Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 27 Angry Fight {For Collection}

Grandson Nie Feng and Lin Tianyu are already unending enemies.There were too many words without speculation, and Nie Feng took the lead and took the lead.

Nie Feng's Great Seal of Heaven and Earth is infinitely powerful, and when suppressed, it immediately makes a 'whirling' sound.As soon as the war broke out, Nie Jingtian refused to lag behind, his vitality surged, his body was like a sharp arrow, and he shot away quickly, fighting with Lin Tianyu.

Their battles were fierce to the extreme, and they were head-to-head. The sound of explosions was endless, and the blue and red lights were dazzling.

Flying sand and rocks, giant trees breaking, and earthquakes cracking, the momentum is terrifying.

Nie Feng had two things in one mind. On the one hand, he used the great seal of heaven and earth to harass Nie Taihua, and on the other hand, he threw himself forward, using his hand instead of a knife, and the knife's light suddenly appeared, and he fought with Nie Taihua.

The two are like fierce tigers, fighting fiercely.

Relying on the great seal of heaven and earth, Nie Feng is infinitely powerful, and his vitality is strong, comparable to a master of the third level of body training, who has practiced strength training.The sword technique displayed is extremely exquisite, powerful, and the shadow of the sword is flying.

Nie Taihua also has a strong fighting spirit. Relying on the fact that he has just been promoted to the realm, he is full of strength, and he uses every move of the best martial arts.

The two fought evenly, while fighting, they kept away from Nie Jingtian and the other.

In the blink of an eye, the two fought dozens of times, and they had already arrived near the Dongling River.

With strong wind howling and shortness of breath, Nie Feng became more energetic as he fought, even if he failed in any move, he would die immediately.He seems to enjoy this feeling of honing his spirit and moves between life and death, to the point of disregarding life and death.

In his hands, the first layer of sword technique in "Overlord's Sword Record" became more and more round and easy to use, and also became sharper and more powerful.

Nie Taihua is not like that, wandering on the verge of life and death, fighting fiercely with Nie Feng.Know your own suffering!Every time Nie Feng cuts, it is extremely sharp, and it also carries the incomparable heat energy of the 'earth fire spirit flame', and it becomes more and more powerful.

After another moment, the two exchanged ten moves again, with a loud 'bang', Nie Taihua knocked back Nie Feng's saber energy with a punch.

The two were twenty steps apart.

Nie Feng's broad chest heaved rapidly, and his handsome face like a knife was both tired and excited. He waved his hand and said excitedly: "Come on, come again! I beat you so hard that your mother doesn't even know you!" like rain.

Nie Taihua felt as uncomfortable as if he had swallowed a mouse alive. He was horrified, but he had to admit that Nie Feng's cultivation talent and combat talent far exceeded his cognition.The sense of accomplishment brought about by the promotion suddenly disappeared without a trace.

He just said: "Little bastard, you will die by my hands sooner or later!" After he finished speaking, he turned around and ran away.

This person is greedy for life and afraid of death, even his own father can be killed, which shows that he will do anything for his life.

Seeing that he was going to escape, Nie Feng became very anxious. He screamed sharply and stepped on the ground. After the sound of 'dong', he shot at Nie Taihua like a wild wolf with a beast-like aura, and shouted: " If you have no guts, where can you escape!"

Nie Taihua ran like a lost dog, trying his best to run, paying no attention to Nie Feng.In the blink of an eye, he had come to the bank of Tanglin River.

The waves are turbulent, passing by, and the sound of 'squeaking' is deafening.

The two chased here one after the other.

Nie Feng secretly calculated that as long as Nie Taihua escaped the Dongling River, he would not be able to abandon Nie Jingtian's safety and continue to hunt down this demon who killed his father with his own hands.Thinking of this, he saw that Nie Taihua was only about fifty steps away from Dongling River.

He became anxious and shouted: "Get back!"

His heart moved at will, and a strange feeling circulated throughout his body.At that moment, Nie Feng seemed to feel that an incredible force burst out from his mind and rushed towards Nie Taihua.

In an instant, Nie Feng felt that the sensitivity of his five sense organs had been raised to another level.You can hear the sound of the river slapping, and hear the speed of the river.You can see the wrinkles on Nie Taihua's legs as fine as mosquitoes, and you can distinguish several smells in the air.

It was an incredible sublimation.

As soon as he roared, Nie Taihua felt five thunders crashing on his head, and the world collapsed, his body stopped suddenly, his face was as white as paint.It was only for a moment, but Nie Feng chased after him again.

Nie Taihua turned around, showing the greatest astonishment of human beings on his face, and roared, "Impossible! You are a Qi-refining cultivator, how can you be mentally shocked!" Yan's sword light cut over.

With a sound of '嗤啦', the air boiled, extremely fierce and powerful.

Only then did Nie Taihua recover from his incredible shock. The fiery, sharp blade light was approaching, and a crisis was born spontaneously.Nie Taihua is greedy for life and afraid of death, and attaches great importance to his life.The more this happened, the more frightened he was.

Between life and death, there is great terror!

Suddenly, Nie Taihua's vitality surged like boiling water, extremely hot.Flesh and flesh were calcined and refined like in a cauldron furnace, countless impurities turned into drops of sludge, which emitted bursts of stench through the pores.

At that moment, Nie Taihua actually broke through to the sixth stage of 'inner refining flesh and blood'.

