Chapter 401 The Fate of the Country Hanging Geshu (5)

After the reinforcements appeared, the Liao army wanted to keep the east camp army on the battlefield as the Song army did just now, waiting for the new cavalry to copy the rear.However, the former army led by Guo Xian fought forward, as if a blow to the head, and knocked back the Liao army that had just summoned up its fighting spirit.Some Song soldiers shot all their arrows, and they simply used their bows as weapons and swung them head-on. Some Song soldiers broke their long spears and used half of the spear head as a short spear. When they were assassinated by the Liao army, most of them Song Jun tried his best to retaliate, causing the opponent to either die or be injured.If one man dies, he can fight against ten, and if ten thousand men die, he can run rampant.On the entire battlefield, tens of thousands of Mierbo cavalry swept in like dark clouds all over the sky. Although the main force of the Song army led by Yang Yanqing was retreating, in front of the battlefield, the front army led by Guo Xian defeated the Liao army. Supported, turned and fled backwards, the rout army even rushed to the White Eagle Battalion of the Chinese Army, if it wasn't for the guards of the Death Battalion guarding the periphery, I am afraid that the Chinese army would be dispersed.

"Bastard," Xiao Ta's red face suddenly changed, he drew out his scimitar with his right hand, and shouted viciously, "He who dares to take the lead in retreating will be beheaded! A thousand cavalry from the White Eagle Battalion galloped out, firing arrows in bursts, and the swords were shining." Shining, countless Liao troops fell to the ground, with their heads rolling under them, and finally stopped the decline. Although Guo Xian's troops were brave, they were lonely after all. The Song army who fought to the death was wrapped in layers.

At this time, the main force of the Song Army under Yang Yanqing had taken the opportunity to break away from the main force of the Liao Army, and was retreating towards Yunzhou City at an accelerated speed.Most of the Mierbo cavalry consisted of hundreds of cavalry groups. Some galloped and charged on the battlefield, specially attacking and killing the Song army that was alone, and some hovered around the large Song army, bending their bows and firing arrows.The retreating Song army suffered a lot. At the same time, the Song army's crossbowmen fired back with arrows, shooting many Mierbo cavalry off their horses.At the same time, the remaining thousands of horse-riding cavalry of the Song Army did not flee. The cavalry, regardless of the lack of people and horses, galloped back and forth desperately to protect the rear and two wings of the Chinese army from being harassed by the enemy cavalry.Although the cavalry of the Song army were exhausted, their armor was strong and their knives sharp, and they were skilled in martial arts. The Mierbo cavalry had a large number of people and horses, and they were at the advantage of the new force. Ground cavalry fell off their horses and died in the dust.

The main force of the Song army gradually retreated below the city wall. After Yang Yanqing led his subordinates to break up the formation, all the troops slowly retreated into the city.The Liao army and Mierbo cavalry didn't dare to get too close, so they could only gallop and shoot arrows, trying to find flaws in the Song army's formation.The battlefield also changed from the chaotic scene at the beginning to tens of thousands of Liao troops besieging the various departments of the Song army that were still stranded on the battlefield.Although the main force retreated into the city, nearly ten thousand East Army troops remained on the battlefield.There are thousands of people in the brigade and more than a hundred people in the small team.There are those like Guo Xian who desperately cut off the rear of the army, some who were entangled by the Liao army during the battle, and some who were cut off by the Liao army cavalry during the withdrawal.Under the siege of the Liao army, very few Song soldiers surrendered, and the last resistance was everywhere.Guo Xian's troops, who risked their lives, were the largest regiment among them. Under Xiao Tachi's strict order, the outer Khitan cavalry galloped and shot arrows, and the inner Xi army and Jurchen infantry also attacked inward.The Liao army itself also suffered heavy casualties, and it took a long time to wipe it out.The two sides fought fiercely, the screams, the sound of weapons clashing, and the hissing of people and horses could be heard clearly from the top of the city.The Song army occupied fewer and fewer places, but the resistance became more and more tenacious.

"Beat the drum, see off the good man!"

Yang Yanqing said in a low voice.The Hedong Song army at the head of the city beat the drums vigorously to cheer for the robes still fighting under the city.The autumn wind was strong, and the bright red banner was blown loudly, as if the blood of countless warriors was splashed.Many generals of the Hedong Army clustered around Yang Yanqing, and everyone was silent, looking at this tragic and tragic scene with complicated expressions.Beside Yang Yanqing, Wang Lin knelt on his knees with regret on his face. "Guo Wu is a good man," Wang Lin said inwardly, "I'm really ashamed of being arrogant in the past." He led five thousand cavalry to ambush ten miles away, behind the mountain in the north, and only waited for the Chinese army's cannon to rise, and then rushed to attack the Liao army. flank.Not long after the battle between the two armies under the city of Clinker Yunzhou, tens of thousands of barbarian cavalry came from all directions.Wang Lin led the cavalry of the Song Army to fight hard, not afraid of being outnumbered, and was at a stalemate with the enemy.More enemy cavalry appeared, although they only stopped in the distance to shout and cheer, but the shouts were earth-shattering. Judging by the continuous momentum, there seemed to be more than [-] cavalry.The barbarian cavalry on the battlefield was invigorated, but the Song cavalry was depressed. Wang Lin immediately put down his desire to win, and led his troops to break through to the south.

