Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 24 Conspiracy {For collection}

Outside the Nie's 'Fengtian Courtyard'.

The sky is covered with dark clouds, with gusts of cool wind sweeping across, and the wind and rain are coming, which makes people feel oppressed and mysterious.

When Nie Feng came out of the attic, he heard a nasty bird call.He smiled happily and came outside the 'Fengtian Courtyard'.

Sure enough, Li Wu stood beside the stone lion with an anxious expression on his face.When he saw Nie Feng, he immediately ran over.

Before Nie Feng could speak, the bearded Li Wu said anxiously, "Boss, something happened!"

Nie Feng frowned and said, "Quickly say it!"

Li Wu scratched his ass, thought for a while, and after organizing his words, he said: "After Nie De's bastard died, Nie De's father suffered at the hands of the boss again, and he became like a mad dog. The servants were abused in the compound. The three of us were alright. With the help of the boss, we also achieved the sixth level of Qi refining. The others suffered. Many limbs and limbs were broken every day, and sometimes even To death!"

Nie Feng's face darkened, he kicked Li Wu's buttocks, and said angrily, "It's none of my business, let's get to the point!"

Li Wu curled his lips and said: "I said this because I hope the boss can help out. Since the boss is not interested in this, I didn't say anything. But, that old dog Nie Taihua has been a little weird recently. One day I accidentally ran into it. He met a servant in the backyard, and he asked: "Have you brought the words?" The servant replied: "Yes, the master said, and he will take action in ten days." He asked again: "Are you sure no one Found it?" The servant said: "I'm sure there is no one." Then, Nie Taihua crushed the servant's throat, and said to himself: "Little bastard, let you enjoy yourself for another ten days. After ten days, I will make you worse." die!'"

Nie Feng waited for Li Wu to finish speaking, his heart sank, and he thought to himself: "Could this old dog be plotting against me secretly?" He thought for a long time, and asked, "Has the old dog said anything? It's been a few days?"

Li Wu thought for a while and said affirmatively: "No, he left after killing that servant. It's been the eighth day. I've been looking for you many times, but I haven't met you. Don't blame me!"

Nie Feng nodded, gave Li Wu a few more 'Peiyuan Pills', and sent him away.

After Li Wu left, Nie Feng thought about it and felt that something was wrong, but then he thought again: "In any case, I must seize the opportunity first, and go to explore the wind. Some masters, kill him first!"

After Nie Feng made up his mind, he went straight out of Nie's mansion without saying hello to anyone, and went to Dongling's mansion to buy a lot of utensils.For example, dispelling qi powder is used to cover the breath so that people cannot find themselves.I bought a lot of hidden weapons and coated them with poison, just in case.

Anyway, Nie Feng spent a lot of money this time and bought a lot of things. He felt that he was ready, so he returned to Nie's mansion before dark.

After returning to Nie's mansion, he didn't go home, but sprinkled qi powder on his body, put on a black robe, and sneaked to Nie Taihua's mansion.

At this moment, Nie Taihua's mansion was completely silent.Just as Li Wu said, Nie Taihua has gone crazy recently, causing panic throughout the mansion.None of the servants or servants dared to talk too much.

Taking advantage of the moonlight, Nie Feng turned over and entered Nie Taihua's compound. Like a fox, he jumped several times and came to Nie Taihua's main attic. He avoided the guards who were watching the night and quietly went up to the second floor.Sure enough, Nie Taihua was drinking wine on the first floor of the main pavilion.

This is also why Nie Taihua has not entered the realm of inner vision psychic, otherwise, he would be able to sense Nie Feng's gaze falling on him.Obviously, Nie Taihua didn't notice him at all at the moment.

Nie Taihua drank for a long time, and Nie Feng was almost impatient.Suddenly, Nie Taihua whispered to himself: "De'er, don't worry. After tomorrow, Daddy will be able to avenge you. Daddy swears that even if he does everything, he will avenge you!"

