Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 17 Rediscovering the Sun {Please collect! }

The terrain on this shore also extends to a deeper underground, and there is no other way.As soon as Nie Feng came ashore, the big monster screamed excitedly, flapped its wings frantically, and flew towards Nie Feng like an arrow.Fortunately, Nie Feng was in a place recessed into the mountain wall.

As soon as the big demon rushed in, the flying height was immediately restricted by the stone wall above his head.

When Nie Feng saw the big monster coming, he showed joy and shouted: "Good time!" With a step forward, his figure was like a shuttle, and his palm formed a knife to slash from top to bottom. Shenlong roared, causing the big demon to panic for a while.

When he was in a daze, the light of the knife slammed on the big demon's fleshy wings. It was unparalleled, and cut off one of his wings. The air was filled with the smell of burnt meat.

The big demon screamed in pain, kept his handprints, and the world's big seal doubled in size, and smashed at Nie Feng with a 'boom'.Nie Feng's vitality was shaking wildly, and his palms were shining golden, like a god of war, he strode forward, gaining power and relentlessly, he advanced with a hand knife, and slashed away.

There was a chaotic sound of 'booming', Nie Feng was like a rag bag, vomited blood from the flying seal of heaven and earth, and fell into the stone wall.The other wing of the big monster was also cut off by Nie Feng's blade, screaming wildly, and his ugly face became even more ferocious.

Nie Feng unexpectedly came up with a style of play that hurt both sides.

The big demon trembled in pain, and yelled crazily: "Where did you come from? Could it be that you are also possessed by some big monster? Otherwise, how could it become so powerful!" While he was talking, the big seal of the day also smashed fiercely at Nie. wind.

Nie Feng was shocked, his vitality was like a real divine flame, he struggled violently with great force, the stone wall was sunken and the boulder was shattered, but at this stage, the great seal of the day was again He hit Nie Feng's body hard.

A mouthful of blood spewed out with a 'wow', Nie Feng's bones were as crisp as fried beans, and the stone wall couldn't bear the gravity, and it exploded.Nie Feng's body also fell into the other side of the stone wall along with the rocks.

It turned out that the inside of the stone wall was actually empty.

Nie Feng pierced through the stone wall and landed on the slope with a huge drop, and rolled down involuntarily.

At the bottom of the slope is an empty burrow with a winding road with no end in sight.On the walls of the cave, there are strangely shaped stones everywhere. The sound of Nie Feng's tumbling echoes in the cave, and there is a continuous sound of 'dong dong'.

After a while, Nie Feng stood up and looked up. In front of the big hole in the stone wall, there was a hideous and ugly face of a big monster. Nie Feng was not willing to stop, and while running wildly, he shouted: "Old monster, if you have the ability, come and chase me! "

The big demon refused to give up, jumped up and landed on the slope, his feet touched the ground, and ran down the slope quickly, gritted his teeth and said: "Little beast, the old man will make your life worse than death, and suffer all the tortures in the world." Torture!"

Nie Feng cursed while running.His cultivation has reached the seventh level of Qi refining, and he can barely deal with ordinary masters of the first level of body refining, but the opponent has a treasure weapon with great power, which makes Nie Feng dare not face the enemy head-on.

He scolded badly, and there were echoes in the cave again. The big demon gritted his teeth in anxiety and trembled all over, but he didn't know how to retaliate. He cursed over and over again, so aggrieved that he wanted to die.

The two of them, one in front of the other, ran for an indefinite amount of time in the underground cave with many forked roads, and Nie Feng had already lost where he was.

Suddenly, Nie Feng's body flickered and disappeared.

in the farm space.

Nie Feng was out of breath, breathing heavily for a long time, and then cursed: "Rely on your sister's basket, your sister is in a fighting state! I almost died!" After finishing speaking, he was about to run to the spiritual liquid pool to repair his body.

But he suddenly had an idea, and secretly said: "It is said in novels that between life and death, the potential of the body is stimulated. If you practice now, you may get twice the result with half the effort. Haha, I am a genius!" After thinking, Nie Feng ran to the warehouse dancing , took a Baishou Dan.