"I knew it earlier," Wang Lin said regretfully, "If Guo Wu fights to the death in the north of Shanbei, he only needs to wait a little longer. I'm afraid the commander-in-chief has already defeated Liaogou. , fighting in formation, and not afraid of the new barbarians." He was a little puzzled in his heart, although the Liao Kingdom claimed to have hundreds of thousands of cavalry, how could it be possible to suddenly send ten more cavalry with Nanjing Road Youzhou as the most important thing? More than ten thousand cavalry came to attack Yunzhou?

"Father." Xiao Tachi sat on the horse and did not dismount to pay his respects.

Before the tribe was attacked by the Xia Kingdom, he was raised by his grandfather and wanted to look down on this mediocre and useless father.After he took refuge in the Liao Kingdom, Yelu Dashi did not discriminate against him as a prairie barbarian. He not only entrusted him with military power to reuse him, but also married him as a princess.He won the deposed emperor Yelu Yanxi, cleaned up the Jurchen tribe, and made the Jurchen famous and changed, which is also called a great reputation.Although Xiao Ta was humble on the red face, he was really proud in his heart.But now, with tens of thousands of elites in his hands, he was almost defeated and killed. In the end, he had to save his life with this useless father. This made Xiao Tachi feel ashamed, and felt more sympathetic towards Bo Shenghuo Mi Erbo estranged.As he grows older, he hopes that he is the only hero and the sun in the hearts of the Merberians.

"Ta Chi," Bo Shenghuo looked at his son with emotion, nodded and said, "Okay, very good, he has grown so tall." These words made Xiao Tachi feel even more uncomfortable.A trace of disgust flashed in his eyes, and he looked at the battlefield again.The group of Song soldiers who almost defeated the Liao army had less than [-] remnants left, and their arrows were gone, but they fought to the death and did not surrender.The Liao army couldn't get in, and the cavalry wandered outside and shot arrows, but the armor of the Song army was so strong that they couldn't clean it up for a while.The Song army fought to the end, exhausted, but still struggling to support.Every time the Liao army tried to attack, it had to pay heavy casualties.

"These Song people are so tenacious, they can be called warriors," Bo Shenghuo followed Xiao Tachi's gaze, and said in a deep voice, "Why don't you send envoys to surrender and take them for your own use." The Mierbo people reached the grassland in the north, and the scouts found thousands of Song troops waiting for an opportunity in the north of Yunzhou.Bo Shenghuo ordered not to approach Yunzhou for the time being, and waited until the start of the war before dispatching a large army to eat up the ambush of the Song army before going south to intervene in the decisive battle of Liao and Song.Unexpectedly, the [-] Song Army cavalry was extremely strong, and the [-] Mierbo cavalry could not be taken in a short time.Bo Shenghuo ordered more than [-] old, weak, women and children among the tribes who moved south to ride horses together to cheer for the soldiers in the distance.The [-] Milbo cavalry arrived on the battlefield just in time.

Xiao Tachi ignored his suggestion, remained silent for a moment, and then said: "I have surrendered a long time ago." He paused, then turned his head and said coldly to Xiao Ping: "Pass down the order, the next time we attack the remnants of the Song army, Draw lots to kill, if you don't die [-]% of the time, you will return, draw lots and behead, enough [-]%." Xiao Ping's face changed, and he glanced at Bo Shenghuo.This cruel lottery killing order has never been used since Xiao Tachi's defeat at Nanshan City. Xiao Pingyuan thought that this man gained a lot of wisdom, and knew that he should not be so harsh on the soldiers. He didn't expect that for some reason, Xiao Tachi actually became fierce again.

"Why is that so?" Bo Shenghuo hesitated for a while, and said in a deep voice, "A dense group of infantry can be broken by artillery bombardment." Although Mierbo's army did not have artillery, when they were stationed on Xijing Road, Bo Shenghuo Having seen the power of artillery, I secretly thought it was a sharp weapon for siege.It's just that he has been using troops on the grasslands and cannot carry heavy artillery.

This sentence pierced the window paper, Xiao Ping'an was overjoyed, and said loudly: "The recruiting envoy from the Northwest is justified." The other Khitan generals hated the lottery killing order so much, they all looked at Xiao after hearing the words Ta Chi, no one sent orders for him.Xiao Tachi was furious, in front of everyone, he had to restrain himself, and said coldly: "The Han army is carrying the artillery forward, there must be no delay."

Although the siege iron barrel guns are heavy, the artillery battalion has some light and small guns. Although the power is small, it is more than enough to penetrate the iron armor of soldiers.Soon, the Han soldiers of the artillery battalion dragged their horses and dragged dozens of cannons to the front of the Song army. The Xi army and the Jurchen army stepped aside, revealing a row of black muzzles and lit torches.

"***." Guo Xian's breathing suddenly became heavy.As a general, he is very aware of the power of artillery.His face was covered with blood, and the blood oozing from his shoulders stained half of his clothes red. "Yang Jieshuai, Guo Wu is sorry for you." Seeing that the Liao army was about to ignite the "drug" lead, Guo Xian hurriedly said: "The ones from the east of the river rushed up to fight with Lao Tzu." His voice was hoarse and weak, but with With an awe-inspiring determination.Guo Xian straightened up, pulled the knife out of the blood-red soil, and rushed out with big strides.Almost everyone in the Song army around was injured, no one hesitated, someone said in a deep voice: "To die!" follow behind.

"Boom--" "Boom--" The sound of the guns shook the sky, and the voices of "The Great Song Dynasty will win--" and "Hedong will win--" also spread vigorously to the top of the city.The artillery fire of the Liao Army lasted for a quarter of an hour before it stopped, and the entire battlefield fell silent. Yang Yanqing's eyes were complicated, and there was a faint flicker in the tiger's eyes.

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