Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 31 Prestige Mission {1 Favorite}

Nie Feng quickly forgot about Nie Bodang's visit, and practiced alone.

The aura of the Xianwu Great World obviously cannot be compared with the farm space.And in the absence of pills, Nie Feng's cultivation speed cannot be compared with before.Even so, he insisted on practicing every day.

As time passed, he became more and more aware of the value of farm space.

Therefore, he cherishes every moment in the farm space.

After the farm space is upgraded, the growth period of each elixir is an integer number of days.The cycle of first-level elixir, such as Peiyuan Dan, is one day.Second-level elixir, such as Baishou Dan, has a cycle of two days.Therefore, after two days, Nie Feng has collected fifteen Peiyuan Pills.

However, the gold coins have already been released.

Within two days, there were a lot of conflicts between the younger generations of the Nie family and the Lin family, and no fewer than ten people were killed or injured. The situation gradually became serious.

One day, Nie Feng was worrying about the shortage of gold coins. A younger brother who was close to the Nie family ran in with a face of grief and anger, and shouted loudly after being more than ten meters away from Nie Feng: "Nie Feng, Nie Feng, don't come out again! , our Nie family will lose all face!"

Seeing him trotting all the way, taking two steps in three steps, crossing the small stone bridge and coming to Nie Feng, Nie Feng couldn't help asking curiously: "Nie Song, what's wrong?"

Nie Song's childish face was still full of anger, and he couldn't restrain his anger: "The Lin family's bastards have turned the world upside down. They set up a ring in Dongling Mansion and asked my Nie family children to take the stage by name. The Patriarch does not allow us to fight. It is said everywhere that the descendants of our Nie family are shrinking turtles!"

Nie Feng knew in his heart that the fact that someone from the Lin family broke through the Mahayana secret realm was not known to the ordinary children of the Nie family, so they did not know how powerful it was.

He had no choice but to say: "Since the Patriarch won't let us fight, how dare I disobey the order?"

Nie Song waved his hand angrily, widened his eyes and said: "You are an important person in our family, you can tell the head of the family, it will definitely be useful!"

Nie Feng was about to wave his hand when he suddenly heard a notification sound: "Prestige mission: Defeat the disciples of the Lin family and win the ring championship. The reward is 1 reputation and 10 gold coins."

Nie Feng's eyes lit up, knowing that prestige is the key to opening the ranch, he said quickly: "Okay, okay, I'll try it."

Nie Song was immediately elated, raised his fist, jumped up and shouted happily: "Okay!"

Not only Nie Song, there was also a deliberately suppressed cheer from outside the Fengtian courtyard.Nie Feng looked curiously, and there were five or six boys, twelve or thirteen years old, leaning against the wall, poking their heads out and looking at this side.

Nie Feng couldn't help curling his lips, and said angrily, "You little bastards!" Then, Nie Feng led Nie Song and strode away from Fengtian Courtyard. It took about 20 minutes to walk outside Nie Jingtian's compound.

The old slave of Nie Jingtian's mansion enthusiastically led Nie Feng through several rockeries to the backyard where Nie Jingtian was meditating.

Nie Feng walked through the old courtyard door exuding a special woody fragrance, stepped on the withered and fallen leaves, and came to Nie Jingtian's quiet hut, and said softly: "Old man, I have something to talk about, is it convenient?"

After a while, Nie Jingtian's thick voice came through the wooden house: "Feng'er, come in and talk." After finishing speaking, the small door of the wooden house opened with a 'squeak'.

Nie Feng stepped over the one-foot-high wooden threshold and came to a simple and simple wooden house.

Nie Jingtian sat cross-legged on the wooden bed against the wall, his cloudy eyes shone with breathtaking light, he waved to Nie Feng, and said kindly: "Feng'er, come and sit down, and speak slowly!"

Nie Feng agreed, stepped forward and sat next to Nie Jingtian, and said straight to the point: "Master, the master of the Lin family hasn't shown up, so we'll just wait forever? The descendants of the Lin family are doing everything possible to provoke us, so why should we just hide like this? "

Nie Jingtian turned to Nie Feng, smiled, and asked, "Feng'er, what do you think?"

Nie Feng said directly: "I think that since it is a problem between the juniors, it should be resolved by the juniors. Sooner or later, the Lin family will deal with us. Instead of sitting and waiting for death, it is better to take the initiative. If you can ask the city lord to take action, it is not a problem to destroy the Lin family. "

Nie Jingtian smiled and said: "Feng'er is right, but I don't know if you have ever thought about what would happen if the Lin family also wins over the city lord?"

Nie Feng was stunned, and found that he couldn't explain, so he had to remain silent.

Nie Jingtian smiled kindly and said: "You are still young, and you have never seen many intrigues. However, what you said is not wrong. The key to this matter is who can win over the city lord."

Nie Feng nodded and spread his hands to signal Nie Jingtian to continue.

Nie Jingtian said again: "The daughter of the city lord's family, Liu Feixuan, is a genius disciple of the Holy Land of Cihang. Recently, he went back to Dongling Mansion to visit relatives, but was assassinated by a mysterious assassin. His life was saved, but he was poisoned by a strange poison. No matter how powerful the city lord Liu Shixuan is, he still hasn't been able to cure the poison. Now, the city lord's mansion is recruiting talents to detoxify Liu Feixuan."

Nie Feng was shocked, raised his head, and said with a smile, "Old man, did you think of using that?"

