Chapter 364 Han Jialian Hu Bing (2)


The centurion Wang Fu jumped onto the ice, arched his body like a cat, carefully tested the thickness of the ice under his feet, and then waved, more than 50 Han soldiers disembarked one after another.The sea boat put the person down, then put away the planks and slowly rowed away.The uneven thickness of the sea ice is full of traps. Without the guidance of a guide, walking on the ice at night is almost like seeking death.All the Han soldiers curled up and waited with their weapons in their arms.

Not long after, footsteps of "cha--" "cha--" and "cha--" came from the ice in the distance.The guide waved at the group of Han soldiers. Wang Fu was the first to stand up. The rope around his waist pulled the Han soldiers behind him, one by one, and followed the guide carefully on the ice until they landed.There were already a lot of people squatting on the beach.

"Which battalion are you from?"

Wang Fu hurriedly said: "Wangtianzhai, General Liu's subordinates." He looked around while talking.More than 500 brothers came to Wangtianzhai this time, and they all supervised the boat that Liu Qinhu got off with his own soldiers first. "Wangtianzhai, uh, the 37th Battalion," the questioner pointed to the east and whispered, "Over there, follow me." After speaking, he led Wang Fu and the others over, and the first 300 The Han army in Duolu Prefecture squatted on the ground.

Wang Fu was about to go forward to report, but Liu Qinhu waved his hand at him, pointing to the ground.Wang Fu hurriedly lowered his voice and signaled the brothers behind him to squat down together.Liu Qinhu nodded approvingly, then turned to watch the movement on the shore.Throughout the winter, Suzhou Guannan was not harassed by the Han army at all, so the vigilance of the Liao army in Guannan was also reduced to a minimum.On the beach, many soldiers of the Han army were shivering with cold, and the patrolling Liao army was even more reluctant to come to blow the cold wind.

A few miles away, a group of cavalry were carefully leading their horses off the boat.This beach has the best conditions. A warm current passes by the shore, so that the sea water does not freeze almost all winter, and ships can easily get ashore.

Not far from the cavalry, Wu Mai, the marching Sima of Chengying Fourth Battalion, shouted in a low voice: "Be careful, be careful!"

A dozen sailors were dragging a small boat on the shore. The hull was extremely deep, and it was shaking in the waves, as if it might capsize at any time.Traveling to shallow water, the sailors on board simply jumped into the icy sea water and pushed the boat onto the tidal flat together.Pulling one side of the side board, there are four-inch bronze cannons in the boat.The gunner had been waiting for a long time, hurriedly brought the horse to put on the harness, and pulled the four-inch bronze cannon out of the boat.The Eighth Battalion regards the artillery as if it were a gun, but the Fourth Battalion did not take it so seriously. When the commander-in-chief of the Han Army proposed to use four-inch bronze cannons to bombard the Guannan Liao Army camp, Li Sihai readily agreed, and the Eighth Battalion immediately agreed. A spare copper cannon was lent to the Han army, and the gunners who operated the cannon were also allocated from each gunboat.

"It's a heavy guy." Wu Mai gave a smooth push and watched the artillery being dragged to the preset position.

The artillery emplacements were simply piled with soil pockets. More than 800 Luzhou gunners are busy setting up antlers in front of the position.One artillery after another was dragged into the fort, and the ammunition was all stacked very close to ensure that once the battle started, the artillery could fire at the fastest speed, creating the greatest panic in the Liao army camp.When the last gun had been drawn into the battery, all the gunners were in their positions.The heavens are beautiful, and until now, no cavalry from the Liao army came out to make trouble.Marching Sima Wu Mai breathed a sigh of relief, and looked to the north, all the lights in Nanshan City were extinguished, and it was pitch black.

Nanshan City is the commanding height in this area. After all the Han troops landed, the navy sent a signal to Nanshan City with torch flags.The Nanshan defenders also secretly pushed four three-inch guns out of the city, aiming at the Liao army camp in Guannan.Hundreds of cavalry crowded inside the south city gate, and the faces of the cavalry were full of excitement.At the beginning of the siege, the cavalry went out of the city and stepped over the camp of the Liao army. Later, the Liao army's defenses were tight, and the cavalry could only stay in the city honestly, either doing nothing, or being used as archers, swords and shields.

Not only the cavalry, but also the defenders of Nanshan City, everyone felt a surge of excitement, Zhao Xingde was no exception, he watched the signal from the navy gunboat moored on the western sea, took a deep breath, and said in a deep voice : "Send a signal." His face sank like water, but he slapped heavily on the top of the wall with one hand, as if he let out a bad breath.

The Han army at the head of the city lit the torches, and one torch lit another. Soon, hundreds of torches were lit at the same time, and then they waved vigorously in all directions.The strong wind blew the torches loudly, and at almost the same time, all the Han troops who saw the signal from Nanshan City began to move, relying on the bright moon and clear light, they slowly approached the Guannan Camp of the Liao Army.In the north and south of the Liao State Camp, on the artillery positions of the Han army, Liu Zhijian and Wu Mai ordered to light the timing incense almost at the same time.