The Baishou Dan melted at the entrance, and the turbulent spiritual energy, like the rushing Yellow River, poured into the dantian, and the 'Earth Fire Spiritual Flame' spun wildly, refining the spiritual energy.Nie Feng embraced Yuan Shouyi, and practiced the first level of the "Emperor's Art" mental method.

The spiritual energy in the air wrapped him into a cocoon, and the dantian was so golden that it could be seen with the naked eye. On the golden sea of ​​vitality, the sun and the moon competed for glory, and the dragon hovered, with an aura like a rainbow.

Sure enough, Nie Feng's cultivation speed increased a lot.

After two or three hours passed, Nie Feng opened his eyes, and the vision disappeared.He clicked his lips, looked crying, and said: "Rely on your sister, this emperor's skill is really beyond the reach of ordinary people. A Baishou Dan can only be cultivated from the early stage of the seventh level of Qi Refining to the peak of the seventh level of Qi Refining."

But he didn't want to think about which person at the seventh level of Qi refining could cut off the wings of a big monster at the first level of body refining.

Nie Feng walked slowly to the golden book "Overlord Sword Record", his eyes fell on the pages of the golden book, comprehending the mystery inside, while reading, a villain appeared in his mind, holding a sword in his hand, Constantly practice knife skills.

Of course, this is a simulated practice in his mind.

Time passed bit by bit, and Nie Feng fell asleep in the spiritual liquid pool after practicing the sword until his head became dizzy.The next day, I started to practice again.

It wasn't until he took two Baishoudans that he finally stepped into the early stage of the eighth level of body refining as he wished. With his proficient first-level sword skills, he was completely capable of fighting against the masters of the second level of body refining.Even a big monster with the great seal of heaven and earth, he can fight head-on.

After Nie Feng finished training, he recovered his state in the spiritual liquid pool, put on his clothes, and showed a smirk.

He changed his mind and went back to the cave, just when he saw the big monster venting his anger and crazily, he smiled even more: "Haha, old guy, I'm coming!"

Deep underground, somewhere in a cave.

When Nie Feng returned from the farm, the big demon took a few steps back without saying a word, his handprints flying around.In an instant, the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth, which was as big as a house, hit Nie Feng with a 'rumbling' sound, extremely fast and mighty.

Nie Feng was also unceremonious, his vitality circulated, the 'Earth Fire Spiritual Flame' was swaying, and the roar of the dragon could be heard endlessly, and the palms were wrapped like divine flames.I saw Nie Feng pushed his palms suddenly, and there was a loud bang, which exploded from Nie Feng's palms, which was deafening.

When the two collided, energy raged.Under Nie Feng's feet, there was a loud crack, and a big hole was formed.The Great Seal of Heaven and Earth turned back and smashed into the mountain wall like a cannonball. After a 'bang', the mountain wall split apart like a spider's web centered on the Great Seal.

In an instant, the entire cave was blinded by smoke and dust.

Nie Feng's power remained unabated, he kicked his feet and jumped into the smoke and dust.The big demon was stunned for a long time, and he kept saying: "How is it possible? This freak! No, it's even weirder than a monster. I still don't believe it..."

Indeed, anyone would be stunned.This Nie Feng's strength has improved so much that it is heart-pounding!

Before the big demon could finish saying 'don't believe', Nie Feng had already pounced on him, his fists changed into claws, and he quickly grabbed the big demon's shoulders, his ten fingers burst into flames, and he directly grabbed ten meatballs on the big demon's shoulders. Turn over the hole.Nie Feng didn't say a word, his vitality was shaken, and the big monster crashed into the stone wall on the right as if being bounced by a spring.

With a shake of this grasp, Nie Feng almost crushed the big demon's shoulder bones, causing the big demon to groan in pain, begging: "Great Immortal, please forgive me, the little demon was obsessed and ran into the Great Immortal!"

Nie Feng clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Isn't it fun to chase me just now? It's too late to spare my life now! Let me ask you, who are you? Why are you in the ground?"