The quality of vitality has been substantially improved, both in power and quantity have increased a lot.

Nie Taihua's vitality shook, his clothes burst immediately, and mud flew like rain.After a while, Nie Taihua was reborn, and his fascia showed amazing elasticity.The breakthroughs one after another made him roar incomparably carefree and extremely excited.

Nie Feng only felt that the opponent's momentum had increased sharply. If there was any substance to the murderous intent, he knew it was wrong, so he quickly withdrew the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth, kicking the ground and retreating sharply.

After the 'crackling' sounded all over Nie Taihua's body, he looked up suddenly, like a lion and a tiger, he smiled happily and said, "Haha! Little beast, even the heavens will lend my hand to take your dog's life, you have nothing to say explain!"

The voice is arrogant and arrogant.

After finishing speaking, he let out a snarl, his whole body was astonishing, he flew thirty steps in the blink of an eye, his five fingers formed into claws, and with the momentum of cracking a stone to open a stele, he slashed the air with a 'puff' sound, and pointed directly at Nie Feng's neck.

Just a shot, whether it is speed, strength, or momentum, makes Nie dangerous.

Nie Feng is like a rootless duckweed, floating in Nie Taihua's momentum and vitality, dangerous and dangerous.

But with this blow, Nie Feng knew that the balance of victory had already tilted towards Nie Taihua.Death's invisible palm had already strangled his neck.

But he, the more dangerous he is, the calmer he is.The golden light in his eyes flashed repeatedly, and his spirit was highly concentrated. Between life and death, he was able to ignore life and death.

In his eyes, Nie Taihua's fingers were getting slower and slower.He only needs to turn his head, and the wisdom of fighting flashes in his mind.From an angle that Nie Taihua couldn't imagine, he flashed like an ape.

With a sound of 'huh', Nie Taihua missed with one claw.

However, Nie Taihua rushed close to Nie Feng, but failed with one claw, another claw.The shadows of the claws were overwhelming, and one claw was faster than the other. After a while, there was only a black shadow of 'huhu' in front of Nie Feng's eyes.

Each claw is enough to break Nie Feng's neck.

Nie Feng has been in an unbelievable state, trying to survive in the face of danger, but a glint of wisdom flashed in his mind.

At that moment, Nie Feng's eyes suddenly lit up, as bright as the stars.He was ecstatic, he used his hand instead of the knife, and unexpectedly made several knife cuts with incredible angles.The sword light is so fierce that it feels invincible.

"Puff puff" sounded a few times, Nie Taihua's claws were severed by the knife light, blood spurted, and before the screams could be heard, Nie Feng rushed forward again, and slammed into Nie Taihua's chest with the might of the emperor's vitality. superior.

The cracking bone of 'Kaka' made one's scalp tingle.

Like a broken bag, Nie Taihua flew for more than 20 steps. His muscles and veins were broken, and he vomited blood. He was soaked in icy water, shivering, and said with difficulty, " happened?"

Nie Feng raised his chest proudly, but scratched his butt to spoil the atmosphere, swept away the peerless master's posture, and said with a smile: "Old bastard, thank you for letting me break through the realm of sword skills. You died under the extremely domineering sword skills. Rest in peace too!"

Nie Taihua trembled all over, as if struck by lightning, his breathing became even shorter, and blood flowed out from his seven orifices. He wanted to say something, but it seemed as if a hand was strangling his throat, making him moan "嘿嘎咛呀".

Nie Feng didn't care so much, he rushed to Nie Taihua like a cannonball with a kick, and the golden knife light was condensed in his hand, about to end Nie Taihua's life.


In the forest, there was an explosion that was so violent that it temporarily deafened people's ears.Nie Feng only had time to look back, when a mushroom cloud rose into the sky, shaking the whole earth.

The invisible force irresistibly blasted Nie Feng and Nie Taihua into the surging Dongling River, causing two waves to explode.

Nie Feng was blasted like falling into the clouds by the aftermath. Fortunately, the cold river water made him regain his clarity immediately.His body shook, and he rushed to the surface of the water like a big fish.Just when his head was exposed, Nie Jingtian's roar rang in his ears: "Go, Lin Tianyu's dog leg is coming!" His big hand pierced through the water, grabbed his shoulders, and ran across the Dongling River at a high speed.

Nie Feng was shocked, when there was a loud sound behind him, he turned his head to look.I saw Lin Tianyu in a mess, with scarlet and conspicuous blood sprinkled on his chest, gnashing his teeth and chasing him madly.

Nie Feng turned his head and saw that Nie Jingtian was also dressed in rags. Looking sideways, he happened to be able to see that his face was livid, as if he had been seriously injured.Nie Feng was terrified, even though he guessed that the two of them fought fiercely in the end, both of them were hurt, but if, as Nie Jingtian said, once reinforcements from the Lin family arrive, they will be the ones who will suffer the most.

Just as he was thinking, suddenly, there were several not weak auras in front of him, each of them was at least not weaker than Nie Taihua.

Nie Jingtian also noticed it immediately. He changed direction and ran towards the villages living along the river, and the land quickly retreated.

After a while, Lin Tianyu and his reinforcements had joined up, and they chased Nie Feng and his grandson yelling, causing the villagers' dogs to bark and make a mess.

{Five internal combustion please collect it ah ah ah ah! }

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