The cavalry led their horses, and the infantry, holding their swords and shields, approached the Liao army camp step by step. After walking through the last section, all the battalions stopped and rearranged their formation again.On the artillery position, the timing incense was burning little by little, and it was about to burn to the end.At this time, a guard of the Liao Kingdom who was dozing behind the fence snorted, suddenly his eyes widened and his face turned pale as if he had seen a ghost. Under the bright moonlight, the figures of the groups of people and horses looked like countless evil spirits who had escaped from hell.Liao Jun opened his mouth wide, unable to make a sound in horror.

"Boom—" "Boom——"

The artillery of the Han army broke the silence first, and round iron bullets streaked across the night sky and fell into the Guannan camp of the Liao Kingdom.Under Nanshan City in the north, the hot round iron bullets had a dark red light, and the ballistic trajectory was clearly visible in the night sky. It touched the tents of the Liao army, and quickly caused the fire to spread. "Quick! Quick!" Accompanied by the urging of the gunner, each gunner reloaded the ammunition as quickly as possible, and fired again.They want to shoot out all the shells they carry in the shortest possible time.

The Guannan camp of the Liao army seemed to have fallen into a nightmare, and seemed to have just woken up from a nightmare. The Liao army hurriedly got up and ran wildly in the camp. Gallop around on a saddleless warhorse.From the north and the south, there were endless "boom boom boom" sounds, as if enemies were attacking and stealing the camp at night from all directions.Some people were horrified to find that a large group of cavalry was rushing towards the camp in the southeast. When the Liao army entered Guannan, the land had already thawed and it was difficult to dig trenches. Talking is better than nothing.

"Shoot the arrow!" "Shoot the arrow!"

More than a thousand Liao troops huddled together behind the fence, shooting arrows while aiming at the Han cavalry rushing from a distance.More Liao troops mounted their horses and prepared to go out to fight.At this moment, a solid round iron bullet came through the air with a sharp howling sound, and just hit in the middle of this dense group of people and horses, pieces of flesh and blood flew everywhere, and screams were everywhere.


Wu Mai shouted, aiming on land, the accuracy of the gun crew was much higher than that on the ship.The shells of the four-inch guns fell one after another in the Liao army camp, not only defeating a group of archers, but also disturbing the Liao army cavalry behind to go out of the camp to fight.It wasn't until the cavalry of the Han army got very close that Wu Mai ordered to stop the cover bombardment, and raised the muzzle so that the shells fell deep into the Liao army camp.

"Huh—" A shell flew past Gao Bolong's head with a howling sound.

"Damn artillery battalion, really crazy!" Gao Bolong and many cavalrymen involuntarily lowered their bodies, trying to control their horses so as not to be disturbed by the sound of artillery.In front of the cavalry, the damage caused by the shells was shocking. The fence and antlers that were originally thought to be solved with a lasso had already been destroyed by the shells, and the vanguard cavalry easily passed through the gap.

"Kill——" Gao Bolong clenched his spear with his right hand, and with the help of his horsepower, he easily knocked down one person. Several Liao soldiers beside him retreated in panic, and several people stumbled and fell down.The cavalrymen of the Han army galloped on their horses, their iron hooves mercilessly stomped over these Liao soldiers with great strength.A group of Liao army cavalry rushed towards him, Gao Bolong refused to give in, and raised his spear with his right hand, all the Han army cavalry raised their spears one after another, while the Jurchen cavalry raised their maces. , the Jurchen cavalry brandished their maces, and the Liao army cavalry rushed to meet them, and many people fell down immediately.

The cavalry rushed into the camp of the Liao Kingdom, and thousands of armored infantry also marched forward. The soldiers in the front line held long-handled axes, and there were a large number of crossbowmen around them.Along the way, the antlers of the fence were chopped off, and the long-handled axes flew up and down. It was difficult for the cavalry of the Liao Army to approach. 'Dead' shot' hurt a lot.At this time, the Guannan camp was full of shouts and killings. It seemed that a cavalry force of the Han army entered the Guannan camp from the north and lit fire and oil tanks along the way. The fire in the Guannan camp became more intense. After the gunpowder and food and grass hoarded by the Liao army were also ignited, the fire became even more uncontrollable.All the Liao troops in the camp fell into a situation where they were fighting on their own. The blazing fire and the occasional explosion sounded far away in the dark night.

Zhao Xingde stood at the top of Nanshan City, using binoculars to observe the progress of the night attack.Nanshan had to monitor the movements on both the north and south sides of the Suzhou Pass at the same time. When any party attempted to pass through the sea-ice passage to the west of Nanshan City, it was time to act.At this time, a cavalry galloped out of the Liao Army camp north of Suzhou Pass, turned a corner outside Nanshan City, carefully avoided the firing range of the artillery at the top of the city, slowed down the speed of the horse, and carefully walked out of Nanshan City. Passing on near-shore sea ice.

"Fire!" Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice.

Almost at the same moment, Li Sihai shouted loudly: "Boom damn it!" Five gunboats were already lined up on the sea, and the gun doors spewed out flames "boom", "boom", "boom", "boom", countless The round iron solid cannonball smashed heavily on the ice with huge inertia.A sailor from the fourth battalion even ignited a boat of gunpowder piled on the ice, and rushed to hide behind a rock.

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