Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 487 - 91

Chapter 487: The Door Opens to Jiujiang - 91

With a sound of "Boom--", there was a loud noise, and the huge rock was shaken by the explosive force of the gunpowder, and it rolled down the mountain staggeringly. The position cut the continuous team in half.

The huge boulder was approaching menacingly, crushing two grain trucks, rushing up to the other side of the hill, sliding down again under its own weight, and finally stopped tremblingly in the middle of the mountain post road, just blocking the brigade The way of the grain truck.Because they evaded in time, the Liao army and civilian husbands were not hit, but the road was narrow and there were gentle slopes on both sides. Although people and horses could pass through without hindrance, the grain trucks loaded with two to three thousand catties could not bypass the huge rock.The food team that was rushing forward with all its strength stopped suddenly, and the large group of people crowded in front of the boulder.

"These stupid pigs!"

Yelu Yanjin was anxious and angry, and shouted loudly: "Scatter, scatter, hurry up!" He looked up and saw not far away, Song Jun was setting up iron barrel cannons on the mill, and he couldn't help feeling cold. A veteran general who has experienced many battles, he is all too familiar with the power of the iron barrel cannon.Pointing at his horsewhip, he shouted to the general, "Rush up and shoot the arrows, and take down the artillery fortress!" The general agreed, and immediately led five centurions to rush forward, joining the troops attacking the Song army's artillery fortress.After a while, there was only the sound of killing, the arrows pierced through the air accompanied by the sound of firecrackers, and the two sides had already exchanged hands.There was chaos in the middle of the mountain road, Khitan cavalry rode horses and galloped back and forth, officers at all levels shouted loudly, and groups of soldiers moved around in a hurry like headless chickens.The peasants with earthy faces squatted on the ground with their heads in their hands. Some raised their heads cautiously and looked at the red flag of the Song Army not far away. lower down.

At this time, a general rushed back in front of Juyan, and said angrily: "The road ahead is blocked by the enemy!"

"Ambush!" An ominous premonition rose in Yeluyan's heart, he looked back at the chaotic valley, hesitated for a moment, his eyes froze, he stretched out his hand to let the herald come over, and ordered in a low voice: "Call all the troops from the headquarters and rush out with me." Seeing that the enemy army has planned for a long time, instead of getting stuck with these Southern Dynasty people, it is better to cut off their tails to survive and save the most precious Khitan people.The herald understood immediately, and quickly rode his horse, telling the scattered Khitan cavalry to gather in front.

In front of the giant rock, more than 2000 Khitan cavalry and signing troops looked in horror at the [-] Song troops who had completed their formation. The front row was [-] musket gunners, the back row was [-] knives and axemen, and [-] cavalrymen were on the flanks. .Regardless of the sound of cannons and shouts of killing in the valley, this Song army just waited quietly, the banners were fluttering in front of the battle, the firecrackers loaded their ammunition, set up their sticks, and faced the exit of the valley .

"Damn it, which team is this?"

Being on the verge of desperation inspired Liu Ling's relentless determination to die. He prepared to gather nearly a thousand confidantes and elites, rushed to the front army, and prepared to fight this ambush army to the death.However, as if responding to the story, Liu Ling still sent a loud voice to shout out!

"Listen, those who stand in the way, the imperial court used the Liao army to calm the 'chaos', and we are delivering food for the Shuzhou camp, get out of the way quickly, otherwise, when the soldiers arrive, you will be turned into ashes, The cottage is 'dang' flat, and no men, women, or children are left behind!" The words that the officers and soldiers used to warn the bandits seemed a little lacking in confidence at this time.

Song Jun was still quiet, no one came out to answer, and there was a haughty contempt in the silence.At this time, there was a sound of horseshoes from "De De De" on the hillside on the right, and all the troops looked aside after hearing the sound, only to see a rider running down the hill. , Imposing like a dragon.The Liao army, which was originally scattered, suddenly became even more unbearable.

