Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 14 1 Blockbuster {Please collect! }

The Nie family in Dongling Prefecture, outside the Nie family Taizu Temple.

Nie De stood at the bottom, but his heart was not in a good mood. Ups and downs poured out one after another, his fists were tightly clenched, his knuckles were frighteningly white, and he said angrily, "How is it possible! How is it possible! No, I don't believe it. Three months ago, He's still trash!"

No matter what these people thought, Nie Feng had already gained the upper hand, and Nie Zha struggled to support himself in the corner of the ring.

Nie Zha fought Nie Feng a few more times, his wrist was almost shattered, and the sword was notched on all sides, which was extremely ugly.Suddenly, his face was full of anger, and he shouted like a madman: "You forced me, you forced me!"

Before the shouting disappeared, Nie Zha had an extra sword in his hand, with a dark purple glow all over his body, and his aura was terrifyingly strong.After being injected with vitality by Nie Zha, the sword screamed "buzzing" immediately, and the blade trembled crazily.

This shock immediately sent out ripples visible to the naked eye, spreading like water waves.

The ripples vibrated and hit head-on. Nie Feng's keen fighting sense sensed the threat, and the hairs all over his body burst into cold sweat.

With a 'boom', ripples exploded on Nie Feng's body, and the elders of a generation showed anxious expressions.

It sounds slow, but it's actually just an instant.

Nie Jingtian didn't retreat in shock, and shouted anxiously: "Be careful, Feng'er, it's a treasure!" However, the moment he shouted, a golden light burst out from Nie Feng's body, and an unparalleled power erupted, making everyone breathless Come.

Nie Jingtian's movements were suppressed by this momentum and he couldn't move at all.

However, this is also a matter of a moment.

After a while, Nie Feng returned to normal.The treasured knife in front of him, which was circulating in purple light, had already fallen to the ground. Nie Zha was pale, curled up on the ground, and his face was full of disbelief: "How is it possible? I tried my best to use all my energy, and the power of the treasured weapon was also broken by him! I I'm not reconciled!"

Nie Zha was so angry that he spat out a mouthful of blood.

Nie Feng himself was also slightly taken aback, while unconsciously scratching his butt, he thought: "It's so dangerous! But that golden light—ah! I remembered, it's exactly the same as that crazy breath!"

Just as he thought, that golden light was the immortal energy left in his body by Qian Luoshi who treated him.

Once he figured it out, Nie Feng immediately returned to normal, and approached Nie Zha step by step, with an evil smile on his face, and sneered: "How? Give me something you don't want! Regret it? Cry or not?"

Nie Zha spat out a mouthful of blood and shouted, "You want to thank your upper body, get out of here!"

Nie Feng bent down to pick up the precious purple knife, looked at the blade, and said with a smile: "Good knife!" After finishing speaking, Nie Feng pushed Nie Zha down, and slashed the tip of the knife on the waist of his trousers, taking off Nie Zha. trousers, he smiled and raised the purple saber to beat him.

Seeing this, Nie Taifeng shouted angrily, "Nie Feng, stop!"

Nie Feng turned a deaf ear to it, and the sound of "papa" sounded. Nie Zha was spanked by Nie Feng in public. He was so ashamed that he wanted to bump his head to death. He struggled painfully, but was stepped on by Nie Feng, unable to resist.Nie Zha had no choice but to shout: "Daddy, save me!"

Nie Taifeng rushed forward, but was grabbed by Nie Jingtian and dragged back.He turned his head to look at Nie Jingtian puzzled, after Nie Jingtian gestured to him to be calm, Nie Jingtian shouted: "Feng'er, that's enough!"

Nie Feng stopped when he heard Nie Jingtian's words, and retreated to a corner of the ring with the purple saber in hand.

At this moment, the disciples of the Nie family have already started discussing livelyly.

Someone gloated and said, "Nie Zha also has today, tsk tsk, being spanked in front of so many people, haha!"

As soon as he spoke, someone echoed him immediately: "Nie Zha is usually domineering, and he is considered unlucky to meet a weird boy like Nie Feng. Look at Uncle's face, haha, it's like eating poop!"

Of course, he didn't dare to say these words aloud, but the generation of elders present, none of them were masters in the body training stage, after hearing this, they all looked at Nie Taifeng with strange expressions on their faces.

