Chapter 391 What is the crime of common people (4)

Qiu Lao Liu was gray-haired, he watched group after group of people being driven up to death by Mierbo cavalry, his face became paler and paler, his legs became limp, and his heart was beating violently.The more frightened the thing, the faster it came. A ferocious barbarian soon rode up to him, waving his machete as a gesture. Although they couldn't understand the words, these people understood that it was time to go up to die.Mierbo's cavalry only had more than 1000 cavalry, but they drove away more than 5000 people.In front of Yingyan Village, [-] people have already died.The common people were terrified, but no one dared to escape under the intimidation of the Mierbo cavalry.

"Hurry up, you wait to come forward—" Signing Army Song Quan and Wang Zhong shouted arrogantly, "During it, be careful of the whip."The two of them were selected to follow the Mierbo cavalry southward because they spoke Mobei barbarian all night.Although the situation of the two of them was similar to these Huanzhou people in the past, but now they seem to be superior to others, and any commoner who is even a little procrastinated in action will be beaten to pieces.To the common people, they are much more vicious than the Mierbo people.

Qiu Laoliu walked tremblingly.His face was ashen, and suddenly he fell to his knees and cried loudly: "My lord, please forgive me, please forgive me."

"Do you want to die?" Song Quan frowned, and the raw cowhide whip crackled down.Qiu Laoliu held his head and did not dare to dodge, but begged for mercy: "My lord, please forgive me. If my lord wants to enter the Song Dynasty, and my villain knows the roads big and small, I will be able to bypass Yingyan village." The centurion Meng Dan also Looking at it, Song Quan and Wang Zhong didn't dare to be negligent, and hurriedly passed on Qiu Lao Liu's words, and then asked sternly according to Lord Mierbo's instructions: "You old man, if you weren't lying and deceiving, you would close the Yanmen Gate, The true and false facts of the Song Army camp, and the situation of roads and roads, are all clearly reported to the adults. If there is a sentence that is not true, they will be killed immediately."

Qiu Laoliu busily said: "To tell you the truth, my lord, when I was young, I sold some private goods to the south all the year round. In the area around Yanmen Pass, there were thirteen large and small camps in the Song Dynasty. They were all built on the basis of danger, easy to defend and difficult to attack. And there are 44 wide and narrow roads in various valleys, the wide ones are passable for carriages and horses, and the narrow ones are only passable for people." While he was talking, Song Quan passed these words on to Meng Dan, and Meng Dan's eyes glowed loudly, Staring at Qiu Lao Liu, mumbling for a while, Song Quan said loudly: "Then your army will lead the way, avoid the Song army, and go around to the back of Yingyan Village." Seeing that Meng Dan valued Qiu Lao Liu, he didn't speak so fast The words are harsh.

Qiu Laoliu hurriedly said: "The villain is willing to serve the army. But these 44 roads, big and small, are all known by the Song army guarding the border." As soon as he finished speaking, Song Quan's face darkened, and he cursed Said: "You old man is impatient, how dare you entertain the uncle." Before he passed the message to Lord Manzi, Qiu Lao Liu said: "In addition to these 44 roads, there are three trails leading to the front. , because people don’t go there often, and the southern frontier army doesn’t know about it.” He said these three small roads are sometimes when the border between Song and Liao is very tight, and the Song army guarding the border no longer turns a blind eye. The mountain road that the team will detour.

Meng Dan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately reported to the commander Huo Tuo.Huo Tu sent someone to report to Chief Wan Fu Tie Muge, and at the same time personally led fifty riders, with Qiu Lao Liu as a guide, to explore the hidden path leading to the Southern Dynasty.Although Qiu Lao Liu hasn't been there for more than ten years, his memory is excellent.Although this road is rugged, after cutting the weeds and branches, it can allow a person and a horse to pass slowly.It took fifty riders two days to go round and round in Longling and Yanmen Mountains, and finally turned out of the vast mountains. Looking at the endless flat wilderness below the mountains, Huo Tu couldn't help but let out a long breath and sighed: "Here It’s not as vast as the grassland, if it wasn’t for this old man leading the way, just walking around in this mountain, even if people wouldn’t starve to death, the horses would be exhausted.” He himself led thirty cavalry to guard the place where he came out of the mountain.He strictly ordered his subordinates not to go out to mow grass and hunt, nor to make a fire, and only eat cheese and dried meat that they carried with them, so as not to alarm the Song people.In addition, the centurion Mengdan was sent back to the north of the mountain with Qiu Laoliu and [-] people to meet more Mierbo cavalry going south.

Thousands of Mierbo cavalry gathered in the north of Yingyan Village.After hearing the news, Tie Muge, the head of the Wanfu, not only did not relax, but instead drove the people to attack Yingyan village for several days.The arrows of the Song army guarding the village were exhausted, and the supplies they were looking forward to every day arrived quickly.On this day, more than [-] Mierbo cavalry suddenly appeared to the south of Yingyan Village, causing the Xiang army guarding the village to panic.

"Yang Dutou, we have been backtracked by the Liao people!"

