The Meyer Mansion, which was originally very peaceful, suddenly became lively. Jiao Deyou, Yu Danian and others took Wang Pang to see. How did the years not leave any traces on Wang Pang's body?

Hearing the excitement outside, Su Xiaomei also came out from the inner mansion to greet the guests.Seeing Su Xiaomei's radiant face, Mrs. Su couldn't help but sigh in admiration: "Madam seems to be a few years younger at once. It seems that the lord's true energy really works." Now Su Xiaomei's face became even redder, only Shi Qian covered his mouth and stole it. I can't stop laughing.

This kid is quite naughty, remembering that he didn't notice Shi Qian came last night and he didn't notice, Wang Pang thought to himself how much Shi Qian had heard about the conversation between Su Xiaomei and him.But luckily it was Shi Qian who came, it would be really troublesome if an outsider came and didn't notice it.

Everyone sat next to the king and asked about their respective situations, and learned that Jinxiang Mansion had been annexed by the imperial court long ago. These people are no longer involved in the coal yard because they have some family background.As for livelihood, since I made a lot of money back then, I didn't worry too much, and each of them started a small business. For example, Jiao Deyou opened a pawn shop, Yu Danian opened a jewelry store, and Yin Shijie sold shoes, calligraphy, paintings, old things, basically. The three of them can be regarded as a one-stop business, and it can be regarded as a steady stream of income.

When asked about Wang Pang's situation, Wang Pang briefly talked about what happened in Yongle City, about the Salt Gang, and about Song Jun being executed in Yongle, and finally the two sides reached an agreement. Everyone listened with great interest. [

The few people chatted for a long time, and Mrs. Wu had already tidied up the courtyard and arranged where everyone would stay.After lunch, everyone went to rest. Wang Pang returned to the study and called Shi Qian again.

"How did you come?"

"It was ordered by the prince, saying that you have no one to take care of you. The prince asked me to follow you with Hu Tieling and Wu Tong. We have followed you all the way. We can't get in if you are in the army."

Wang Pang smiled, thinking that Wang Shi had a heart: "Why are you alone, and the two of them?"

"They're in the back. In the past two days, Wu Tong didn't know what he ate and couldn't digest it. He's having a stomachache. But don't worry, it shouldn't be a serious problem. They'll probably arrive in a few days, but..."

"But what?"

"But you are also a prince, why do you live in such a place?" Shi Qian pouted and looked around the room, this courtyard was too shabby compared to Prince Liang's palace. "

Wang Pang couldn't help laughing when he saw that he was small but pretending to be an old man. "Although I am also a prince, but the dead prince, why do you feel wronged by following me as a living dead?"

Shi Qian squinted his eyes and said with a smile: "How could it be?! My master said what is called a good horse to choose the owner and be ridden. You are right to follow the prince."

"Young poor! Besides asking you to come with me, did your lord do anything else?"

"You left Yongle City and we followed. I really don't know what the prince did, but the prince said you can rest assured that he will not let you down. Then I will pick them up first, otherwise such a small palace I'm afraid they really can't find the two of them."

This kid talked a lot of nonsense, it made Shi Qian Wang think about Qingfenglou, and Lin Haozhi's body was in his heart.I personally went to the pharmacy to look for it, and sure enough there was a patented medicine called Su Hexiang Pills.I bought medicine to see Lin Haozhi, and when I came outside the Qingfeng Building, I saw the door was closed.This time has to be three or four in the afternoon, the restaurant and brothel should have opened to welcome customers long ago.Knocked on the door twice, but no one answered.Wang Pang remembered the back door that Cui Xi let the child go through yesterday, he turned along the side alley, and after walking dozens of steps, he saw a back door.

There were two carriages parked at the door, the servants were very busy, Cui Xi directed the servants to move things to the carriages.

Seeing Wang Pang approaching, Cui Xi hurriedly stepped forward to say hello. "My lord, are you coming to see Master Lin?"

"Yes, is he there?"

"Yes, yes, I just said that I would come to your house to meet you in person, but I didn't expect you to come in person."

Wang Pang stepped into the door and followed Cui Xi to the inside: "Why didn't Qingfeng Building open today?" He asked curiously.

"The business has been closed for two days, and I haven't thanked the lord yet. Master Lin has told me. It's not that the young master is about to take office, and the master Lin is also moving out of here. I'm trying to get everyone in the front yard to have a holiday."

"Alright, since the owner has changed, let's reopen with firecrackers and drums." [

"Thank you so much, I won't say anything, lest the prince laugh at me if I say the wrong thing. This Qingfeng Building clearly shows that I am the shopkeeper, but it also belongs to the prince. I know what to do!"

Wang Pang: "Counting the ten years since I left, your Cui family and I have been together for more than 20 years. It's just a pity that I was not there when the old shopkeeper Cui Fu left. From now on, you can just watch this store carefully."

"Don't worry, Mr. Lin said that he released all the people in the front yard today and there are special things to explain. In addition, the officials have also entrusted them. I have been here for the past few years. Mr. Lin is also relieved to let me take care of it. It should be There won't be any big mistakes."

The two of them were talking and came to the inner house. The yard was the same as the door, and servants were moving things in and out, all of which were books and soft things.

Lin Haozhi was touching this and that in the room to see if there was anything else he wanted to take away.

"Master Lin, the prince is here."

