Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 40 Reappearance of the Enemy's Trace {Please collect it! }

Seeing that all the elders had the same opinion, Nie Feng suddenly felt his scalp tingling, because it was impossible for him to let them see Nie Jingtian, so he had to bite the bullet and said: "Grandfathers, you have all read the letter of the old man, and his meaning has already been read." It is very clear that there is no need to mention this matter again.”

After saying this, he didn't even have the courage to look at the elders, so he could only take the opportunity to turn around and walk towards the high platform.

The meeting hall fell into extreme silence, only the sound of Nie Feng's footsteps could be heard.

Nie Feng stepped up to the high platform nervously, met Nie Jinghai's approving gaze, and immediately calmed down a lot, then turned around and said, "I hope you, grandpas, understand that this is not intentionally making things difficult for Nie Feng."

Everyone didn't speak, they were thinking independently.

At this time, Nie Jinghai walked up to Nie Feng with his chest up, and said with a smile: "Old brothers, everyone should be clear about the character of the elder brother. He said one is one, and the other is two, and no one can violate it. In the future , each perform their duties, in fact there is not much change, but the decision-making is left to Feng'er."

The elders of Nie's family immediately realized that Nie Jingtian was still the same Nie Jingtian, and quickly replied: "We understand."

Seeing that things were settled, Nie Feng was about to adjourn the meeting, but unexpectedly, Nie Jinghai said again: "Next, we will deal with the finishing work of this family war and its future expansion."

Nie Feng immediately complained, but before he had any objection, he was immediately dragged by Nie Jinghai to discuss with the elders of Nie's family.

It wasn't until the sun set and the stars covered the night sky that Nie Feng got away proudly, declined the invitation of the elders, and went home to have dinner with Nie Yuan and Bing Yuyan.

Nie Yuan and Bing Yuyan were so happy that Nie Feng served as the acting head of the family that they didn't know what to say.Seeing that the two elders were happy, Nie Feng naturally felt happy.

As time went by little by little, Nie Feng seemed to be no longer the mediocre Nie Feng he used to be. Since time travel, he seemed to be extremely talented in every aspect, and he seemed to be able to manage the family with ease, and was well received by everyone.

For half a year, Nie Feng accepted many prestige tasks while managing the family, which made his farm system also gain a lot.

Today, it is the end of June.

Nie Feng finished his training in the farm space. According to the usual practice, he collected the mature medicine, and a prompt sound came from his ear:

『Congratulations, level up! 』

Nie Feng immediately opened the panel and looked at the message, which read:

"Nie Feng (Dannon) lv2: 0600 Gold coins: 35 Reputation: 24"

He clicked on the warehouse, clicked on "Bai Shou Dan", and then displayed the unlocking task:

"Level 2 main task: Obtain a Baishou Dan.After the task is completed, the permission of the Baishoudan seed will be unlocked, and the reward will be 100 gold coins, time, three days.The task failed and the right to use was lost. 』

Nie Feng has already learned from the panel that unlocking the Baishou Pill requires 600 gold coins.Moreover, when his reputation reaches 10, a reputation exchange function will appear in the store.

1 point of reputation can be exchanged for 100 points of gold coins.But this exchange is a one-way irreversible exchange.

That means, only prestige can be exchanged for gold coins, but gold coins cannot be exchanged for prestige.

Nie Feng thought for a while, he knew the role of prestige is very prominent, there are many functions to be opened on the farm, but prestige points are needed.Once the reputation value is reduced to the limit, the function can no longer be used.

Therefore, prestige is more important than gold coins.

He also knew that 100 prestige points were needed to open the ranch.He was looking forward to what it would be like to open the ranch.

Is it like qq ranch, mass-produce mythical beasts, and mass-produce important materials.It's very exciting to think about it, Phoenix, Qilin, Suzaku, Xuanwu and so on are following behind a large group, as majestic as they want.

He worked hard, went through life and death, and captured a young beast, and he was so happy that he would die.With the qq ranch, wouldn't it be just like taking out a divine beast at random, and pretending to be authentic by the way: "Here, it's just a phoenix, I'll give it to you!"

That feeling is really cool!

Nie Feng managed to recover from the infinite fantasies, he changed his mind and went back to his attic.

He left Fengtian Courtyard straight away, came to the small courtyard where Nie Jingtian was meditating, and asked Nie Jingtian for a Baishou Pill.

Nie Jingtian became more and more satisfied with Nie Feng's performance, and without hesitation, he gave him a hundred-shou pill, and then said: "Feng'er, the time is almost here, and you are about to go to the Zhenwu Xianzong, I have to go out again!"

Nie Feng took the Baishou Dan, and pretended to hide it in his pocket, but actually took the opportunity to put it through the panel and put it in the farm warehouse, and then said excitedly: "God, that's great! Old man, managing the family is really a headache. One day I waited a long time."

Nie Jingtian said angrily: "Born in the blessings, you don't know the blessings, acting as the head of the family, etc., I don't know how many people covet it, but you still despise it!"

Nie Feng smiled apologetically, "I'm muddy and can't support the wall. I don't have the talent in this area. Don't be angry, old man."

Nie Jingtian snorted and said, "It's not that I don't have talent, but that I don't have interest. There are many talented people in my Nie family, but they are still not as clever as you."

