Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 504 94 Xunyang full of Jingzhan -4

Chapter 504 94 Xunyang full of Jingzhan -4

Yan Xi roared: "Fire!" After shouting, he lit the fuse of the firecracker.

The horse rushed to this distance, no matter how good the riding skills were, it was impossible to turn the horse's head.Chen Wuyi shuddered, and almost stuck the whole torch on the fuse, and the fuse crackled and burned.In order to shorten the time from ignition to firing, the suppressor gunners took their own initiative and shortened the lead wire.Behaviors that are strictly prohibited in the Baoyi Army have played a miraculous effect at this time.After a breath, "bang bang", "bang bang bang" sounded loudly, and dozens of blunderbuss rushed towards the cavalry of the Liao army like a storm.

In Chen Wuyi's eyes, the oncoming war horse seemed to be frozen for a moment, and then, the screaming war horse rushed forward with great inertia. Chen Wuyi was full of fear, and could only fight back The firecracker in his hand was aimed forward.The fire door at the tail of the gun was still emitting blue smoke, he didn't cut the lead wire short, until now, the fire gun hadn't fired, and he didn't dare to stab it.The horse rushed forward, and the huge figure was getting bigger and bigger in front of Chen Wuyi's eyes. The faces of several soldiers around were panic-stricken, but the shadow of death was so hopelessly shrouded in everyone's heart. The man backed up, "Stay alive!" Someone shouted, and at the last moment, Chen Wuyi put the bayonet on the gun, and put all his strength on the barrel of the gun.

The horse directly collided with Chen Wuyi, and the huge inertia made him fall backwards every step of the way. At the same time, the gunfire pierced deeply into the broad chest of the horse. At this moment, there was a loud "boom" , the whole firecracker barrel exploded inside the horse, and Chen Wuyi's face was covered with splattered blood. He was pressed down by the horse, his blood-stained face turned to the sky, and his pupils reflected the clouds in the sky. Group, gradually dimmed.

The volley from the third capital saved a phalanx from collapsing. After being afraid, Yan Xi felt as if all the energy in his body had been drained, and there was a burning pain in the bottom of his throat. The shout just now directly tore his throat. "Come again—" His voice was low and hoarse, Song Jun hurriedly stabbed to death the last few Liao army cavalry who stumbled and rushed in, and hurriedly reloaded the firecracker gun 'medicine'.The desperate battle is far from over.In each phalanx, rows of musketeers reloaded, stepped forward, set up the poles, ignited, and fired. At this point, the suppressors on the battlefield knew that if you don't work hard, you will die!It's better to go all out and let the enemy die!



As the firecrackers fired one after another, thicker and thicker black smoke shrouded the phalanx, making it difficult for Zhao Xingde to see the situation on the battlefield clearly, only the shouts of killing seemed to have subsided.Already three Liao armies have galloped into the battlefield shrouded in black smoke.The periphery of the battlefield was covered with dead bodies of centaurs.Thousands of cavalry from the Liao army tried to bypass the fierce battlefield to sneak attack on the commander's account, but were spotted by scouts from the Chinese army. Yang Zaixing immediately led the cavalry from the Tabai Battalion to intercept the enemy cavalry and fight, unable to get away for a while.

"I don't know how long the town can last?" Zhao Xingde was anxious, looking towards the direction of the Chinese army from time to time, seeing the banner officer galloping on horseback, Zhao Xingde took the reins from his personal guard, and was about to get on the horse and command the Baoyi army to go out.

"Privilege Yue told General Zhao that the Liao rebels are not exhausted yet, and the Baoyi army will come out again when they see the flag of the Chinese army."

"What?" Zhao Xingde was full of surprise.

"Don't go out again," Du Chuijiao said loudly, "Can the township hold on?"

"Perhaps, Privy Yue has some confidence in Zhen Gong." A complex light flashed in Zhao Xingde's eyes, he looked at the handsome Yue flag in the distance, and sighed in a low voice, "Compassion does not command soldiers... "Give the reins of the horse in his hand to the soldiers, turn on the saddle and mount the horse, the ferocious bronze mask on the iron helmet gleamed with dazzling light, but cast a big shadow on his face.

The fortress at the front is not too big, just as Zhao Xingde got on his horse, Lu Mingyu, Luo Xianshi, Ma Rui and other generals saw him.Lu Mingyu said loudly: "Be more energetic, the commander is on his horse, ready to go out!" The soldiers who had been resting cross-legged on the ground stood up, and the cavalry under Ma Rui mounted their horses one after another, waiting for Zhao Xingde to issue the attack order himself!

On the opposite side of the battlefield, Temuge's face was extremely gloomy.The Song army put up a loose formation, thinking that they would collapse if they charged, but after fighting for more than half an hour, these Song troops were still resisting.The cavalry on both sides of the formation were bombarded by artillery, while the cavalry of the Liao army in the formation were fired from all directions by firecrackers.Since Timuge's troops entered the Central Plains, they have never suffered such heavy casualties as today.If things go on like this, even if they win, people from all tribes will inevitably complain.The cavalry is prone to exhaustion when they charge into battle. Brother Timu is eager to end the battle. He has sent several thousand-man troops to join the battle group, but they still can't take it down.

