Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 71 Leaving the Ancient Battlefield

Tens of thousands of resentful corpses stared hungrily, like rows of Shura warriors, standing in front of Nie Feng, their throats made a creepy saliva rolling sound.A chill came to Nie Feng's mind from the bottom of his heart.

The resentful corpses remained motionless, as if they were waiting for the time, waiting for the resentful corpse king's order, and then divided Nie Feng and ate them.

The cloud of thunder and lightning in the sky finally transformed into the burly figure of Tiancezi.He was bathed in thunder light all over his body, like the reincarnation of the god of thunder.The solemn treasure face without eyebrows and hair gave people a sense of justice, which comforted Nie Feng's helpless heart.

Tiance son Shenjun looked at Nie Feng with his gaze, which greatly boosted the latter's confidence.

The Resentful Corpse King let out a thunderous roar, as low as a voice squeezed out of his throat, and roared like a wild beast: "The light of the firefly, compete with the sun and the moon! If you dare to come, you will die!"

**Naked murderous intent, along with the word 'death', rumblingly spread.The resentful corpses under the stone platform, like ignited flames, roared excitedly one after another, as if anticipating and impatiently waiting for the imminent killing!

Tiancezi turned his wrist, and a shocking thunder exploded from his palm, but at that moment, he suddenly smiled faintly, waved away the snow-white thunder light, and said with a smile: "I'm here to die! Resentful Corpse King, Nie Feng has no psychic liquid, so you let him live. I have psychic liquid in my body, and you can suck up all the blood!"

After his voice fell, the Resentful Corpse King roared at the resentful corpses, and the entire central battlefield became deadly quiet in an instant.

The resentful corpse king's eyes, which were like pools of blood, stared straight at Tiancezi, revealing a trace of surprise.After a moment of silence, the Resentful Corpse King smiled and said, "Are you willing to give up your life for an irrelevant kid? Do you think, I believe?"

Tian Cezi smiled lightly, thunder and lightning flashed like lotus flowers on his body, and the light turned around, leaving only an afterimage of light.Almost in the blink of an eye, he landed behind the Resentful Corpse King, with all the light scattered and unadorned.

He clapped his hands and said with a smile: "You let him go, and I will fulfill you. As for whether you dare to bet, that is your own business!"

The violent eyes of the Resentful Corpse King twitched with an unimaginable jingle, strands of resentment like the flames of hell, flickered and flickered beside him, far apart, still making people feel like a mountain.

Nie Feng was extremely shocked, every move of Tiancezi proved that he was willing to give up his life to save Nie Feng.

Just as he was wondering, Tiancezi's voice transmission came from his ear: "Nie Feng, don't worry about me! I have already died once tens of thousands of years ago. This corpse king can't recover him no matter what. He sucked my blood, although he can restore his human body, but because he sucked the essence blood, he must be blinded by the essence blood. Within 100 years, he will not be able to have a clear consciousness."

"I beg you, when the Resentful Corpse King is in a state of confusion and the Resentful Corpse does not dare to act recklessly, immediately leave the prison of the sky, report everything to the Sect Master of the Immortal Sect, and let him gather monks from all over the world to bring this Resentful Corpse King to justice!"

After listening to Tiancezi's words, Nie Feng was inexplicably moved.He only felt that Tiancezi's burly body contained a sense of righteousness, which was admirable and convincing.Tears welled up in Nie Feng's eyes, and he secretly made a decision in his heart!

He raised his head vigorously, his eyes were extremely firm, and shouted: "Master Patriarch, wait a moment!"

His voice was like dropping a depth charge on a mirror-like lake.The Resentful Corpse King's body turned suddenly, and the abyss-like aura enveloped Nie Feng tightly.Invisible pressure rolled and squeezed from all directions.

A deep and impatient voice squeezed out of the corpse king's throat: "How is it? Changed your mind?"

Nie Feng felt that his body was tightly wrapped in corpses, his scalp was numb, and he said with difficulty: "King Resentful Corpse... let me go! I... still have a bottle of psychic liquid, which is reserved for my life!"

When his voice fell, it was as if a heavy burden had been lifted from his body, and the suffocating breath was also swept away.The voice of the Resentful Corpse King came from the ear: "Hand it over quickly! What I promised you will definitely come true!"

Nie Feng saw at a glance that the corpse king's whole body was shaking irregularly due to excitement, causing a shrill "woo-woo" sound from the sky and the earth.He pointed to Tian Cezi and said, "I need my patriarch to force it out of my blood!"

Although the Resentful Corpse King is rational and strategic, he is still just a resentful corpse.In his memory, there is only devouring the resentful corpse, breaking free from the cage, and endless resentment and anger.Even, he doesn't even know who he is!

He turned around and pointed at Tian Cezi, and said impatiently: "You, go and help him! Otherwise——die!"

Tiancezi looked at Nie Feng with eyes full of doubts, and seeing the latter nodding his head firmly, he laughed: "Okay!" After the voice fell, Tiancezi's body was shone with white lightning like snow. Annihilation generally disappears.

The next moment, the tall figure of Tiancezi appeared in front of Nie Feng with the dazzling light.

Nie Feng felt a sudden light in front of his eyes, which made his eyes hurt, and when the light dissipated, he saw Tiancezi's amiable smile, and he couldn't help feeling a strong sense of intimacy, and said excitedly: "Master Patriarch, I'm really sorry for you!" gone."

Seeing that he was carrying the Resentful Corpse King on his back without a trace, Tiancezi kept blinking at him, but couldn't understand what he meant, but he paid more attention.

