Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 33 1 Trigger {Favorite 1}

Nie Feng's swordsmanship is extremely domineering, each knife is shimmering with golden light, and the dragon roars, which is amazing.He clashed with Lin Junyi's swift sword, and sparks flew everywhere. <Wind Sword and Rain Jue' 20 ways of swordsmanship are incredible, but they still haven't been able to hurt Nie Feng in the slightest.

With a sound of 'bang', Nie Feng slashed Lin Junyi back with a single knife, and slashed in front of him three times in a row. His vitality was attached to the 'Ying Ya Saber', forming a dragon shape, and he slashed Lin Junyi's sword, making painful sword groans.

Lin Junyi's vitality trembled all over. While resisting with his sword, he slapped three palms in the air. Each palm formed waves and rushed towards Nie Feng.Of these three palms, one palm was faster than the other, and the superposition of vitality actually made the sound of waves.

Nie Feng felt bad, so he immediately turned around and slashed, the golden saber light turned into an arc, and collided violently with Lin Junyi's palm, making a 'boom' sound.He himself was pushed back more than ten steps by a pounding force.

Lin Junyi confronted Nie Feng again, and the two were panting and sweating profusely.

This battle was the most difficult battle between Lin Junyi and his peers.He re-examined Nie Feng who he thought was arrogant, rude, and without background, and felt that this person was actually rough on the outside and delicate on the inside, and he was not an easy person to deal with.

Nie Feng still grinned, and shouted: "Come again!" After saying that, Nie Feng had already rushed forward, and the attack was even fiercer.

The audience in the audience held their breath for fear of missing a detail, and secretly applauded, sighing that their trip was not in vain.

The two were evenly matched, fighting from morning to afternoon, and then from afternoon to evening.

The audience was so excited that they were starving all day, unwilling to move a step.In the evening, near the arena, torches lit up loudly, and at the same time, a jewel like a bright moon rose into the sky, hanging in the air, making the sky look like day.

At this moment, Nie Feng has many bloodshot sword marks on his body as thin as a cicada's wing.On Lin Junyi's body, there were also several hideous knife marks, and the bones could be seen deep.

Nie Feng fought with him, but he didn't have the so-called heart-to-heart sympathy, the so-called hero cherishes the hero. On the contrary, he only felt that this person helped him hone his sword skills, and the rest were still only family conflicts.Of course, the same is true for Lin Junyi.

Under the attention of all the people, Nie Feng really lost interest, sneered, and said: "Okay, it's over!" As big as a house.

The Great Seal of Heaven and Earth smashed towards Lin Junyi with a 'rumble'.

As soon as the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth came out, the audience all exclaimed, causing a wave of climax in this battle.

Lin Junyi's face turned pale in an instant, and he quickly dodged flexibly on the spot. However, the great seal of the day shone with golden light, following him like a shadow, forcing him to abandon his long sword, use all his vitality, and "slammed" his palms towards the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth.

At that moment, Lin Junyi's whole body was shaken, and he felt that every bone was hit by an unparalleled force, almost falling apart.

Nie Feng waved his hand, and the seal of heaven and earth flew upside down, and then slammed towards Lin Junyi violently.

There was a sudden 'huh', and the uniform rapid breathing of the audience spread like waves.

Once the great seal of the day hits the target, the Lin family may only be able to seek panacea everywhere to save their genius.

Suddenly, several loud bangs of 'boom' came from high in the sky.Nie Feng felt that the danger was approaching, and the strong sense of crisis made him tremble all over, and roared: "Run!" With all his strength, he retreated frantically, jumped off the ring, and crossed the street.

There was a loud bang of 'boom', which was earth-shattering.Nie Feng felt that his eardrums were almost shattered, and his body was hit by an irresistible aftermath, smashing through the walls of three or five houses, and his whole body was in pain like a fire.

He had only recovered his hearing when he heard a few screams suddenly, followed by groans of pain everywhere.He could only see through the ruined walls that the arena had been destroyed into slag, and the ground showed five extremely thick ravines, like a slap in the face.

Some of the spectators under the arena were bloody and bloody, and they couldn't die anymore.However, there are a few lucky ones who are spitting blood and seem unable to survive, especially in the place where the children of the Nie family are concentrated, no one can survive.

A manic and inexplicable anger erupted from the bottom of Nie Feng's heart, and his heart beat faster and faster, and even the top of his head was vibrating with a 'dong dong'.

He stood up with a 'crash', and pieces of gravel and tiles fell to the ground, which was especially loud throughout the night.

There were several bangs of '咻咻', and a few people who could vaguely see their shapes but could not clearly see their appearances descended from the sky, imposing from afar.The members of the Lin family immediately went up to him, nodded and bowed, and reported everything to him.

Nie Feng's thoughts changed sharply. Although he was furious, he would not rush forward recklessly to die.At this moment, he is waiting for the elders of the Nie family.

Before Nie Feng could let go of his thoughts, there were sudden sounds of piercing through the air.When the eyes were dazzled, the elders of the Nie family had already fallen from the sky, and there were hundreds of them.Among them, several were the ancestors of the Taishang Mansion that he had seen.

Nie Feng didn't know the old ancestor at the head. His eyes were especially gentle, and he said, "My child, I'm frightened. Leave the matter here to us!"

