Chapter 367 Han Jialian Hu Bing (5)

After Han Ningshuang dealt with the paperwork on the desk, she inspected Tieshan Castle in person, and when she returned to the mansion, she always felt that there was still something to be done.She thought carefully, it turned out that in the past few days, at this time, either she went to visit Li Ruoxue, or Li Ruoxue came, and the two of them got along with each other, giving them a rare sense of leisure.In the huge Han army commander's mansion, there was only one person who could talk to Han Ningshuang in the boudoir.Thinking of this, Han Ningshuang felt strange.She didn't want to think about these annoying and annoying things, so she simply stood up.Standing in front of the window and leaning on the railing to look out, the vast world can be seen in the eyes, and the heart is smooth.

The hills and wilderness in Guannan, Suzhou are still a scene after the catastrophe. The air is filled with the smell of gunpowder smoke, and the original white snow has been trampled all over the ground.The Han army was hoarding supplies and preparing to build a few more forts. According to Zhao Xingde, if the Liao army resorted to tricks such as wooden shields and cannons, there was only one Nanshan city guarding the isthmus, and it was still in danger.If a few fortresses were built after Nanshan City, and the cross-shooting of artillery was used to support each other, the difficulty for the Liao army to enter Guannan would be doubled.Therefore, while the Han army was strengthening Nanshan City, it was also preparing to build a new fortress.

Compared with before winter, the population structure of Guannan in Suzhou will undergo a huge change. There will be no common people here, and all the soldiers stationed here will be soldiers of the Han army, plus a small number of dependents.Most of the people settled in the old land of Bohai State in the far north.There is a distance of more than 2000 miles from Shenzhou, Liaoyang, where the Liao Kingdom stationed heavy troops, to the land where the Han people settled down.If the Liao army really wants to make an expedition, this long supply line through the deep mountains and dense forests will be an excellent target for the Han army's light cavalry to harass.Because of the wars and vendettas, this two thousand li radius has become a deserted place.The Han army will neither reclaim these places, let alone allow others to reclaim these places.The Han people who settled in the north tried to use the short spring and summer to plant some cold-resistant crops. Because of the relationship between water, soil and climate, it is still unknown whether the seeds sown in the first year can be harvested in autumn, but there is always hope.More young and strong left the uncertain farming business, doing things like cutting wood, burning charcoal and making iron.The Xia*** Machinery Division has a great demand for firewood and iron.The weapons hoarded by the Fangla Yu Party in the Southern Dynasty were gradually replaced by those made in Liaodong.Fur, wood, and iron from Liaodong were all transported to the south in exchange for food, and the Han army's own supplies were also in short supply.

Around the ruins of the Guannan Camp, some soldiers were carefully searching for the luggage left by the Liao army.In the past few days, the battlefield was cleaned, and the bones of the sacrificed soldiers of the Han army were transported to outer islands for burial, while the bones of the Liao army were burned.The clothing of the Liao army was an important loot for the Han army. They were peeled off and washed, and the battalions rushed to get them. The dead horses were collected and made into jerky, and the leather was tanned and put into the arsenal for storage.Swords, bows, arrows, horse gear, etc., are distributed immediately if they are intact, and if the damaged ones can be repaired, they will be repaired;

Throughout the winter, the Liao army successively lost 3 to [-] horses under Nanshan City.Now that the sea ice is melting and Nanshan City has continuous reinforcements, it will be even more difficult to drive the Han army out of Suzhou Guannan.In the past few days, the Liao Army in Guanbei has begun to build the wall, and seems to want to switch to the strategy of constant siege. In addition, Zhenhai Prefecture and Fuzhou have also stationed a lot of Liao troops, forming a corner with the Guanbei camp.The Liao army built warships in Fuzhou and Zhenhai respectively, and built iron barrel artillery forts on the docks to guard against the Han navy.

The news of Yelu Dashi's retreat also came, which was expected by Han Ningshuang.After being conscripted this time, the elite soldiers of the Kingdom of Jin will go out of ten to seven or eight.Due to the continuous burning, killing and looting by the Liao army throughout the winter, the population of the Kingdom of Jin was reduced by more than half.Huining Mansion, which was besieged by the Liao Kingdom throughout the winter, was so desperate that women were required to go to the city to help defend.Coupled with the fact that Wanyan Xieye and Wanyan Zongbi were appointed Kings of the North and South Jurchen respectively, for the court of the Liao Kingdom, the future trouble of the Wanyan Jin Kingdom was no longer a concern.Yelu Dashi was even relieved to keep Wanyan Xie in Huanglong Mansion, and under the supervision of Xiao Wuli, the commander of the Liao Army, he used his name to recruit and appease the Jurchen tribe.Southern Jurched King Wanyan Zongbi was still accompanied by Yelu Dashi.Nearly 20 surrendered soldiers, together with more than [-] Jurchens, were moved southward to nearby counties in Shenzhou, Liaoyang.The Jurchen tribe lived together with the Bohai people, the old and the weak, women and children, cultivated the farmland abandoned by the Han people, and all the able-bodied men were conscripted as garrison soldiers.The Jurchen Battalion of Tokyo Road was nominally subordinate to the Jurchen King of the North and South, but in fact it was dismantled and used as a supplement for Xi Jun's infantry, and was dispatched to guard Nanjing Road, Zhongjing Road, and Xijing Road.

