Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 37 One-on-one gang fights {addition}

Liu Feixuan sat high on the chair of Chengtian Palace, her eyes gleamed with sly light: "Okay, all the geniuses of the major families of Dongling Mansion are present here. You all have a competition to see who is the leader of Dongling Mansion!" One day!"

Nie Feng glared at Liu Feixuan angrily, and secretly scolded her for causing trouble for him.Liu Feixuan looked as if her scheme had succeeded, raised her chin, and glanced proudly at Nie Feng.

Without waiting for Nie Feng to speak, the other person said to Liu Feixuan in a chic way: "Miss Feixuan, I, Xiao Jiang, am not a genius, but I am no worse than someone who has gained a reputation!" , came to Nie Feng.

Xiao Jiang raised his head and smiled, "Nie Feng, do you dare to compete with me?"

Nie Feng looked him up and down, curled his lips and shook his head, and said to Liu Feixuan: "Little Pepper, is this kind of thing worthy to challenge me? Are you stupid, or are you in a daze?"

Xiao Jiang was humiliated in public, especially in front of Liu Feixuan, which made his anger well up in his heart, and he shouted sharply: "You blow your mouth so hard, it's better to fight with your hands!" It spewed out from his hand, forming an air bomb the size of a washbasin, and with his sudden push, he rushed towards Nie Feng.

Nie Feng only felt the strong wind blowing, and the powerful aura hit him head-on, and he said, "It's better than farting!" While speaking, he stretched out his hand, seemingly casually, but actually as fast as lightning, carrying the emperor's vitality, in the Caught in that aura.

With a sound of 'poof', the fulcrum of the aura was destroyed and immediately collapsed and dispersed.

Xiao Jiang's complexion changed, knowing that he had encountered a tough idea, but at this moment, he was riding a tiger, so he could only bite the bullet, like a tiger, with both palms out, and what he used was his Xiao family's unique skill 'Double Tigers Yuejian'.

Nie Feng laughed, only felt that although he was as powerful as a tiger, his palms roared like a tiger, but his moves were not flexible, and his power was greatly reduced. Instead of retreating, he stepped forward, and with a kick, his shoulders were like a tank, and he slammed into Xiao Jiang's weakest move place.

At that moment, Xiao Jiang's face changed suddenly, and then his palms were struck hard by a heavy hammer. After a loud bang, Xiao Jiang flew upside down for more than ten steps, and smashed on the small table of the banquet guests. Food and wine rose into the air one after another, spilling all over his body, making him terribly embarrassed.

Xiao Jiang struggled, feeling ashamed. Fortunately, Nie Feng's actions were very measured, and he didn't make him vomit blood.Knowing that he couldn't stay any longer, he sued Liu Feixuan and said, "Miss Feixuan, Xiao Jiang's skills are not as good as others, so it is inconvenient to stay here. Thank you for your invitation, and I will leave!"

Liu Feixuan nodded in agreement, and after a few pleasantries, Xiao Jiang left in embarrassment.

After Xiao Jiang left, all the people present had weird expressions and secretly looked at Nie Feng.

Nie Feng seemed to have done an extremely ordinary thing. He flicked the dust off his shoulders with his fingers, and said provocatively, "Who else is not afraid of death, stand up and let me know you!" After finishing speaking, he looked at Liu Feixuan even more provocatively. .

When Liu Feixuan saw that the young and handsome men did not answer, she scolded them for being useless in her heart, so she could only open her mouth and said, "Nie Feng really deserves his reputation. It's really admirable to convince the geniuses in the entire Dongling Mansion as soon as he made a move!"

As soon as she said this, the faces of the handsome people present immediately became hot and pale.

Immediately, someone couldn't bear the excitement, so he jumped up against the table, jumped up to Nie Feng, and said, "Let me meet you." After finishing speaking, he wrapped his hands around like a spirit snake, swaying his vitality, and patted Nie Feng. Come, people only feel that his palms are like snakes, sharp and dangerous.

Nie Feng's vision is extremely high at this moment, although the opponent's moves are powerful, they cannot catch his eyes.He didn't move, he stretched out his hand to slap, the palm wind immediately hit the shore like a wave, with just one blow of torrential force, the man's wrist was broken and his body flew upside down.

Twice in succession, Nie Feng was so ingenious and clumsy that he sent people flying abruptly, causing everyone to cry out in surprise.

Liu Feixuan is a disciple of Cihang Holy Land, and her vision is much higher than others. Of course, she knows that Nie Feng is not only born with supernatural power, but also has cultivated martial arts to a very high level.

Her feelings towards Nie Feng are very weird, she admires him and hates him at the same time.Seeing Nie Feng show off his supernatural power, the conflict in his heart reached the extreme.

Nie Feng gave her another provocative look, which made her teeth itch with anger, but she was helpless. There was only one trump card, and it might take a while for it to take effect.

Nie Feng clapped his hands, high-spirited: "Who else?"

As he said that, two young handsome men jumped out together, saying: "Our brothers admire your ability, and want to challenge you together, how about it?"

Nie Feng looked around and said arrogantly: "All of you together, I am not afraid!"

When those people heard this, they felt that Nie Feng was arrogant and arrogant, but some people got up and said, "Since you have this idea, Nie Feng, then we will naturally satisfy you with our hospitality, including me!"

One person moved, everyone moved, and in a moment, more than 20 people stood up.