Nie Taihua bit down on the word 'revenge' very hard, and with a strong right hand, the wine jug burst open with a bang, and the wine splashed everywhere.

Nie Feng was also very angry. He never thought that Nie Taihua hated himself so much. He secretly said, "Your son wants to die, and you want to die too. I will help you all!"

At this moment, Nie Taihua seemed a little confused, and said in a low voice: "De'er, your grandpa didn't dare to kill that beast because of his status. But, your grandpa gave me a treasure and asked me to ask for it from the Lin family. Elder. That elder is very strong, and he is more proficient in assassination. It is easy to sneak into Nie's mansion and kill that beast. The day after tomorrow, that beast will definitely not survive the day after tomorrow!"

When Nie Feng heard this, he gritted his teeth even more.However, at this moment, he did not dare to kill anyone.

First, with such a distance, he was not sure that he would be able to kill Nie Taihua in one fell swoop.

Second, even if Nie Taihua was killed, the masters of the family would definitely be alarmed, and he would not be able to escape no matter what.

After thinking for a moment, he tiptoed up, tapped his feet lightly, and fell to the ground of the main pavilion like a UFO, and tapped his feet again, his whole body turned into a black lightning bolt and rushed out of Nie Taihua's mansion.

The purpose of his trip has been achieved, and he already knows Nie Taihua's plan.

At this moment, he was running while thinking: "The elder of the Lin family must be someone I cannot resist, and he is proficient in assassination, so I can't defend against him. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to get out and leave, and return to Nie when the weather is calm. home, or go directly to Xianzong!"

Nie Feng made up his mind and ran out of Nie Mansion like lightning.

But he didn't know, just after he left.In Nie Taihua's main pavilion, a tall man with white hair at the temples walked out leisurely. This person was none other than Nie Jingyu.

Nie Jingyu smiled similarly to Nie Taihua, and then said, "This little bastard is hooked!"

Nie Taihua nodded and grinned grimly: "He was so smart that he was confused all his life, this time I'm going to crush him to ashes!"

Nie Jingyu nodded, then left the main pavilion with Nie Taihua, and chased after Nie Feng.

Nie Feng ran all the way, dodging numerous patrols in the Nie Mansion, and left the Nie Mansion, but did not go in the direction of Dongling Mansion.Instead, he ran towards Dongling Mountain.

Dongling Mountain stretches for thousands of miles, with several main peaks soaring into the sky.

At the foot of the mountain, there are dense forests and towering trees can be seen everywhere.A turbulent and rushing river, along the foot of the mountain, spreads downstream.

Nie Feng was cautious, and could hear the sound of 'squeaking' water from a distance, making one feel extraordinary.

He stopped suddenly, covered in cold sweat, and thought to himself: "No, I've been fooled! Nie Taihua couldn't find me, so how could he not have found Li Wu! Li Wu is my man, they probably knew it long ago, and they will use their tricks! Their purpose, They want me to leave the Nie Mansion!"

He turned around abruptly, and sure enough, two lightning-like figures cut through the night sky and rushed towards him.

Nie Feng was immediately scared out of his wits. One must know that the person who can be with Nie Taihua must be Nie Jingyu.

That is the Ninth Level of Body Refining, Qi Refining and Psychic Master, ten Nie Fengs are no match for him!

Nie Feng was stunned for a moment, but Nie Jingyu was already getting closer.Nie Feng could almost see the ferocious and joyful expressions of Nie Taihua and the two of them clearly.He didn't dare to hesitate, turned his head and ran quickly, like a lone wolf or a cheetah in the prairie, "hoo hoo" and shot towards Dongling Mountain.

His mind turned, but he heard "battle state, can't enter the space, dear!" ".

Nie Feng came to the river bank in a blink of an eye, jumped suddenly, like a roc flying across the river, he kept his feet firmly on the ground, and galloped forward.In his ears, Nie Taihua and Nie Jingyu's voices pierced through the air.Fortunately, Nie Jingyu didn't reach the Golden Core Secret Realm and couldn't fly, otherwise, with one breath, Nie Feng would definitely be captured.

