Dawn of the Empire

Chapter 82 Plagiarism 4 Haisheng

Chapter 82 Stealing the Sound of the World (1)

"Cai Jing is a traitor, a mediocre official from the Ministry of Rites!" Chen Dong scolded angrily.In the past few days, the Neo-Confucian Society has grown a lot, with members rising from more than 800 to more than 2000.However, participating in the joint petition will result in disqualification from the provincial examination of Jinke, which is quite a deterrent to the candidates in Beijing.After all, everyone has been in the cold window for ten years and no one has asked, and they are looking forward to the day when they will become famous all over the world.During this period of time, the clerks under Zhongshumen, the Ministry of Rites, and Yushitai all refused to sign for any letter from the people, and the people in the Ministry of Rites also persuaded him earnestly. future.

"Unexpectedly, the 'treacherous' party is so powerful that it dares to abandon the ancestral family law that can't help scholars to write letters." Deng Su sighed.

"The scribes of Zhongshu Province are even more annoying. Not only do they not accept them, but they also use sarcasm. Even if they want to write a letter, it should be submitted by Hebei. " Zhang Bing said in a deep voice, but in fact, the words of the people in Zhongshu Province are ten times worse than this.

"Scholars in the occupied prefectures and counties, not one out of ten, every family has filial piety, everyone wears mourning, how can anyone come to the capital to take the exam!" Zhao Xingde's face was livid, and the scene of the military disaster after the flood appeared in front of him, corpses everywhere , The people were displaced, beggars swarmed, and the scenes of selling children and daughters were not uncommon.He slapped the table and said in a deep voice: "You must not let the 'traitor' cover up the sky with one hand!"

"That's true!" Cao Liangshi said, "If the fall of Hebei can be settled like this, how can there be justice! What is the law of heaven!" Dozens of scholars from the Neo-Confucian Society present shouted and cursed, and the crowd was excited.Especially those from other places, if they see corrupt officials in the state capital, they can still deceive themselves, thinking that the princes in the court must be different.But when they come to the capital, they are like raccoons in the same feather.I just feel that I have read the sages' books for more than ten years. Given the size of the world, there are turbid currents everywhere, thick clouds cover the sun, and there is no hope.

Chen Dong pondered and said: "This 'treacherous' party's power is pouring over the court to deceive the saints. How can it deceive the eyes and ears of the people of the world. I want to expose the reasons for the 'chaos' in Hebei to the world, so that the world's conscience The surviving ones, each do their best, please cut off Tong Guan, and the Ministry of Rites under the Zhongshumen, etc. who have deceived the holy listeners, do you think so?"

All the scholars applauded loudly. Many of these people in the capital had written exposing posts before, and some of them from other places were not very afraid.Because Zhao Xingde was a witness to the "turmoil" in Hebei, he wrote the pen. Everyone's words and words are carefully considered, and the scholars and people are bound to be filled with righteous indignation, and the "traitors" are ashamed to commit suicide.These dozens of people are the leaders of articles from all over the country, and with the effort of a few pots of wine, they can write a thousand-character long article in one go.

Zhao Xingde read the public announcement again, and everyone made some revisions.Chen Dongdao: "This public report is the result of our colleagues' concern for the country and blood sincerity. Everyone has copied dozens of copies and posted them all over the city to show the ugliness of 'treacherous' thieves!"

Cao Liangshi said: "The eunuchs are very powerful in the capital, and it is not enough to just post them in the capital. I want to pass this publicity back to the main road of Jinghu, copy it widely, and publicize the ugly deeds of the 'treacherous' party to the world! Other places Scholars also suggested one after another: "We also want to pass this publicity back to Jiangnan Road. "" My scholars on Liangzhe Road will do my part. "I am indispensable on Jingdong Road." ""The people on Huainan Road have been suffering from the 'traitor' party for a long time. If we expose a piece of paper, we will definitely attack it together!" "

"Wait a minute!" Zhao Xingde said in a deep voice, picked up a pen and added "'traitors' want to cover up their evil and abolish the law of the country. We who have been taught by sages want to do our best. Seeing this release, we should copy it." The second is to expose the ugliness and eliminate the evil with righteousness. Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, and we should encourage our colleagues in the world."

Chen Dongdao: "Only copying two copies, will it be too little?"

Zhao Xingde smiled and said: "Not a lot. One and two, two appearances give birth to four images, and everything in the world comes from this." All the scholars nodded in agreement, and judge others by themselves. If this public announcement is only copied twice and posted, It's not difficult, and if you put your heart and effort into it, you'll naturally spread the word more.

Just as he was about to transcribe, Zhao Xingde suddenly remembered something, and said: "Wait a minute."

Everyone looked up at him and asked, "What else?"

Zhao Xingde made an accusation, and said in a deep voice: "This revelation will surely be passed on to the world. And we are all fledglings, and we don't quite understand many court taboos and regulations. In my opinion, before passing it on, , please privately invite some respected Qingliu seniors to read this post first, and point out the inadequacies in it."

Everyone fell silent, the more than two thousand scholars from the Neo-Confucian Society gathered here, and they were all guilty and timid people, but if there were flaws in one's own article, it would be a big joke to be caught by a traitor .The more profound the person's attainments in the article, the more they know the power of it, and they all nodded in agreement when they heard the words.So after everyone discussed it, it was decided that Deng Su would submit the public disclosure to Qin Hui, the imperial censor, for review, Zhang Bing and Chen Dong would submit the public disclosure to Shao Wu, the supervisory censor, for review, and Zhu Sen and He Fang would submit the public disclosure. It was submitted to the Guozijian Jijiu Master Yang Shi for review, and Zhao Xingde submitted the article to Chao Buzhi, the order of the Taishi Bureau, for review. These four people are well-known masters in literature, and they are obviously leaders of new and old Qingliu officials.The public release was approved by these four people. On the one hand, it gathered the power of the government and the public, and on the other hand, with the skill of these four people, there was no flaw in the post. Even if the "treacherous" party wanted to find fault .