If he fought on the grassland, he would definitely overwhelm the entire force and defeat the enemy in one go.However, Brother Tiemu looked at the gunboats floating on the river not far away, and behind those artillery fortresses that were constantly throwing shells. He didn't know how many Song troops were hidden. He couldn't help feeling a little chill in his heart. A thousand-man team, a thousand-man team put their subordinates into the battlefield that seemed to be shrouded in magic fog.The battle reached an unbearable stalemate.Until now, Brother Tiemu still has more than ten thousand elite cavalry in his hands, but the Song army obviously did not exert its full strength. How many troops are hidden in the warships floating on the river and in the densely packed camps?

"Let Naima really go back first, and let the Nanmanzi come over!"

Temuge's face is ugly.He originally planned to use the signing army to consume the spirit of the Song army, but the battle of the Beiwei camp made him change his mind.If you don't give Nanman a little bit of strength, it's hard to say whether the signing army is reliable, maybe you will vote for Nanman on the spot, but when the battle has reached this point, your vigor has been lost, and it is pointless to continue in a stalemate.It's better to retreat the cavalry of our clan, and use the flesh and blood of those signed troops to blunt the knives of the Song army.

There were long bursts of humming from the opposite side, which was the signal for the Liao army to retreat.

Zhao Xingde's expression changed, he turned his head to look at the Chinese army, sure enough, the Yue Zishuai flag shook violently, Zhao Xingde put down his mask, pulled out the horizontal knife at his waist, and pointed straight at the center of the battlefield.The mount seemed to feel the passionate fighting spirit, and with a long hiss, it galloped down the fort quickly.

"Look, General Zhao—" "It's General Zhao—"

Below the artillery barracks, the soldiers of the Baoyi Army who recognized the commander all cheered.

"Come out!" "Come out!" Luo Xianshi, Lu Mingyu and other officers shouted loudly, and each phalanx moved quickly.

"Charge!" Ma Rui yelled, raised his big gun, and the steed under his crotch rushed forward. More than a thousand riders followed closely behind him, and the speed of the horse was not too fast or slow.The two commanding cavalry were divided into left and right cavalry formations in front of the battery, protecting the two wings of the infantry phalanx in advance.

While the flag of the Chinese army was shaking, forty war drums were beating at the same time. The deep drum sounds of "dong dong dong" and "dong dong dong" made people's hearts beat rhythmically, even under the roar of artillery. It can be heard that it can be heard far away, even in the smoke and dust, it can be heard clearly.

Wang Gui's face was covered with smoke and blood. When he heard the sound of the drum, his expression suddenly became extremely ferocious. He reached out and grabbed a long gun, and shouted loudly: "Master Yue has an order! Go out and kill—Rush out and kill— —" This phalanx is in the northeast direction of the entire formation.The cavalry of the Liao army rushed over to bear the brunt. At the most critical moment, they were surrounded by enemy cavalry regiments, and arrows rained down.After a hard battle, there were only more than 300 soldiers left, almost everyone was wounded, and their uniforms were covered with blood and dust.Hearing the order to "charge the formation", all the soldiers couldn't help but hesitate for a moment.The infantry and the cavalry are fighting against each other, and they have to form an formation to fight. If they spread out and rush out, it is no different from seeking death.The power of it, the army soldiers and the Liao cavalry have been fighting for more than half an hour, and they have already seen it clearly.

A man with a forehead injury yelled, "The commander told us to rush out, so let's rush out!"

"Rush out!" Wang Gui shouted loudly, "Follow me—" he rushed out together with the soldiers around him regardless of going, this way, the entire formation waited for a big hole to be opened, and the others stood guard. It is useless to stay in place, and the situation is such that many soldiers raised their spears, long-handled axes, and fire guns one after another, and rushed out in a group of more than ten people.

"Rush out—" Yan Xi and Ma Quan shouted at the same time, there were more than 100 people left in their phalanx, and they rushed out from four directions.Before he had rushed a few steps, he encountered several cavalry Liao soldiers head-on.Before Yan Xi had time to react, he was knocked to the ground by Yiqi, his chest seemed to be split open, he only struggled a few times, then passed out and didn't know whether he was alive or dead.If they encountered enemy cavalry in the past, the soldiers would just avoid them.But after a fierce battle with the town police, they became much more courageous.Relying on the smog, Ma Quan squatted slightly, and swept a long ax towards the leg of the leading horse. With a "bang--", the horse's tibia was broken by the heavy axe, and the horse stumbled and fell down with a wail. Also fell off the horse and died.Seeing that their way was blocked, several Liao troops urged their horses to catch up and fight.The Song army did not show weakness, each armed with a spear and axe, back to back, and fought with these Liao soldiers on the flat ground.

According to common sense, where the cavalry galloped back and forth, the Song army disbanded the phalanx and rushed out to fight hand-to-hand with the Liao army cavalry, which was tantamount to suicidal.However, when the phalanx on the entire battlefield was disbanded at the same time, the suppressing infantry who scattered and fought by themselves immediately blocked the gap that originally existed in the middle of the phalanx.The cavalry of the Liao army fought with the Song army for a long time, but their horsepower and speed were not as good as they started. Hearing the sound of retreating soldiers, many Liao soldiers had no intention of fighting.The soldiers of the suppressing army fought desperately, and thousands of exhausted Liao army cavalry had to fight with them wielding scimitars and riding spears.

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