Super QQ Farm System

Chapter 73 Opening the Ranch

Xuan Mingzi blew himself up and died, leaving behind wreckage and many doubts.

Nie Feng stared at the monster lying on the Yushi Square, covered in scars, its mane fell off, and clear tears flowed from the corners of its eyes.If there is no Tian Cezi to counteract that impact, even ten such monsters would not be able to survive if the masters of the Golden Core Secret Realm exploded themselves.

At this time, the voice of the Holy Son of the Earth rang in Nie Feng's ears: "This is Ni Jun, the lion king. He has the blood of the ancient beast Ni Jun, and he is infinitely close to the pet beast of the king's monster. It was Xuan Mingzi who accidentally hit and rescued him. back."

When Nie Feng heard this, his heart shook.He knew that monsters were divided into nine grades by strength, but by talent and blood, they were further divided into four grades: ordinary monsters, king monsters, divine beasts, and ancient divine beasts.The bloodlines of kings, monsters and divine beasts more or less have the bloodlines of ancient divine beasts, which is very rare.

This Nijun lion king actually has the blood of an ancient beast, infinitely close to a king monster, and its preciousness is no less than a top-grade elixir.Once an adult, it is extremely powerful and is a rare beast.

Seeing Nie Feng staring at Ni Jun Lion King intently, Tian Cezi smiled faintly, and said, "Son of the Earth, this Ni Jun Lion King has become a monster without a master, and is dying. Why don't you give it to Nie Feng as a pet!"

The Holy Son of Earth looked at the Lion King Ni Jun. With his eyesight, he could see at a glance that the lion king Ni Jun had suffered severe injuries. Not surprisingly, he would never break through the bloodline imprisonment and become a king monster in this life.

However, it is not surprising that an ordinary monster is worth at most one middle-grade elixir. He nodded and said, "How dare you not follow my master's orders." After speaking, he said to Nie Feng, "Nie Feng, this Although Tou Nijun Lion King has been seriously injured and his quality has declined, it is a rare help for you now. I am the master, he belongs to you."

Nie Feng was overjoyed, and quickly saluted, "Thank you, Patriarch."

After he finished speaking, Tiancezi slapped Ni Jun Lion King lightly in the air, and after a crisp 'pa', an invisible and obscure wave surged into Ni Jun Lion King's mind.Immediately, Ni Jun Lion King ran towards Nie Feng staggeringly.

Ni Jun's lion king was as tall as two people, and Nie Feng's head reached his stomach. Although he was severely injured, he also had a majestic presence, which made Nie Feng very happy.

The Holy Son of the Earth was surprised by Tian Cezi's method, and thought to himself: "Is this the long-lost animal taming technique? Rumor has it that if you have mastered the animal taming technique, you can practice the supernatural powers and ten thousand taming methods to tame all things. Later, you will be able to practice the legendary Dao technique, the great puppet technique."

Just stunned, he said to Tian Cezi: "Master, the Resentful Corpse King regained his human body, and Xuan Mingzi blew himself up after suffering from psychic supernatural powers. These are all important matters of the sect, and they must be reported to the suzerain immediately. Would you like to come back with me?" True Martial Immortal Palace?"

Tiancezi glanced at Nie Feng, and said, "Since you're back, of course you have to go to the Immortal Palace."

The Holy Son of the Earth nodded, laughed, and said: "The return of the master, my sect has gained a master of the Mahayana secret realm, and the strength has greatly increased. The brother will be very happy." After he finished speaking, he said to Nie Feng: " Nie Feng, the three of you go back to your respective residences first. This time the situation is special, whether you have passed the test or not needs to be discussed, but—the Zongmen will not treat you badly."

The three of Nie Feng nodded quickly in response.

Tian Cezi waved his hand, stared at Nie Feng and said, "Nie Feng, practice hard! We will meet again when you break through to the Golden Core Secret Realm and become a personal disciple!"

Nie Feng admired Tian Cezi's self-sacrificing behavior from the bottom of his heart. Seeing that he wanted to say goodbye to him, he felt a parting emotion in his heart. Although he was reluctant to give up, he still said: "Patriarch, slow down, Nie Feng, I will never Let you down."

Tian Cezi laughed three times, together with the Son of Heaven, they turned into a ball of lightning as white as snow, and finally disappeared.

After Tiancezi left, only the three of Nie Feng and a severely injured Ni Jun lion were left in front of the internal test palace.

The three of them looked at the cliffs and abysses as deep as ten thousand zhang, and there was a wry smile in their hearts, and they complained in their hearts that Tian Cezi and the two walked too hastily, leaving them here and ignoring them.In the end, it was Nie Feng who fed Lion King Ni Jun a 'Peng Zudan' in front of Hao Junyi and Lion King. After Lion King Ni Jun recovered from his injuries, he flew to Luling Peak on Lion King Ni Jun.

The generosity of Nie Feng's attack made Hao Liang and the two of them dumbfounded. They only felt that Nie Feng had so many secrets that were unfathomable.In the past month, the three depended on each other for life and death, and they never left each other. With the deep friendship established, the two of Hao and Liang would not harbor ill intentions towards Nie Feng.

As for Nie Feng, the reason why he showed his wealth unscrupulously is because the three of them have a life-and-death friendship, and the second is to test whether the two are reliable.

There was nothing to say all the way, and after the three returned to Luling Peak to bid farewell, they each returned to their residences and agreed to meet again on a certain day.

