of brothers, who 'touched' each other's every move clearly.

Zhao Xingde watched the low "siege tower" move slowly. "Turtle shell" is the nickname given to it by the Han army.It is so huge and boxy, but it can't be seen from the outside.Compared with the various shield vehicles, goose carts, ladders and other siege equipment next to it, they are like children's toys.A dark cloud came to Zhao Xingde's mind: "Under the situation that the strength of the horses and horses is fixed, if the height of this "siege tower" is only a fraction of the usual height, then, will the enemy army use all the weight to thicken it? How many times the thickness of the wooden shell of an ordinary siege tower?" He used a telescope to carefully observe the ruts left behind the "siege tower".Even on the hard permafrost, there were still wide and deep ruts, which proved Zhao Xingde's guess.

"Four-inch guns, solid bullets, double loads of 'drugs' - smash the turtle shell!"

After a while, "boom—" and "boom—" several cannons rang out, and three round iron solid bullets roared towards the "turtle shell".Under the watchful eyes of the tens of thousands of Liao troops under the city wall, Xiaota Chiguo, who was supervising the battle in the rear, was heartbroken.Wu Chun, the supervisor of the Artillery Battalion, didn't notice. Inside the shield car, huge cannons, ammunition, hundreds of horses and soldiers were crowded together.It wasn't because the space was too small, but because of irritability, beads of sweat dripped from Wu Chun's forehead, and he looked at the reining horses as if looking at his father and mother, for fear that something might happen to one of them.

The eyes of the Han army on the city wall and the generals of the Han army in the enemy towers were also drawn by these shells, following them across several beautiful arcs, and hitting the "turtle shell" accurately and ruthlessly.In the past two months, the enemy Taiwan gunners in Nanshan City have fired countless projectiles, and their shooting skills are getting better and better, and they haven't missed a single shot!


Liu Zhijian hadn't had time to finish his sentence just now, but he was surprised to see that a shell weighing ten catties, which could easily smash an ordinary shield vehicle into sawdust and penetrate dozens of soldiers, was actually crushed by that clumsy shell. The "tortoise shell" bounced off, and three shells hit the "tortoise shell" successively.The solid ammunition of the four-inch gun is the most penetrating in Nanshan City. Except for wiping out some sawdust, it can't penetrate it at all. It just makes "it" hesitate for a moment, and then starts to move forward slowly. .

At this moment, Du Chuijiao almost thought that his eyes were dazzled, and then he punched the enemy's platform fiercely with his fist, and shouted: "Come on!" The sword and shield guards guarding the enemy's platform stood up one after another, waiting for it near.

"Get ready to throw fire!"

Tong Yunjie ordered that more than a dozen trebuchets were pushed to the inner side of the city wall, and the pottery pots were filled with kerosene.Because the shooting range of the trebuchet is limited, the fire oil tank is thrown out only when the enemy's "siege tower" is within fifty steps of the city wall.

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