Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 492 92 Five lakes under the pillow-5

Chapter 492 92 Five Lakes Company under the pillow-3

"Master Qingtian, let the villain make the decision." After the old man finished speaking, he fell to the ground. He recognized that Han Shizhong had the highest rank, and kowtowed to him non-stop. Dozens of people behind him They also shouted one after another, and several relatives who were acquainted with the old man also fell to the ground and kowtowed.Han Shizhong was frozen there, looked up at Guo Zongyi, and a flash of light suddenly appeared in his mind.

Guo Zongyi's face was also very embarrassed, and he couldn't go forward to pull the old man away for a while. Seeing Han Shizhong's hand slightly moved, he hurried up and trotted up, panicked: "Han Shuai, you should die." Han Shizhong glared He glanced at him and scolded: "You bastard, is that little lady here? Where are you raising her?"

Guo Zongyi was taken aback for a moment, then nodded again and again, and said in a low voice: "Okay, I'll put it on the boat." There was a hint of joy on his face.

Han Shizhong nodded.Turn around and look at the old man.The old man didn't know Guo Zongyi, and thought that Han Shizhong was asking his subordinates, he looked up to see what the soldiers were doing, and then continued to kowtow.He was bearded and haired, his face was full of wrinkles, and a big bruised blood clot had been knocked out on his forehead.The scene became more and more ugly, and several generals turned their heads away, unable to bear to see this scene.

Han Shizhong coughed, lowered his head and said to him: "Old man, wait a moment, raise your head first, and see how my subordinate is doing?"

The old man raised his head in bewilderment, and looked at the general standing beside Han Shizhong. Guo Zongyi was also confused, avoiding the old man's gaze.

Han Shizhong smiled and said: "Old man, my subordinate is a seventh-rank martial artist from the imperial court. He is in charge of a battalion. There are hundreds of heroes under his command. If he wins a few more battles, he may not be able to be named a marquis and general in the future. If your girl wants to Marrying is nothing more than being a villager, how can it compare to the honor of following my subordinates."

He took a deep look at the stunned old man, not allowing him to distinguish, turned his face away, and reprimanded Guo Zongyi: "The old man's daughter followed you, the etiquette can't be too simple. You don't have a family, why don't you just marry me?" Let's hold a few banquets, Ming Media is getting married. What do you think?"

Guo Zongyi was overjoyed, and immediately bowed down and said: "Whatever the commander-in-chief says, so will the last general!"

"You idiot!" Han Shizhong lifted his right foot, kicked him somersault, and cursed, "What do you want me to do? I'm not your father-in-law!" Take the crawler to worship the old man again.This incident was so strange that the old man and his relatives didn't know what to do, the old man had received two bows from this burly man, he had to sigh a long time and couldn't say anything.

Han Shizhong ordered Guo Zongyi to entertain his father-in-law's relatives and neighbors well, and then left by himself in a boat.Since the Hengjun navy went south to aid Hubei, there have been many women plundered by each battalion. Han Shizhong dealt with it like this. If he turns private salt into official salt, it will win the hearts of the army. The pawns stand neatly and see off each other.

"Send off Han Shuai!" The voice came from afar, and Han Shizhong was triumphant on the small boat, and asked casually, "Huyan, did I handle this well?" After the noble Huyan family, Han Shizhong liked to bring him with him after he took charge of Henghai to strengthen his appearance.

However, after a long silence, Hu Yantong said in a muffled voice: "It seems inappropriate to connive and rob women."

Han Shizhong's face darkened immediately, and he said coldly: "Fortunately, you claim to be a descendant of Duke Huyanling, and you don't know that this is an old practice in the Taizu Dynasty. It’s not like Lao Han is here!” After finishing speaking, he hummed unsatisfactorily, and looked at the slowly flowing river, without turning his head to look at Hu Yantong.

Hu Yantong is also a fierce person, after being reprimanded by the general, his face was also green.Looking down at the river, it seemed that the anger in his eyes alone was about to burn the river dry.Reluctantly, although Han Shizhong came from a humble background and was rude, as the chief general, Hu Yantong had no choice but to suppress his anger no matter how angry he was. On a boat moored in the deep water of the big river.

When Han Shizhong returned to the cabin, his wife asked with concern when she saw his dark face.

"It's not Huyan Heizi!" Han Shizhong said bitterly, "I think Huyantong is unreliable, we can't let him lead the barracks anymore." He paused, his anger still lingering, and told Hongyu the whole story again Finally, he said sarcastically, "Hu Yantong pretended to be aloof and thought he was the founding father of the country, so he looked down on me! I used the old rules of the dynasty and the family law of the ancestors told by my wife, and this guy was deflated."

The ancestral family law he mentioned is the story of Taizu's dynasty.Taizu Zhao Kuangyin's fierce general Li Hanchao, the official residence of Guannan patrol envoy, guards the three critical points.This person is brave and resourceful, and with only three thousand elites, he resisted the Khitan's harassment.But Li Hanchao was greedy for money and lustful, and he also did a lot of things to rob money and women.The people brought the imperial complaint to the Emperor Taizu, but the Emperor Taizu's handling of the matter was similar to what Han Shizhong did today. The Taizu told the people that if the Li Han Dynasty hadn't resisted the Liao Kingdom, the Khitan invaded and plundered every year. The goods taken were far more than Li Hanchao's women, and he was even given hundreds of taels of silver.From then on, Li Hanchao became more and more loyal to Taizu and vowed to repay him with death.

