Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 466 87 Wei Jun Gu Fang Mausoleum - 5

Chapter 466 87 Wei Jun Gu Fang Mausoleum - 5

Despite the continuous rainy season, compared with the north, the spring in western Hubei is not cold.Although the Khitans didn't have to personally attack the city, driving away the signing army in the rain and shooting the Song people at the top of the city with arrows took them a lot of energy.Since entering the rainy season, what Liao soldiers must do before going to bed is to carefully dry the bowstring.If the bowstring is 'damp', the bow and arrow cannot be used.After completing this task, and then carefully put the bows and arrows into the leather bags, many people fell asleep with their heads covered as if they were relieved.There are ready-to-use bows and arrows by the pillow, and horses are also tied to a tent with people.Many Khitan people firmly believe that as long as they have these two things around them, there is nothing to worry about.

The tent is warmly baked, the thick firewood, the looming red light exudes a warm and reassuring smell.The raindrops made a crackling sound outside the tent. "It would be better if there is no damn rainy season." Many people fell asleep soundly with such extravagant hopes.A sleepy, quiet, rainy night indeed.

The camp of the Liao army is slightly higher than the lowland, not far from the camp of the Liao army. The river is rising rapidly. The broken tree trunks, wooden piles and dead animals are floating in the river unusually. With the vortex, it seems that there is a river dragon rolling its body under the water surface, constantly colliding with the fragile embankment, hollowing out the foundation bit by bit.Large pieces of earth and rocks mixed with branches rolled into the river, and suddenly, streams of water seeped out of the embankment, which was already a sign that the dam was about to collapse.If it were in previous years, there must be the sound of gongs on the embankment, and the guards and strong men who were sleeping under the embankment would immediately stand up, carry their shoulders and push their hands, and defend the crumbling dam at all costs.But now, even the scouts on duty of the Liao army huddled in the tent, everything was silent, only the sound of rushing water was heard.

The war horse snorted uneasily, pawing the ground with its hooves.Xiao Lulie woke up.His head was still groggy, the Khitan soldiers around him were still snoring loudly, Xiao Lulie thought it was something wrong with his mount, he is a man who loves horses, even though he was extremely sleepy, he got up and walked In front of the war horse, coaxing "oh-oh-" in his throat, he slowly comforted it with his hands. However, this method that worked very well in the past has no effect at all today. He also started biting the reins.

"Lu Lie, what the hell are you doing!" A roommate turned over and complained in Khitan dialect.

"I—" Xiao Lulie was busy when he heard the abnormal sound of rushing water, and pricked up his ears, "What is this sound?"

Among the crackling raindrops, the rushing sound of running water seems to be loud.Xiao Lulie was used to the dry climate, he was hesitating whether to stick his head out in the rain to see what happened.At this moment, the noise of people and horses neighed suddenly. When he couldn't hold back his inner curiosity, he was about to open the tent and go out to see what happened. With a sound of "wow", almost the whole tent collapsed, covering several Khitan people who were still sleeping soundly, including their war horses.

"Not good!" Xiao Lulie jumped out of the tent at this critical moment, and he was stunned by the scene in front of him.

The entire camp of the Liao Army had turned into a swamp country, and the sudden flood flooded their calves, and the collapsed camp tent was wrapped around a thick tree trunk, whirling in the running water, and those who hadn't had time to get out of the tent were desperately trying to get out. Shouting for help, the sad cries of war horses resounded through the night sky.The tents collapsed, the camps collapsed, all kinds of noisy sounds, shouts and panic cries, floating cries, mixed with the sound of rain formed an extremely tragic atmosphere.

Many Khitan people have never seen a flood in their lives, or even heard of it. In the face of the sudden flood that almost destroyed everything, they completely lost their ability to judge and act. They just looked for the nearest mount and turned over. Ride up, wanting to get out of this hellish place as soon as possible.However, the horses were also unable to gain a foothold in the flood.The surging torrent swept away the Liao army with men and horses.On the contrary, it was the lottery recruited near Fangzhou, because the ancestors had been with the floods for generations. When the river embankment collapsed, some people shouted loudly, "There is a dragon!" Running on the high ground, the Liao army couldn't stop it. In the end, they simply followed the signed troops to the high place and escaped for their lives.

The flood caused by the collapse of the river embankment has a very different character from the ordinary flood. Countless torrents are like dragons that have broken free from the shackles. The sudden release in an instant produces a huge destructive force that cannot be resisted by human beings.