When Zhao Xingde presented the public disclosure to Chao Buzhi, Chao Buzhi looked at him, as if he wanted to get to know this usually gentle and elegant disciple again.

"Are you really going to publish this post to the world?" He still didn't believe it, and asked.Usually, the scholars in Bianjing rushed to the door of the public officials, and even did many shameless things, which made Chao Buzhi lament that the morale of the scholars was declining. Unexpectedly, these young people who are not well-known are actually fighting like Zhang Zifang. In order to seek justice, he did not hesitate to gamble his own future to overthrow Tong Guan, one of the most important officials in the government, Tong Guan, whose status is far from theirs.

Chao Buzhi murmured for a long time, and suddenly seemed to be talking to himself: "I forgot, the Neo-Confucian Society is quite powerful, right?"

"Don't dare to hide it, sir, there are already more than two thousand gentlemen in the society."

"Yeah." Chao Buzhi nodded slightly, and sighed, "Unknowingly, another group of young people have changed."

He picked up the public announcement of the Neo-Confucian Society, read it carefully twice, nodded, shook his head again, called Zhao Xingde to his side, and said softly: "There seems to be something wrong here, it is easy to be attached to allusions..." "Here , easy to be misinterpreted by the 'treacherous' party..." "Here, such a style of writing has always been disliked by officials..."

He Fang and Zhu Sen stood respectfully in the room of Master Yang Shi's room where the Imperial College sacrificed wine, not daring to vent their breath.They were extremely lucky to be worshiped under the famous Yang Shi's family. They were always careful when they came to serve the old man, for fear of saying a wrong word or taking a wrong step.If it wasn't for the members of the Neo-Confucianism Society to think that since Yang Shi is the most prestigious master of Confucianism in the world, he would definitely not miss the opportunity to ask him for review. .

Yang Shi was over sixty years old, his right hand holding Gongjie was covered with blue veins characteristic of old people, his left hand was pressed on his knee, and he beat the time again and again. He frowned and read very slowly, almost word by word. Every time the husband frowned more, the heartbeats of He Fang and Zhu Sen would speed up a little.

After a long time, Yang Shi just put down the post, looked at the trembling disciple, and said in a deep voice: "This article does not seem to be written with the two of you in mind, and it seems to have mixed with many other people's pointers. Is it?" Although he is old, However, he cultivated his body and cultivated his "sex" all the year round, and he was full of energy. If he didn't speak, it would be fine if he spoke. When he spoke, the quiet abode with four walls seemed to be hummed.

"Sir, it is true. This article was written by Zhao Xingde, a good friend of the two of us in the Neo-Confucian Society, with the guidance of the gentlemen in the Society."

"Well, that's it." Yang Shi nodded slightly, put the Jietie lightly on the desk, and beckoned: "Come forward." Pointing to the Jietie, he said word by word: "The article was completed in one go, but some of it The reasoning is still unclear..."

He Fang and Zhu Sen leaned forward, listened respectfully to the master's instruction, and secretly kept what he said in their hearts.

After the instruction was over, Yang Shi asked: "When this article goes out, everyone in the Neo-Confucian Society will become a thorn in the side of the 'treacherous' thieves. At this moment, His Majesty is surrounded by a group of small people, and the future of a gentleman is in jeopardy. Aren't you two afraid?"

He Fang and Zhu Sen glanced at each other, and He Fang said: "The kindness of the heart, even though he died nine times, he still has no regrets." Zhu Sen said: "It is a student's luck to sacrifice himself for righteousness."

Yang Shi nodded, handed the post back to them, and said slowly: "You two can be called the true biography of my Cheng family."

Chen Dong and Zhang Bing presented the post to Shao Wu, and Deng Su presented it to Qin Hui. These two are the mainstays of today's Qingliu. For the important matter of consolidating the Eastern Palace, I put all my energy into it now, read the posted posts several times, and then pointed out and corrected them one by one. In addition to the taboo of the imperial court, there were also many considerations of party disputes. It was only aimed at Tong Guan, so as not to miss the auxiliary car. .The few disciples recorded by the side have benefited a lot.

This post was also sent to Cai Gongxiang by someone with a heart.

Cai Jing will read it once, put down the manuscript, and sighed: "It's a good article, but the calligraphy of the person who copied it is too bad." He looked at the party members in the seat, and said with a smile: "These young boys are getting more and more foolish."

"My lord, do you want to arrest these troublemakers first?"

Cai Jing said with a smile: "All of you have fame and fame, and I don't accuse you of being a sinner. Besides, you don't even write a letter, but post articles everywhere to vent your anger. You just have to be careful not to spread this stuff to the palace. How big can this little posting be? Autumn is approaching, and it will naturally disappear at that time." He paused, his eyes turned cold a little, "Record all these copying and posting of postings, It’s such a rare opportunity for them to jump out on their own.”

Cai Taishi closed his eyes as usual and regained his composure.These scholars don't know at all that the official family has the best face, and if it is acceptable to submit a letter, it is only necessary to lead the suspicion to Prince Zhao Ke for such a face-breaking nonsense now, even if the East Palace can be saved now, the official family will lose face If you keep the grudge in your heart, there will be no room for change in the matter of easy storage.Tong Guan's honor, disgrace, life and death, compared with the East Palace dispute, is nothing more than insignificant dust.The Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty has a lot of things to deal with every day, and there are too many things to worry about. Only when the worries of the East Palace are relieved can he let go of things.

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