"Song State and Xia State are at war on the Xijing Road, and Xia State has mobilized Guanzhong regiment training, Yelu Dashi can't turn a blind eye." Han Ningshuang thought, "Liao, Song and Xia have extremely strong military and national strength. Once the war starts, it is bound to last for a long time. It is impossible for Yelu Dashi to give up the opportunity to compete in the Central Plains, so Liaodong will have a rare chance to breathe."

At this time, the soldiers reported that there was a messenger from the Xia Kingdom asking for an interview. Han Ningshuang was a little surprised. Generally speaking, even if the Huguo Mansion asked the Han army to do something, it would be through Li Sihai or Zhao Xingde, and then the two of them would convey the information to the Huguo Mansion. the meaning of.Xia Guo's messenger came to meet him directly, what's the matter?

When the messenger came in, Han Ningshuang opened her eyes wide in surprise, and said, "Chen Kang?"

Chen Kang was wearing an ordinary narrow-sleeved military robe, and his face had a lot of wind and frost.His eyes were burning hot, and he said in a trembling voice: "Ningshuang, I thought I would never see you again." Seeing Han Ningshuang's face full of surprise, he took a step forward and stopped when he was in front of Han Ningshuang. He whispered: "When I heard that the Liao army captured the Tieshanbao commander's mansion, I thought I would be separated from you forever, and almost jumped into the sea. Later, I thought, even if I want to die, I should stay closer to you, or I will talk about it later when I get revenge for you. I didn’t know until I arrived in Liaodong that the commander-in-chief’s mansion had already moved to Tieshan Island, which is really... great, Ningshuang, I see you again.”

Chen Kang was originally a calm, witty, well-behaved person, otherwise the King of Kang would not have given up many noble children with the surname Kang, but he wanted Chen Kang to be his heir.However, caring is "chaotic". Because he pretended to be a messenger, Chengyingying naturally would not report the situation in Liaodong to him in detail.It was only after arriving in Liaodong that she heard about the arrangements for the night raid on the Liao army's camp in Guannan, and then she realized that Han Ningshuang was still alive, and she was immediately overjoyed.Now that he finally saw Han Ningshuang with his own eyes, Chen Kang couldn't help himself.His expression was extremely painful at the beginning, but later he was so happy that he danced with his arms and legs.

Han Ningshuang looked at Chen Kang, and said in a low voice, "You shouldn't have come. As the son of a vassal prince, it is not a small crime to leave the fief without permission." She was silent for a moment, and said in a deep voice, "I have implicated you. The ominous person , Prince Kang, let’s forget about it.”

"Say something crazy, it's impossible," Chen Kang looked at her, and said with certainty, "I can't forget it." As he spoke, he went forward to shake Han Ningshuang's hands.However, Han Ningshuang took a step back and leaned against the window. The wind on the mountain made her hair slightly messy.Seeing this, Chen Kang quickly stopped in his tracks, and said in a deep voice, "I won't take that King Kang's seat anymore. As long as you are in Liaodong, I will stay in Liaodong."

What he said was sincere, but Han Ningshuang just looked at him with a touch of emotion in her eyes, but more of a refusal. She bit her lip and was about to say some decisive words when there was a sudden noise at the door.Only the soldiers shouted loudly: "Lieutenant Li, Marshal Han is meeting guests, you can't go in!" But Li Sihai said in a louder voice: "I'm looking for this guest, let me go in." It seemed to be pushing With a hand of the guards, the door opened.

Standing at the door, Li Sihai saw Chen Kang at a glance, and then glanced at Han Ningshuang, with a flash of apology in his eyes, and said in a low voice: "Chen Kang, the Huguo Mansion is ordered to detain you immediately and take you back to Kangguo." Dispose of it." He stepped aside so that Chen Kang could clearly see that there were four soldiers from Chengying Battalion behind him, and said in a deep voice, "Chen Kang, friends, don't make things difficult for me."

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