Nie Jingtian didn't shy away, nodded and admitted.

Nie Feng suddenly recalled the upgrade of the farm system, stretched out his hand and rubbed his temples, and said angrily, "Master, this is a hope, but some accidents may prevent me from getting the mysterious spiritual liquid, what should I do?"

Nie Jingtian felt a sense of loss in his heart, but he quickly recovered, and said in a deep voice: "If it doesn't work, it's fate. When the Lin family is in trouble, my Nie family will accept it. It's just..."

Nie Feng carefully looked at Nie Jingtian from head to toe, couldn't bear it, and quickly comforted him: "Don't worry, old man, Nie Feng, I will try my best!"

Nie Jingtian was so amused by his "fighting for his life" that he almost burst into tears. He said in his heart, good boy, good boy, but there is not much disturbance on the surface, and he said as always: "Feng'er, go to the city lord's mansion immediately and deal with this matter." matter, and then overturn the Lin family's arena!"

With a smile on his face, Nie Feng left the wooden bed, clenched his right fist vigorously in front of his chest, and made a sound of 'goo ka ka', and said with high spirits: "Don't worry, small problems, leave it to me!"

After the goal was achieved, Nie Feng said goodbye to Nie Jingtian, walked out of the wooden house, walked through the backyard, and left Nie Jingtian's mansion.Just as Nie Feng stepped out of the gate, a group of little fellows headed by Nie Song rushed forward and asked Nie Feng.

Nie Feng smiled "haha", put his hand on his chest, and pressed down. They immediately closed their mouths obediently, and he said: "The Patriarch promised us to fight, but I still have important things to do, you can inform other people , go to the arena first, and come over immediately after I finish my work!"

Nie Song was slightly disappointed when he learned that Nie Feng would not participate, but when he remembered the situation had changed, he immediately shouted happily: "Okay, okay! But, you have to come quickly, Lin Junyi from the Lin family is a famous genius, and the limelight is no less than You, the other children of the family, I'm afraid they won't be able to beat you!"

Nie Feng quickly dealt with them a few words, dismissed them happily, and then rushed towards his own compound.

He walked quickly, and it didn't take long before he returned to his Fengtian courtyard, came to the attic where Nie Taihua was hiding, and called softly: "Open the door!"

There was a long hiss of the attic door, and a crack opened.Nie Feng pushed the door open, and the light inside was extremely dark. Nie Yuan sat at the square table unharmed, and Nie Taihua hid behind him.

Nie Yuan seemed to be used to having a sharp knife on his waist all the time, and waved at Nie Feng, saying, "Feng'er, what's the matter?"

Seeing that Nie Yuan lost his freedom, Nie Feng felt very guilty, and said with a smile, "Come and see you, and give Nie Taihua a suggestion by the way."

Nie Yuan nodded indifferently and said, "I'm doing fine, it's not a big deal."

Nie Taihua poked out his embarrassing head from behind Nie Yuan, and asked hoarsely, "Say, what's your proposal?"

Nie Feng paused for a while, and after sorting out his thoughts, he said, "Right now, the Lin family and my Nie family are in the same situation. Although your father and son have lured wolves into the house, as long as you make contributions in this crisis, I guarantee that you will never die!"

Hearing this, Nie Taihua fell into deep thought, and there was silence in the attic.Nie Feng put his arms around his arms and stood upright, just staring at Nie Taihua, giving him enough time to think.

After a while, Nie Taihua hoarsely said: "Why should I trust you?"

Just as Nie Feng was about to speak, the attic door slammed and was smashed into countless sawdust by a strong force, and the wind blew up for a while.Nie Feng secretly thought that it was not good, he kicked his feet repeatedly, dodged the sawdust nimbly, looked at Nie Taihua in a panic, and said loudly: "Don't get excited!"

After the words fell, Nie Feng secretly scolded himself for being stupid, Nie Taihua was greedy for life and afraid of death, Nie Yuan was the only trump card in his hand, how could he hurt Nie Yuan until the last moment!

Sure enough, the moment the door exploded, Nie Taihua dragged Nie Yuan back in embarrassment and hid under the square table, revealing a pair of eyes, wanting to know what happened.

I saw Nie Jingtian walking in step by step with heavy steps.The sound of footsteps resounded in the entire hall, as if each foot was stepping on the hearts of everyone, making people tremble involuntarily with tension.

Nie Feng didn't heave a sigh of relief until he saw Nie Jingtian's face clearly, but he didn't speak.

The first moment Nie Taihua saw Nie Jingtian, his whole body trembled violently. He was so nervous that he was sweating profusely. He grabbed Nie Yuan tremblingly, put the sharp knife on Nie Yuan's neck, and shouted loudly: "Stop! Don't!" Come here! Or I'll kill him!"

Nie Jingtian didn't seem to hear him, and took another two steps forward, until Nie Taihua was so desperate that he almost killed Nie Yuan, then stopped, and said with his hands behind his back: "Because you are desperate now! I am the head of the family!" Lord, keep your word!"

Nie Jingtian's ten levels of body training, the realm of ancestral orifices, and his terrifying spiritual power made Nie Taihua wander between reality and fantasy.

Nie Taihua said in a daze: " long as I save my life, I'm willing to do anything..."

Nie Jingtian gave Nie Yuan a look while Nie Taihua was in a trance.Nie Yuan nodded knowingly, walked away from Nie Taihua carefully, and walked towards Nie Jingtian.

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