Nie Feng knew that Nie Jingtian was angry, so he quickly changed the subject: "I'll talk about this later. When does the old man plan to leave the mountain? Do you want me to ask the third grandpa to make some preparations, so that the old man can shock them!"

Nie Jingtian was old and mature, and he didn't know Nie Feng's tricks, so he could only sigh: "Don't make jokes, I hope you can change your mind in the future. If the Nie family wants to prosper, it urgently needs a flexible and capable person to preside over the overall situation." .Okay, don't tell you more, you go and tell your third grandfather that I will hold a family meeting tomorrow."

Nie Feng quickly agreed, and then left Nie Jingtian's mansion, ran to Nie Jinghai to happily pass the message, and chatted with Nie Jinghai for a while, and finally escaped from the sea of ​​suffering, only feeling free and at ease.

He just returned to the gate of Fengtian Courtyard and saw Li Wu walking up in a hurry.

Under Nie Feng's arrangement, Li Wu has become a leader of the Nie family's guards, and it is not known whether it can be regarded as gaining power for personal gain.

When Li Wu saw Nie Feng, he felt more and more that his ass was not in vain, so he said with a beaming smile, "Master Feng, I have some good news for you."

Seeing his humble appearance, Nie Feng stretched out his leg and kicked him, and said with a smile, "What good news do you have? How about it, the feeling of being a leader is nothing to say!"

Li Wu straightened his chest, coughed dryly, and said: "This is all thanks to Master Feng's promotion. Li Wu, I am loyal to Master Feng. As long as Master Feng says a word, I will go through fire and water, go to the mountain of swords, or go to the oil pan..."

When Nie Feng saw that the Yellow River was about to flood again, he quickly kicked him again, and scolded him with a smile, "I'll read this to me after I return to the West after a hundred years of traveling on a crane. I'm serious!"

Then Li Wu said with a 'hehe' smile: "Master Feng told me to send someone to pay attention to Nie Taihua, there is news!"

Nie Feng straightened his face, grabbed Li Wu's shoulder, and said anxiously: "Really? Tell me!"

Li Wu's bones were in severe pain from being caught by him, but he didn't dare to say anything, he just reluctantly said: "Yesterday, when a brother under my command went back to his hometown to visit relatives, he said that he saw a person who was similar to Nie Taihua in his hometown. nearby."

Seeing his grinning face, Nie Feng quickly let go of his hand, and said embarrassedly: "Oh, I'm so excited. Keep talking!"

Li Wu seized the opportunity and flattered him again: "What is this little pain? Even if Young Master Feng wants a small arm and a life, the small one won't say anything!"

After finishing speaking, seeing Nie Feng glaring at him, Li Wu hurriedly said in a sly voice: "I'll keep talking, keep talking! That brother is also a caring person, and he was suspicious, so he used some methods. After tracking and investigating, he was sure that it was Empress Nie Taihua." , came back non-stop and reported to me. After I found out, I immediately came to tell Young Master Feng."

Nie Feng clapped his hands and said with a smile: "Well done, you guys will be rewarded for killing that bastard Nie Taihua. I'll give you half an hour to call that good brother and take me to deal with Nie Taihua."

Li Wu asked again if he needed to inform the masters of the Nie family, but was frightened by Nie Feng's stare and fled in a hurry.

Nie Feng laughed happily, and then returned to Fengtian Courtyard, told Nie Yuan about Nie Jingtian, then sorted out the warehouse of the virtual panel, and found some useful things.After waiting for half an hour, Li Wu led a young man who seemed to be flexible at a glance to Nie Feng.

The three of them conspired for a while, and then rode three horses, rushed out of Nie's house in a hurry, passed through the official road of Dongling Mansion, passed several small rivers, and finally came to an extremely ordinary village.

After Nie Feng got a little familiar with the terrain, he felt that if it wasn't for luck, no one would be able to find Nie Taihua.

Under the leadership of the young man, he crossed the village and came to a mountainside that covered a vast area and towered into the clouds. The man pointed to the cave in front of him and said, "Master Feng, Nie Taihua is in that cave."

Nie Feng looked around again, and found that this was a mountain forest, the trees were a little sparse, and there was nothing special about it.With Li Wu and the two on his back, he took out two powerful bows from the panel, and handed them to them: "This 'ripper hunting bow' is a top-notch weapon, and the 'niri hunting arrow' is very powerful. You stay here, If Nie Taihua wants to escape, you will stop their way for me."

Li Wu and the two quickly nodded and obeyed.

Nie Feng sprinkled some scent-masking powder on his body again, and then he took out the treasured knife in his dantian, and then cautiously approached the cave.

It is worth mentioning that the Great Seal of Heaven and Earth was originally captured by the Lin family, but after the Lin family was destroyed, it was sent back to Nie Feng.But his treasured sword has a name by himself, saying: 'Suppressing Demons and Slaying Gods'.

Nie Feng approached the cave, stepped cautiously into the cave entrance, jumped in to grab the enemy's first opportunity, and raised his knife to strike down.The wind of the knife 'huhu' rang, and there was a 'boom', which made the cave roar and explode.The smoke and dust dispersed, but Nie Feng didn't even see a single ghost.

Just as he was wondering if he had been deceived, a mountain wall that was close to Nie Feng suddenly burst open, and a giant black bear strode forward from the mountain wall with a menacing aura.

{Please collect it! }

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