Nie Feng returned to Huang Xuanzi's compound with the valiant Ni Jun Lion King, and was immediately surrounded by a group of senior brothers who warmly received him.Tang Liuer was even more curious about Ni Jun Lion King, and wanted to climb on Ni Jun Lion King's back, but was thrown into a big somersault, which made everyone laugh.

Huang Xuanzi came to inquire about Nie Feng's situation again, encouraged him, and dispersed all the disciples, so that Nie Feng returned to the living room alone.The huge Ni Jun Lion King almost occupied most of the living room.

The next morning, when Nie Feng woke up from his cultivation state, he heard Tang Liuer knocking on the door, saying that he had just received news from the master of Luling Peak that Nie Feng was judged to have passed the inner door test.At that moment, several notification sounds came from Nie Feng's ears.

Nie Feng quickly dismissed Tang Liu'er, returned to the room, changed his mind, and returned to the farm space.

The first prompt: "Congratulations for completing the main task, you will get a reputation reward of 10, a gold coin reward of 200, and a skill point of 1." 』

The second reminder: "Congratulations for completing the hidden prestige task—rescue Master Tian Cezi, and get a prestige reward of 25 and a gold coin reward of 200." 』

The third prompt: "Congratulations for completing the hidden prestige task 1——Release the Resentful Corpse King, and get a prestige reward of 35 and a gold coin reward of 300." 』

The fourth reminder: "Congratulations for reaching 100 prestige, unlocking the ranch and animal trapping skills." 』

Four reminders, one more powerful than the last, when Nie Feng read the fourth one, his whole body almost ignited.The dream ranch system is finally unlocked!He couldn't wait to look at the teleportation array next to the store.

Sure enough, the teleportation array became lifelike, and the purple-blue circle runes exuded a charming light.

Just as Nie Feng was about to go to the pasture through the teleportation array, he was suddenly nailed to the spot.A reminder flashed in his mind: "Complete the hidden reputation mission 1!" Before, he was too excited to listen carefully, but now he also reacted.

The hidden prestige mission can be regarded as a triggerable or non-triggerable mission. Once completed, there will be very rich rewards.However, at this time, his hidden prestige mission has a next step.

He immediately thought that the recovery of the Resentful Corpse King might be just the beginning of a big event.However, in any case, the height of the level of the Resentful Corpse King is not within the reach of Nie Feng so far. What's more, the task has not been completed yet, so he doesn't have to worry.

The task now is to strive to improve strength and increase the cost of survival.

Nie Feng immediately gave up other thoughts and stepped into the teleportation array of the ranch. In a blink of an eye, he came to the same scene as the QQ ranch.However, when he was in it, he realized that the ranch was much bigger than he had imagined.

However, on the virtual panel, there is also a ranch interface.It's just that he discovered that the ranch system is somewhat different from the QQ ranch.

First of all, there is no function of buying cubs in the ranch, it needs to be caught in real life with 'trap'.After the capture is successful, the ranch animals can freely enter and exit the space according to Nie Feng's thoughts.

Then, the ranch only needs enough gold coins to improve the quality of the captured animals to the corresponding level of the ranch.For example, it is now a first-class ranch, and after using gold coins, an ordinary monster can be promoted to a king monster.

If it is a second-level ranch, after using gold coins, an ordinary monster can be promoted to a divine beast.Of course, each level up requires ten times more gold coins than the previous level.

The only thing in common is that the captured pets are fed in the pasture, which can speed up the growth of the pets.And every day, the beast will produce some precious materials, which can be used for alchemy and weapon refining.

In other words, the ranch can accelerate the growth and maturity of pet animals, and can provide Nie Feng with a lot of extra wealth.

Level 100 ranch requires 500 prestige.Level 1000 ranch requires [-] prestige.Level [-] ranch requires [-] ranch.By analogy, as long as the level of the ranch is sufficient, even ancient mythical beasts, ancient mythical beasts, and immemorial mythical beasts can exist.

It takes 100 gold coins to upgrade an ordinary animal to a top-level monster.It takes 1000 gold coins to upgrade an ordinary monster to a king monster.King monsters need 10000 gold coins to be promoted to divine beasts.By analogy, it can be seen that it is impossible to upgrade an ordinary monster to an ancient divine beast.

A first-level ranch can only feed three pet animals at most, and two more for each level.

However, after learning about the function of the ranch, Nie Feng was really excited.A powerful beast, for a cultivator, will greatly improve both its ability to escape and its attack power.

After learning about the ranch, Nie Feng also knew that the ranch was a place that consumed gold coins extremely.

Every time a beast is fed, 10 gold coins of psychic liquid must be spent every day to feed it. This expenditure alone makes Nie Feng stretched.

Immediately, he learned about animal trapping again.Animal trapping, like many games, can theoretically capture any monster or mythical beast.However, unless the beast is voluntary, it must be in its dying state and weak state to have a chance to succeed.

It should be noted that the higher the level of the pet, the more difficult it is and the rarer it is.

The higher the level of animal trapping, the greater the chance of catching pet animals.Animal trapping is to increase the level through skill points, and the consumption of skill points will increase by one for each level.

Out of curiosity, he immediately consumed a little skill point and upgraded the animal trapping technique to lv1. After that, Nie Feng couldn't wait to return to reality, ready to attack Ni Jun the Lion King!

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