Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 57 Finals Begin

Nie Feng happily planted the seeds of Yulongdan, and he only needs to wait for five days to get ten Yulongdan, which is comparable to the alchemy masters in the secret realm of Jindan.After the harvest, this is not a small fortune.

The low-grade elixir Yulongdan is very miraculous, taking one pill can elevate a practitioner in the body training stage to a higher level.However, once it is taken, the effect will become worse, and then two pills can be upgraded to one level, three, four pills, eight pills, and so on.

After five days, Nie Feng will be able to take seven pills to raise his realm to the seventh level of body training, and his strength will definitely increase by then.

Of course, one of the extra Yulong Pills should be given to Tang Liuer, and the remaining two should be kept for emergencies.

After Nie Feng finished his plan, Xuan Suzi of Xuan's generation also waved his hand, let the three of them off the stone platform, and said: "Nie Feng, you will participate in the general competition after the disciples from other peaks finish the competition."

Nie Feng Jishou replied: "Yes, Master."

After finishing speaking, Nie Feng smiled and returned behind Huang Xuanzi. After being praised by Huang Xuanzi, he came to Tang Liuer's side, and said with a smile, "Tang Liuer, please don't be so arrogant, please, sow hatred for me everywhere, in case anyone What if the elders don't like me?"

Tang Liu'er chuckled: "I'm happy for you! Next time, next time, I must pay attention."

Nie Feng laughed and scolded him a few more times, and then chatted with a few brothers who had a good relationship, but his eyes fell on the rest of the ring.Standing out from the many outer disciples, which one is not a talented person, he doesn't want to fail to complete the task because of carelessness.

Not long after, the battles between dragons and tigers finally came to an end, and some disciples were fascinated by watching each battle in the arena, and the shouts and applause continued for a long time.So far, the top nine of the outer disciples have been selected.

Xuan Yuezi coughed lightly, immediately quieting down the noisy Linxiantai. He looked at the attention of the crowd with satisfaction, and said with a smile: "I am very satisfied with the competition just now. I saw everyone's unremitting efforts from it. Of course , I also saw many outstanding disciples, especially Nie Feng, who was able to participate in the finals within half a year of entry, which impressed me."

As soon as he finished speaking, all the disciples turned their heads to look at Nie Feng. Some of them were full of respect and envy, while others looked jealous and dissatisfied, which made Nie Feng feel bad.Little did he know, his name had already become a member of Xuan Yuezi's blacklist.

Xuan Yuezi waved his hand, and said again: "You are the future of Xianzong, you should aim to practice hard and increase the luck and strength of Xianzong. However, the heaven and earth are limited in nature, so the sect can only I can reward outstanding disciples, and I hope everyone will work hard for themselves and for Xianzong!"

All the disciples replied loudly: "Yes, I would like to follow the teaching of the master."

Xuan Yuezi straightened her chest, flicked her fingers, a ray of light shot out, and shot quickly onto the nine stone platforms.The light was on the stone platform, and suddenly it burst with a 'bang', splitting nine rays of light, covering the nine stone platforms.With the sound of "crash la la", the stone platform immediately gathered towards the central yang, and finally turned into a wider stone platform.

A flagpole stands on the stone platform, and the flag reads: "Fight!" Around the stone platform, there are nine shoulder-width circles, shining with dark yellow light.

Xuan Yuezi said: "My True Martial Immortal Sect has a total of nine supernatural powers. Each peak represents the nine supernatural powers. The owner of each peak is a powerful person who has cultivated the nine supernatural powers to the extreme. The nine of you participating represent the nine supernatural powers. The respective mountain peaks will fight to capture the 'battle flag', and the one who can hand it over to me will be the champion of this competition."

This is an old rule. People who have been in the game for more than 15 years know very well that newcomers, except Nie Feng, are not eligible to participate.

Xuan Yuezi said again: "Okay, let's start!"

With a wave of his hand, nine disciples, including Nie Feng, rushed towards the stone platform with a 'swoosh'.When they approached the stone platform, they were immediately pulled by a strange force, and in a blink of an eye, they each came into a dark yellow circle of light.

After a few breaths, the circle of light gradually disappeared, and the nine people rushed towards the battle flag like nine black lines.

Among the other eight people, the lowest level of cultivation is the seventh level of body training, which is much stronger than Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi.Two of them turned out to be masters at the eighth level of body training.The two of them were extremely fast, like a horse, running towards the battle flag.

But after a while, nine people came to the central yang area of ​​Shitai one after another, and the battle was about to break out.

Those two ten thousand masters seemed to have an agreement, instead of fighting each other, they fought against the seventh-level master who was close to them.The six seventh-layer masters were not weak, and they immediately huddled together, united, and wanted to deal with those two.

But at this moment, Nie Feng was the only one who was idle on the sidelines, not participating in any camp, and was immediately cast a suspicious look by the other two camps.

Obviously, no one is willing to let others take advantage of it. If Nie Feng does not join a camp, then the other eight people will definitely join forces to deal with Nie Feng first.Nie Feng smiled slightly, he understood the current battle situation, as long as he joined the six-man camp, his chances of winning would be much higher.

