Tanglin Mansion is more than 20 kilometers away from the City Lord's Mansion.

This place is remote and inaccessible, and there are several houses scattered in the forest.

The three men lay on the ground, their pants were pulled off, their red and swollen buttocks were exposed, and they gritted their teeth and moaned.

Nie Feng raised the knife, and with a 'slap' sound, the knife surface slapped the bearded man's ass hard, and cursed: "I rely on your sister's basket, I don't kill people, I just insult people, don't you accept it..."

He called and asked questions.

The sound of 'Papa...', mixed with curses and screams, sounded in the air.

Nie Feng slapped the man's buttocks again, the other's buttocks were already torn, and he roared angrily, "Are you convinced?"



"Are you satisfied?"



"Are you satisfied?"

"Relying on your sister's basket, I admit it and accept the head office." The man headed by the three, with thick eyebrows and beards, is a quick learner, but there is a cry in his words.

Satisfied, Nie Feng slapped the face hard again, and shouted: "Your sister's basket, you are not allowed to learn my lines. By the way, how about you?"

The other two, one is strong and has a square face, the other is long and thin and has a long face, at the same time they said weakly: "Boss is convinced, we can still refuse!"

Nie Feng looked at the three people on the ground with satisfaction, put away the Bingli knife, and said, "Okay! From now on, you are my little brothers. Put on my pants, stand up, and don't lose face!"

Li Wu, with thick eyebrows and thick beard, rolled his eyes wildly, and whispered: "Please, you obviously took it off for me, it's none of my business!"

Nie Feng raised his eyebrows, approached Li Wu with the Bingli knife, raised the knife, and threatened, "What did you say?"

Li Wu immediately turned up, pulled up his trousers, gave Wang Li with a square face, Liu Tian with a long face kicked his buttocks, and shouted: "Get up quickly! Didn't you listen to the boss?" After finishing speaking, his face was flattering. He smiled and said, "Boss, I'm scolding them!"

Nie Feng looked at Li Wu's exposed yellow teeth, couldn't help but shuddered, and said, "I heard that, just go with me!"

The three of them, Li Wu, followed Nie Feng and returned to the room of the 'Yuelai Inn'.

In the room of "Pleasure Inn" in Tanglin Mansion.

A brocade quilt and silk tent bed lies under the north wall, and there is a square table with arm length in front of the window, and four stools beside the square table.

Nie Feng sat on the bed, Li Wu and the three stood side by side in front of Nie Feng.

Nie Feng pointed to the stool and said, "Sit!"

Li Wu turned pale in shock, and said with a smile, "Boss can just sit down, we're used to standing!"

Nie Feng slapped his thigh and scolded: "I told you to sit down, but you sit down, don't be polite!"

The three of Li Wu were startled, and immediately sat on the stool, but they didn't dare to get up because of the stabbing pain in their buttocks. They grinned and said, "Boss... big, please... order!"

Nie Feng looked at Li Wu and the others with satisfaction, and asked, "Did Nie De ask you to kill me?"

Li Wu and the others trembled, stood up immediately, and cursed: "That bastard Nie De forced us to kill the boss. Otherwise, we'll go back and kill him!"

Seeing them putting on airs, Nie Feng waved his hands and scolded: "Rely on your sister's basket, don't put on a show for me. But, you really have to go back..."

Nie Feng stepped on the bed with one foot, stared at Li Wu and the three sitting in front of him like pins and needles, scratched his buttocks, and said, "Nie De asked you to chop me up, and I will chop it back sooner or later. Wait a minute, get out of here Be an undercover agent!"

When Li Wu heard this, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he danced and said in surprise: "Boss, Nie De's methods are vicious, you can't send us to death." The other two also echoed with complaints.

Nie Feng slapped on the bed with a 'slap' sound, startled Li Wu and the others immediately shut up, glared at Li Wu and the others, and shouted loudly: "Shut your beaks! You have to do this if you want to, and you have to do it if you don't want to." I’m a good young man with ideals, and I don’t like to kill people. But I’ve practiced my mind and sword skills so I might kill one, two or three people!”

Li Wu trembled, thinking of Nie Feng's perverted fighting talent, magical vitality, and powerful sword skills, he couldn't help swallowing a mouthful of saliva, and said: "Boss, Lao Li knows that you are a good young man and don't kill people." .Leave this matter to Lao Li, and Lao Li promises to be a good undercover agent, and even report to you how many girls Ned's fucking fucked up!"

"Yes, yes!" The other two immediately agreed.

Nie Feng didn't speak, and shouted: "Get out, come in when I tell you."

Li Wu and the other three stood up, rubbed their buttocks, and ran out as if they were granted amnesty.

Nie Feng flickered and disappeared, and after a while, he returned to the room again, with three more Peiyuan Pills in his hand, and shouted at the door: "You can get out!"

Li Wu and the others ran in and stood in front of Nie Feng.As soon as they came in, they fixed their eyes on the three Peiyuan pills in Nie Feng's hands, and stared very wide.

Li Wu swallowed a mouthful of saliva and counted: "One, two, three."

Nie Feng circled the Peiyuan Pill, causing the necks of Li Wu and the other three to turn, and said with satisfaction: "See, the top-quality Peiyuan Pill, you can go to Yipintang to buy it, even if you have 1000 taels of gold, you won't be able to get it. Have you eaten it?" without?"

Li Wu nodded like a chicken pecking rice, then shook his head and said, "It's worth the price, I haven't eaten it! Lao Li's monthly income is only three taels of silver, so I can't afford it!"