Hearing Cui Xi's words, Lin Haozhi hurriedly stepped forward to salute.

"Brother Lin, let's not be polite. This is the Hexiangsu pill I bought for you. Remember to keep it by your side." Wang Pang handed the medicine to Lin Haozhi.

Lin Haozhi's hand trembled slightly when he took the medicine, he thought he had read the person correctly.Putting down the medicine, he said to the king: "My lord, you came just in time, come with me to the front and have a look. Shopkeeper Cui, come too!"

What is there to look forward to?Following Lin Haozhi to the front yard, there was no one in the front yard. They entered the Qingfeng Building through the side door, and the three of them went upstairs along the stairs.

"Has everyone left here?" Lin Haozhi asked Cui Xi.

"They're all gone. I checked every room just now."

"That's good!" Lin Haozhi said, leading the two of them upstairs, and went straight to the last room.Lin Haozhi opened the door. This room was no different from other rooms. Entering the Eight Immortals Table, behind the table was a dressing table, and on the other side was a bed covered with brocade and covered with an embroidered curtain.

"Master Lin, this room..."

Lin Haozhi walked to the back of the bed, where there was no wall against the wall, just one person wide, and he waved to the two beside the king.Two people also passed.A pair of calligraphy and painting was pasted on the wall facing him, Lin Haozhi lifted a corner of the calligraphy and painting, dodged lightly one by one, and actually entered the wall.

There is a universe in this building?Wang Pang followed, and there was a hidden compartment behind the calligraphy and painting, where a wooden ladder led straight up.

Going up the wooden ladder, there is a room as tall as a person. In this room, there is something like a cork after a few steps. "Be careful, don't step on it!" Lin Haozhi said, squatting down and pulling out a cork.

The cork was pulled out, and there was a small hole in the wooden floor, just enough to see the whole picture of the room.

It turned out that this is the mezzanine of Qingfeng Building, from which you can see the situation of every room.Wang Pang suddenly realized that no wonder Lin Haozhi knew so many secrets.

The three squatted on the ground, Cui Xi's mouth grew wide in surprise, and he couldn't imagine that he had been in Qingfenglou for so many years, and he didn't know such a big secret place.

"My God, there are so many mysteries hidden here. No wonder I always think that our Qingfeng Building looks good from the outside, but it feels a bit awkward in the room."

"Didn't expect that!" Lin Haozhi said proudly: "These plugs correspond to each room. Li Jie spent a lot of thought on building this building." [

The three of them went downstairs and returned to the room, patted the dust off their hands and body, Lin Haozhi checked the calligraphy and painting again, and then sat down beside the king at the Eight Immortals table with peace of mind.

"My lord, if you tell me what to do, I will be able to do it to this extent. From now on, it will be up to Cui Xi."

"Brother Lin, this is really difficult for you."

"It's so embarrassing, it's just that since Li Jie got this building for me, he laughed at me for being crooked and hardly communicated much. Hehe."

Cui Xi raised his head and looked upstairs: "People are looking at the top of this head at any time, this is a live erotic palace."

"Look, I'll know. Shopkeeper Cui, don't look at the small hole on the roof, you can know a lot of important things."

Wang Pang asked: "Brother Lin, I happen to have something important to ask you for advice."

"Don't dare to ask for advice. My lord, feel free to ask if you have anything to do. I bought a house on Shuigui Street before, and it was used by Lin Zhengcheng's relatives. Now he is going to take office in another state, so I will move there with Chong'er." , it happens to be much closer to the prince. If you want to ask anything in the future, send someone to call me at any time, and I will be there whenever you are called."

"Thank you, Brother Lin! I heard that the emperor has gone to the south of the Yangtze River. I don't know what's the mystery behind this?"

Lin Haozhi smiled: "My lord, you really asked the right person about this matter." He glanced at Cui Xi after he finished speaking, and Cui Xi immediately stood up: "You guys are chatting, there is no one waiting here, I'll get you some Here comes the tea." He didn't want to know the things he shouldn't know, but there were too many things he had to know even if he didn't want to know.

When Cui Xi left the room, Wang Pang smiled and said, "Let's listen to the shopkeeper Lin."

Lin Haozhi said: "There are two versions of why the emperor suddenly wanted to go to the south of the Yangtze River. One is that he can't stand the disturbance in the inner palace. The emperor has ten sons so far, and eight of them died. Yingzong died young It is the age of the Holy Majesty, and thinking of these emperors is in a very bad mood. Now someone has proposed the establishment of a crown prince. Originally, the ninth son of the emperor Zhao is blind. If the crown prince is established, he must be the son of Concubine De. It can be heard that one of the emperor's concubines surnamed Chen is about to give birth, and the empress does not agree to establish a crown prince now, so the emperor is very troubled."

"Oh? It's not that the queen is going to give birth. Why is she so nervous?"

"Hehe, you don't know that. Empress Xiang is the great-granddaughter of Prime Minister Xiang Minzhong. This concubine surnamed Chen is her personal maid. The empress brought her into the palace and was made a beauty. Now this woman is about to give birth. Your mother is expensive. My lord, you understand!"

Such a bloody thing, Wang Pang saw that he had watched too many dramas.Of course, in any historical drama, the throne will always be the constant theme. This possibility is not impossible, but it will not make Zhao Xu rush to Jiangnan.

Thinking of this, Wang asked, "What about the second version?"

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