Zhao Xingde stood on a high place, and the flood was raging under his feet. The wooden sticks propped up a thick felt blanket to block the raindrops outside.Taking advantage of the cover of night, all the units of the Baoyi Army moved to the established high ground.With the help of the telescope and the faint light of the fire, Zhao Xingde saw the situation of the Liao army camp clearly: I saw the flood rushing out from several collapsed breaches, rushing in all directions, swaying, converging and expanding from all directions , In front of the sudden turbulent waves, the camp of the Liao army was like paper, and it disappeared in an instant.Many tents were destroyed by tree trunks held up high by the flood. Many Liao soldiers were smothered to death in the tents like blankets, and countless soldiers and horses were floating, struggling, and crying desperately in the flood.The ropes used by the Liao army to set up tents became the murder weapon at this time. Many people were entangled in the ropes on the water surface and underwater, and drowned to death.There were whirlpools everywhere, and water ghosts with disheveled hair rushed towards those struggling people, pulling them down to the surface of the water, and it didn't take long for them to become floating corpses in the turbid current.

"Are you going to fire?" Gao Su asked.His pupils shimmered and reflected red light.

On the hillside where they stopped, twenty three-inch guns were lined up, and the gunners from Guanzhong were holding fire folders and looking nervously into the distance.The pre-set goals are the only high grounds near the Liao army camp that can avoid floods.A lot of Liao soldiers had gathered there, and the water surface was still rising inch by inch at a speed that could be discerned by the naked eye. The torrential flood drove more and more Liao soldiers to the high ground, and the noise of people and horses neighed from afar.

"Wait a minute," Zhao Xingde said in a low voice, "the enemy is not dense enough."

The mountain road is rugged and it is impossible to pass the cannon carriage.The four-inch guns of the artillery battalion could only be placed on the ship, and the three-inch guns carried by pack horses came to Fangzhou.The power of the three-inch gun is limited, and this limited power can only exert its greatest deterrent effect when the enemy army is the most dense.The battle tonight is linked together, and the artillery bombardment is an important link to achieve the collapse of the enemy's morale.

At this time, the alarm gong sounded from the top of Fangzhou city, and the torches kept shaking.

"The water is rising!" "It's coming out!" Countless people are running around calling the siren passed down from generation to generation.

"The embankment has collapsed!" Zhizhou Gao Zhen woke up from the nightmare, only to find that he was covered in cold sweat and his clothes were soaked. "It's not good! - I'm going to die!" He didn't care about putting on his coat, and yelled reflexively, "Go to the embankment!" He jumped up suddenly, and ran out the door in two or three steps.Countless raindrops fell in the sky, and the icy rain suddenly woke up Gao Zhen. Only then did he realize that he was not in the Zhizhou Yamen, but beside the city wall of the city. The torrent was passing under the city wall, and the flood carried All kinds of sundries, as well as dead or alive people and animals were ups and downs with the waves, the rain kept pouring on the body, and the strong wind made the gates of the towers behind them rattle.

"Lord Gao." Two guards came stumbling over, with confused and surprised expressions on their faces, pointing outside Bing said, "Suddenly the water rose at night, outside, Liao soldiers, Liao soldiers... ...." They were out of breath, unable to speak clearly, but the unobstructed view under the city wall already explained everything.

Gao Zhen stared dumbfounded at all this, at the Liao army camp that had been submerged by the flood. "Haha, hahaha, hahahaha!" He suddenly laughed wildly, dancing and dancing, "God, please save the people of my city!" Kneeling down at the top of the city, bowed down facing the torrential flood, and when he raised his head again, tears were flowing on his face, and he couldn't tell which was tears and which was rain.

"Heaven has eyes!" a soldier murmured.

"Dragon God! This is the manifestation of the Dragon God!" Another person suddenly shouted excitedly, "We will definitely build a temple for you and make a golden body!" Following behind Gao Zhen, facing the flooding river Kowtow heavily.People in Fangzhou have long rumored that Jiaolong River God lives in these rivers outside the city.This dragon has done evil things for generations, and has stolen the names of many people in the vicinity, but this year, the dragon god seems to have changed his temper, showing his might, and rushed away all the Khitan thieves outside the city up.Blind 'superstition' is contagious.On the top of the city, countless people and soldiers were prostrating, weeping, admiring and thanking loudly.

On the hillside in the distance, there seemed to be a flash of fire, and then a few more flashes. Under the curtain of rain, these few fires were so weak that they could hardly be seen clearly.However, after a short while, "Boom—" "Boom—" "Boom—" resounded, and the dull sound of cannons spread far in the rainy night.At first, everyone in Fangzhou city thought it was thunder.

"Fire—" "Fire—"

Accompanied by the command of the gunner, five-jin round iron bullets penetrated the rain curtain and fell into the Liao army with great inertia.The pale-faced Liao army hadn't recovered from the shock of the flood, and most of them lost the ability to think, trembling like walking dead.After the simplest correction, each shell will bring up a large amount of screams and blood, splashing blood and rain mixed together, passing through countless scarlet streams, dead bodies and blood continue to flow into the torrential flood around the highlands middle.

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