Hongyu heard this, frowned deeply, and sighed: "The situation in the country is difficult. It is of course important to maintain the morale of the army, but I have wronged my daughter's family."

"Women's views." Han Shizhong rarely gained the upper hand, "It's not as simple as maintaining the morale of the army." He grinned happily, "The three elite soldiers in the southeast, the Henghai Navy, the Zhenjiang Army, and the Baoyi Army In comparison, the biggest disadvantage is that our army is a guest army, and most of the soldiers are from Jingdong. They are unfamiliar in the southeast. Even if they are stronger than the Zhenguo and Baoyi Army, they are not very close to the prefectures, counties, and people. Now Guo Zongyi is wrong The accidental collision made Lao Han think of a convenient way for Henghai to take root in the southeast." He paused, looking at his wife with a half-smile.

"Snatching a kiss?" Hongyu covered her mouth and lost her voice.

"Exactly!" Han Shizhong said with a big laugh, "Madam is indeed Madam." He paused for a while, then restrained his smile, and said seriously: "There are many bachelors in our army, instead of letting them make trouble everywhere, It’s better to open the door and let Heng Haijun and the southeast people form a family. At the beginning, people’s grievances were inevitable, but after all, blood is thicker than water. After a long time, these old fathers-in-law and uncles in the southeast should think about it , Hehe, hehehe. This problem that has always been a headache was solved on the pillow." He was straightforward, and he did not hide his pride in front of his wife.

Hongyu's eyes darkened slightly, she understood what Han Shizhong meant, but she still felt pity for those poor women who couldn't help themselves.

After the news got out, under the connivance of Han Shizhong, Heng Haijun set off a wave of plundering civilian women as wives. get married.Later, Heng Haijun robbed women who were already married to her husband's family, and even caused a murder case, which caused complaints from all over the place.Under the pressure of the army of the Liao Kingdom, Heng Haijun's actions still aroused great criticism.The gentry from the prefectures and counties jointly wrote a letter asking the prime minister's office to intervene in this matter.When Hou Huanyin, the appeasement envoy of Jingdong Road, learned of this, he felt ashamed, and sent Han Shizhong a secret letter from Feige to let Han Shizhong stop.It was only then that the Henghai Navy banned the plundering of civilian women. At this time, most of the officers and many soldiers had family members, who were housed in docks and water villages by the river.


Ezhou City is a place where scholars gather, and the members of the Imperial City Division don't need to find people to inquire about the situation every day. They just sit in restaurants and teahouses every day, and they can inquire about the prime minister, political participation, and military commanders.After the guard came back to report, Zhao Huan was even more interested. She used to live reclusively, and even if she dined out, she would stay in a quiet pavilion.Now pretending to be a young master, he led Zhou He and others to hear all kinds of anecdotes in the teahouse.

Since the election of the prime minister by public discussion, under the connivance and promotion of caring people, the common people are more and more fond of talking about the current figures after dinner.The scope of common people's discussion is not limited to officials in Ezhou, the two emperors of Xiangyang and Bianliang, and court officials are also among them.No matter the news in the restaurants and teahouses is true or not, but criticizing the dignitaries of the dynasty, they are full of foam and interest. They are more free-spirited than county scholars and more interesting than scripts. It has become a unique scene in Ezhou City.The common people's discussion is not like quoting the scriptures like the scholars, but only asking for a loyal and good person who died happily and went to the country. Can't wait to eat its flesh and sleep its skin.The countless majestic and mysterious veils that originally shrouded the imperial court gradually dissipated amidst the discussions of these common people. The secrets of the previous dynasty, the anecdotes of this dynasty, and political and military strategies all became jokes after dinner.In the past few days, what everyone talked about the most was the matter of Heng Hai's plundering of civilian women.

"Master Zhou, that person just said the story of the ancestors, but is it true?" Zhao Huan asked in a low voice.She was wearing a small blue round neck shirt, and the soft winged headband on her head hid her bun, she looked like a good young lady.It was discussed just now that Han Shizhong's move was because he followed the family law of his ancestors, and several mad students and the common people also spoke disrespectfully to Taizu, so Zhao Huan asked this question.

Zhou He looked around, and said in a low voice, "Young Master, you can't take the matter of chasing wind and shadows seriously." In fact, he knew in his heart that this matter was absolutely true. It can also be verified.Having said that, Zhou He's face was still full of embarrassment in Zhao Huan's eyes. She spent all these years in the palace watching other people's faces, and she was extremely sensitive to people's hearts, so she immediately understood Zhou He is a taboo for the venerable, and it is very likely that the truth is true.

Zhao Huan gave a soft "hmm" and didn't ask any more questions.

At this moment, a man in blue shirt held up a teacup at the table next to him, and sighed: "If you want to talk about the way of the three generals, Yue Shumi's is too strict, Han Henghai's is too permissive, but Mr. Zhao is more lenient and strict." But, it’s a combination of dual-purpose.” “Come on,” someone beside him sneered, “Did you forget that the Baoyi Army forced the prefectures and counties to extort food and salaries? That’s not what Zhao Xingde condoned. .”

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