Lu Mingyu's face was as cold as ice, he rode his horse with his left hand, and held the banner of the Baoyi Left Army with his right hand. He came down from the mountain all the way to the middle of the main formation blocking the Liao army, and then he reined in the horse violently. Standing up, he let out a long hiss.The fall of the iron hoof almost dug out four holes in the ground, Lu Mingyu took advantage of the trend and 'inserted' the general's flag on the ground, and 'inserted' it firmly on the ground.The banner unfurls and flutters under the mountain wind.

"The left army of Baoyi of the Song Dynasty is here, if you don't bow your head and surrender, you will take your dog's life today!"

His hand was clean and neat, and the soldiers behind him immediately cheered loudly!Hearing that they are the direct descendants of the Baoyi Army, the Liao Army's signing army immediately caused a commotion.Liu Ling's face suddenly darkened, and the sound of the bombardment in his ears became even more piercing.


In the early morning of the next day, the news was sent back to Shuzhou, and Zhao Xingde immediately informed Yue Fei, the privy envoy.

Yue Fei's face was as sinking as water, he flipped the folded piece of Baojie, groaning silently.

Zhao Xingde sat in the guest seat, his eyes scanned the commander's tent, all the generals of the town were in their camps, fighting fiercely against the Liao army in Shuzhou, only Zhang Xian, the commander of the Beiwei camp, was at his side, from Zhao Xingde's point of view, Zhang Xian had good intentions nodded.After the Battle of Fangzhou, the Baoyi Army donated more than 3000 war horses to the town army and seized them.Yue Fei was originally good at riding carbine and shooting carbine, and Zhang Xian was not mediocre. Since then, the township government changed the Beiwei battalion to cavalry, and selected the most capable men in the army to practice heavy armored cavalry.

In terms of recruiting soldiers and horses, the Baoyi Army almost always refused to come, and the suppression of the Communist Party has always been that soldiers are more expensive than many.Most of the soldiers of the Baoyi Army are from the Jingxiang family, while the township is mainly from the north, and the Henghai Navy under Han Shizhong is mainly from Jingdong.Therefore, it is much easier to select cavalry than the Baoyi Army for the suppressing army, and a cavalry force of about [-] cavalry was quickly established.According to the imperial court system, in terms of the number of troops in command, Zhang Xian was already the commander of the first army at this time.However, because the sage was taken into captivity, Chen Dong, Yue Fei and other lone ministers did not want to lightly confer titles and titles in order to prove their reputation. Therefore, the Beiwei camp was not expanded into an army, but it was assigned the titles of the first battalion to the fifth battalion.Zhang Xian's official title is still under the command of the Beiwei camp and the holiday capital, and the actual level of conferment has not been improved, but his salary is based on that of the commander of the first army.

Yue Fei slowly read the memorial to the victory.In this battle, the left army of Baoyi succeeded in ambush, taking advantage of the victory to capture Chaoxian and Wuwei, two post station granaries, defeated the Liao army and signed nearly 7000 troops, and captured more than 2000 horses.The Baoyi left army suffered more than 20 casualties, and the rest retreated as a whole. They seized [-] catties of rations and shipped them back.Among them, the Ya Bing Battalion of the Baoyi Zuojun shook the Khitan cavalry who were eager to break through, and the thunder-throwing hand approached the enemy cavalry, and threw a shocking thunder to kill the enemy cavalry, disturbing the horses, and then fought with the enemy with firecrackers and axes. Killing the enemy is useless, and his own casualties are extremely heavy.The biggest casualties of the Baoyi Left Army came from the Khitan cavalry who prevented this group of desperately breaking out.If the nearly two thousand Khitan cavalry hadn't been nearly wiped out, the victory would have been greatly compromised.

There was a trace of appreciation in Yue Fei's eyes, and he said slowly: "I think General Zhao's Zuojun Ya Barracks are also capable of fighting tough battles."

