Chapter 416

It was already late at night, tens of thousands of people had gathered outside the gate of Baiyu Palace, looking out from the palace wall, in addition to the black mass of heads, there were all kinds of lanterns and torches shaking, countless scholars and people knelt facing the palace wall Prostrating on the ground, more people cried out in pain outside the palace wall, asking the officials to take back their orders, and they must not humiliate the barbarians for peace because of temporary distress.The cries of the common people shook the sky and spread far into the deep palace.

Zhao Ke was restless and ordered people to close all the doors and windows of the bedroom, but the crying could be heard through the thick curtain, he paced back and forth, muttering something, but he didn't know what he was saying.Tong Guan waited on him with a respectful expression, but his right eyelid was twitching.No matter how favored he is, he is just an eunuch, and he is worried that the officials will be angry with the common people and send him to prison for punishment.Tong Guan asked himself that he was not arrogant in front of the courtiers other than knocking on the sidelines in private. How could the people outside the palace blame him for sending envoys to seek peace? Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a little angry Injustice: "Who the hell did it, so that the Sajia family can't end well?" He has made too many enemies in the court, and at this moment, he tries to think about them one by one, and every time he thinks of one person, he regrets it childishly Didn't get rid of it sooner.

"Who ordered these unscrupulous people to commit crimes?" Zhao Ke stopped in his tracks and asked suddenly.

A flash of light flashed in Tong Guan's mind, and he said in a low voice, "Forgive me, Your Majesty. In terms of power, apart from Prime Minister Zhao, it is Privy Shao. Among the Taixue, the Neo-Confucian Society has the largest number of people." He repeated in his heart, "Li Society "The two words, a stern look flashed in his eyes.If it weren't for the instigation of these rotten scholars, how could so many scholars and common people rise up against him? They were the ones who started the case when they exposed the post, and they have the deepest hatred with Tong Guan.Even if the envoy is sent to seek peace on the surface and has nothing to do with Tong Guan, he will be involved, spreading rumors, three people become tigers, and only a corrupt scholar like Lishe is the only one who kills with spittle!

"Lishe?" Zhao Ke's eyes were complicated, and he remembered the oath of "not to kill scholars and officials" in the Taimiao. After Xiao Huangmen went down to deliver the decree, Zhao Ke breathed a sigh of relief, although Deng Su did not do well last time, but this person's loyalty to the emperor is still unquestionable.

At this time, there were two sudden "dong dong", like a thunderstorm in winter.

Zhao Ke shuddered, frowned and said: "Who is beating the Dengwen drum!" Tong Guan also showed surprise on his face.The matter of sending envoys to discuss peace is decided by the officials, and the scholars beat the Dengwen drum, which is tantamount to denouncing it.This Dengwen drum was not played casually.During the Kaibao period, the candidates who entered Beijing knocked on Wengucheng and claimed that the tribute examinations were fraudulent, and Taizu established the palace examination system. From then on, Jinshi could call themselves the disciples of the Son of Heaven.According to the old system of the ancestors, what the drummer said had to be decided by the officials, even the prime minister.However, those who beat Dengwen Drums directly without the permission of the Dengwen Drum Procuratorate are very likely to face severe punishments. Li Shicheng beat the Dengwen drum for three thousand miles on the grounds of playing military aircraft, and was sent to Yuanzhou County for disposal.Whether it's political disputes or redress of grievances, knocking on the drum is to put the opponent and oneself in a desperate situation, and even the officials have no escape route.

The drums of "Boom——" and "Boom—" are like thunder after thunder, constantly breaking through the dark night and echoing over Bianliang.Countless people who were awakened by the sound of the drum pushed open the windows and looked outside in fear. The neighbors were talking: "Who is beating the Dengwen drum?" It's gone." "If you keep beating like this, let alone the Dengwen drum, the sky will be broken."

Beside the gold-painted Xuande Gate, the Dengwen Drum, which is as high as one person, makes the sound of "boom" and "boom" continuously.

Feng Mingzhai Ma Yuan was already full of big men, his hat was tilted to one side, the hem of his robe was tied into his belt, and he held the drumsticks in both hands, and kept beating the Dengwen drum. A mountain of cheers like a tsunami.

"Dong dong—" During the interval between the sound of the drum, many people begged for orders at the palace gate in unison.

"Eliminate the 'treacherous' thieves! Restore Hebei!"

"Kill the Liao dog! Revenge!"

"Please kill Zhao Zhifu to thank the world, and kill Tong Guan to comfort Hebei!"

At the end, accompanied by the beat of the drums, thousands of imperial students and tens of thousands of people shouted in unison, "Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight! Fight!" For some reason, Xiangru Liu Wengu felt his throat choked up, The bridge of the nose was sore, the sockets of the eyes were filled with tears, and a cavity of hot blood rushed to the chest, as if it was about to burst.He gritted his teeth and clenched his fists together with everyone shouting "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!" "Fight!"

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom" The drum surface is trembling happily. In the 100 years since the founding of the Great Song Dynasty, it has never been so hearty, leaving no room for the strongest sound.At the beginning, there were still many Tai students knelt down to the palace gate and cried for their lives. After the Dengwen drum was beaten, the sound of drums and cheers became louder and louder, and soon overwhelmed the wailing. After the majority, many scholars who fell to the ground and cried bitterly also stood up, watching this rare scene in a thousand years with excitement.