At this time, Nie Jingtian said to Nie Taifeng: "Taifeng, take Nie Zha back to heal his wounds!"

Nie Taifeng took the order, stepped onto the ring with a flash of his body, and put on his pants for Nie Zha pityingly.The pants rubbed against Nie Zha's swollen buttocks, and Nie Zha yelled in pain, which was quite funny and made everyone laugh.

Nie Taifeng shouted angrily: "Hold on, you're useless!" Nie Zha was yelled at by Nie Taifeng, so he had to grit his teeth and endure.

After a while, Nie Zha and his son stared at Nie Feng fiercely, with naked hatred gushing out from their eyes, Nie Taifeng spread his hands and shouted: "Bring it!"

Holding the purple knife, Nie Feng was quite reluctant, scratched his buttocks and said: "No! This is my trophy!" He secretly said: "How can a duck with its mouth fly away!"

Nie Taifeng took a step closer, his momentum was like a tsunami wave, and he came towards Nie Feng, his eyes widened with anger, and he shouted: "This is a ring, not a battlefield! Bring it!"

Nie Feng was upset, but he heard Nie Jingtian say: "Feng'er, return the 'Purple Thunder Knife' to Zha'er."

Although Nie Feng was reluctant to give up after hearing this, he had no choice but to throw the 'Zi Lei Knife' to the ground angrily, making a 'bang dang' sound, and shouted: "Take it!"

Nie Taifeng gritted his teeth angrily, but he couldn't get angry in front of his elders. His right hand became a claw, creating a suction force, and the 'Zi Lei Dao' flew straight towards Nie Taifeng as if being pulled.Nie Taifeng grabbed the 'Zi Lei Dao' and gritted his teeth, whispering: "Nie Feng, don't be too complacent!"

After all, the whole person soared into the sky and disappeared.

Nie Feng curled his lips, and then shouted to the audience: "Are there any other brothers coming to the stage to fight?"

The young man who delivered the knife chuckled, kicked his feet, flew up the ring lightly, smiled at Nie Feng friendly, and said: "Cousin Nie Feng, Nie Tianying will play with you!"

Outside the Nie Family Taizu Temple.

Nie Feng and Nie Tianying lay motionless on the arena inlaid with simple and simple lace, their chests heaved violently, they sucked in heavily, and they were covered in sweat!

Nie Feng scratched his ass and gasped, "Cousin Tianying, we've been fighting for so long, but we can't tell the difference. I don't think we can tell the difference even after a day of fighting. I'm almost exhausted, so I won't play anymore!" After Nie Feng finished speaking, his body twisted and he fell to the bottom of the ring.

Seeing that Nie Feng was about to hit the ground, the younger members of the Nie family who were closest to him supported Nie Feng with quick eyesight and quick hands. Someone gave him a thumbs up and said, "Nie Feng, I really admire you. You are at the fifth level of Qi refining!" , it was a close fight with Cousin Tianying, really amazing!"

Nie Feng stood firm, waved his hands, and said with a smile, "It's not very powerful!" But anyone who looked at his eyes would roll their eyes with a smug expression, and could only write the words 'I'm very powerful' on the face.

But no one minded. After all, although Nie Feng is a bad fart, he is not arrogant or annoying.

What he said made everyone laugh.

Nie Tianying took a Huiqi pill, his complexion improved by half, and he also stood on the ring and said, "Cousin Nie Feng, you are very powerful. When I am knocked down by another brother, let's go have a drink and I'll be the host!"

Nie Feng smiled and agreed: "Don't go back on your word, I can drink very well, so be careful not to drink poorly!"

Nie Tianying smiled happily, and said: "I'm poor from drinking, so I can only sell you, a peerless genius, to pay for the drink!" After finishing speaking, a few close friends laughed.

Next, Nie Feng also witnessed the strength of the younger generation of the Nie family.Nie Tianying's cultivation is considered outstanding among the younger generation.However, among them, there are even more talented people. At the age of fifteen or sixteen, they have cultivated to the peak of the tenth level of Qi refining, and even mastered several good high-grade martial arts, with extraordinary strength.