"It's an honor for all the officers and men of the Left Army to be praised by the clerk." Zhao Xingde heaved a sigh of relief, and Lu Mingyu was upbeat. In this way, the following words will be easier to say, he smiled, "But a battalion like the Yajun camp, In the Baoyi army, it is like a phoenix. Mao is rare. Our army was formed by gathering heroes from Jingxiang Jianghu. Intercepting, ambush, detecting news, and "harassing" grain roads, etc. are the directors of our army. But I have become The army has not been around for a long time, and the training is insufficient. If we let them disperse and fight on their own, everyone will have the ambition to serve the country. If we confront the Liao army head-on and fight after the battle, it will inevitably expose the shortcomings of our army. Therefore, the preceding paragraph I hope the privy envoys will think about the matter of the frontier camp in Shuzhou that we are stationed in."

The Zhen army confronted the Liao army in Shuzhou.Although the fortification between the two armies was not too long due to the favorable location of mountains and rivers, it still felt a little difficult to defend with a single army.Therefore, when the Baoyi army escorted food and grass, they brought a large number of volunteer battalions from prefectures and counties to Shuzhou.The suppression of the Communist Party required the Baoyi Army to take over some of the forward camps.Wang Gui even suggested to Yue Fei that the frontier camps should be fully handed over to the Baoyi Army for defense. The suppressors can take time out from the exhaustion of the fierce battle and rest for a period of time.Yue Fei also felt that the proposal was good at the time, so he proposed to discuss it with Zhao Xingde.The central generals of the Baoyi Army were immediately reluctant, and Luo Xianshi and Lu Mingyu were the most opposed. They were both elite figures in the world, saying that the consumption of the enemy was hard work and handed over to the Baoyi Army. Rui, waiting for the right time to come out to pick peaches.In contrast, the Henghai Navy did even better. In addition to sending envoys to discuss with the Zhenguo and Baoyi armies, Han Shizhong stayed on large ships and never went ashore at all, nor did he cooperate with the Zhenguo army when he went ashore. However, in terms of business friendship, Heng Haijun was closer to the Baoyi Army.

When the Baoyi Army was discussing affairs, all the generals said all kinds of ugly things.Zhao Xingde couldn't beat this group of subordinates, and he also felt that the quality of the Baoyi Army could not be compared with that of the suppressors, but he couldn't stay behind the suppressors and do nothing.Therefore, Zhao Xingde procrastinated to take over the frontier camps, and at the same time took the initiative to invite Ying, and sent Baoyi and the left and right armies to attack in turn. Taking advantage of their familiarity with the rivers and lakes, they continued to "harass" the Liao army's food roads, hoping to obtain some results and let the local army The army has a step.At the moment when the town police repeatedly urged the Baoyi army to take over the camp, and even Yue Fei could hardly bear his temper, Lu Mingyu's victory came at the right time.

Sure enough, Yue Fei pondered for a moment, then nodded and said: "General Zhao's words are reasonable." Yue Fei was silent for a while, and said to Zhao Xingde: "Our army and the Liao bandits have been stalemate for dozens of days, and the soldiers have no rest. They are extremely tired. Just now With the strategy of the Ministry of War, it seems that we will continue to maintain a long-term stalemate with the Liao army." He discussed in a tone, "Since the Baoyi army also has some tough battalions, can you take over a small number of camps so that our army can spare some troops and take turns Rest, rest your strength, and wait for the big defeat of the enemy in the future."

His eyes were clear, and he didn't seem to have any other thoughts at all, which made Zhao Xingde a little ashamed. Zhao Xingde hesitated for a moment, nodded and said: "The soldiers are the soldiers of the imperial court, and the Baoyi Army will follow the orders of the Privy Envoy." Yue Fei smiled slightly, stretched out his hand After looking at the map, I pointed out a few camps, which were probably where the Tabai Battalion was defending. Indeed, as he said, it was only a short section of the defense line, and it would not be too difficult for the Baoyi Army to take over. , You can take part of your troops and take turns to rest.

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