Compete for the Song Dynasty

Chapter 1 My name is Gao Yu

One evening in midsummer in a certain city, a heavy downpour came suddenly, and for a moment dark clouds enveloped the whole city. The thunder was rolling, mixed with purple lightning, which seemed to tear the sky apart.This unexpected rain has fallen more than people imagined. The accumulated water has overflowed the sidewalk, rushing towards the shops facing the roadside in waves.

Some cars turned off in the rain and parked in twos and threes on the side of the road.The car Gao Yu was driving was on the road at this time, and he tried to keep his eyes on the front. He imitated a certain cross talk actor's emphasis on "It's so exciting~" This was purely self-deprecating.In addition to carefully driving at a constant speed, you should never park your car on the side of the road.

Ordinarily, he was in such a hurry to go home, and there was nothing urgent. Anyway, no one at home was waiting for him. With such a heavy rain, he wished he could simply shout a few times in the rain, "Let the storm be more violent!"

But in the end, he still didn't plan to be so crazy. If he got sick, he would be the one to suffer. Thinking about it, he would soon become lonely, so it's better to spare his life.

Thinking of cherishing his life, Gao Yu couldn't help but secretly scolded the Feng Shui master who went to the company, and even told him to avoid the rain: My name is Gao Yu, how can I avoid it. [

The car in front was slowing down, and the red brake light was vaguely seen by the car in front. Gao Yu slowed down, and suddenly he saw a woman in white running towards his car, which was already approaching the front of his car. Gao Yu hurriedly stopped the car .Fortunately, that person stopped the car on purpose, not crossing the road or having something to worry about.

The woman knocked on his car and said something loudly.The sound of the rushing rain had drowned her voice, Gao Yu couldn't hear anything, the woman pointed to the passenger seat, Gao Yu seemed to understand that she wanted to come in.

Gao Yu was puzzled: her car didn't have a dome light, it didn't have an empty license plate, and it wasn't a taxi, but the rain was indeed heavy enough, so it's normal to be waving if you can't get a taxi.It's okay to be Lei Feng, didn't I just say it, I'm going to be alone, and I have a lot of companions on the road in this rainy day.

The woman opened the car door and sat in the passenger seat. Gao Yu finally saw clearly that the woman was 25 or [-] years old, and she was already soaked by the rain. Her clothes stuck to her body, revealing her exquisite curves.Seeing that she was wet, the woman said with some embarrassment, "Sorry, I got your car seat wet."

Gao Yu is not a pure pervert either. Now that he has become Lei Feng, it is almost enough to look at the eye-catching things, so he said in a very gentlemanly voice with his very magnetic male voice: "You are welcome, where are you going?"

The wet woman took out a tissue from her bag, wiped her rain-soaked face, and said, "Could you please take me to Jishuitan Hospital?"

Looking in the rearview mirror, Gao Yu saw that plain face was quite pretty, and he said jokingly, "There are still puddles? Look at this road, there are puddles everywhere."

The woman laughed, "I waited for a long time and couldn't get a taxi, so I tried to intercept the passing vehicles on the side of the road. Thank you so much!"

Thank you for all this, it is estimated that the price cannot be calculated, so help people to the end.Gao Yu thought so in her heart, gestured an ok gesture to her, and drove to her destination.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the original four-lane road was completely deserted.The road that was familiar at first became unfamiliar. Gao Yu knew that there was a river passing through the city by the side of the road, so why suddenly he couldn't even see the edge of the river.Driving and driving, the car really seemed to have entered stagnant water.Gao Yu seemed to have a curtain of water blocking his sight. Could this girl be able to spell demons?

He suddenly felt very tired, and time seemed to have stopped. He didn't remember how to send the woman to the destination, as if he fell asleep.Amnesia?Or hallucination?He was confused too, when he could see the road.Already near his own neighborhood.Suddenly Gao Yu felt as if he was hit by something from behind.The force was so strong that Gao Yu spun the wheel all of a sudden, and the front of the car crashed into the courtyard wall of the community.

Gao Yu didn't care that the rain outside hadn't stopped, so he jumped out of the car to check in a hurry. He didn't hit anyone, but the front of the car slammed into the fence of the community, and a broken tree trunk was pressed on the trunk of the car.Gao Yu felt that it was really unlucky, so he simply locked the electronic lock and walked into the community in the rain.

When he opened the door of his own house, the exquisitely decorated room and the soft lighting immediately gave him a sense of security. The temperature in the room was just right, so warm for someone who had just drenched.

His wife greeted him, bent down and took Gao Yu's slippers from the shoe rack, helped him change them, and carried the wet clothes he dropped into the laundry room.

Gao Yu rushed straight into the bathroom and took a comfortable hot shower.When he came out of the bathroom wrapped in a bath towel, his wife was already waiting at the door of the bathroom with her dry pajamas in her arms. On the coffee table in the living room was the tea that Gao Yu had just brewed.

Gao Yu sat on the sofa and took a sip of tea, watching the pouring rain outside, it felt so comfortable!But he felt that something was wrong, the house, the room, the tea, nothing wrong, it was his wife who was wrong.

Gao Yu remembered: The cold war between the two of them is not over yet. My wife is waiting for his divorce agreement to be signed. During this period, the two are separated. Why did you suddenly come back today?Still so enthusiastic all of a sudden?Gao Yu thought to himself, his wife should come to get him to sign the agreement when she comes back.