Not long after, Nie Tianying was beaten down, and he was not angry. After stepping down, he took Nie Feng and a few good brothers to salute and bid farewell to the elders, and then ran to the famous tavern in Dongling Mansion and got drunk. .

Nie Feng didn't return home until it was dark.

Bing Yuyan and Nie Yuan spent a lot of effort to get Nie Feng, who has grown a lot, onto the bed.

This night, Nie Feng was very happy, like drinking and messing with a group of poor buddies on the other side of the starry sky.

Early the next morning, Nie Feng woke up dizzy, the first thing he did was to run his vitality to get rid of the alcohol, and he was completely awake after a while.Immediately, he ran to the farm space again, harvested the elixir, planted it, and practiced for a while before returning to the bedroom.

Not long after, Nie Tianying knocked on the door, walked through the curtain, stepped into the bedroom, and said with a smile, "Cousin Nie Feng, you made a big fool of yourself yesterday, and you started getting drunk after just a few drinks. You need to practice a lot!"

Nie Feng curled his lips and said, "The weather was bad yesterday, which affected my performance. Next time, I can drink all of you alone!"

Nie Tianying was noncommittal, leaned closer to Nie Feng, sat on the bed and said, "There are two things today. First, because you passed the test, you have officially become a member of the family's elite and have the right to live in the inner courtyard. Second, you have the opportunity to join us. , enter the first floor of the Buddhist scriptures tower, and choose martial arts and mental methods." After finishing speaking, he added: "Of course, you can also choose other books."

After listening to it, Nie Feng said indifferently: "On the first floor of the Buddhist scriptures tower, most of them are Qi-refining mental methods and low-level martial arts, nothing unusual!"

Nie Tianying rolled his eyes, and said quite speechlessly: "That's what you said. There are countless people outside. They squeezed their heads and thought of my Nie Family's Buddhist scriptures tower, but they didn't have a chance. Cousin Nie Feng, I heard that you have a sworn brother , Did you learn your mind and martial arts from him? It's amazing!"

Nie Feng smiled, and said noncommittally: "That's the case, but he is a strange person, he only sees me and sees no one else, otherwise I will also be a middleman to let you get to know each other!"

Nie Tianying showed a look of regret, and then said with a relieved smile: "Most people with special skills are a little different from ordinary people. I wanted to meet this strange person, but it seems that I can only regret it for the rest of my life!"

Nie Feng didn't want to get entangled in this matter, so he quickly changed the topic: "Let's not talk about him, when can I move? When can I go to the Buddhist scriptures tower, I should go see and see!"

Nie Tianying smiled and said: "You don't have to worry about moving, anyway, someone will come to help today. It's almost time, I just came to ask you to go to the Buddhist scriptures tower, go!"

After finishing speaking, the two left the bedroom, talked to Bing Yuyan and Nie Yuan, and rushed straight to the inner courtyard of Nie's house.

Not long after, the two came to the hall of Nie's inner courtyard.

The hall is nearly a thousand steps long and wide, with high eaves, and the decoration is luxurious but not vulgar, with a vicissitudes that have gone through a long time in the simplicity.

When Nie Feng walked in, there were already many people in the room, and someone greeted them in a low voice.

Nie Feng looked around, but he didn't find Nie Zha. He looked surprised and asked, "Cousin Tianying, where is Nie Zha's pig? Could it be that he was afraid of being beaten by me and didn't dare to come?"

Nie Tianying showed a strange expression, and said with a smile: "You don't stick to one pattern, and you spanked his ass in public. I'm afraid this hatred has been recorded. However, it's not that he was frightened by your beating. Yesterday evening, people from the Zhenwu Xianzong passed Take them away. From now on, you have to be careful! True Martial Immortal Sect, very powerful!"

Nie Feng curled his lips, and said without fear: "I'm afraid of a bird! Within three years, I will go to the True Martial Immortal Sect to trouble that Shangxian!"

Nie Tianying smiled and didn't answer.

Nie Feng knew that he didn't believe him, and he didn't explain it. The matter will be resolved by then.He looked around, but saw Ned.At this moment, Nie De was arrogant and talking loudly to the people around him.

When Nie Feng saw him, his aura was stronger than before, and he seemed to have made considerable progress.

{A new month, the battle is endless, it is a battle against oneself, progress, progress! }

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