Because, once the two eight-level masters were eliminated, none of the remaining six were his opponents.

However, with a kick, Nie Feng joined the camp of the other two.When he got to join, one of them laughed and said: "Nie Feng, you really deserve your reputation. You must know that if you join them, even if you win against us, they will immediately point the finger at you. What's more, they are not united. "

Nie Feng nodded and said, "Brother analyzed it very well, that's exactly what I mean."

Another person said coldly: "Stop talking nonsense, I'm very interested in you after solving these wastes!"

Only then did Nie Feng take a serious look at this person. He was tall and straight, with slightly broad shoulders and handsome appearance, but his cold and aloof eyes gave people a feeling that strangers should not enter.

The other person is slightly fat, with a slightly round face and small eyes, giving people a shrewd but very easy-to-get-together feeling. He said: "Senior Brother Mohe is right, Junior Brother Nie Feng, come on!"

He didn't say the word, Mohe had already rushed forward, Nie Feng was not far behind, he used his hand instead of a knife, and struck out a blade that could cut mountains and rivers, while Mohe shouted, "Purple Thunder Sword" .At that moment, purple lightning almost filled the entire battlefield, making hair stand on end.

Although the six people's cultivation base is slightly lower, they are also experts at the seventh level. They each displayed their unique skills and fought with the three of Nie Feng.

Nie Feng's one move is popular all over the world, and he frequently uses "one knife to cut off the flow".The opponent has an advantage in numbers, but they can only fight two-on-one, which is very difficult.

That Mohe is even more domineering, 'Purple Lightning Thunder Saber', 'Purple Lightning Yin Thunder', 'Purple Lightning Dragon God', the three murderous spells are extremely terrifying in his hands, each move makes the opponent terrified, If it weren't for the large number of people, it would have been defeated.

That Yuan Jia, skilled in Heaven and Wood Dafa, seemed to be full of vitality, but in fact his attack power was also very powerful. Every spell made the opponent unable to resist.

In fact, after Nie Feng chose the camp, the winning side has already been finalized.If it wasn't for the three of them trying to save energy, the six of them would have already lost.However, they didn't hold on for too long. After five waves of attacks, they were beaten to the ground, unable to move.

They all shouted: "We admit defeat!"

After the voice fell, Xuan Yuezi waved his hand, and immediately three personal disciples of Xuan's generation rushed to the ring and took six of them away, leaving Nie Feng, Yuan Jia, and Mo He to confront each other.They confronted each other, Nie Feng was smiling, Yuan Jia was smiling, but Mohe was as indifferent as ice.

Mohe said coldly: "Don't waste time."

Yuan Jia smiled and said, "Okay, let's start!"

Nie Feng waved his hand and made a gesture of respect and respect.At that moment, Mohe waved his palms, and the two balls of purple electricity turned into thunder knives, tearing the air towards Nie Feng and Yuan Jiaqie.

Nie Feng only felt that the other party was powerful, and with the eighth level of cultivation, the Purple Lightning Thunder Saber he had unleashed had reached a level that he could hardly resist. One push: "Shield of Wind and Cloud!"

The light group turned into a solid shield the moment Zidian Thunder Saber slashed it, and was slashed by Zidian Thunder Saber with a 'bang'.The Zidian Thunder Saber continued to slash towards Nie Feng's chest.Nie Feng stretched out his hand and pointed to cut out three rays of light in a row: "A blow in the air!"

The three rays of light exhausted the power of the Zidian Thunder Knife, but Nie Feng was still cut by the remaining blade light of the Purple Lightning Knife, and his chest burst into snowflakes with a puff, causing Nie Feng to tremble violently. , clutching his chest, blood trickled down his fingertips.

All of this happened extremely quickly, and Yuan Jia over there was even more unbearable. He was cut into a bloody mess by the Zidian Thunder Saber, and his body was covered with electric current.Just at that moment, bursts of green light surged from his body, making the injury heal at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After this move, Nie Feng and Yuan Jia understood that Mohe's strength was about to break through to the realm of the ninth level of body training, and under normal circumstances, it would be no problem at all to fight against two.

Yuan Jia was a cheerful person, knowing that no matter what, he was no match for the two in front of him, so he smiled and said, "Haha, senior brother Mohe and junior Nie Feng, you have great magical powers, far surpassing me, and I, Yuan Jia, will withdraw automatically."

Mohe's expression was still as cold as ice, he glanced at Yuan Jia, but did not speak.

Nie Feng just nodded.

Yuan Jia said to Nie Feng again: "Junior Brother Nie Feng, you are already very remarkable for being able to do this. If you can't beat Senior Brother Mohe, don't fight recklessly." jumped down.

At this moment, only Nie Feng and Mohe were left to confront each other on the entire stone platform.

As soon as Yuan Jia left, Nie Feng only felt that he was in the midst of a strong wind and rain, and was hit by Mohe's aura, making it difficult to breathe.At this moment, he is very entangled and struggling, he is considering whether to use 'Wang Yang Canglong'...

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