Chapter 399 The Fate of the Country Hanging Geshu (3)

The arrows were raining down, and the Liao army still had armor to resist. The signing army who was driven in front of the formation was thinly clothed, and they were shot down immediately.The bowmen of the Song army were divided into several teams to shoot arrows, and the arrows fell continuously, only to hear screams everywhere, and the originally loose signing team was even more chaotic. Scolding loudly, let Han'er sign the army to rush forward.There is still a chance of life for the signing army to move forward, and those who retreat will undoubtedly die, and they dare not escape. Tens of thousands of signing troops push the front, just like the tide, pushing one layer at a time, and the signing army in front is not enough to stand , could only stagger and run forward full of fear.

The head-on arrows became more and more dense, and countless people fell in the dust, with blood flowing all over the ground.The signing army in front was extremely frightened and frightened, but the signing army behind couldn't see the swords and axes of the Song army's strong formation. They only wanted to stay as far away from the vicious Liao army as possible, and the people in front were pushed forward involuntarily.As soon as he was about to rush into the Song army's formation, someone shouted anxiously: "I'm waiting for Nai Haner, let me save my life!"

"Han'er? What are you doing here?" Guo Xian, the commander in charge of the front line, sneered, "Quickly release the arrows, don't let these people rush into chaos." 'go out.A soldier from Hedong hesitated for a moment, but Situ Rui slapped his head, "Kill all these thieves!" Hedong."

Under the banner of the commander in chief, elite soldiers were surrounded by elite soldiers. Yang Yanqing was fully armored. He observed the enemy and saw the Liao army driving the signing army to die for the vanguard. He couldn't help but frowned. Charge forward and drive the Han'er signing army to the opposite side, take advantage of the situation to cover up and kill, and break the enemy's formation."

The flag officer sent orders on flying horses, and waved the flags everywhere.Accompanied by the sound of "Dong Dong", the Song Army's heavy armored players, spearmen, long-handled axemen, and sword and shield players in the back line passed through the gaps in the front bow and crossbow array one by one. He lost his pace and just sneaked into the gaps of odd-numbered rows, doubling the density of soldiers at the front. "Rush up, motherfucker." This is what most soldiers think.The cold light of the knives and axes is dazzling, the spears are like forests, and the iron armor is like a wall, just like the momentum of Mount Tai.The Liao army was terrified, so they had to shoot arrows desperately to prevent the Song army from approaching. The arrows 'shooting' towards the Song army became more and more dense, but most of them were blocked by the rattan boards on the boards.

This formation, not to mention the signed army, even the cavalry of the Liao army may not be able to withstand it.There were wolves in the front and tigers in the back, and tens of thousands of signed troops were in a dilemma. They were struggling under the dense arrow feathers of the Song army.The Song army rushed forward like a beast showing its fangs. Han'er was timid and weak, and his armor was thin. The crude weapons in his hands could not even pierce the iron armor. The light splashed everywhere, this was no longer a battle, but a one-sided massacre, the front of Han'er's signing army fell down, and the back fled back crying in a hurry. "My mother—" "Grandpa Yang, please forgive me—" Many of them were weak and fell down during the escape, and were trampled to death.

Song Jun took advantage of the situation and drove the signing army towards the opposite side like a sheep. The tens of thousands of signing troops were terrified, but they forgot the cruelty of the Liao army, and fled backward like crazy.Song Jun followed closely behind, deliberately driving the signing troops on both sides to the middle, so as not to let the signing troops disperse, but rushed towards the front of the Liao army like a flood.

"Let the arrows!" "Quick, let the arrows—" Many officers panicked and ordered loudly.Except for a few artillery fortresses, it is the infantry formed by Xi Jun and the Jurchen Battalion.Although the signing army is vulnerable, there are tens of thousands of people after all. Not to mention people, even if it is really tens of thousands of sheep rushing madly, it is also very troublesome.What's more, the Hedong Song Army, which can be called a formidable enemy, followed closely behind the signing army.At this time, the Liao army on both wings also bent their bows and set up arrows, and shot towards the middle, but the clusters of arrow feathers flying from both sides drove the signers to the center even more. These tens of thousands of frightened signers, I only hate my parents for losing two legs.Unknowingly, driven by the idea of ​​escape, the signing troops instead merged into an unstoppable torrent, rushing straight towards Xi Jun and the Jurchen camp.

"It's a rebellion—" Xiao Hongren, the commander of the Xi army, murmured, with a look of fear on his face, "these Han people should have been killed long ago." He put down the iron mask of his helmet, and drew out the long knife at his waist , ready to kill the signing army.At this moment, several Liao Army iron barrel guns worked hard to lower their muzzles and fired with a "boom--". Hundreds of stones, projectiles, and small arrows were like violent raindrops, rushing forward on the relatively narrow front. The "tide" of soldiers seemed to be slowed down by a huge wind in an instant.At this moment, countless people screamed and fell down clutching their bloody heads and faces. "I don't want to die—" Someone had only one breath left.More signing troops stepped on their shoulders and continued to flee for their lives, but the faces of the people were obviously pale from being frightened.

"Boom——" "Boom——" The small iron barrel cannon in the Liao army's artillery barracks fired.The Liao Kingdom and the Jin Kingdom have been fighting fiercely in Liaodong for many years, and the artillery battalion has been defeated repeatedly. Although there are still many deficiencies, they have made great progress in aiming shooting and looping bombardment.As the Song army entered the firing range of the small iron barrel cannon, the sound of "boom" and "boom" continued.In contrast, the artillery of the Song army at the head of the city was far away, and only the solid bullets of the heavy artillery could bombard the Liao formation, and the power to kill the enemy was greatly reduced.Where the two armies clashed, the artillery of the Liao army almost had an absolute advantage.