When Liu Feixuan saw this, she was afraid that Nie Feng would regret it, so she hurriedly said: "Okay, Chengtian Palace is not enough, so why not fight outside. Be good everyone, let Feixuan see your bravery!"

Nie Feng saw through her mind, laughed and said: "Liu Feixuan, if you want to rely on these useless things to fight against me, I'm afraid you will be disappointed again!" After he finished speaking, he turned and walked through Chengtian The gate of the palace came to the outside of the palace.

Seeing his arrogance and arrogance, the rest of the people tried their best to make Nie Feng suffer, so they performed well in front of Liu Feixuan, and hurriedly followed Nie Feng's pace and rushed out of the palace.

Liu Feixuan followed naturally, and stood on the steps of Chengtian Hall with her head held high, looking down.

Surrounded by more than 20 people, Nie Feng took the time to say, "You guys make the first move, otherwise, you won't even have a chance to show yourself!"

Seeing that he was getting more and more arrogant, everyone bullied him no matter how much he bullied or how little he did. They used all kinds of stunts and greeted Nie Feng.

As soon as the other party made a move, Nie Feng immediately cheered up. Although these people were not as strong as him, they were indeed extremely challenging together.He laughed, full of fighting spirit, and said with a smile: "Good time!"

Seeing his vitality bursting out, the exquisite and sharp saber technique is displayed from his hands, it is really amazing.Just as soon as he made a move, someone was immediately hit by the knife in his hand, spitting blood, and immediately lost his fighting power.

After chopping one person into the air, he immediately used his body skills to cleverly avoid the joint attack of everyone.

Everyone fought with him, and only then did they feel how terrifying Nie Feng was.Any move by him is enough to make people lose their combat effectiveness, and his body skills are particularly exquisite, it seems that they have accurately calculated everyone's martial arts moves.In fact, this is the cultivation of martial arts.

Long before Nie Feng, his five senses had been raised to an unmatched level.When he started fighting, he knew everything around him like the back of his hand, and he was able to deal with it effortlessly.Back and forth, Nie Feng sent two or three people flying.

The other people, seeing Nie Feng's mistakes, immediately rushed forward, one of them swept Nie Feng's lower body with his legs, and one of them slashed from top to bottom with a hand knife. The rest of them used their unique skills to surround Nie Feng in the center, Make him in a dilemma.

Their hearts were surging, and seeing that the invincible Nie Feng was about to make a fool of himself under their hands, they were all as excited as if they had been injected with chicken blood.

After Nie Feng sent the two flying, he immediately sensed the opponent's strength. He felt that no matter what, he would be invincible. If he wanted to win, he would have to pay a certain price.However, he absolutely does not want to lose face in front of Liu Feixuan, after all the real battle belongs only to him and her.

As soon as he thought about it, Nie Feng sneered, and shouted violently: "You bunch of waste materials are useless!"

He shouted violently, and the terrifying spiritual power suddenly made people feel as if they had passed away, and everyone's stunts stopped for a moment.It was also at that moment that Nie Feng was like the autumn wind sweeping the fallen leaves, and the sword in his hand was like lightning, chopping more than a dozen people until they spat out blood, and the situation suddenly became chaotic.

Their faces were as white as paper, and they were surprised: "How is it possible?"

From smug to the failure of their dreams, they seem to have fallen from heaven to purgatory.No one could have imagined that Nie Feng was able to intimidate them mentally and make them fall short.This difference made them so sad that they wanted to vomit blood.

Nie Feng sent everyone flying, clapped his hands, and said to the rest of the people: "Come on, come on, let me deal with you a few times."

Those people have long been disgraced, there is only a crack in the ground for them to drill into, and they are still willing to make a move. They all shook their heads and said helplessly: "Okay, we admit that you are far ahead of us. We are convinced!"

After saying this, they felt even more ashamed to death, and they didn't even have the courage to look at Nie Feng again.

Liu Feixuan patted her jade palm lightly, smiling like a flower: "Nie Feng, your performance is really wonderful, but, look at my brother is here, if you hit him, I will admit defeat to you!"

When everyone heard this, they immediately looked around, and they saw a man holding a knife, walking towards this side, and said excitedly: "It's Liu Qingchen, Brother Liu is here, he is only half a step away, and he will be able to set foot in the Golden Core Secret Realm!" ah!"

Nie Feng followed the prestige, and he saw a handsome man with a faint smile on his mouth, exuding a pleasing demeanor, he said with a smile: "This kind of person can be regarded as a handsome man!"

Seeing that he was outspoken, everyone felt like being hit by a heavy hammer.

Liu Qingchen walked over, opened his hands, held a knife in one hand, and clasped his fists with both hands and said, "Nie Feng, your performance is really amazing. You are only 15 years old this year, and you are already so extraordinary. When you are my age, I am afraid that you will be far better than me." me!"

Nie Feng clasped his fists in return, but also bluntly said: "Although what Brother Liu said is polite, I also think so!"

Before changing it, everyone would definitely not take it seriously, but at this moment, they have to admit that Nie Feng's words are not unreasonable.In comparison, they felt pale in comparison, and they were so different from Nie Feng.

Unknowingly, they took a step back.

Liu Qingchen didn't mind Nie Feng's blunt words, and said with a smile: "Brother Nie Feng's personality, I like it very much. It is very worry-free to make friends with a person like you. If my father didn't ask you for something, I really want to drink with you." A few days!"

Nie Feng was taken aback, and asked, "Is the city lord looking for something?"

Liu Qingchen said: "Yes."

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