Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 44 The Root of the Cock {Favorite 1}

Nie Feng thought about it, and immediately smiled and said, "Then outer disciples are the fifth generation? If I become an outer disciple, do I need to be called Master Huang Xuanzi?"

Huang Xuanzi nodded and said, "Yes, maybe you will call me Master."

Nie Feng became more and more fond of Huang Xuanzi, and respectfully said: "The one who has mastered is my teacher. When I become an outer disciple, I hope to worship you as my teacher."

Huang Xuanzi nodded and said, "Yes, but after you take the test."

After he finished speaking, he recited the incantation again, waved his hand, and cast a spell of "moving objects through space", which made Nie Fengyun foggy. After a while, they returned to the fairy ladder again. : "You should know the rules, come on."

Nie Feng nodded to him, then walked towards the climbing ladder.At this moment, a notification sound came from his ear: "Introductory task: complete the test and become an outer disciple of Xianzong."Reward, reputation point: 1, gold coin: 10.Skill points: 1. 』

When he heard it, he gained one more skill point, and he probably had a score in his heart, but he became more and more excited.

Of course, he kept moving, and when he stepped on the first part of the stone steps, he felt a strange gas circulating in his body, which was very comfortable without any rejection.He walked up step by step, completely forgetting that he was being tested.

Huang Xuanzi stared at Nie Feng intently. As time passed, his eyes became bigger and bigger.When Nie Feng easily stepped onto the purple area, Huang Xuanzi's heart beat wildly, making his mouth dry.

Just when he thought that Nie Feng was about to stop at the seventh-grade root bone, Nie Feng actually passed through the purple light circle and stepped onto the silver area - the eighth-grade root bone.Seeing this scene, Huang Xuanzi made a series of unbelievable noises as if he had seen a ghost.

At this time, the three life clocks 'dongdong' rang continuously, eight times in a row.

Nie Feng was still immersed in that wonderful feeling. He didn't know that Huang Xuanzi almost went crazy with joy because of him. Also rushed over.

For a time, there were hundreds of people standing in the sky above the entire climbing ladder, most of them were wearing green robes, only five or six people were wearing yellow robes.Each of them looked at each other, as if seeing a good talent in the rough, their eyes glared and shone.

It should be noted that if you take in a good apprentice and wait for him to shine in the future, then as his master, he will also have a very high status in the sect.

Everyone is waiting, when Nie Feng steps into the silver light circle, and after accepting the test, he has to show his background and win over this disciple.However, when Nie Feng stepped into the silver light circle, everyone's joy immediately turned into disappointment.

Because Nie Feng stepped up another staircase in a thrilling manner, entering the golden area - the ninth grade root bone.

At this time, the Three Lives Bell rang nine more times, and the sound of the 'dong dong' almost shook the entire Zhenwu Xianzong.Almost at the moment when the bell ended, nine young men and women in purple robes stepped in front of them as if stepping from the void, staring blankly at Nie Feng who was still walking upwards.

Huang Xuanzi saw that things were completely unexpected. Before this, he definitely never thought that an entry test would alarm nine super elders of the lower generation.At this time, he was dripping with cold sweat - such a disciple of the ninth rank was almost killed by Huang Ganzi just now.

The nine majestic men and women in purple robes had different expressions, some were indifferent, some were kind, but there was a wave of excitement hidden in their eyes.

The disciples of the Ninth Grade Gengu have not appeared for many years!

At this time, Nie Feng had already stepped into the golden circle, but he was not teleported away because it was already the end of the stone steps.He finally got rid of that strange feeling, and just glanced at it, and was immediately taken aback by the huge formation of hundreds of people.

At this time, a ray of light flashed on the stone steps, and it returned to normal.

Nie Feng was in a daze when he suddenly heard a chillingly indifferent voice from a man in a purple robe: "Boy, I am Dihanzi, the master of Tianhan Peak, would you like to worship me as your teacher?"

At the same time, not far from him, a burly man in a purple robe with a body like an iron tower took a step forward and said in a rough voice: "Hey, I am the leader of the land, the owner of the mountain peak, would you like to worship me?" As a teacher?"

Immediately afterwards, the other seven people, the owners of Qixiu Peak, Dazizai Peak, Wanshui Peak, Tianmu Peak, Zidian Peak, Jiugong Peak, and Lawling Peak, also sent a message to Nie Feng in various voices. invited.

Nie Feng only felt that these nine people had different auras, some were shiveringly cold, some were as majestic as a mountain, and some were as frightening as a thunderbolt. Look to Huang Xuanzi for help.

Huang Xuanzi felt that Nie Feng's expression was extremely funny at the moment, and hurriedly said to the nine purple-robed figures: "Masters, Nie Feng is new here and doesn't know anything. Please allow me to explain for him."

Seeing this, the nine people just nodded in acquiescence.

After Huang Xuanzi got permission, he said to Nie Feng: "Nie Feng, you are a genius of the ninth rank in my immortal sect who has never met in a thousand years, and your future achievements are limitless. And you know, these nine masters actually represent the sect. The nine supernatural powers are: Tianmu Da|fa, Zidian Xianfa."

Nie Feng nodded repeatedly, just listening without asking.

Huang Xuanzi said again: "If you worship any one of the nine ancestors, you will reach the sky in one step, and you will directly become a disciple of the Xuanzi generation, and you will have all kinds of benefits!"