Nie Feng gave a satisfied 'hmm', threw the three Peiyuan pills casually, and said, "I'm a good young man, and I have a future with me! Take it to try something new, and there will be more in the future. It's better than you following that shit Nie Deqiang." hundred times!"

When Li Wu saw this, he turned pale with fright, and hurriedly caught the three Peiyuan pills, and said with a smile on his eyebrows: "Boss is wise and martial, domineering and unparalleled, my admiration for you, Lao Li, is like the Dongling River. Flies love poop..."

The more Nie Feng listened, the more he felt something was wrong, and shouted: "Stop! Stop! Ge Laozi, I am so uneducated, it's scary, I learned this from someone! Well, in short, I will tell you, follow me, and you will have meat to eat. Let you all become masters of body training. If you dare to betray Lao Tzu..."

After Nie Feng finished speaking, he had a playful smile on his face, his expression frightened, the Bingli knife slashed out with a 'shua', the golden light burst out, and the dragon roared, the square table burst from the cut, sawdust splashed, and it shot into the wall in an 'aggressive' way .

Li Wu and the three were immediately dumbfounded.

After a few breaths, the three of Li and Wu came back to their senses, and said seriously: "Old Li dare not betray the boss, whoever has meat these days will go with whoever."

Seeing that the effect was achieved, Nie Feng smiled and said, "I have only practiced Qi for one day, and this is the only thing I can do. After two days, whoever bullied you, tell me, and I will help you out." As he spoke, he looked at it with satisfaction. Old Li and the others looked surprised, and continued: "Next, listen to me clearly, go back to Ned, and do as I say!"

The three of Li Wu immediately approached, Nie Feng gave them instructions in a low voice, and finally said: "Okay, you can go back now."

"Yes, boss!" Li Wu and the others spoke louder, bowed to Nie Feng, turned and left.

Nie Feng watched Li Wu and the others leave, he smiled and said, "Nie De, let's wait and see."

After speaking, he flashed his body and disappeared into the room.

farm space.

Nie Feng sat cross-legged in front of the golden book, closed his eyes and recalled the previous battle, strange to say, every detail of that battle clearly appeared in Nie Feng's mind.Every action, every injury, is replayed in slow motion.

Nie Feng was immediately fascinated, like a sponge absorbing water, summing up his combat experience and comprehending the sword technique.

An hour later, Nie Feng opened his eyes, took a long breath, scratched his buttocks, and said with a smile: "I am a genius! This is my maiden battle, and I won beautifully. Lao Li and the three will follow Let me fight one game, keep them safe and beat them to the ground!"

After a series of boasting, Nie Feng ran to the warehouse and began to practice sword skills.

I don't know how long I have been practicing, but I only heard the notification sound: "Congratulations, the elixir is mature and can be collected." 』

Nie Feng immediately threw the Bingli knife away, ran to the side of the ground, and said ecstatically, "I've been waiting for you for a long time!"

It turned out that he had a total of six Peiyuan Pills, sold one, ate two, and gave away three to others, and told Xin already.

After collecting and planting, Nie Feng looked at the balance on the shelf and said with a wry smile: "Your sister, I really don't have enough gold coins! Cheapskate! Next time, I have to keep a guarantee."

After finishing speaking, Nie Feng immediately ran outside the warehouse, sat down cross-legged, ate a Peiyuan Pill, and began to practice the 'Emperor Skill'.In almost a moment, his body was wrapped in spiritual energy, and when he absorbed the spiritual energy, he almost made a 'sizzling' sound.

This sitting lasted for a long time, and when the power of the medicine was exhausted, he went to the shelf to get it, and spent the pills like running water until six pills were exhausted. Finally, Nie Feng opened his eyes again, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and his whole body trembled. , the pores are open, exhaling exhaust gas.

Nie Feng took a breath of enjoyment, and said with a smile: "Finally reached the peak of the first level of qi refining. In melee combat, I can fly Lao Li with a single slap. Jade Emperor, your skills are too perverted. It took me six A top-grade Peiyuan Pill is only at the peak of Qi Refining Level [-]."

In this way, the "Emperor's Art" is really great, and those who don't have capital can't practice it at all.Ordinary people, if they get six top-quality Peiyuan Pills, they will have to use the fourth level of Qi Refining.From this comparison, it can be seen.

Nie Feng was in high spirits, picked up the Bingli knife, and practiced the knife again. It took a long time to break away from the knife, and sighed: "Once I practice the knife, I don't want to stop, and when I fight, I get excited. I am a person born for war." Ah! Old Jade Emperor, it is your honor to practice your mind!"

After being narcissistic for a while, Nie Feng looked at the land, it will take several hours, and the next batch of Peiyuan Pills will take several hours to mature, and scolded: "Bullshit space, can you hurry up. This point The pill is not enough for me!"

Nie Feng yelled and cursed, then disappeared in a flash.

He never thought that ordinary people could take drugs like him.

Nie Feng returned to the inn room, and it was daylight at the moment, counting the time, Nie Feng was also preparing to go back.So, he ran downstairs, yelling and waking up a large number of people. The shopkeeper was so frightened that the younger brother quickly apologized and said good things, and Nie Feng stopped.

The second brother opened the door, looked at the sky, it was dimly lit, rubbed his sleepy eyes, and cursed inwardly: "He is simply a rough man, with a dignified appearance and extraordinary temperament, but what a pity he looks."

But he didn't dare to scold Nie Feng in front of him.

Fortunately, Nie Feng was generous and sent him a few taels of gold, which made him overjoyed. After all, he is a servant, and his monthly income is at most one tael of silver.If Nie Feng gave it casually, it would be an astronomical figure to him.

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