The big demon quickly said: "I am a bat in Dongling Mountain who has cultivated into a demon spirit. I accidentally learned that there is a cluster of earth fire spirit flames under the Nie family's scripture collection tower. I tried every means to find Nie De and planted a demon spirit in his body. Lie him to help me open up the formation and help me obtain the earth fire spirit flame."

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, and looked carefully, only to see that this big monster was vaguely similar to Nie De.

Suddenly, the wind rang behind his head, and the seal of heaven and earth crashed into him, already approaching his head.In a hurry, Nie Feng had no choice but to dodge suddenly, but his left arm was hit by the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth.Unintentionally, Nie Feng's arm bones shattered.

The big demon showed a ferocious look, while rushing forward, gathering the monster power, once again controlled the world seal and smashed it at Nie Feng, while laughing wildly: "Haha, yellow-mouthed boy, you are still a little weak to deal with me, die!"

Without the blessing of the mudra, the power of the great seal of that day was greatly reduced. When it hit Nie Feng, the momentum lost.Nie Feng's complexion sank, he gritted his teeth angrily, circulated his vitality, the golden light shone brightly, and with his palm the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth was once again embedded in the stone wall.

Nie Feng rushed towards the big monster angrily, and shouted angrily: "Your sister, go to hell!" His right hand turned into a knife, and the golden shimmering light slashed at the big monster fiercely.The sword glowed like a horse, two meters long, and when it was cut down with one knife, although the big monster avoided the vital point, he was also cut off with an arm, and blood sprayed like a spring.

That knife was so powerful that the earth split open immediately.

Nie Feng approached again, with the sword light condensed in his hand, he was about to end the life of the big monster.

Suddenly, the earth shook fiercely, and the stone walls on the left and right were knocked away.On the left is a monster that looks like a fierce tiger and is two meters high. It rushes in on the flames.At the same time, on the other side, a strange snake with nine ferocious snake heads, which could be hundreds of meters long, swam and rushed in.

Wherever the strange snake passed, dizzy corrosive liquid flowed down, making the ground groan.

As soon as the two ferocious monsters appeared, Nie Feng's hair immediately stood on end, and regardless of what the big monsters did, he turned around like an arrow leaving the string, and ran wildly.Nie Feng grabbed it by the way of the 'Great Seal of Heaven and Earth', and then ran away without looking back.

Almost instantly, the two ferocious monsters entangled together, and the whole cave vibrated frantically. The roar shook Nie Feng's internal organs, and he was almost seriously injured.Nie Feng didn't know how long he had been running, but he could faintly hear the roar of the wild beast, and said to himself, "Nie De is afraid that he will die this time! Unlucky man, I will take revenge for you! Rest in peace!"

Nie Feng rested for a long time, his vitality recovered, and only then did he have time to look at the golden seal in his hand.This golden seal is like an ancient jade seal, but it is all made of precious metal materials, and there are waves of obscure fluctuations inside, which seem to be embedded formations.

However, on the side of the golden seal, there is an inscription that Nie Feng doesn't recognize, which looks majestic and solemn, but he can barely recognize the eight characters below the golden seal, "Heaven and earth are mysterious and yellow, the universe is prehistoric".

While walking slowly in the empty and damp cave, he dipped his vitality into the golden seal, which made the golden seal 'buzz'. After a while, the golden seal turned into a golden light and shot into his dantian. Standing on the 'Earth Fire Spiritual Flame', slowly refine it.

Nie Feng's heart was shocked, he scratched his ass, and said to himself: "I have gone through all kinds of troubles and almost died, and I got a treasure. You must cherish it. Ge Laozi!"

Nie Feng walked for a long time, and finally felt a gust of cold wind blowing.Nie Feng's spirit was greatly stimulated, his vitality was circulating, his whole body was shimmering with golden light, and he stepped forward with a step of more than ten or twenty meters.After walking for a long time, Nie Feng's eyes brightened.

Nie Feng couldn't get used to it for a while, so he stretched out his hand to cover his eyes, and it took a long time before he got used to it.

{Show cute: Rolling all over the floor, begging for collection! }

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