He remembered the agreement, and remembered that it was placed on the coffee table. He flipped through the messy magazines and tea trays on the coffee table.The agreement was missing. I looked under the coffee table and under the sofa, but still couldn't find it.Gao Yu was looking for an agreement, when he heard his wife call him in the restaurant: "Honey, you're hungry, eat quickly." He stroked the top of his short-haired head and thought, "Forget it, maybe she changed her mind, and the days are short." Come on, that's fine."

He strode to the dining table, and the hot meals on the table were all his favorite dishes. Gao Yu looked at the dishes and asked, "Which restaurant ordered the dishes?" He knew that his wife never cooks.I don't know if I'm really hungry, but I think the food is very delicious. "I'm a new learner, is it suitable for salty?" My wife replied with a smile. [

Gao Yu thought to himself that "ghosts believe it" but didn't say it.Putting down the dishes, my wife immediately got up to clean up.Gao Yu wanted to help her tidy up together, but she stopped her, "Go and rest, I'll tidy up."

Lying on the bed, Gao Yu always felt that his wife was behaving strangely today.What is she trying to do?

Gao Yu felt tired, he was indeed very tired, he had worked all day, and there were so many things on the way back.It's rare to get home to relax, and a deep tiredness surges up.

Open your eyes and the alarm clock shows ten o'clock, do you want to wake up naturally?He looked outside, the sun was shining brightly outside, it seemed that yesterday's rainstorm was just a dream.

"I'm going to be late." Gao Yu jumped out of bed and walked towards the bathroom.

His wife followed behind him and said, "It's okay, I've already called the claim for your car, and someone from the accident appraisal will come to see it in the morning, and I've also contacted your unit to explain the condition of your car. It will be in the afternoon, so I can arrive at 11 in the morning, and I have already asked for leave."

Gao Yu was startled, is this the person he is familiar with? "You, what do you want to do?"

Instead, his wife looked at him suspiciously, "It's nothing? Here are my car keys. You can drive my car today."

As soon as "Mr. Gao Zao" entered the company, the chick at the front desk stood up and greeted him.

Although the company requires managers and above to be called "general manager", the chicks at the front desk who are like flowers every day, except when they see the real general manager or deputy general manager, will only twist their waists and hips and smile with their small white teeth; Seeing ordinary business managers like Gao Yu, at most, they sometimes feel shy to flirt with them, and they will say "disgusting" bewitchingly; what's more, the marketing department personnel on the company's business cards will always have the words "manager" and "manager" printed on them. Character.

Gao Yu stopped in her tracks, propped her elbows on the desk at the front desk, and said in a low voice, "It's not early, I'm late for reporting with such a beauty today, isn't she angry?"

In his heart, he has always looked down on these girls who rely on their youth. They are like a model hanger, with facial features made of paint, staring at a bachelor during the day, and longing for a bogus bourgeoisie in a nightclub at night.That's why Gao Yu has always kept such a half-mockery tone. Maybe one day he will have a drink, and he has also adhered to the three no principles.

"You said that, you can print the time card at any time today, as a note, I have already asked the boss to sign the special approval for false signature, can you take a look?" Said the front desk and handed the time card.

Gao Yu glanced at the time card. "Thank you beauty, I invite you to have a working meal at noon." After speaking, she turned and walked towards her desk.The items on the desk disappeared, he was wondering, the vice president came over.

"Xiao Gao, you are here. Come to my office." Gao Yu followed him into the office inexplicably.The vice president took out a bunch of keys, handed them to Gao Yu, and said earnestly: "Xiao Gao, you work very hard. It just so happens that the head of your marketing department has resigned. I think you are qualified for this job. Here are the office keys. In the morning I have asked your subordinates to help you organize the documents and move them to the office."

This time Gao Yu was really dumbfounded, like a wooden chicken.The menopausal mature woman quit her job?Every time she sees Gao Yu joking with young girls, the old mature woman will show contempt in her eyes, until Gao Yu also calls her a beauty, she will wrinkle the crow's feet that have gradually become obvious and show a smile, sometimes Gao Yu even feels that she is molesting The little girl is more like a catharsis for being entangled by the old girl.Moreover, her office has a very good line of sight. Every time she reports to work, Gao Yu will occasionally look out of the 18th floor and get distracted until the old mature woman coughs as if her throat is stuck. red.

"Xiao Gao?" The vice president pulled Gao Yu back from his thoughts. "Oh! Okay, thank you, please give me more guidance in the future." Gao Yu sincerely shook the hand extended by the vice president.The heart is full of flowers but must not show flattery on the face, he reminded himself.

Walking into her new spacious office, Gao Yu let out a long breath.

All of this was too sudden, and he hadn't gotten used to it yet. Thinking about it, maybe he should change his luck.

Thinking of this, he turned on the computer, and the first thing he did was connect to the market.Astonished, still astonished.All three of my own stocks are hanging at the daily limit.

With his mind congested, Gao Yu suddenly felt that he should calm down. All of this suddenly made people questioned.Starting from my wife's attitude last night, until today, I feel more and more confused.

A woman's voice appeared behind him: "Could this be the life you want?" Gao Yu couldn't help turning her head to look. [

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