Then, Huang Xuanzi briefly introduced the characteristics of the nine supernatural powers for him, and finally said: "How to choose, you make up your own mind!"

Nie Feng's head was in confusion, he thought for a while, and then asked: "As teachers of these nine masters, am I still an outer disciple?"

When Huang Xuanzi heard this question, he felt that it was extremely strange, and when he saw the faces of the people, they all showed strange expressions, he rolled his eyes and said, "Of course not!"

If Nie Feng's question made him extremely strange, then Nie Feng's next answer immediately made him extremely pleasantly surprised and extremely strange.He only heard Nie Feng firmly say: "Then, I still worship you as my teacher!"

As soon as these words came out, the surroundings suddenly became extremely quiet.

Among the nine purple-robed men, a man in a purple Taoist robe with a gossip pattern embroidered on his chest laughed: "Huang Xuanzi, then take him as your apprentice for now. Haha, good job!"

The other eight people just showed regret, but their status is very high, so there is no need to say much, they just sighed, seemingly taking a step, but in fact they disappeared after using their magical powers.

The purple-robed Taoist made a gesture of praise to Nie Feng, and then said: "Nie Feng, practice hard, I will wait for you in the Daluling Palace." After speaking, he did not make any gestures, and a cloud of mist rose around his body. Then disappeared.

The rest of the disciples in green robes and a few disciples in yellow robes also dispersed after congratulating Huang Xuanzi a few times.

Nie Feng only heard a notification sound coming from his ear: "Congratulations, the entry task is completed, rewards: 1 reputation point, 10 gold coins, and 1 skill point." 』

Only then did Huang Xuanzi walk up to him, and said with a smile: "From today onwards, you officially join my Luling Peak, and I will become your beginner master, but you will eventually become the disciple of the master ancestor, so you and I only need to be friends of the same generation. Now follow me to Lawling Peak."

Nie Feng nodded and said, "Okay, Master Xuanzi."

With a wave of his hand, Huang Xuanzi used the supernatural power of 'moving objects through space', and flew with Nie Feng for a while, before coming to a majestic mountain with many mountains and mountains.Luling Peak covers an area that cannot be counted. The main peak soars so high that people cannot see the top, and the rest of the attached peaks are even more numerous.

Every mountain peak, flying waterfalls, and spirit beasts are everywhere, which is the treasure land of Zhong Tiandi's spirit.On top of the mountain, there are countless palaces, layer upon layer, which appear to be extremely popular and imposing.

Huang Xuanzi took Nie Feng, flew over an attached mountain, and landed in front of a huge palace.

When Nie Feng came back to his senses, the scene in front of him had changed drastically. A cauldron furnace with seven or eight people hugging each other stood on the square outside the palace, billowing green smoke.

Huang Xuanzi pointed to the palace and said, "This is my master, Xuan Dezi's training dojo. I will take you to visit the patriarch first, and then I will arrange a place for you."

Nie Feng nodded in agreement, and followed Huang Xuanzi across the square, into the 'Xuande Palace', and saw a middle-aged man with a high-spirited, immortal demeanor, standing in front of a statue, and saw Nie Feng's eyes glowing golden: "Huang Xuanzi disciple, is this Nie Feng who made the Sansheng clock strike twice?"

Huang Xuanzi bowed and said: "It's Nie Feng." He said to Nie Feng again: "Nie Feng, this is your patriarch, Xuan Dezi."

Nie Feng hurriedly paid his respects and shouted, "I have met Patriarch Xuandezi."

Xuan Dezi had already received a message from his master, Di Yaozi, and said with a smile: "You don't need to be too polite. In the future, you will become the disciple of the master of Luling Peak, and your status will be higher than ours. At that time, you will have to rely on you. You are an outer sect now. Disciple, naturally you don’t have a Dao name, here is a bottle of Baishou Pill to help you cultivate.”

Nie Feng was missing the Baishou Pill, so he quickly accepted it with a smile and said, "Thank you, Patriarch."

Xuan Dezi exchanged some polite words with them, and then ordered Huang Xuanzi to lead Nie Feng to familiarize himself with the environment.Huang Xuanzi made a salute to Nie Feng, and after saying goodbye to Xuandezi, he left Xuande Palace, walked down the stone steps for hundreds of meters, passed through a forest, and came to a large courtyard.

The compound occupies a huge area, not much different from Xuande Palace, but there is a huge difference in decoration and momentum, but it is far more than Nie's.

Huang Xuanzi pointed to the courtyard and said: "This is the courtyard that the master asked for from Tiangong Pavilion for me when I was promoted to an inner disciple. It is for me and my disciples to live in. I originally had twelve disciples. Up to you, exactly thirteen."

Just at this moment, a thug young man ran out and shouted to Huang Xuanzi: "Master, you are finally back!" His shout could be heard even by the people in the compound.

Huang Xuanzi's face darkened, and he pretended to be angry and said, "What? Little Twelve, you've been assigned to be a watchman again?"

Xiao Twelve said cheekily: "Master, I have no clue, you made a mistake!"

Just as he was finishing speaking, another seven or eight young people ran out of the courtyard gate, and ran up to Huang Xuanzi with coquettish laughter and said, "Master, you came back really early."

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