Listening to his words, Nie Feng felt very warm in his heart, nodded quickly and said, "Thank you, ancestor."

The old ancestor led a group of people and walked slowly towards the Lin family. At this time, more and more people from the Lin family were present, and the momentum of both sides rose immediately, crushing each other, and the ground cracked open.

Between the Nie family and the Lin family, there seemed to be an invisible black hole, swallowing everything between them.

Nie Feng watched intently, but Nie Jingtian's voice sounded: "Feng'er, the Lin family has already torn skins with us, and the ancestors have all gone out to fight. And our generation is also ready to fight and can survive How much, no one knows!"

Nie Feng's heart tightened when he heard that, he turned to Nie Jingtian and asked, "How many people will die in this battle?"

Nie Jingtian pondered for a while, looked into the distance, then looked at Nie Feng, and pondered: "Unpredictable. Feng'er, listen up, the master of the Lin family's Mahayana secret realm, our ancestors don't have much time to delay, you hurry up Rush to the city lord's mansion and do everything possible to let the city lord Liu Shixuan take action."

Suddenly, the prompt sounded again:

"Prestige mission: Help the Nie family gain the support of the city lord, destroy the Lin family, and kill Lin Tianyu, the head of the Lin family.Reward reputation 5, gold coins 50. 』

Nie Feng's heart was beating hard, and his throat seemed a little thirsty. In fact, even if he didn't have this task, he would agree, and quickly said: "Okay, okay..." He suddenly reached out and grabbed Nie Jingtian's big hand , Seriously said: "Old man, take care of yourself!"

Nie Jingtian was about to answer, when suddenly there was a trance-inducing roar, and then the battle was about to break out, and the terrifying energy was released, like a violent storm, spreading.Countless houses were broken into thousands of pieces.

Those who survived were immediately smashed to pieces and suffered an indiscriminate disaster.

Nie Jingtian turned around abruptly, with the aura of a peerless hero rising from his body, without turning his head, he said: "Feng'er, I entrust everything in the family to you!"

Nie Feng suddenly felt that an invisible mountain was firmly pressing on his body, making it difficult for him to breathe.He only shouted loudly: "Put it on me!" After speaking, he turned around and ran away regardless of his injuries.

After running a few tens of meters, I heard shouts in my ears: "Go and catch him!"

Immediately, Nie Jingtian yelled, "Your enemy is me!"

Then, deafening explosions, screams, and muffled groans came all over the brain.

Nie Feng didn't care about anything, he just ran crazily, along the wide street, passed through more than ten streets, like a city lord's mansion in a main city, before appearing in front of his eyes.

He ran up in a panic, and was immediately stopped by the guards: "The City Lord's Mansion, don't intrude, or you will be killed!"

The situation was urgent, how could Nie Feng dare to waste time, he kicked his feet, spread his arms, knocked over a dozen guards to the ground in just a moment, and apologized: "Sorry, the situation is urgent!"

At this moment, in the City Lord's Mansion, several secret sentries informed the City Lord's Mansion, while pulling out their weapons and making a defensive posture.

Nie Feng slapped his forehead, scolded himself for being reckless, and quickly shouted: "I am Nie Feng from the Nie family. I am sure that the city lord's daughter will be restored to its original state. Hurry up and report it. The situation is urgent and you can't afford it!"

Those secret whistles didn't know if it was true or not, but they didn't dare to neglect Liu Feixuan's life, so they hurriedly sent people to inform them.

While speaking, Wood, the chief guard of the city lord's mansion, was driving a steed, and in a blink of an eye, he came to Nie Feng, jumped off the horse and said, "It's Mr. Nie Feng again, Wood is polite! Wood is ordered by the city lord to welcome Mr. Nie Feng. Go to Jingtian Hall."

Nie Feng quickly responded, riding the same horse with Wood, and galloped through the city lord's mansion, which was as vast as a palace.It's just that at this critical moment, Nie Feng has no interest in appreciating the extremely luxurious and tasteful layout of the City Lord's Mansion.

After about ten minutes, a majestic palace complex stretching for miles appeared in front of Nie Feng.

Wood got off his horse and led Nie Feng to walk towards the 'Sedum Temple'.

After a while, Wood took Nie Jing into the 'Sedum Palace' without hindrance.The Jingtian Hall is huge, and the decoration is so rich and luxurious that it is jaw-dropping, but it does not lose taste.One by one orbs are hanging on each big pillar, making the entire Jingtian Hall bright as day.

At the end of Jingtian Hall, stood a majestic man with majestic demeanor and exquisite facial features.A few hundred meters away, Nie Feng let a feeling of a high mountain stand still.

Only the man said: "Nephew Nie Feng, come here!"

Only then did Nie Feng come back to his senses, and walked quickly along the dark purple carpet towards Liu Shixuan, the city lord of Dongling Mansion.

When he got close to Liu Shixuan, Nie Feng felt an invisible aura enveloping him, as if a single thought from the owner of the aura could crush him.This feeling of being mastered makes people extremely uncomfortable and makes people feel extremely small.

Liu Shixuan smiled lightly: "The Nie family and the Lin family are fighting?"

Nie Feng coughed dryly, and had no choice but to say: "Yes, City Lord. I..."

Liu Shixuan seemed to see through Nie Feng's mind, and interrupted: "If you can save Feixuan, I will definitely help your Nie family destroy the Lin family."

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