Yang Yuanlong looked at the cavalrymen of the Liao Army who were showing off their might in the south of the camp, swallowed, and said in a low voice, "Count each of them, how many arrows are left?" Hold fast to the camp, Master Zhe will definitely send troops to rescue us." He looked fiercely at the group of barbarian cavalry who had bypassed Yingyan Village, and punched the hard stone with his fist.The Zhe Da Xianggong mentioned by Yang Yuanlong is the head of the Zhe family, and the deputy envoy of Jinglue, who lives in the east of the river, can ask for Zhe.The Zheyang family has deep roots in Hedong and has been close to each other for generations.After Yang Yanqing led the troops to capture Yunzhou, all the soldiers and horses who stayed at the rear pass were under the command of Zhe Keqiu who was stationed at Shiling Pass.

The Liao army's attack on Yingyan Village became more violent. At first they just drove the people to attack the camp, but now many Mierbo cavalry dismounted, wrapped up among the people, and shot cold arrows at the Song army guarding the village.The arrows of the Song army were getting fewer and fewer, and the casualties were increasing. When the cavalry of the Liao army in the south also engulfed a large number of Hedong people as signing troops to attack the camp, the reinforcements had not yet arrived, and the Xiang army guarding the Yingyan village was completely desperate. .The archers of the Xiang army were all locals, and many relatives and family members were among the people in Hedong who were surrounded by the Liao army. Many people shot arrows while crying.Relatives killed each other, and the village was full of crying children and mothers, and the situation was a hundred times more bleak than before.The arrows and stones of the Song army were also getting less and less, and finally reached the point where they were about to be exhausted.

"Damn it," Yang Yuanlong said hoarsely, "If you don't want to be a coward, prepare to fight with a knife!" A few blood blisters formed at the corners of his mouth, and they were bitten open again, and his eyes were bloodshot.Each had less than two arrows left.Yang Yuanlong sharpened the steel knife with callused hands until it made a loud "crack".The other Xiang troops also wiped their knives.

The cavalry of the Liao army drove the people away from the beginning to the end to consume the arrows of the Song army, but hid behind the people and shot cold arrows from a distance.Of the 300-armed army guarding the camp, there are now only more than [-] people left, and the corpses of the people outside are piled up like a mountain, but there are not many Mierbo people who have actually been killed.The enemy also seemed to realize that the Song army's arrows were about to run out, and there were more and more real Liao troops attacking, and they were still hiding behind the people.Whenever "swish" a few wild goose feather arrows shot out, Mierbo's army stopped for a while, seeing that there was no movement in the camp, they slowly attacked upwards, approaching the wall of the camp.Yingyan Village guarded the road, and the gate of the village was purposely built to be very narrow, allowing only one rider to pass through, but there were corpses and piles of firewood piled up outside the village wall, so Mierbo soldiers could directly rush up the village wall.

"Kill——" Yang Yunlong yelled violently, and the steel knife slashed down on the face of a Mierbo man. He was like a mad tiger, and the people around him were so frightened that they ran away, and the Hu'er screamed fell down.At the beginning, the Song army still had the upper hand, and the Mierbo people slaughtered the common people and tortured the captives outside Yingyan Village many times.The soldiers of Song Dynasty guarded the village for dozens of days, conscious that they must have no physiology, and they all gritted their teeth and fought fiercely. In the narrow Yingyan village, there were scenes of swords, swords, and flesh flying everywhere.The Hedong soldiers have always been extremely tough, and the Mierbo soldiers are not good at fighting on foot. They often surround a Song army with two or three people before they can deal with it.However, as Mierbo soldiers poured into the camp continuously, more and more Song soldiers fell into bitter struggle.

The soldiers of the Song Dynasty were single and lonely, and the more they fought, the fewer they fought. Even Yang Yuanlong was covered in injuries.He had guarded the village for so many days and killed countless people, but Yang Yuanlong had never killed so happily. He strode forward, chopped down a barbarian with a knife, and stepped on his chest.The shield blocked the scimitar coming from the side, and Yang Yuanlong slashed a Liao soldier in front of him, but the knife got stuck on the shoulder blade, and he couldn't get it out for a while. The short spears will come over together.Feeling the strong wind behind him, Yang Yuanlong gave a loud shout, discarded his sword and shield and turned around, holding several spears firmly with his arms, he was about to go forward and snatch the spears of the Liao army.He was slashed heavily by the Liao army in the back, causing his hands to loosen slightly in pain, and his movements were rarely slow, and he was stabbed by several Liao army spears.

Yang Yuanlong's eyes widened: "Father, big brother, Yuanlong did not disgrace his ancestors." But he couldn't see anything in front of him.Several Liao soldiers then pulled out their spears from his armpits, and stabbed at him desperately regardless of life or death. Several spears supported the corpse and did not fall down for a long time.In this bloody battle, the five hundred Song soldiers guarding Yingyan Village were wiped out, and a dozen wounded would rather die than surrender, and were brutally killed by the Liao army.And the casualties of the Mierbo people themselves were as many as six or seven hundred.

The signing troops are busy carrying the corpses, and the road leading to the east of the river has been cleared.The weather was hot, and the Mierbo people had to be buried, while the corpses of the Song soldiers were moved outside and burned. Some Song soldiers were still hugging the enemy tightly at the last moment.

The head of the ten thousand, Tie Muge, had a sullen face, and he had no joy of victory in his heart. "There are so many people in the Song Dynasty. If they are all like the guards in Yingyan Village, then we, the Mierbo people, will die and we will not be able to win this battle." Said to the centurion Meng Dan in a low voice, "If it is inconvenient to take away, kill it around here, so as not to leave any trouble." Behind, along this straight and narrow road, passing through the mountains like a natural barrier, is the east of the Song Dynasty, with countless villages and countless people.

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