Nie Feng pointed to his chest and said loudly: "The spiritual fluid is in my blood, you just need to help me force it out!" Nie Feng emphasized the words 'blood' and 'force', and Tiancezi already understood it and knew What Nie Feng meant.

At the same time, with a thought, Nie Feng summoned the virtual panel, and chose to buy 10 gold coins of spiritual liquid, and as Tiancezi pressed his chest, it poured out in front of him.After the ectoplasmic liquid left the virtual panel, it was stained red by the jing blood forced out by Tiancezi.

With the other hand, Tiancezi held it under the liquid like lightning.An invisible aura gushed out from Tiancezi's palm, causing the blood-red liquid to condense completely one centimeter away from his palm.

The spiritual liquid expanded into one piece, and bursts of spiritual energy rolled in the blood-red liquid, which made people feel comfortable when they smelled it.This spiritual liquid is not any kind of fairy jade dew in the Xianwu Great World, and no one knows its origin.

Nie Feng stared at the spiritual liquid, breathing a little short of breath.He knows that success or failure depends on God's will.

The eyes of the Resentful Corpse King were like pools of blood, revealing an anxious and excited expression, and the black resentment all over his body surged around his body like magic flames, flickering and extinguishing, which was indescribably strange.He stared intently at the liquid in Tiancezi's hand, and said urgently, "Bring it to me!"

He turned his hand impatiently, and an invisible suction surged from his palm, turning the liquid in Tiancezi's hand into a red thread as thin as silk, flying towards his palm like lightning.The spirit full of vitality made the Resentful Corpse King tremble and was very excited.

Nie Feng stared at the Resentful Corpse King steadfastly, feeling uneasy, beating like a drum.He could smell the mixed smell of blood in the spiritual liquid from a distance, and the hands that were close to his thighs were trembling uncontrollably.

The resentful corpses seemed to feel the excitement of the resentful corpse king, and they all let out low-pitched roars.Tens of thousands of resentful corpses were like boiling water, and a stream of resentment gathered above their heads, forming a depressing black cloud.

Tiancezi also stared intently at the palm of the Resentful Corpse King, and sweat gushed out from his skin.

The Resentful Corpse King raised his head to the sky and let out a roar that had been smoldering for a long time, causing the whole sky to buzz. A loud bang of 'pop' came from the stone platform, and in the blink of an eye, the stone platform, which was made entirely of mana, crazily shattered from the inside to the outside!

At the same time, a cloud of blood rain flew from the palm of the corpse king, turned into bean-sized raindrops, and fell on the body of the corpse king.Every drop of blood rain, like raindrops that purify the world, wiped out the resentment of the Resentful Corpse King to the extent visible to the naked eye.

Under the scouring of the spiritual liquid, the resentment power quickly transformed into pure mana, and poured into the body of the resentment corpse king.

The body of the Resentful Corpse King, under the washing of the psychic fluid, seemed to undergo an astonishing transformation, constantly changing from the inside to the outside.Infinite vitality was transmitted from the body of the corpse king, causing tens of thousands of corpses to scream.

Nie Feng clenched his fists tightly, not daring to blink and stare at the Resentful Corpse King, feeling that the time was so long.

Finally, the Resentful Corpse King transformed successfully. A burly man with a naked body and gnarled muscles stood in the sky, his eyes like knives, scanning everything around him.However, endless confusion and strangeness were revealed from his eyes.

For just a split second, those sharp eyes were blinded by a blood-red light, which seemed to cover his sight.

He suddenly roared wildly, holding his head tightly with his hands, and shouted loudly: "Who am I? Who am I?" Deafening waves of sound swept the entire battlefield like a tornado.

The resentful corpses threw themselves on the ground in panic, not daring to move.

Tiancezi let out a sigh of relief, and said joyfully, "Success! Let's go!" Brilliant lightning flashes surged all over his body, he stretched out his hand to grab Nie Feng, and then disappeared like annihilation.

A moment later, a flash of lightning flashed over the middle layer of the ancient battlefield, and two figures flashed past, attracting the attention of countless resentful corpses.But at this moment, in the central and yang battlefield, there came a domineering aura that descended like a violent storm, making countless resentful corpses unable to move and trembling.

Nie Feng only heard the sound of "rumbling" thunderclaps coming from his ears, and seeing the scene around him constantly changing, he felt that it didn't take a moment, and finally stopped.He knew that the plan was successful, and the Resentful Corpse King's mind was blinded, so he could not harm the world for the time being.

As soon as he thought about it, he saw two familiar figures—Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi. The anxiety on their faces immediately turned into a look of surprise after seeing him.

Hao Junyi clapped his hands vigorously, and said joyfully, "God—Junior Brother Nie Feng, you're finally back!"

A gleam of joy flashed across Liang Wenyi's small eyes, he tightened Mo Se's hilt tightly, and said with a smile, "You are finally back!"

Tian Cezi stood beside Nie Feng, frowning, and said: "Although the Resentful Corpse King has been blinded, he will definitely go crazy. The mission of the three of you must be suspended, and we can talk about it after leaving here!"

Although Nie Feng felt a little regretful, he also smiled and said, "Safety comes first, let's go!" Hao Junyi and Liang Wenyi naturally had no objection and nodded quickly.

Tiancezi stretched out his hand and grabbed at the void, a surging spring surged up in the void, and a big black hole gradually expanded.Tiancezi led the three of them into the big black hole one after another, and disappeared with the black hole in a blink of an eye.

Not long after they disappeared, the Resentful Corpse King who turned into a human body, wearing scale armor, appeared here like an ancient God of War, with an endlessly bewildered expression in his eyes.

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