Chapter 410 Open the door to accept the evil (4)

The battle ahead was the most intense, and the Liao infantry formed a crescent formation in an attempt to stop the Song army.Almost all infantry in this battlefield are wearing heavy armor, and ordinary swords can't do anything to the thick iron armor.Most of the infantry of the Liao army were Xi soldiers and Jurchen soldiers, and they formed a very tight formation. The arrows of the Song army came from a very short distance, and the soldiers in the Liao army could not dodge them. Most arrows are blocked.Similarly, the arrows of the Liao army could not 'shoot' through the iron armor of the Song army. The soldiers had to wield heavy weapons such as hatchets, maces, and hammers to fight. It shattered, and when it hit the helmet, its brains burst.

The advance of the army was blocked, Bai Anmin, the former commander of the army, frowned, and said in a deep voice: "The firecracker battalion is out!"

The infantry of the Song army divided to the left and right, and the four gunners commanded by the whole team stepped forward and handed over the flanks to the friendly army.After Zhao Xingde left, Wang Yan distributed the firecracker army to each infantry, and each army had a firecracker battalion. During the Southern Expedition to Fangla, the firecracker battalion made many achievements and won Wang Yan's attention.After he regained control of Hebei, he transferred a group of officers from the Huo Gun Battalion to rebuild the Huo Gun Battalion that had been abolished by Liu Yanqing.It can be said that the Huo Gun Gun Battalion is marked with Wang Yan's mark.This time the army returned to aid Bianliang, and gathered [-] gunners in the front army to urge the enemy to fall into the battle. "Prepare—" the captains yelled the password loudly, and the musketeers stopped in their tracks.The chief of the first row had already mounted his spear and pointed at the Liao army infantry on the opposite side.The Liao army's formation was only to stop the Song army from advancing. Seeing that the Song army had suspended their attack, they just kept shooting arrows, hitting the thick armor of the gunmen in the front row.

"Swipe the gun—load—step forward" Accompanied by the rigid military order, the gunners in the back row completed these actions methodically, and took a step forward holding the loaded gun with both hands, "Hand the gun ——A gun—ignite it!” The fire gun was handed to the deputy head of the ten-man team, and he put the fire gun on the support stick, and very calmly shook the torch, and ignited the fuse.After all, he has experienced all kinds of battles, and his every move seems to be on the "fuck" arena, and the fuse is burning.

"No, firecrackers!" General Xiao Anguo of the North Academy's face changed suddenly, and he shouted, "The shield car stepped forward, lift the heavy shield! Quick! Quick!" At this time, ten years have passed since the Battle of Hejian However, Xi Jun and the Liao Army infantry hardly knew the power of firecrackers, but Xiao Anguo, General of the North Academy, was the commander of the Tiebi Battalion back then.The iron armor of the infantry of the Liao army in front was enough to withstand most arrows, and they used heavy blunt weapons, so most of them abandoned the shields that got in the way.

Song Jun's movements of manipulating the firecrackers were strict and unhurried. Because of this, there was no delay at all, which was far better than the anxious and chaotic dispatching of the Liao army.The shield vehicles and heavy shields were still crowded in the chaotic team, "Bang——" "Bang, bang, bang——" Song Jun's firecrackers rang out one after another, and amidst the bursts of green smoke, the heavy Iron bullets whizzed towards his face.In an instant, countless sounds of "ping pong" and "dang dang" sounded in the Liao army formation in the front row. Many Liao soldiers fell to the ground before realizing what was going on. The firecracker pierced through, and only blood flowed out from the hole.

"Come forward—pass the gun—hold the gun—ignite the fire!"

"Come forward—pass the gun—hold the gun—ignite the fire!"

Su Wenyu, the superintendent of the Fire Gun Battalion, stared ahead. After ten years of military service, he seemed much calmer.The heavy casualties made the Liao army even more chaotic and panicked. The front became chaotic and the formation loosened.After two rounds of firecrackers, the panic of the Liao army has reached its peak.At this time, the shield car was about to be pushed up, and Su Wenyu ordered in a deep voice: "Everyone should be stabbed—"

"Everybody's got—stabbed—"



The long orders sounded one after another, and many ministers heaved a sigh of relief.Every time the firecracker battalion meets the enemy, it will not fire more than three rounds, and the more times they fire, the more likely the firecracker will explode. More than 5000 firearms gunners quickly mounted their spears, and the soldiers held their breath, and under the command of the head of the capital, they organized the team for the last time.Even if the next moment is death, if there is no order to disband the army, the queue must be kept neat at all times. This is the rule enforced by the first commander Zhao Xingde with beheading and military sticks. He was named Guigao by Su Wenyu, Ouyang Shan and other confidantes. It has become the tradition of the fire gun camp.Gunners are not as good as crossbowmen when shooting from a distance, and are not as good as guns, sticks, knives and axes in close combat. The only reason why they can defeat the enemy is military discipline, and nothing can strengthen military discipline more than the queue.Therefore, the Fire Gun Battalion was extremely demanding on the queue.The commanders, capitals, and chiefs doubled the military sticks and blame they had endured to those "fucking" soldiers.

On the hill in the distance, Yelu Dashi looked at the queue of the Huobaying with a binoculars, his face was gloomy, and then he gave orders to the soldiers, and soon, the flag passing the order was waved, and the cavalry of the five thousand palace tents slowed down. Moving slowly, he galloped towards the former army of the Song army, preparing to charge across the flank of the former army.For the Khitan cavalry, the flanking of the rampaging infantry is a time-tested tactic, especially for infantry caught in melee, because the formation cannot be adjusted in time and effectively, and its flanks are easily torn apart by the cavalry.

"Yelu Baoyi, how far is the artillery battalion of the Han army?" Yelu Dashi asked with some dissatisfaction.