Once in the woods, the towering trees became Nie Feng's life-saving straw.He kept changing directions, running like an ape in the forest.

With Dashu's help, and Nie Taihua's inability to predict Nie Feng's route, their speed dropped sharply, forming a tug-of-war with Nie Feng.Nie Jingyu was even more frightening. While running fast, he continued to slap his palms, his vigor was astonishingly powerful, and with one palm, the towering tree was directly destroyed.

Nie Feng only felt the vitality surge behind him, and the terrifying aura, like a demon, followed him like a shadow.

Nie Jingyu turned his spirits up and shouted continuously: "Stop!"

Nie Feng's spirit was like thunder on the ground, causing Nie Feng to be in a state of confusion.However, almost instantly, behind his body, a sea of ​​gold surged up, the waves roared to the sky, and the sound of the waves 'cracked', shocked and eroded Nie Jingyu's spirit completely.

In the blink of an eye, the ocean of vitality entered Nie Feng's body and disappeared.

Nie Jingyu's complexion changed drastically, and he said in surprise: "How is it possible? Vitality phenomenon! No wonder he has improved so fast, no wonder! No wonder!"

Nie Taihua was even more astonished, trembling all over, and said desperately: "Father, you must kill him, kill him! The vision of vitality, even the Xianzong will be crazy about it. Once he is allowed to escape, enter the Xianzong, and rise to the top. You and I are both ants!"

Nie Jingyu gritted his teeth and said, "Of course! This son must be killed!"

The two of them were shocked, their vitality circulated more violently, and their bodies were like arrows flying from the string, shuttling between the mountains and forests.In the blink of an eye, the three of them were about to enter the depths of Dongling Mountain.

Nie Feng listened while running, and finally learned: "It turns out that I also have the vision of vitality. I heard Meng Heming and the others say that their most powerful senior brother seemed to have the vision of vitality. !"

He was overjoyed, refreshed, and tried harder to escape.

After another hour or so, Nie Feng and the others went deep into the depths of Dongling Mountain, and the faint miasma had filled the entire forest.In the dark night, one side is tired of escaping, and the other side is excited to chase, so there is no way to notice the faint miasma.

Nie Feng turned around the forest, seeing a vast expanse in front of him, his heart trembled, he broke out in a cold sweat, and said to himself, "It's terrible, it's terrible!"

Without the obstruction of the big tree, Nie Feng only ran for three miles, and the wind of Nie Jingyu's palm rang in his ears.Terrifying air waves, like a monstrous tsunami, roared towards them.Nie Jingyu's palm had the power of 480 horses.

Nie Feng instinctively leaped away to dodge, Nie Jingyu was overjoyed, he slapped out his palms again and again, and roared: "Nie Feng, die!"

Each of his palms drew an arc, so delicate that Nie Feng could only feel the force of the palm piercing through gold and cracking stones, hitting his body, mouthfuls of blood spurted out, his internal organs were almost shattered, and his face was extremely pale.

His whole body was thrown out like a sack and landed heavily on the ground, dizzy.

All this happened in an instant.

At this moment, Nie Taihua jumped out of the woods and saw Nie Feng lying on the ground, his life and death were unpredictable, his heart filled with ecstasy, he came to Nie Jingyu's side, and said happily: "Father, let me! Let me finish this little beast!" dog's life!"

Nie Jingtian stood proudly, with joy on his face, and said with a smile: "Haha, that's fine, Taihua, you will avenge De'er yourself!"

Nie Taihua smiled ferociously, and approached Nie Feng with big strides.

Every time he took a step, he would crush the fallen leaves on the ground, making a 'click' sound, as if stepping on Nie Feng's heart.

Nie Feng's heart beat vaguely with the sound of Nie Taihua's footsteps, and cold sweat slid down his forehead.He clenched his fists weakly, trembling slightly all over.

{Rolling all over the floor begging for collection, resentment together, who will fight for the front...}

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