A swarm of bullets flew in all directions, penetrating into every hole, even crossing the interval between the signed troops, and penetrating into the Song army formation behind, and the rattan plaques could not cover it a little, and the Song army was shot. The crisp sound of "Ding Ding Dang Dang" is the locust stone hitting the armor, but it cannot penetrate, and the muffled sound of "Puff" is often accompanied by blood.Some iron pills pierced through the rattan cards with a "pop" sound, and many brand players fell into a pool of blood before they even had time to react.The huge power of Tietong's running caused the Song army in front of the army to be in chaos. Fortunately, there were signing troops blocking the front at this time, otherwise the casualties would have been even more severe.

"The Song army is in disarray! The two wings of the front line! The cavalry charge - charge up!"

Xiao Ta shouted coldly.The situation on the battlefield is ever-changing.The scene at this time is the same as when the Jin soldiers stormed the Liao army camp and were caught off guard by the iron barrel artillery during the decisive battle between the Liao and Jin Dynasties.Although the Song army used a large number of iron barrel cannons to defend the city, they were also chaotic and flustered when they encountered intensive bombardment by iron barrel cannons during the attack.Under the bombardment of artillery, if the cavalry is used to cover up the kill, it is easy to overwhelm the infantry's solid formation.

Upon hearing the order, the cavalry on both wings drew out their scimitars, raised their spears, and rode out into battle.When these cavalry had just stepped forward, and hadn't fought the Song army, they got mixed up with the Han'er signing army who were grazing sheep everywhere on the battlefield and running wildly.In order to seize the road, the cavalry of the Liao Army had to threaten loudly on the horse, stabbing with knives and spears, and immediately killed the signing army.However, this move can only make the originally terrified signing army even more frightened. Although the signing army encountered is about to collapse at the touch of a touch, the situation on the battlefield is even more chaotic.The war horse couldn't run out of speed at all, so it could only gallop slowly towards Song Jun.Xiao Ta's face was ashen, he gritted his teeth and said: "These burdens——"

"Don't be 'chaos'——" "Don't be 'chaos'!" Song Jun, the commanders of all departments, shouted loudly.These officers at the head and tail of the soldiers are the bones and muscles of the Hedong camp, and they have been the generals and military households for generations. In the Song Dynasty, they were called arrogant soldiers.Under the sudden and violent shelling of the Liao army, the officers suffered heavy losses, and the soldiers were in a panic. The officers who were still alive, no matter whether they were injured or not, tried their best to restrain their subordinates.Some people didn't care about wrapping their wounds, and beat and kicked the soldiers to prevent the soldiers from leaving the team while uttering obscenities.Unlike the other Song armies who advanced when they heard the drums and retreated when they heard the gold, the Hedong camp valued bravery more than military discipline. Some officers shouted, "Kill all these Liao dogs—" and rushed out of the formation with their subordinates, facing Fiercely fired arrows, and rushed towards the Liao army's artillery barracks on the opposite side.Before the cavalry of the Liao Army rushed up, the Hedong Army behind the formation came up and consolidated the formation again.

Seeing this scene, Yang Yanqing's face was as iron as steel, and he said in a deep voice: "Beat the drums—take down the artillery barracks—destroy the enemy!"

The war drums of Song Guozhong's army rushed again, hearing the sound of "dong dong", "dong dong dong", "dong dong dong", Zhe Keshi looked back, and saw the flag of the commander with the word "Yang" constantly shaking back and forth.The commander-in-chief's flag cannot be moved easily, this is the military order of the former army to go all out to attack the enemy. "It's 'grandmother'!" Guo Xian wiped his face, which was covered in blood for some reason, and he grinned grinningly, "Fight with me!" Holding a knife in both hands, he led hundreds of soldiers forward to kill go.

The so-called courage of the general, Guo Xian, as the former commander of the army, with tens of thousands of soldiers under his command, was greatly encouraged to see the commander fighting the enemy so hard.The Song army and the Liao army were like huge waves coming from both sides. The signing army caught in the middle couldn't bear it. Some died under the sword, some were trampled into flesh, and a few fatalities escaped from both sides. go.With the reduction of signing troops, more and more bullets from the Liao army hit the Song army, and some people fell down continuously, while the people behind continued to move forward without stopping.The artillery barracks in front of the Liao army are getting closer and closer, and it seems that they are within reach. At this time, death and blood are not only not scary, but exciting. ""Kill all the tortoise grandchildren." Some Song soldiers actually threw away their rattan badges and hurried forward.

A moment later, the infantry of the Song Army and the Liao Army fought together. Immediately afterwards, the Song Army on both wings also fought with the Liao Army cavalry. The battlefield situation was very chaotic. big limit.The large infantry formation of the Liao Kingdom, although the Xi Army and the Jurchen Battalion desperately resisted, but the Song Army first killed tens of thousands of signing troops like a broken bamboo, and then braved the Liao Army's artillery attack, which has accumulated a great momentum. Guo Xian, Zhe Kecun and other generals went into battle in person, shouting and fighting fiercely, they were invincible among the Liao army, and no one could stop them.Under the onslaught of the former army of the Song Dynasty, the Xi army and the Jurchen battalion retreated steadily. Soon, the artillery barracks in front of the Liao army lost the protection of infantry. , The gunner who knelt down and begged for mercy hacked to death with a random blade.

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