"General Baoyi has gone to personally urge you." Brother Yelu Tie replied, squinting his eyes, looking down at the entire battlefield, the fireworks fired by the firecrackers were particularly eye-catching in the wilderness, and the Song army marched slowly but firmly. To the southwest, advance towards the Liyangjin pontoon bridge.Around the Song Army, countless Khitan cavalry, like packs of wild wolves, pounced on them and bit them, but were repelled by the Song Army, they recuperated a bit, and continued to fight.The battle has been fought up to now, and the courage and physical strength of both sides have been greatly consumed. Now it depends on who can persist until the last moment.In a chaotic battlefield, the neat formations of the Fire Gun Battalion are exceptionally outstanding.The armor of the Song Army in the Fire Gun Camp is covered with red military robes and red cap tassels on the helmets, and the queue is as motionless as a mountain.Looking from a distance, under the blue sky and white clouds, in the vast wilderness, the armor of the Hebei camp is dazzling, like a giant dragon struggling to crawl.The dragon fights in the wild, and the fire gun battalion is like the flames that the dragon is about to spew out.Brother Yelu Tie turned his head and looked northwest, feeling anxious.

"Forward—to charge forward," Su Wenyu ordered loudly.

"Forward—" "Rush forward—"

"go forward--"

Only ten steps away from the Liao Army, the Firebolt Battalion launched a charge. At this moment, countless of the bravest Firebolt gunners rushed out of the neat front row, like a long-suppressed volcano suddenly erupting, and hot magma gushed out. Rush forward unstoppably, devouring and melting all obstacles in the way.The forefront of the Liao infantry, which bore the brunt, was crushed almost instantly.Under the firing of the firecrackers, the morale had been overdrawn to the extreme, and a few Xi soldiers and Jurchen soldiers turned around in a panic, causing even greater chaos.The barrel and spine of the firecracker gun are both made of fine iron, and with the power of a forward dash, they can easily penetrate the scale armor.A small number of tall and strong musketeers have added axes to the spears, and swinging their arms is a sharp weapon for piercing armor.After defeating the front line of the Liao army, the Fire Gun Battalion chased the defeated army into the second formation.When they left in front of Huozhuying, the Song army on the two wings also charged forward.

At this moment, there was a loud sound of horseshoes, and a cloud of smoke and dust rolled up in the north. More than [-] cavalry tent troops rushed from the flanks, and their armor reflected white light. He stretched his body and accelerated the speed of the horse to the extreme. The scimitar in his hand was dazzling in the sun, like a line of dancing waves. death.

"Finding formations - forming formations -"

Former military commander Bai Anmin roared loudly.The infantry in Hebei formed an formation to resist the cavalry, known as the best in the world.However, the infantry is the most vulnerable when changing formations, it is easy to be taken by the cavalry, and the flanks are the weakest.During the Five Dynasties, Li Siyuan, a heroic general, established the "Hengchong Capital" cavalry, which specialized in rushing across the enemy's flanks.Cavalry appeared on the flanks, and the collateral Song army might turn a blind eye and be insensitive, or flee in despair, but the Hebei army quickly abandoned the Liao army opponent in front of them. , axemen, and card players, regardless of their original affiliation, just want to get together as soon as possible, form a strong formation in the north of the battlefield at the fastest speed, and arrange long shields densely. The soldiers hold their spears and pant loudly Then, big beads of sweat slid down the back along the spine, looked up, and saw that the cavalry of the Liao army had killed in front of him. "Boom—" There was a loud noise, and a Liao army horse couldn't hold back its castration, and crashed into the Song army formation. The huge momentum broke three long spears, and the tip of the spear completely penetrated the iron armor on the horse's chest.The horse groaned and its hooves went limp.The injured Song Jun had broken tendons and fractures, and he was dying. However, the Liao Army cavalry was stabbed to death in the air by several long spears before they fell off their horses.

After dozens of Liao troops crashed into the Song army's formation, the other Liao troops saw that there was no room to take advantage of, and they reined in their horses one after another. The horses circled very close to the Song army, and the splashed mud almost hit the Song army's face. Immediately bend the bow and set up an arrow, and shoot to kill the Song army.

"whoosh" "whoosh" "whoosh"

From a very close distance, ride 'shoot' arrows again and again.The "shooting" technique of the palace tent army is extremely good, and the targets taken are the head, face, neck and other vital points of the Song army. The crossbowman hadn't had time to get into position yet.Therefore, without the counterattack of the infantry archers, the cavalry and shooting of the Liao army would be a one-sided massacre, and countless of the bravest Song troops fell under these tricky and vicious arrows.

"Hold on—" "Don't move—" "Don't mess—"

"Stand up to die!" The officer of the Hebei Army shouted loudly, "Stand up--" At this moment, an arrow "poof" shot into the front door, his shouting stopped abruptly, and the spear " It fell with a "snap" and fell face down on the field.The deputy head strode forward to take over the command, and shouted loudly: "Don't move around, everyone stand up to die!"

Hunting in the north wind, under the attack of the arrows shot by the Liao army, the front flanks of the Song army, black armor and red military robes, this red and black line of defense seems to be forged with iron and blood Like standing still.Many people fell silently in the mud, and more people still fought fiercely in the face of death.After persisting for about a quarter of an hour, the crossbowman strode up, loaded the strings, raised the crossbow, and shot. Countless crossbow arrows shot out like locusts, and the palace tent troops who were too close fell off their horses one after another. , In the confrontation with Song Jun, it took less than the slightest advantage.Song Jun's own shield chariot and King Kong chariot also pushed up, and the front line was consolidated again.The Hebei army broke through the two formations of the Liao army, and took another step forward with difficulty towards the Liyangjin pontoon bridge.

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