Ma Yuan is nothing more than a confucian, but now he is the center of attention. "Tonight is high-spirited, and the five-horse cart will be broken tomorrow, so it's worth it!" Ma Yuan was excited, and amidst the cheers of the crowd, he turned the drumsticks with both hands and beat them harder. The sound of "dongdong", "dongdong" and "dongdong" is like his young, surging and powerful heartbeat.

Suddenly, Ma Yuan slowly hesitated while holding the drumstick. Just five steps away, Deng Su parted from the noisy crowd and appeared in front of him.Teachers are dignified, and Deng Su is known for being strict with his students. On weekdays, he often teaches Ma Yuan, Jia Yuanzhen and others to avoid frivolity, be cautious in words and deeds, and be independent, and reflect on yourself three times a day.Now that such a flamboyant attitude fell into the eyes of the teacher, even in the heat of blood, Ma Yuan felt uneasy.Among the members of Zhongli Society in the capital, Deng Su had the highest reputation. Seeing him coming, everyone not only made way for him consciously, but also fell silent for a while.

Upstairs in Xuande, Tong Guan asked in surprise: "Why don't these unscrupulous people stop beating the drums, are they going to rush into the palace gate?" The official sent him to check the situation of the unscrupulous people in front of the Dengwen drum and report back.The scene of tens of thousands of people excitedly made Tong Guan unable to help but think of the battlefield where the two armies clashed, the scene where swords, guns, swords and halberds came overwhelmingly.Now the sound of the drum stopped inexplicably, and Tong Guan was in shock.

"It was Deng Shilang who went up to persuade him." A small yellow door whispered, at this time Tong Guan also saw Deng Su's figure, just now the scene was like a tsunami, because of the appearance of a small servant, unexpectedly there was a temporary quiet.Even though Deng Su came here to persuade the scholars and common people, Tong Guan felt jealous and resentful in his heart.

Deng Su wore a scarf hat and casual clothes. He walked slowly to Dengwen's drum, stretched out his right hand, and said solemnly, "Give it to me!"

"Teacher," Ma Yuan's expression froze, hesitating for a moment, and finally handed out the drum stick in his hand. "Deng Shilang!" A voice said, "We are asking the Holy Majesty for orders, and we must not bend our knees to ask for peace!" "Mr. Deng, as soon as the peace talks come out, the elders in Hebei will die unjustly!" Many soldiers of Lishe People rushed forward one after another.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, Deng Su took the drumstick from Ma Yuan's hand, and suddenly, with a flick of his sleeve, it hit the Dengwen drum with a "boom".Everyone thought he was here to persuade them, but at this moment they were all taken aback.Upstairs in Xuande, Tong Guan, who was hiding behind the battlements and looking down, almost fell off the top of the wall in shock.

"Three guides and five constant principles, the sage is like a father, and the meaning of loyalty and filial piety is the same. Therefore, he is a loyal minister in the court and a filial son at home." Deng Su said in a deep voice, "What is infidelity? What is unfilial? The sages have said that there are unfilial people in ritual Three things: It is said that Ah Yi is obedient, trapping relatives is unrighteous, and one is not filial. Today, the Holy One is deceived by "treacherous" evil, and he has sent envoys to discuss peace. Loyal ministers and filial sons, face-to-face disputes with the court, must not flatter the Holy One, and trap the Holy One. in injustice."

While speaking to the crowd, he beat the Dengwen drum. The sound of "boom" and "boom" rhythmically matched the voice of his words. The thousands of scholars below were fascinated by it. "I will know my teacher today!" Many Bianliang people even worshiped him as a god.After Deng Su finished speaking, Fu handed the drumstick to Ma Yuan, patted his shoulder, and said in a deep voice, "Do it well!"

"Yes! Teacher!" Ma Yuan agreed loudly.Beating the drum more vigorously, Deng Su also retreated into the crowd, and stood with the pleadings with a sinking face.The crowd that had calmed down once again yelled loudly, and many people shouted loudly: "Negotiating peace is absolutely impossible, the Great Song Dynasty will win, and the Great Song Dynasty will win!" Some people began to shout: "Long live my emperor, long live!" "Long live the Great Song Dynasty!" Long live, long live!" "Long live the Song Dynasty, long live, long live!" This voice of one heart swept across the sky of Bianliang like a storm!

Upstairs at the Xuande Gate, Tong Guan gritted his teeth and said, "Sure enough, he was born in a prostitute. Deng Suping seems to be docile, and even the old man was almost deceived to go. This is the crime of deceiving the emperor! Everyone in the management club is terrible!" Kill!" He hurriedly ran back to answer his orders.

Prime Minister Zhao's residence felt as if it was facing a formidable enemy, all the gates of the residence were closed, and there were servants guarding them with sticks and other objects, for fear of being beaten by the molested people.Only occasionally, when the servants who went out to inquire about the situation came back, would they come in through a small opening on the west side door.

Zhao Zhifu, the Prime Minister of the court, turned pale and asked, "Have all the people who were sleeping at the gate of the palace dispersed?"

"Not yet," the servant lowered his head and did not dare to look directly at the Prime Minister, Bing said, "The sage ordered Mr. Deng, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, to persuade him. Who would have thought that Mr. Deng would stand together with the scholars of the Communist Party to plead for orders. Now the man in front of the palace gate There are more and more people. The Kaifeng government asked the Sanya to mobilize troops to calm the 'chaos', Shao Shumi moved out of the ancestral system, and sent them back if they did not kill those who wrote the letter."

"Shao Wu," Zhao Zhifu said with a stern look in his eyes, "You are killing me."

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